#married Klance
mothmanavenue · 11 months
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and my waves meet your shore, ever and evermore
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part one
“You did what.”
Keith coughs. “We, uh, we got married.”
“Accidentally,” Lance pipes up, because he can see the Stress Muscle in Shiro’s eyebrow start to twitch, and doesn’t want him to start freaking out which will make Keith get defensive and put his foot in his mouth — he’s as bad as Lance, really — and then the whole thing will be more difficult to handle than it already is. “It’s a whole big thing.”
Shiro stares at them for several minutes, then sighs, sitting heavily onto the kitchen floor with his bowl of goo. He shovels a bite in his mouth, then reaches blindly for the intercom switch on the wall, slapping around until he finally manages to hit it.“Team,” he says tiredly as it crackles to life, “please make your way to the kitchen. Keith and Lance made something stupid again.” He drops his hand back down, returning his full attention to his goo, committing to pretending Keith and Lance aren’t in the room.
“I resent that ‘again’,” Keith mutters petulantly. “We’ve been remarkably well-behaved lately.”
“No,” Shiro says, without a second of hesitation. He doesn’t bother arguing.
It doesn’t take the rest of the team long to get here — Hunk and Allura have appeared to have sprinted, drama loving bastards — and they join Shiro on the floor, turning expectant eyes to the Red and Black Paladins. After a look of deliberation, Keith and Lance sit down, too.
“Tell them what you just told me,” Shiro says, voice garbled through his food goo.
Here’s the thing.
Lance knows he should feel nervous. Or worried, or scared, or embarrassed, even, about getting literally magically bound to his self-proclaimed rival (once a rival always a rival) because he got brained by the jacket that he left unattended. It is, objectively, a sitcom-level ridiculous situation. He knows that he is going to be shamed, and possibly gently bullied.
Keith’s hand still grips him tightly. Lance doubts the Black Paladin has noticed, but every so often he runs his thumb over his knuckles, and every time he does his lips twitch up in the slightest smile. Lance couldn’t feel anything but ludicrously happy if he tried.
Plus. He and Keith just, like, made out in the hallway a bunch. If Lance is being honest, his brain is still kind of fuzzy. He’s half focused on everyone else and half focused on replaying the feeling of Keith’s hands pressed to his cheeks, cupping his face, kissing him like he was drowning and Lance’s lungs were the only place he could get oxygen. He’s still kind of lightheaded, and keeps having to fight off giggles.
“We got married,” Lance says, unable to stop the smile from spreading across his face.
As much as the team is used to their shit, that visibly shocks them. Coran squints at them and types something rapidly into his tablet. Pidge cusses and hands Allura a handful of GAC, which she pockets with a cackle. Hunk is the only outlier, the only one with a reaction Lance can’t place: he straightens up, looking between them with narrowed eyes, mouth flattened into a line.
“Explain yourselves.”
“It was an accident,” Keith assures, much like Lance did earlier. But instead of expressing is understanding, Hunk’s eyebrows only climb higher. Lance gets the same distinct feeling he gets when he knows he pressed the Wrong dialogue option in a video game.
“I hope you didn’t marry my best friend on accident, Kogane.”
Lance puts his head in his hands. He can physically feel the panic leeching from his husband’s (!!) body. He considers all the ways he can murder his best friend and make it look like an accident. He honestly doesn’t think he’s ever been this mortified in his life.
“No no no, I didn’t mean accident, well I guess I did —”
“Hunk,” Lance says through grit teeth. Hunk gives him a ‘what did I do’ look, stubborn set to his shoulders. Lance vows to take a seam ripper to his shirts.
“— like it was technically not a planned sequence of events, per se, if you want to look at things technically —”
Hunk continues to stare at Keith with his eyebrow raised and his arms crossed. Lance digs around in his pockets for something to chuck at his face.
“— if it went according to how I’d planned it in my head there would be more flowers involved, probably, and we’d be on Earth at least, but it kind of just happened, you know? It was so fast I swear I couldn’t have done anything —”
Lance tears his gaze away from Hunk and stares at his rambling mess of a husband. Any annoyance practically evaporates from his system as the implications of Keith’s words set in.
“You thought about marrying me?”
Keith flushes redder than he already is. “I’m not answering that.”
Lance barely manages to shove down the giddy laughter that bubbles up his throat. Keith, his crush, his rival, his husband, spent time daydreaming about marrying Lance. And kissing him, probably, and holding him and building a future with him. Keith maybe even got just as flustered as Lance did when they got too close, back off when sparing got a little too close, breathing heavy. The knowledge is exhilarating. Lance leans over, pressing his beaming smile to Keith’s lips. He softens immediately.
“I thought about marrying you, too.” He smirks. “Among other things.”
Keith’s gloved hand finds it’s way back up to his cheek, for the second time today, and the blood rushing in his ears downs out the sound of Pidge gagging.
“Gross. Can we force them to divorce? This is worse than the pining.”
“Physically impossible for me to divorce him,” Lance murmurs, distracted. “Since he technically owns me, now. Kind of.”
Keith makes a face. “I hate that a little.” He presses one last chaste kiss to Lance’s mouth before pulling away. It’s casual, and small, but the novelty of it is not lost on Lance.
He was not kissing Keith this morning, that was for certain.
It’s not until Lance manages to blink away his ga-ga eyes that he realizes that the rest of the team is looking at him in shocked confusion, and it clicks that his sentence would, sans context, be kind of horrifying to hear.
“Oh,” he blurts, without thinking, “I’m a Selkie.”
“You’re bad at this whole revelation thing,” Keith notices. “I think my Galra thing was somehow handled better.”
“Shut up.”
To his credit, Keith’s observation isn’t too far off. If anything everyone’s shock has only worsened, and it’s clear that Lance’s messy, half-explanations aren’t going to do much. The Alteans could probably do with some actual historical context, but for now, Lance thinks a demonstration is the wisest choice. And since he doesn’t have an ocean available to him, he decides to do the next best thing.
He slips his jacket carefully over his shoulders, spreading it out over his legs and gently running his fingertips over the rough canvas. Just as in his room, the fabric begins to blur, warp, change. He understands the change that is happening — it is his coat, after all; his own flesh — but he cannot find the words to describe it. There may not be. The coat simply changes in a way that is not comprehensible by non-Selkie eyes, as evidenced in the various strangled noises of bewilderment around him. Even Keith looks at the pelt in awe, unused to Earthen magic.
“How long have you been a seal person?” Pidge asks, hands twitching like she’s itching to touch.
“Two decades,” Lance says drily.
It doesn’t take long for the shock to melt away. That’s due in part to everyone’s curiosity, and the rest is because, as Lance suspected, their lives are just so goddamn weird — this Selkie thing just doesn’t even make top ten.
“So was that what the whole dramatic running out of the common room was about earlier?” Hunk clarifies.
Lance nods. “Yeah. I didn’t…I got too comfortable. Left my pelt out, Keith tossed it at me, boom, it’s not longer mine. Luckily I was wrong about how dangerous that is, ‘cause I didn’t lose my free will or anything, but I am essentially married to Keith now. So.” He turns to his husband and grins. “I don’t think he minds.”
Ignoring Pidge’s mutter of “here we go again,” Keith smiles back, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I don’t.”
“I’m sorry you weren’t comfortable before.”
Lance looks up at Shiro, startled by the seriousness in his voice. His tired look from earlier is gone, replaced with something narrow-eyed, serious.
“You said you got too comfortable.” He gestures to Lance’s lap. “With your pelt. I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell us.”
“And I’m sorry for threatening you, Keith,” Hunk adds. “Well, it was barely a threat, but still.”
Keith reaches over to pat his shoulder. “All good, man. It was understandable. Lance probably warrants some threatening on his behalf.”
Lance narrows his eyes. He’s sure that’s an insult, somehow.
“Hunk, do not scare my husband away with your foolishness —”
“I know you’re just saying that to have an excuse to say ‘my husband’, you whipped simp —”
“Fuck off, no one asked you —”
“Pardon my interruption,” Coran says, holding up a hand. “But what is a Selkie?”
Allura raises her hand as well. “I would also like to know!”
“If I’ll be honest, I’m not that familiar with the legend either,” Pidge admits.
Lance pauses for a moment, considering. He knows that explaining everything would take a long time, and he knows he doesn’t have the energy for that. It’s something you learn over time, anyway, over years of stories at the right time. He can simplify some information, though. Get the point across.
“I’m not human,” he starts carefully. “I’m also not alien, not not-human. It’s complicated.” He runs his hand over the soft fur of his coat. “My pelt is like…a physical manifestation of my soul, I think. My quintessence? I’m not entirely sure. But when I wear it, I become another form of mine. Kind of like your shapeshifting, maybe? I turn into a seal, but I’m still very much me. And it’s not like I’m a seal with a human brain, or whatever. I’m a seal, I’m a human, I’m a Selkie. I’m never not those three things.”
Pidge cocks her head. “So you’re a seal right now?”
“Yeah. I’m a Selkie, I have to be. Unless my pelt were to be truly lost, I guess. If someone set it on fire I wouldn’t be a Selkie anymore. I’d lose my soul.”
“Jesus,” Pidge shudders.
Keith looks determinedly at him. “I won’t let that happen.”
“No shit,” Lance says, raising an amused eyebrow. “That’s your job now, Mullet. The pelt is yours to guard. You took it, it’s your responsibility.”
Keith’s determined expression does not change. Lance is just a little endeared but it. As unconventional as this has been, Keith genuinely seems to be excited to be with him. And if Lance trusts his word — which he does — then Keith has wanted to be with Lance for a while. With his space family’s approval, and the certainty that he will have the same from his Earth family when he makes it home, the weight he hadn’t realized he’d been carrying finally drops from his shoulders.
“God, I can’t wait to human marry you.”
Shiro sighs. This time, it sounds significantly more amused. He gets to his feet, dusting off his hands. “I guess that falls to me, huh,” he says, waving them over. “C’mere.”
Keith and Lance scramble up, running over to where Shiro stands, at the head of the table. He holds two twist-ties in his head that he has formed into rudimentary rings.
“I feel contractually obligated to remind you about Adam’s stance in elopement,” he says, looking pointedly at Keith. “And Lance, I don’t know your mother personally, but your sister and I were colleagues. You are also going to get into leagues or trouble when we get home.”
Lance grins brightly. “I am going to get in leagues of trouble anyway!”
Keith nods. “I left Earth against Adam’s specific instructions. I’m toast no matter what, so I might as well do the best thing I will ever do in my life before then.”
Lance’s ears burn. He glances down at his sneakers, embarrassed and pleased all at once.
He’s the best thing that Keith will ever do in his life. God.
“Well, that answers my first question, then.” Shiro turns to Lance. “Since Keith obviously does, do you, Lance, wish to take Keith as your lawfully wedded husband, so long as you shall live?”
Lance grins. “I would love nothing more.”
“Then by the power vested in me by the five dollar certificate I got online, I pronounce you wed. Congratulations. You may kiss the groom.”
Neither of them wait for Shiro to finish his sentence, surging forward immediately, colliding in the middle like magnets. Lance feels the weight of his pelt on his shoulders and Keith’s hands on his face in equal measures. It feels like swimming free.
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scribblesandscript · 20 days
Married Klance scenario :
Lance: walking out to go shopping.
Keith: do not. Do not come back with puppies like you did last time, understood?
Lance: yes, yes amor, understood.
Lance, coming back with shopping bags: Heyyy amorrr
Keith: Hey Lance-
*meowing noises from under shirt*
Keith: Lance.
Keith: Whats. in. the. bag?
Lance, sweating: ... groceries?
Keith: Oh, oh really?
Lance, with kittens climbing onto his head and slipping down his leg, arms, the lot: uh, yeah.
Keith, so done with this shit: you're so lucky I love you.
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anonymouszephyrus · 5 months
I shared this with my friends today- I wanted to make a post about it.
As much as, yes, Lance most likely loves animals so much. If in a world where he and Keith get married and live happily ever after (canon, in my head), he isn't the one constantly taking in animals.
It would be Keith.
THINK ABOUT IT, OKAY? THINK LONG AND FUCKING HARD hah- Keith took in Kosmo, a wild space wolf thing he knew practically nothing about (Yes, Krolia was there but still). He tamed him and stayed with him through the 2 years they were stuck on that space whale thing.
If Klance gets married and moves in together, Keith is the type to tell himself: "No, we don't need another animal in the house, I promise I won't take another in" and then immediately falls in love with the stray that they found and fed a portion of their food to and goes "Can we keep it?"
And I know for a fucking fact that Lance cannot help but just allow his husband to keep as many fucking pets until they eventually ran out of room and they got renovations to their damn backyard just for the animals.
Yes. Keith animal-lover headcanon. Fight me on this.
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duckthewarshippable · 6 months
Hello Tumblr I am looking for a Klance fanfic I read like a year ago, it was on AO3, it was an Au where they were friends with benefits and post war AU. I remember they get married halfway through. Also I'm pretty sure all of the sex is implied. I know in one chapter they have sex in a bathtub. There's also a part where they are renovating a beach house and there's a thing about how shitty earth beer is. It was super wholesome.
I remember really liking it and would honestly be super jazzed if y'all could help me out
Thank you to @msmadamemim for finding it, you rock so much!!
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maiatck · 2 years
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they are a good team 
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pinkcrayon · 3 months
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from last year - i rewatched voltron with my girlfriend
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bleepzip · 5 months
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married klance doodle <3
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hopefulrunaways · 6 months
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Back at it with the new program, this time with (married) Klance
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tigerani · 5 months
I am LIVING for Lance and Krolia's son-in-law/mother-in-law dynamic
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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love language: talking shit with ur husband in a crowded room
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
Lance brightens at the clank of the old twisting lock, the creak of rusted hinges. He hurriedly wipes his hands on his apron, turning off the burner, and rushes out of the kitchen, beaming.
“You’re home!”
Keith glances up from his unlaced boots and smiles, exhausted. “Hi, sweetheart.”
Lance wastes no time in striding over to him, hand pressed to the centre of his chest as he kisses him softly, lingering. Keith sighs into his mouth, hand abandoning his laces to cup his cheek instead, thumb tracing the curve of his cheekbone.
“Missed you,” Lance murmurs, nose pressed to his husband’s scruffy cheek, breathing in the smell of his hair, his skin. He presses a kiss to his jaw, then another in the centre of his cheek, and then rests his lips at the corner of his eye. “So much.”
Keith’s breaths are long and heavy. Lance can feel the beat of his heart through his palm, slow and steady and strong. He presses with a little more strength, dragging his hand along his chest plate until his fingers rest on the latches, pulling it up and off. He resists the urge to strip him fully right there in the entryway, to pull off every piece of armour and toss it carelessly behind him, tug down the undersuit until it rests around his hips, pressing his palms to the flat of his chest, his thumb into the divot of his clavicle. To feel the rise and fall of his chest and every beat of his heart in every ridge of his fingertips, no space between them.
He curls his hands into fists, tucking them in his pockets. He lets Keith’s hands come up to cradle the back of his skull, guiding him until his forehead is pressed to his shoulder, moving with every inhale of his lungs. Lance paces his own breathing to match him.
They’ll do that later.
“God, I missed you,” Keith murmurs, thumbs brushing the back of his neck so lightly he shivers. “I hate Blade only missions. I should quit.”
“You should,” Lance agrees, but they both know that he won’t. Not when there’s so much he can do, so many he can help. It’s not even that bad, usually. It can even be fun when Lance is allowed to tag along, when he’s not pulled on some diplomatic mission in the opposite direction, when they’re schedules line up and they’re back to back again, samurai and sharp-shooter, the black paladin and his right hand.
But the separate missions are where it hurts.
“I thought you weren’t due back for another three days.”
“We wrapped things up this morning, but Kolivan let me go home early, said I could do the paperwork at home. Feeling generous, I guess.”
Lance hides his smile in the crook of his neck. Wanted to avoid a Keith-shaped tantrum, more likely.
“I guess.”
Keith kisses his temple, squeezing Lance’s hip before gently pulling away. Lance doesn’t even try to pretend not to pout. The Hunk that lives in his head gags. Lance ignores him happily.
“I’m gonna go shower,” he says, inclining his head to their bedroom. “We can sit together for a while after? Watch a movie, or something. I don’t have energy for much else.”
Lance smiles softly, leaning up to kiss him again. “Yeah. I was making dinner, I’ll be done by the time you’re out. Wanna watch Planet Earth: Antarctica so you can cry about baby penguins again?”
“Good.” He pats Keith’s rear playfully. “Off you go, dweebus. Don’t take long.”
He smiles as he watches him rush off, heading back to the kitchen to finish setting them up for the night.
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scribblesandscript · 4 months
ᴋʟᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛɪɴɢ ꜱᴄᴇʀɴᴀɪʀᴏ:
Keith: Lance, we spoke about this. We have to let Isabella self-soothe. Lance: I know, I know. *Isabella wailing her heart out* Lance: Keith. Keith: Lance. No. We have to let her cry it out. *Isabella's wailing and crying get more desperate* Lance: Keith, Mi amor, Cariño, por favor. Listen to her, what if she thinks we've abandoned her? left her to be eaten by some.. some scary monster? Keith: Seriously? No, Lance. Just wait, she'll calm down soon. *Isabella lets out a loud wail* Lance: *jolting out of bed at the speed of light and practically sprinting to Isabella's room, sweeping her into his arms, cradling her close to his chest.* Estás a salvo, estás a salvo Papá está aquí. (You're safe, you're safe. Papas here) Keith: *Leaning against the doorway of the room.* Keith: Lance: Lance: I lasted a full extra minute this time. We are making improvements. Mhm. Yup. I can feel it, Keith.
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freckled-moss · 1 year
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Boyfriends who pray together stay together
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Baby Blues
Part 1
Keith and Lance have gotten the sudden news of a baby available for their adoption. All the excitement of starting a new family has began to turn into an anxiety for Keith.
A/N: I really like writing soft, cute family stuff like this, it just brings my heart so much joy. This is entirely a fluff fic written for funsies please don’t be gross. Enjoy!!
Keith’s heart was hammering, He couldn’t calm down. The stress and anxiety he felt couldn’t be calmed. He bit down on his hand, nearly chipping his teeth on the blue wedding band that sat there. The events of the last night were swimming in his head.
They had been sitting at the kitchen table when the phone rang, a baby was available for adoption. The news had made Lance drop the mug he was holding out of excitement. Keith had all but jumped into his arms as they spun around, carefully avoiding the broken mug on the floor, full of joy at the knowledge that they would soon be a family. Just as soon as they had the mug shards cleaned and were in their good clothes the two of them hopped in the car and began to drive three states over. All the joy had began to swirl into pure dread.
His husband reached out a hand to his. Turning to look at him with those calm blue eyes he knew so well. “It’s okay to be nervous.” Lance whispered. Keith looked down. “I know- I just” He stopped himself for a second out of fear of crying “I just don’t want to mess it all up”
He felt Lance’s hand caress his face “We’re not going to, You’re not going to”
Keith did all he could to hold back tears, “What if I’m just like my mom—”
“Badass and hot? You already got that down pat.”
“No- what. Lance gross. I mean jumping ship when things get tough and leaving you and the child alone.”
“Babe, these feelings are valid. But may I remind you, your mom didn’t leave you because things got though or stressful. She left to protect you. She did the hardest thing imaginable out of love. She was able to come back into your life wasn’t she? Give Kerolia a little credit” Lance started
Keith ducked down further “I know but- what if that urge strikes me?”
Lance leaned into kiss Keith gently, “Well, you are not your mother. You’re Keith Kogane, a man who saved the universe. You can handle being a father. I believe in you. You’re one of the most competent men I know.”
Keith blushed, the flattery was nice. Although he still was super skeptical.
Lance continued “Plus you’re literally amazing with my sister’s kids. Like c’mon Silvio basically warships you and you didn’t even have to TRY. So please give yourself a little credit and believe that you might be good at this. For me?”
Keith nestled his neck into Lance’s shoulder. “How are you so calm about this.” He asked “This is probably one of the biggest things that can ever happen to us.”
Lance sighed and smoothed over Keith’s hair.
“I’m not. I’m terrified to tell you the truth. But there’s two of us and we’ll try our very best.” He smiled “Do you think we’re going to be any good at this?”
Keith leaned in closer. “I have no idea” he sighed “but we’ll figure it out.”
“That’s the man I married” Lance said with a contented smile, he gave Keith a kiss on the forehead “Now let’s go, we’re already late.”
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jsttoby · 2 months
I love Dear Reader.
It left me emotional damage. And I don't know why, well I do, but only the ones who have read it know why.
For the ones that haven't.
It is a Klance fanfic about Keith being an anonymous "twitter celebrity", that talks shit about the collage board they are in (did i mention it's a collage AU?). And one day he shames lance, and they have beef, and Lance starts to investigate about who the guy is, and it took one bad day for Lance to become a campus meme.
Anyways so I don't spoil the whole fanfic. Go read it, is good, and worth it. ;)
The fic↓
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