#and i drew stuff for it. so. uhhhhh i hope this is okay :')
corruptimles · 5 years
“The End I Guess || BATIM Game Time” Highlights (12/29/19)
super late highlight list from when I finished BATIM and then drew for too long
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accidentally having Carnic muted for 10 minutes 
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*silence* Carnic: I hope we see the Projectionist this chapter :) Me: SHUT UP
soup plant
Jeremy FIVE
“Seven, my favourite letter in the alphabet”
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*turns on bloom setting*
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*trying to hit the plant* “I can’t affect the plant and that makes me sad” “Well, because Henry is already too disassociated with nature.” “That doesn’t mean he phases through it”
“Let me in! LET ME IIN” “We don’t have a seniors discount!”
“Sammy on your back, huh?”
Just me making terrible squawks during the Sammy fight
“Hit him! Hit him!” “But he’s sad :(” “Beat the therapy into him” 
“Naked and afraid, that’s me on a Friday night” 
the Jeremy Hive Mind battle royale
*does a jump before falling to the administration offices*
“I don’t know where [the butcher gang] are” *immediately runs into all them sequentially* (x)
Pool Party (x) (x) 
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“Nothing to see here, just floating behind Joey Drew’s desk” “Hovering over my old boss’s desk” “T-posing over my old boss’s desk”
*wedges stuck between boxes and shelves* “hey guys, I don’t want to alarm you...” (x) (full scene x) (extra dumb x)
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Tom. (x) 
Carnic learns about Chapter 5
we all know how we feel about Chapter
“Joey Drew does not clean”
Chapter 1 speed run (not really)
“When you’re a composer or a musician, you need to look jacked. You need to look b u f f. You need to be able to carry a cello with O N E HAND.”
“Why is he c o n t a i n e d?”
“I miss my wife, Joey. I miss her a lot”
Chapter 2 speed run (not really)
*trying to say “Sammy” and “Boy”: Hey Soy
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carnic says terrible things while I’m afk 
no one heard them either apparently 
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“I swear if you guys say dilf one more time” 
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“oh right aren’t you like 14?” 
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Get Corrupt Banned on Twitch Challenge 
“What ethnicity is he? O l d.”
“Gotta be careful with that cuddling stuff. Helloyes is 12. Haven’t even gotten to hand holding yet” 
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“No!! There’s children here!”
my rant about henry and batim
oh man this rant and discussion took a while sorry lol
*draws characters holding hands*
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-distinct crack-pop sound- “I hope you guys didnt hear that, that was my neck” “I heard it” “oh no”
“Can I get an uhhhhh” “amen?” “in here?” “I was gonna say baconator but an amen works too. I mean it’s not gonna feed me and my children” 
trying to replicate chongoblog’s wooloo fanart from memory
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“hey” “what” “what if- live action bendy but the makeup is like mike myers cat in the hat” 
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(thanks @robboybot​ )
“I was going to say something but I forgot it because I was eating this shrimp so Im gonna go back to eating this shrimp and think on this”
Sillybandz’s real height versus his silhouette on the chart
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okay this is the longest list because this stream lasted 11 hours and I think I’ll stop it here  
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anarkhebringer · 5 years
hi, i saw that modern ashelix stuff you drew and really liked it, and wanted to see if you had any headcanons for them?
Oh! Thank you, I‘m very happy you liked what you saw! And uhhhhh I do have some stuff established for them, so I’ll just infodump if that’s okay. I assume you’ve seen both pictures and want headcanons for the modern AU, so that’ll be what this is all based on.
Okay, for starters, I’ll just go with how they got into the relationship in the first place and proceed from there.A LOT of mutual pining. These two had crushes on each other their entire time at the Officers Academy (yes it still exists in the AU), but neither expressed it and just kept to their friendship. Though as they aged, and Felix really started changing after many a situation that cost him his ability to fight forever, and even the ability to get a simple job, they started being more comfy expressing affection to each other more when they were alone. Hell, Felix even let Ashe snuggle up to him at bedtime when he wanted to when he came over to Felix’s apartment to stay a night or two. That takes a LOT of trust, and the only other person allowed to do that is Sylvain. One day Ashe gathered up the courage, and confessed via a little letter with a heart sticker holding it closed that he gave to Felix when they were alone during a hangout with the Blue Lions and Golden Deer at the park they all enjoyed going to. After that they established as a couple.
Alright, ACTUAL headcanon-y stuff time.
When Felix says that Ashe awakens a special kind of softness in him in that one drawing I did, he meant it. When he sees Ashe just existing, all he can focus on is just how amazing and adorable this little guy is and how thankful he is to be the one Ashe has feelings for.
Thanks to Ashe, and also encouragement from Claude, he goes out of his comfort zone and jokes around once in a while when it’s just Ashe, or when Ashe and Claude are both there to make him feel more comfortable. He even can get really really cheesy sometimes, but he developed a sort of fondness to it since it gets a laugh out of them, and that’s the whole reason he agreed to at least try in the first place.
Speaking of cheesy, he never once thought he’d ever have cutesy nicknames established for anyone before he started dating Ashe, but that all changed when he learned that Ashe loves that sort of thing.
Ashe’s favorite, and the most cheesy one Felix has, is when Felix calls him “Baby Angel.” He heard it on a video he was watching once and it got stuck in his head, so he just started calling Ashe “My Baby Angel” once in a while and it immediately stuck. It’s not often he does it since it makes him feel odd, but whenever Ashe wants it and asks him to say it, he’s happy to deliver.
They’re both so hecking soft and fluffy. Tooth rotting fluff.
They’re the spitting image of the ship dynamics that have the ray of sunshine that is literally too pure for this world, and the dark and brooding one that’s actually really really nice and gentle on the inside, and only shows their truest and softest of spots to the ray of sunshine.
Sylvain isn’t jealous until he sees it for his own eyes just how unrestrained and genuine Felix’s smiles are around Ashe, then the jealousy comes pouring in as a smile and tears in his eyes. He supports them though and doesn’t wanna get in the way of that whatsoever since Felix is so happy, and that’s what Sylvain wants the most. When Felix is happy, he’s happy.
Overall Felix has opened up way more thanks to Ashe, and isn’t as isolated and lowkey wallowing in his pit of depression he’d built up over time thanks to the influence of this sweet boyo.
I know it’s a bit out of character, but this AU isn’t canon compliant, so reality can be whatever I want it to be in this deal, yeah? It’s got a ton of extra backstory and stuff too so of course there’s gonna be some big changes. Anyway, I hope this was enjoyable to read, and I appreciate the ask!
Oh, and happy birthday to our sweet and pure boyo Ashe! He deserves the world!
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ebhenah · 6 years
Klancemas December 17: Decorating
Klancemas 2018
"Candy Cane"
Dec 17: Decorating
(A future Klance-Family Fic)
CW: discussion of surgical repair of a badly broken bone
“I wanna go HOME,” Kashi grumbled, “I don’t like it here.”
“I know buddy, but that’s a bad break,” Lance said, ruffling the five year old’s hair, “and they might need to do surgery to fix it.”
“Am I gonna get a cool robot leg like Uncle Shiro’s arm?” His eyes danced with excitement at the thought.
“Ummm... no… and I’m pretty sure Uncle Shiro would have liked to be able to keep the arm he was born with.”
“Uhhhhh… Papi,” Kashi’s voice was… just far too condescending for a five year old. Someone was being a bad influence on his baby and he was gonna get to the bottom of it- as soon as life was back to normal. “Have you even SEEN Uncle Shiro’s arm? Cuz, it is like SUPER cool. He can open the fridge and get a drink from the couch! THE COUCH, Papi!”
“Hmmm…” he nodded thoughtfully, “yeah. That’s pretty cool. I know your regular old leg must seem pretty boring, but you aren’t getting a robot one. Sorry, dumpling.”
“Awww,” he deflated, flopping back dramatically and knocking his pillows to the floor and Lance had to shake his head at him, moving to restore the pillows to where they belonged.
Before he could say anything encouraging, the doctor popped into the room. “Mr. Um… Ko-gain?”
“Ko-gah-nee,” Kashi said patiently. “Ta-Kah-shi Ko-gah-nee… but everyone calls me Kashi.”
“I see,” the doctor said, “thank-you Kashi, but I was actually trying to speak with your dad. Mr. Ko- LANCE?!?!”
He looked up from where he’d been fussing over Kashi’s pillows. The doctor was a pretty woman. Tall, with honey brown hair and kind eyes, but he didn’t recognize her until she smiled, “oh my God! Xo!”
“Lance McClain,” she laughed, “wow- I was not expecting… Hi.”
“Hi,” he laughed, “this is… definitely a surprise!”
“Ummmm… Hi!” Kashi joined in, “Papi’s name’s not McClain, it’s Kogane.”
“Kashi, don’t be rude! Sorry, Xo… or I guess, I should call you Xiomara? I know you hated the nickname.”
“Yeah, I prefer Xiomara… Dios, it’s been… what? 15 years?”
“At least… closer to 20 I think. Wow… you’re a doctor. That’s amazing! Good for you!”
“Says the Paladin of Voltron,” she laughed, “Kashi- did you know that when your Papi was about your age, he tried to build his very own spaceship. He even named it!”
“He did?” Kashi was hooked, he ate up stories about his parents childhoods.
“Mmhmmm… it was… oh! I remember! Mirador De Estrellas,” she sat in the empty chair beside Lance, “not a bad name for a spaceship.”
“Dr. Marichal was very good friends with your Tia Rachel,” Lance explained, “so she was at our house a lot when I was your age.”
“I’m not allowed to say it, but Tia Rachel is my favorite,” Kashi chirped.
“Seriously Kashi? If you KNOW you aren’t allowed to say it, why did you say it right in front of me?” Lance threw his arms out in exasperation.
“I dunno,” Kashi just shrugged.
“Sorry about him,” Lance said, shaking his head slowly, “he’s… one of a kind.”
“Gee, I wonder where he gets that,” she laughed.
“Tia Veronica is supposed to be my favorite,” Kashi explained, “cuz she grew me in her belly… but she’s too bossy… and Tia Rachel lets me eat raw cookie dough.”
“Takashi Kogane!” Lance gasped, horrified. “Please tell me this is from pain medication!”
She glanced at the chart, and looked sheepish, “sorry… unless he has an unusual response, none of the medications should cause… umm… this.”
Lance dropped his face into his hands, “Kashi, dumpling, you are killing your Papi right now.”
“At least we are in a hospital,” Kashi pointed out.
That made Xiomara choke back a laugh. “Oh man… I like this kid of yours, Lance. Should we go over the treatment plan while I get a look at Kashi here?”
“Yes, please,” he said, shooting Kashi a look.
“Right, so, it… could be worse, but we aren’t looking at an ideal situation.” She checked Kashi’s vitals as she spoke. “Ideally we would want to see a nice clean fracture that would be easy to set, pin in place and let it heal. But what we are looking at here is multiple close together breaks, so we definitely need to get him into surgery, and we will be needing to utilize some… uhh… new technology.”
“You mean alien tech,” Kashi said clearly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Doctors hate to say that they are using alien tech… cuz of bigots. We’re not bigots. You can say alien tech.”
“Alright then, yes, alien tech,” she corrected, ducking her head and listening to his chest to hide her smile, “you know Kashi, most kids your age are afraid to say stuff like that to doctors. You’re a brave guy.”
“He is pretty… umm.. Outspoken, in general. But, his sister has Sandacies Syndrome,” Lance explained, “so we spend a lot of time around medical stuff… and most of her care is overseen by the Olkari.”
“Oh. I am very sorry, Sandacies is a tough diagnosis. How old is she?”
“Talia’s eight,” Lance answered, “and thanks. She’s doing really well, though.”
“Has Kashi been tested for Sandacies markers?”
“Talia’s adopted,” Kashi said, “so’s Rai, but me and Thace are surro-babies.”
“I see,” she said with a smile, “so, as I was saying- we’ll be using some new medical tech from Puig. It’s a biofoam. So, once we stabilize the break, we wrap a sleeve around the affected area, place the screws, and fill the sleeve with the biofoam. Over the course of a few weeks, Kashi’s own bone will replace the foam and he’ll be good as new. The surgery is pretty involved, though, and he’ll need to stay here for at least a week afterwards so we can monitor him. We don’t have a whole lot of information on how human dna interacts with this tech yet, so we like to keep a close watch.”
“A whole WEEK?!?! Papi! No!”
“Kashi, if it takes a week, it takes a week.”
The doctor looked confused, “Christmas isn’t for more than three weeks Kashi. You’ll be home by then.”
Lance shook his head, “no, he’s upset about missing out on the decorating. It’s his favorite part- putting up the trees and stuff. We help our friends with theirs so it’s kind of a whole thing.”
“Uncle Shiro said it was my turn to do the star this year, and Coran bought a TRAIN that goes IN the tree!” Tears were welling in the little boy’s eyes, “and I’m gonna miss Thanksgiving pizza!”
“Oh, Kashi,” any earlier irritation at him vanished and Lance drew his son into a tender hug. “I know, dumpling, but we need to fix your leg… and if the doctor says that’s how long it will take, then that’s how long it will take. I’ve known Dr. Marichal  since I was your age- she’s almost as smart as Pidge.”
“I HATE RAI,” he wailed against Lance’s chest, “this is all his stupid fault- pushing buttons and pickin’at stuff!”
The doctor checked her chart, “says here Kashi’s leg got caught in some kind of machinery?”
“Yes- he and his brother were poking around in Hunk’s workshop and getting into stuff they KNOW they aren’t supposed to touch. So, now the workshops are completely off limits to the kids. Poor Hunk is absolutely distraught.” He sat back on his heels and wiped the tears from Kashi’s face, “and so is RAI. He feels really bad that you got hurt, Kashi. You know he didn’t mean for that to happen.”
“But it DID, and it’s HIS fault! An’now I’m gonna be STUCK HERE when everyone else is doing fun Christmas stuff! Can’t Allura fix it with her glowy magic?”
“Kashi! Allura’s alchemy isn’t a first aid kit- she only uses it to heal in the most dire situations. You have a broken leg. We don’t need to use MAGIC to fix that.” That pout really shouldn’t be nearly as adorable as it was. As frustrated and worried as he was, Lance was struggling not to coo at his youngest- because he just looked soooo much like a tiny, angry Keith at the moment, with his furrowed brow and purple eyes and scowl. He stood, mussing up Kashi’s hair affectionately. “When should we expect the surgery?”
She glanced at the clock, “hmmm… technically it is emergency surgery because it wasn’t scheduled in advance, so he’ll be ranked for urgency and then as soon as possible. I would say it’ll be before the end of the day.”
“Surgery?” Keith asked from the doorway.
“Daddy!” Kashi wailed, sticking his arms out.
Keith rushed over and hugged him gingerly, pressing kisses to the top of his head and rubbing his little back. “I’m right here, kiddo,” he whispered, “Daddy and Papi aren’t going anywhere.”
“Keith, this is Dr. Marichal, she’s an old friend of Rachel’s, she’s in charge of Kashi’s case. Xiomara, this is my husband, Keith,” Lance returned to his seat, knowing that Keith wasn’t leaving Kashi’s side until they wheeled him off for surgery.
Keith extended his hand to shake hers, “it’s nice to meet you Dr. Marichal, you were saying he needs surgery?”
“Femur breaks are pretty serious,” she said with a nod before running through the surgical plan with him again.
“I’m gonna miss ALL the fun stuff,” Kashi sniffled.
“No, you won’t, precious,” Keith promised, “we’ll save lots of fun stuff for when you are home with us.”
“Shiro’s PIZZA… and Coran’s TRAIN…”
“I’ll talk to Shiro and Coran. I promise.” He pulled back and looked Kashi in the eye, “have I ever broken a promise to you?”
“No,” the little boy hiccuped.
“Right. So, I won’t break this one. I will talk to Uncle Shiro and Coran while you are getting your leg fixed up and I will find a way for you to not miss out on all your favorite stuff.”
“You promise?” he asked, hope blooming in his amethyst eyes.
“I PROMISE. Paladin’s honor.”
“Okay,” sniffled Kashi, “thank-you, Daddy.”
Lance smiled, he should have known that Keith would be able to put Kashi’s worries to rest. People were always surprised at just how good Keith was with kids. They assumed that he’d be awkward and standoffish with them the way he was with adults, but he wasn’t at all. Lance had yet to see a child that didn’t immediately take to Keith and he’d never seen a kid that Keith didn’t like.
“You don’t have to thank me, Kashi,” Keith soothed, “can you get those papers signed, Tumbleweed? I’m gonna chill out with our little guy for a bit.”
“Sure thing babe,” Lance answered, “alright Xiomara, where do I sign?”
“If you come with me, I’ll get you all set up with the paperwork,” she said nodding toward the door. He followed her to a little room that had a little table and a few chairs. It reminded him of signing the adoption paperwork for the twins. “I have to ask- ‘Tumbleweed’?”
He laughed, “ah... That… I took him on a romantic ice skating date. I thought it would be like rollerblading. I was wrong. He called me Tumbleweed because I couldn’t stay upright until  taught me how to ice skate… then he proposed that day, so it stuck.”
“Well, that is straight out of a Hallmark movie! Very cute. Definitely a keeper,” she said, laughing as she organized all the papers, “Kashi looks a lot like him.”
“Yeah, he’s just a lot like him, in general. Brave, stubborn… blunt,” he laughed, and pulled out his phone, bringing up a picture of all the kids, “Thace looks more like me… or, well… like Rachel, I guess.”
“That’s definitely YOUR smile on that little girl,” she laughed, and passed him the stack. He put the phone away and started scrawling his name on the flagged spots. She smiled at him, “I always get a kick of how much adopted kids end up looking like the people that raise them just because of expressions and mannerisms.”
“Yeah, it’s wild… and it carries over, too. Like, sometimes Rai will open his mouth and I SWEAR he’s channeling Shiro… who raised Keith. Family is…” He shrugged, “it’s a kind of magic, I think.”
“I like that, I might steal it to help reassure parents.” She sat in one of the chairs across from him, “you have a beautiful family, Lance. I’m glad I got to meet some of them- although it could have been under better circumstances.”
“I’m sure you will meet the others in the next couple of days,” he laughed, “we’ve got the whole hospital visitation thing down to an art.”
“So… ummm… Kashi said Veronica carried him? How is she doing?”
He glanced up at her between signatures, “are you sure you want me to answer that?”
“Yes… I mean… I think so… Just.. don’t tell me if it is bad,” she blushed, “I don’t want to know if it isn’t good.”
“Roni is great,” he answered, “she pretty much runs the world- although no one seems to have noticed yet. She’s single right now… but she’s got a couple of on again off again things, so that could change.”
“Good. That’s… good. I’m glad she’s doing well. She deserves it.”
“Want me to tell her you say hi?” he asked, signing the last line and returning the pages to a neat stack.
She gave him a wistful smile as she took the paperwork, “yeah. Yeah, tell her I said hi… and give my love to the family.”
“Will do.”
“You are such a charmer,” Keith whispered, wrapping his arms around Lance. “He’s going to be so excited to see this!”
“You were the one that had the idea AND arranged everything,” Lance chuckled, leaning back against his husband, and resting his hands on top of Keith’s. “All I did was convince the nurses to look the other way about the number of visitors.”
Trudy, one of the nurses, poked her head into the room, “he’s awake. They’ll be bringing him down any minute. Everything looks great.”
“Thanks so much,” Lance said.  He could FEEL the worry and tension drain out of Keith’s frame. “Babe- it’s a broken leg. He’s fine.”
“It’s a broken FEMUR and he needed surgery, Lance.”
“He’s five and still growing. He’ll be back to driving everyone bonkers before you know it.” He turned in Keith’s arms, “you are such a worrywart when it comes to the kids. It’s cute.”
Keith rolled his eyes, “this again?”
“Mmhmm… my husband is CUTE.”
“Lannnnnce… quit it.”
They both laughed as Kashi was wheeled into the room. Sure enough the fiberglass cast that encased his leg was red and white candy-cane striped. Lance had to remind himself to breathe when he saw the metal frame and the screws that disappeared into the fiberglass- even though he’d known they’d be there, even though he knew they weren’t hurting his little boy.
“Very festive,” Keith said with an encouraging nod.
“See, dumpling? I told you that Xiomara was awesome. How are you feeling?”
“My skin feels tickle-y and I’m thirsty,” Kashi answered, “but my leg doesn’t even hurt!”
“Are you up to more visitors?”
“Sure- is Tia Rachel here? She can see her friend!”
“Sorry bud, no Rachel,” Keith answered as Lance ducked out of the room to gather the others.
A few minutes later Shiro, Coran, Thace, Talia, Krolia, Allura, and Romelle came into the room, carrying boxes of assorted sizes. A chagrined Rai and weeping Hunk followed and made a beeline to the little boy, tripping over each other to be the first to apologize. Hunk was barely coherent until Kashi patted his back and assured him that it wasn’t Hunk’s fault and he wasn’t mad.
Rai didn’t even speak- not that he was a particularly talkative child- and Lance suspected he didn’t trust himself not to cry. Rai HATED hospitals, always had, but he had insisted on being here for the entire duration of the surgery. He climbed up onto the bed beside his little brother and gingerly wrapped his arm around him while they both glared at spots on the bed somewhere in the vicinity of their knees.
Silent tears spilled out of Rai’s eyes and he dug his hand into the big pocket in the front of his hoodie, pulling out a sloppily wrapped rectangle and handing it to Kashi. Kashi took the gift and cautiously tore the paper off of it to reveal Rai’s handheld gaming system. “What?”
“Gets boring in hospitals,” Rai muttered, “and they keep saying you’re too little, so you can have mine. S’my fault you’re hurt and stuff.”
“You’re GIVING me this???” Kashi’s eyes were so huge they looked like they’d fall right out of his head.
Rai just nodded, not looking up. “M’sorry.”
“Rai, it was an accident,” Kashi said after a moment. “Wasn’t on purpose.”
“You were so mad,” Rai whispered, “said you hated me.”
“Don’t be stupid.”
Lance had to bite his tongue to keep from chiding Kashi about calling his brother stupid, but he managed. He knew they needed to work this through on their own.
“Your cast looks like a candy cane… can I be the first one to sign it?”
“Sign it?”
“That’s what you do with casts, bud,” Thace said, earning ‘cool big brother points’ as Kashi’s face lit up.
“Definitely,” confirmed Keith.
“I’ll see if the nurses have any markers!” Talia was already out the door before she finished speaking.
“Cooooool! Hey! What’s in all the boxes?”
“Well,” said Shiro, “you always help us make our places ready for Christmas, so this year, it’s our turn to help YOU.”
“We brought you a little tree,” Allura added.
“And ornaments,” said Romelle.
“I found some battery-powered lights for your room, sweetheart,” Krolia added.
“And I thought that you might want to have a train running on the tree-gown-”
“-tree-SKIRT, Coran,” Lance chuckled.
“Yes, of course! I thought you might enjoy having a train running on the tree-SKIRT until you come home,” Coran finished, twirling his moustache.
“I get to decorate my hospital room?” Kashi was floored, he didn’t know where to look, his big eyes darting from person to person. “Really?”
“Really,” Keith confirmed.
“And Tia Pidge will be here soon with a little Thanksgiving pizza for you and I to share,” Shiro said as he ruffled Kashi’s hair, “if you feel up to eating.”
“Best. Day. Ever!” squealed the five year old, the prospect of decorating his hospital room seeming to have completely overpowered the reason that he was in one in the first place.
Talia returned with two fistfuls of colorful markers and started handing them out to people as Allura and Shiro began unpacking the boxes and organizing the contents.
By the time Lance was able to get close enough to his son to sign the cast and give him a hug and kiss, the room was looking very festive. Keith and Shiro were singing carols. Rai was showing Kashi all the best games on his system. Thace and Pidge cutting red and green construction paper into strips that Hunk was stapling into a long chain.
They’d attracted the attention of some of the other kids on the ward and a few of the more mobile and energetic ones had joined in on their fun. Allura had quietly ducked out to visit the kids who weren’t up to it. The Paladins, in general, had a certain amount of fame, even now, but Allura, the Alien Princess, was a bonafide celebrity.
“This was definitely a stroke of genius,” Lance whispered to Keith, “you’ve saved his Christmas.”
“I made a promise,” Keith answered, his voice matter of fact.
“I love you, babe.”
“I love you, too, Tumbleweed.”
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franeridart · 7 years
Happy 1000th post to one off my absolute favorite artists on Tumblr!
This is it!!! The 1k post on this blog!!! It’s me finally getting my ass into gear and answering the asks in my inbox!!! As good charm in hope of not waiting so long from now on hahaha thank you so so much, by the way!!!! :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERY KIND WORD AND ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TODOROKI ONES HOLY SMOKES!!! I don’t draw him much sadly but he’s super fun and comfortable to draw for me, it’s nice to know he also comes out well!!!
Anon said:So like,,, I really miss your bokuroo ;^; Will you ever post with them again???
I haven’t taken a vow that forces me to never draw them again, so, possibly! At the moment posting for the haikyuu fandom is giving me more sad feelings than anything else though, so I can’t promise that’s gonna be any time soon, I’m sorry 
Anon said:bruhh i listened to that chiodos song under ur halo, and that one by memphis may fire that was w that bakugo art that was called not enough and uhhhhh ur music taste is dope care to share some more songs?
SURE I’m glad you liked those! Everything by Memphis is A+ and I love it so if you haven’t you should check out more stuff by them ( No Ordinary Love is super nice, That’s Just Life is very dear to me and so is Divinity, Speechless is… my otp song for every otp ever tbh) -  Bring Me The Horizon is my fav post-hardcore band and both MMF and Chiodos are that genre so if you don’t know them give them a try! (Blasphemy, Run and Doomed are between my faves out of the latest album, and since you liked Under Your Halo you’re probably gonna like Follow You too) the album right before is amazing too if you’re okay with less melodic stuff, but the further back you go with BMtH the harder to listen to they get, just a heads up - Sleeping With Sirens are on the softer side of post-hardcore lately, Fly, Left Alone, Trouble, Fire and Empire To Ashes are some great ones, between the many, and, uhhhh, at this point I might have recced Nothing More a hundred times but let’s make it a hundred and one, try Funny Little Creatures, Do You Really Want It and Go To War out of the newest album! If you’re into punk and female voices you should check out Tonight Alive too, Jenna has one of my two fav female voices in rock right now (Crack My Heart and Temple are the latest two songs out!) and since I always rec stuff but I never rec anything by my favorite band ever, you ever heard of Alter Bridge? They’re more towards hard-rock/alternative metal, but check out Blackbird, Fortress, I Know It Hurts, Cradle To The Grave and Broken Wings just to make it one for every album I really, really adore this band and everything they ever made
Anon said:I adore all of your art, especially your bnha art!!! I had so many of your drawings saved to my drafts before I read the manga and was really looking forward to catching up so I could look at them all!! They’re all fantastic
AHHH THANK YOU!!! This made me smile lots, I’m so glad you like them!!!
Anon said:What’s coming up? Fluffy, dorky or angsty? (I’m talking about your next work XD just to be sure) Have a great day my friend!
LMAO this was about this one right? I’m sort of a fool honestly cause as I drew it it… didn’t feel actually all that angsty to me? I mean, obviously it doesn’t come after anything happy, but they’re working things out! Making an effort! Loving each other enough to try and understand each other better!! I drew it as something positive but in hindsight I should have expected the reactions lmao so I honestly dunno, I feel like telling you it’s most probably gonna be something happy but as it seems I angst without even realizing, lately #rip
@not-enough-kaneki​ said:Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
!!!!! my cats!!!! tea and coffee!!! Bakugou and Kirishima and Bakugou-and-Kirishima and the squad!!!! not having an headache!!!!!! the sound of ocean waves and the sun on winter days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new music I like!!!!!! nice asks and lovely tags under my art!!!! that’s more than five things but a lot of stuff makes me happy tbh !!!
Anon said:one of my favorite parts (i love every bit of it) of the holiday pic you drew of the squad, is they each have their own personal mug. 10/10
I didn’t think you’d be able to notice Mina’s!!! I’m glad it was visible, I thought I had made it disappear into the background hahaha thank you!!!
Anon said:i just went through your entire kiribaku tag and, honestly, gay (also ur art is soooo good and pure and thank u so much for all the content u make for bnha 💖💖)
It is very gay, isn’t it? The other day I was going through my old stuff and I think I might have slowly turned them mushier oh my hahaha I’m glad you like my stuff, by the way!! Thank you so so so so much!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you for sharing the beautiful Bakusquad Christmas! It’s very colorful and warm & it gives me such a comforting feeling! I love looking at all the details! Kami & Sero’s ribbons, everyone’s mugs, the decorations, all so cute! Especially Mina’s bulletin board with the photos, charms of the boys, & the little alien dude (?) Each time I look at it, I see other cute details!! Sorry to bother you, but thanks again for sharing your art with us! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
It’s not a bother at all!!! Thank you so so much for looking at it long enough to notice all those details!!!!
Anon said:You are so good at giving advice omg
I wouldn’t say I’m especially good at it, I just say what was useful to me lol but thank you! It’s a nice thing to be told
Anon said:Dude, your bakusquad drawings are awesome! Keep up the great work!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super glad you like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The new chapter made me think about Bakugou dealing with his squad as babies all over again. Toddlers would probably be worse.
Depends?? Actually??? Like, at least toddlers aren’t gonna steal his gauntlets and tell him he’s lame and punch him just for the hell of it and be a bunch of smartasses and assholes like. Compared to this bunch of baby-Bakugous he has to deal with in the new arc maybe the squad as toddlers would actually be refreshing lol
Anon said:Um I have a very real crush on ila? Can we please know more about her??
I’m ??? so happy you like her!!!!! I don’t wanna say too much about her cause until I draw her in comics I won’t be too sure about who she really is, but she’s!! a pianist, very tall and sorta insecure about her physical appearance, very soft spoken, incredibly gay, scared of sensory deprivation of any kind. Her full name is Ilaria! Dav calls her Aria, which means air in Italian~ they’re pretty good friends, I have a comic about that I’ve been meaning to draw…
Anon said:So, you like KiriBaku with songs, so what do you think of You Had Me At Hello by A Day to Remember? Particularly the lines, “What have I gotten into this time around, I know that I had sworn I’d never trust anyone again, but I didn’t have to. You had me at hello. I’ve never seen a smile that can light a room like yours, it’s simply radiant, I feel more with every day that goes by.”
s o f t…………. ;; also incredibly fitting considering Bakugou decided Kirishima was his new favorite hero the second time he spoke to him, like, god bless I love those two s o m u ch this one I’m listening to it right now and having feelings (is it Baku to Kiri? Kiri to Baku? why not both for double the feels)
Anon said:Hey Fran!! Have you been keeping up with haikyuu? If so what do you think about the Miya twins? (Personally I think they’re pretty okay, they’re funny when they interact with each other. My favorite of the two is Osamu haha)
I don’t mind them! My fav out of Inari is Kita tho, have to admit - that said I have… sort of been ready for this game to be over for months, now………………
Anon said:Okay but imagine….. Kirishima with freckles
I’ve drawn that, now and again!!! the latest one was this one, and another one I remember is this one :D I’ve been liking the idea of him with freckles even more since it’s become official his hair isn’t naturally red? So now and again I add them in, even though they’re usually not much noticeable haha I do so with Bakugou too from time to time, actually… and the rest of the squad… I just… love freckles a lot… haha
Anon said:Love the squad, love the squad kisses.
HECK YES the goal is to draw at least one smooch for every couple sooner or later !!!
Anon said:I hadn’t even realize that I stuck around for a whole year OwO, anyways, congratulations! Your art style has improved much more than you think, especially since you’ve gotten more into coloring ^o^ I noticed that you’ve also been doing more complicated poses too, so, it’s the little stuff that counts ♥️👍 Hope to see more spontaneous art next year, love you Fran!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I love you lots too??? honestly??? This ask means the whole world to me, I really can’t see much improvement after all but knowing you can DOES help a whole damn lot
Anon said:So I came across this fanfic where Uraraka and Todoroki were a thing. I’m personally not a fan of this rare pair, but the whole scenario was the cutest thing ever. Todoroki basically asks Uraraka to help him confess to Midoriya, but in the process falls in love with her instead.
Awwww that sounds cute! Can’t say I have any particular feelings about the ship, but I am up for Todoroki with nearly anyone so why not!
Anon said:Bro bro bro I’m sorry if this is the wrong channel to go through or something but holy shit I just spent hours going through your entire tumblr and your. Art. And. Concepts. I… can’t??? DUDE YOU’RE AMAZING AND YOUR TATTOO AU!! I?? Just thank you so much for all the awesome work you do honestly made my entire fuckin week with your blog, you are WICKED GOOD AND FUNNY AF. That’s all I got go on with your day you talented ass fiend
I’M CRYING!!! OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!!!!!! I’m gonna pick this ask and frame it right on top of my desk!! The heck!!!!!!
Anon said:Why is Bakugou such a fuckin meme
The real question is why is everyone in class 1A a meme. How do they even keep up. How much of the shit they say on a day to day basis is actually just catchphrases from other 1A kids repeated over and over again. How much of the deadpan ridiculous shit Todoroki says has become an inside-joke. How many 1A kids move and talk like Iida just for the hell of it. How often do they yell DIE at inanimate stuff when it pisses them off. How much stuff is defined as manly even though it has nothing to do with manliness. Do they say “going wheey” instead of “frying one’s brain”. Can anyone outside of 1A even understand them when they speak at this point.
Anon said:You are amazing human bean and I love you 💖 Keep being great ✨👏
Thank you??? ;O; I’ll do my best!!!
Anon said:Just annonly passing by to tell you I F'ing love your take on Ashido And the Kids XD … Way to much fluff And laugh for my heart
THANK YOU!!! I’m happy I can make you laugh!!!! :D :D :D
Anon said:I love you god bless you and your art! THANK YOU!
Anon said:Hi! I absolutely /adore/ your BakuKiriKami art! I was wondering if you had any headcanons about them/what inspires you to draw them?
More than headcanons for them I have an incredible amount of scenarios I’d like to see them in! And when they’re compact, complete things I usually draw them, which is what inspires me really haha that, and seeing them interact in the manga! Lately I’ve been really drawn to Bakugou and Kaminari’s friendship, actually, so the romantic stuff has fallen in the background while my mind is preoccupied with thinking about them as platonic good pals ahhhhhhh as soon as I’ll work through it I’ll probably get back to drawing them as romantics, that’s just how my mind works lol
Anon said:I love the casual clothes you design for MHA characters! And I really enjoy reading your headcanons-always creative and fun! Is there anything you’d add to anyone’s hero costumes in class 1-A (something that might prove useful/practical for them, or something you’d add just for the heck of it)? Sorry if this is a stupid question or if you’ve answered a similar question before. Thanks for your time!
It’s not a stupid question, don’t worry!! But I generally like to leave myself in Horikoshi’s hands for this sort of stuff, since I both enjoy the costumes as they are AND don’t want to be disappointed in case what I hope for doesn’t actually happen - that said, I’ve mentioned before that I’d really like Aoyama to get redirectors for his laser on his palms and for Kaminari to get a close combat weapon, since with the quirk he has anything metal would actually work wonders for him! He mentioned a sword, but I rest my case that tonfas would be cool, I really want him to use tonfas. A “costume” I don’t understand is Hagakure’s, by the way - would be nice if she got an actual costume and also I don’t really get why she’d wear gloves at all?? Mirio’s costume was made using his hair, I really want her to get something similar! That’s about it tho, I haven’t really thought much about anyone else in that sense~ 
Anon said:Hello! A few weeks ago I asked about the bracelets you drew for Baku & Kiri. (That art is so beautiful!!) I was wondering if there’s a story behind them; such as, did one of them buy the pair, or did they pick them out together? I’m sorry if it’s a dumb question and if I’m bothering you.
THIS ASK I had lost it, thank you so much for sending it my way again! Actually, Kirishima bought it for himself and Bakugou - I mean to draw a small thing for it, be patient with me while I try to get my ass into gear for it ;O;
Anon said:It’s been a while since you’ve done any BakuKiriKami, do you still like that ship?
I do - as I said a few answers above this one, I’m just finding myself weirdly invested in a platonic relationship between Bakugou and Kaminari at the moment, and also Bakushima stole my focus and soul, but I do still like the ship a whole damn lot, definitely still my fav ot3 in the manga~
Anon said:I love your drawings so much, they always make my day seeing them. But I gotta say that kiri with his hair down is my weakness. He just looks so pure, the cuteness factor goes through the roof.
Thank you???? The Kiri thing is true for canon Kiri too, I’m glad I can bring it in my art!!! Mostly cause when I draw him with his hair down I’m never really sure what the hell I’m doing, I’ll be honest with you lmao
Anon said:hello, holy fUCKin shit how are you this damn good at drawing? like, fuck? thank you, bless you, have a nice day
THANK YOU! And all I do is draw, really lmao I wouldn’t say I’m all that good, definitely not anywhere near the artists I admire, but since all I can do is draw as long as I keep doing that I guess I’ll get there, sooner or later hahaha
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dunkalfredo · 7 years
Due to all the Infinite/Gadget stuff I been seeing lately, I was wondering what made you ship those two together? I'm not complaining! In fact, I'm loving the stuff people are coming up between them. (Also your stories/ideas for them makes me love them even more).
well uhhhhh in terms of what specific content (fanart/fic/video/etc) got me into it aslknjsklnjkaslnkj god i dont even remember. i DO remember the theory video that segascourge did and how that drew in a lot of other people, but honestly i dont think i got into it till a while after that. even then, it started super platonic and only added in some romantic elements later. (i think ultimately for me it started from something to do with this scarf imagine that led to some fanart and this fic before eventually i wrote something)
in the more general terms of ‘what draws me to it,’ there’s so much that i can do with their scenario, from both emotional and storytelling standpoints, and it’s been a huge creative boom for me. it’s the most ive drawn and written outside of askinfiniteofficial since camp nanowrimo this summer (yeah i ended up drawing a lot during nano lol gdi me i had ONE job.) even if (and let’s be real, when, bc im not getting my hopes up just to be crushed lol) the theory of infinite and the cc knowing each other pre-forces is debunked, i have so much ground to cover with them, literally bc this one scenario has me brainstorming and coming up with new ideas constantly. it feels so good to be productive, especially since im fresh outta school and am in this weird liminal space before entering college next fall. i have other things im doing irl but having this space for a creative outlet at home has been doing wonders for my mental health and general wellbeing
like im sure in a few months ill have moved on to other things but for now im super pleased to be writing and drawing so well, even tho it’s mostly really niche content. ive improved so much in both written and visual mediums over the year and those skills have been shining in my recent work.
sorry for the long answer lmaooo im really happy ur enjoying the content tho!!!!! and aslkjndjsklnskjlsjd tysm that means a lot to me
(OKAY WARNING FOR SPOILERS BUT UHHHHH real talk that one line from Infinite in the trailer released today has me just a wee bit concerned about the implications of writing these two romantically involved but ive also seen multiple translations of that line and they all vary. soooooooo we’ll just have to wait n see.)
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hazohazahazbro · 7 years
Mr. Osterfield / Haz Drabble
Pairing: Haz x Reader
Featuring: Harrison Osterfield
Warning: fluff, angst?, kissing and such. SLIGHT smut
Request - 37 and 50 with Haz xx
37 - “I like it when you look at me like that. Biting your lip and everything.”
50 - “Beg for it.”
Tumblr media
The door shut loudly behind you as you entered the apartment, your face going into a grimace, knowing you probably woke your boyfriend. Creeping along the hallway, you didn’t turn on any lights as you made your way into the kitchen, afraid of disturbing his sleep. Though, when you walked in, there your boyfriend stood. In nothing but his joggers, his hair an unruly mess - you guessed he had just gotten out of bed.
“Harrison?” You asked softly, staring at your boyfriend in confusion. He looked up from the mug he held in his hands, his eyes looked tired.
He only hummed in response, his eyes scanning you closely, taking in your own appearance. You worked nightshift at a diner a few blocks down, your hair was pulled into a messy ponytail and you most definitely smelled of grease. Though, he didn’t looked repelled by your outfit, and stink. He looked more concerned, making you even further curious of why he was up so early.
“Are you alright?” You asked Harrison, coming further into the kitchen, your eyes peering up at your tall boyfriend.
“What? Oh, yeah. Tired, couldn't sleep though.” He rambled, rubbing his eyes with a free hand that wasn’t holding his tea mug.
“Awh, why not?” You came completely in front of him, your hand delicately brushing your hand under his chin. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment before he looked down at you.
“You weren’t beside me.” His voice was rough from only waking up moments ago, you observed. Your heart ad swelled at what he said, though. His piercing eyes always had some sort of spell on you when you were under his gaze.
“Babe,” you breathed, pulling your ponytail out of your hair, it cascaded down your back. “I’m sorry.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” Harrison answered softly, placing the tea mug on the counter behind him. He had been leaning against it this whole time. “I just sleep better with you there.”
You smiled up at him, wanting to kiss him. But you needed a shower, and to brush your teeth. It’s like he read your mind or he could really smell you because his face scrunched up in dismay.
“Is that you?” He asked, a laugh forming as he covered his nose with his hand, glaring at you teasingly. You pouted, stomping a foot childishly before turning on your heel.
“Well, sorry!” You exclaimed dramatically, flashing him a wink to inform him you were joking before you quickly headed tot the bathroom.
Stripping out of your smelly work clothes, you stepped into the shower. Rinsing your body of anything sticky (coffee spills, gotta love them), and then washing your hair. The shower felt really great and you really didn’t want to get out, but you could feel sleep starting to gnaw on your brain and your eyelids were heavy.
Wrapping a plush, white towel around your dmp body, you headed to the bedroom. Crossing the hallway and opening the door, a heat wave enveloped you in the best way. Thanking the stars that Harrison had the heat on. Your body was aching from being on your feet all night.
You were about to slip into pyjamas when Harrison stepped into the room. Your cheeks inflamed instantly, still not used to him seeing you not fully clothed. You’d been dating for almost a year, but he still took all your breath away with every little thing he did. And standing in nothing but a towel in front of him, still made you extremely nervous.
“Don’t you look,” he paused, his eyes raking your body. “Tasteful.”
You could tell he clearly imagining you without the towel on, and that made you squirm around under his gaze. Holding the towel tighter around your body in embarrassment.
“Harrison,” you whined softly. Biting your lip in frustration. You just wanted to change in peace, but his gaze just made you feel everything that his touch did. You wanted his eyes on you, all the time. But now, you just wanted clothes on.
“What, love?” He teased, taking a small step closer to you. You didn’t move. You wouldn’t back up, you wanted him closer. Your eyes were wide as you watched him, his body movements indicated what was going to happen, you could feel it vibrate through your whole body.
“I-I-” You’d completely lost your speech, your breath being stolen. Harrison finally closed the gap between the two of you, his body pressing against yours. It made you stumble slightly, falling against the wall. He entrapped you, now. And you loved it.
“What?” He breathed, the hot air fanning your face. You were shivering, not from cold, but from his body touching yours. His bare chest against your thin towel.
You stared up at him. silently asking him for it. You wanted it, you wanted him. Desperately, madly, all of him. He watched you, his height being a benefactor in trapping you between his chest and the wall. You could feel his hot skin as his fingers trailed up the sides of your arms, since they were pinned to your sides. Sucking in a sharp breath, you watched your boyfriend as he continued to run his fingers along your body, slightly tugging on the towel.
“This is a nuisance, yeah?” Harrison asked, his fingers pulling on the towel lightly. Your cheeks were on fire as you could feel his fingers gently touching your thigh where they tugged on the towel.
“Y-yes.” You said to him, still unsure why you couldn’t speak properly. He always made you like this Speechless, inaudible, and completely and utterly in his control.
Your eyes were locked in his, you could feel as his cold fingers trailed up and under your towel, closer to your stomach. Brining your lip in between your teeth, you silently pleaded at him.
“I like it when you look at me like that. Biting your lip and everything.” Harrison’s voice had become deeper, full of something you’d describe as lust. Suddenly his body was pressed further against yours, making you moan at the feeling.
Your hands slid out from against your sides and wrapped themselves around Harrison’s neck, oulling his face closer to yours. The only thing holding your towel up now was Harrison’s body. Your fingers found his messy hair and tangled themselves in. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment before they locked back with yours. His laps suddenly connected with yours. Shoots of electricity spread throughout your body as his lips moved with yours.
Your entire body was buzzing with the feeling of him. Harrison had that effect on you. Making you feel vulnerable, but wanted. His hands grasped our hips before mumbling something of a “jump” against your lips. You obliged, jumping slightly as his grip pulled you up, your legs wrapping around Harrison’s torso. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the realization of the fact that you were in just a towel. A singular towel. No panties. At all.
He drew away, you involuntarily letting out a whimper of protest. Harrison didn’t say anything as a small, smug grin laced his lips. Your brow furrowed in confusion. He leaned his face down, his lips just brushing your ear. Sending shivers down the line of your neck.
“Beg for it.” He whispered, the most intensity you could possibly feel vibrated down your spine. Harrison was always good with words, but this side of him was rare. But you enjoyed every bit of it.
“Harrison,” you mumbled, your face was surely a new shade of red. It was embarrassing for you to have to beg, but you liked it somewhat. And you knew that Harrison liked it. You buried your face in the crook of his neck as you felt a small chuckle vibrate through his body.
“C’mon, love.” Harrison chided, kissing you softly on your neck. Your eyes drew closed as you focused on the feeling of his lips pressed against your skin.
“I want you.” Your voice was muffled as your face was still pressed against his neck. But you knew he heard you, his grip tightened on your hips and you were further pressed against the wall.
“As you wish.” Harrison answered cheekily, pulling you swiftly away from the wall and carrying you over to the bed. Your legs still wrapped around his torso, hoping you wouldn’t lose your towel until you made it to the bed.
“Sounding more and more like Christian Grey,” you teased as Harrison placed you on the bed on your back, him looming over you. He scoffed, glaring down at you.
“I am my own man, darling.” He said sternly, but a smile displayed on his lips said otherwise. You pulled him closer with your hands around his neck, connecting your lips once more.
“Mr. Osterfield,” you mumbled against his lips. But, both of you couldn’t contain yourselves as the room echoed with your shared laughter. You couldn’t have imagined anyone better to have fallen in love with.
UHhhhh so I hope you like this!!
really not into writing smut-ish stuff but I mean, it is what it is.
plz don't be offended of this - Xx
Prompt List: (x)
Tag List:
@calilycal @tomsleftbrow @gembxx @captainaudreystark
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