#and i feel like menorah would think that eli's getting tired of putting up with her dad bc eli cant communicate his anxieties very well
praxieserver · 2 years
no new content tonight but i think eli and menorah should kiss gn
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stunudo · 7 years
BAU Prep School AU
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
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What Happens On Break...
Welcome to the Frederick Buchanan Institute located in scenic Quantico, Virginia, a senior high academy that shapes the best and brightest minds. Its motto is “Behavior, Analysis, Unity,” the mascot the Submariners, colloquially “the Unsubs”. The small school supports the most accomplished faculty from across the country.
Dec 22, 2016 7:14am Newark, NJ to Pittsburgh, PA
There was an eerie hush in the early morning hours of airports, traveling had been out of JJ’s routine for so long that she had somehow forgotten the holidays were always an exception to the rule. She was sipping on a nonfat chai, earbuds in with her head into a magazine as she waited for the last hour of her layover to end. The seat beside her occupied only by her winter coat and carry on bag. Her absence was an atmosphere, filling JJ’s lungs with apprehension and recycled air.
She understood that Emily’s family had difficulty scheduling things in the States. She even understood that Emily would bend over backward to accommodate those unforgiving schedules. What she hadn’t quite wrapped her mind around was how Emily hadn’t even thought to extend her an invitation to the holiday gala at the Prentiss estate next week. They worked together; their vacations were perfectly aligned. Somehow, their families and their relationship were not.
It wasn’t that Emily had forgotten to invite her, it was that Emily hadn’t felt it necessary to even mention JJ to her parents. She hadn’t outright confronted Emily about it, but you couldn’t pull one over on a coach. Teenagers lied, girlfriends weren’t supposed to. The hollowness inside her chest resurfaced as a couple and their young son settled across from her. JJ had thought she had finally found her forever. But what did it matter if Emily couldn’t offer her the same kind of commitment?
Dec 23, 2016 8pm Woodbridge, VA
“Uncle Gordon called.” Diana said offhandedly as Spencer settled in for the night. He had spent the day at the school, ensuring his classrooms were in order after Grant and his grounds’ crew had their bi-annual gutting of the school. After three years, his cabinets’ meticulous organization were respected.
“Oh?” Spencer kissed his mother’s head in greeting. “How’s everything in Vegas?” He sat on the couch adjacent to her recliner.
“Same old, same old.” Diana nodded. “Didn’t think you were going to make it in time.”
Spencer smirked, giving his mother the side-eye. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Good,” Diana smiled turning on the old television set in the corner. The black and white movie beginning with the boisterous old movie house introduction. Soon a dashing Jimmy Stewart appeared, the Reid family tradition of watching a It’s a Wonderful Life had commenced. Their reactions were over done, prompting teasing on both sides of the modest living room. This could have been one of twenty previous Christmases, or at least the past four that had been spent in Virginia. Diana fell asleep in her chair before the triumphant ending with George Bailey cheering with his daughter in his arms.
Spencer didn’t bother waking her, but headed to his room to read before bed. Perhaps tomorrow he would suggest an outing, hoping to wrangle her aid into helping convince her. It had been nearly a year since she had left their apartment. Spencer knew it was up to him to get her the help she needed, but could he listen to reason over her wishes? Or worse, would she?
Dec 24, 2016 8pm Chicago, IL
Sarah and Desiree were taking forever to get ready, leaving Derek alone with his mother in the kitchen. They were chatting easily in the apartment she had moved into once her children were out on their own. Derek gave his mother his infectious grin once she offered him a cookie from her old tin stashed above the refrigerator.  Being the favorite had its perks.
“So, how you doing after the playoffs, Derek?” His mother’s auburn curls still vibrant as she sat easily at her small table.
“Ah, Mom, you know I need a rebuilding year every once in a while,” Derek teased, reassuring her all the same.
“And what about your extra-curriculars?” Fran Morgan raised her eyebrows, knowing her son better than anyone.
“There have been some of those, yeah” Derek grinned, a sheepish yet enthusiastic smirk.
“Some? Or?” Fran leaned in patting her boy’s leg.
“Well, I hope it’s just one, Mom,” Derek admitted. “But, uh, we work together, so we’re both a little stretched for time.”
“Okay, so tell me about this one, then.” She smiled, resting her chin on her palm.
Twenty minutes later and his sisters were finally church-ready. The Morgan family bundled in their Sunday best, scarves and gloves helping to shield them from the biting winter air. The walk to the evening service was as much a tradition as the vigil itself. Derek proudly escorted his mother down the dingy Chicago street. Once they had arrived at the old oak doors, Derek stepped back to make a quick phone call.
Penelope answered on the third ring, “Hey there, handsome.”
“Merry Christmas, Baby Girl.” He cooed back.
“I thought you were with your mom?” Penelope asked, trying to hide her conversation from the very noisy and very crowded living room of her adoptive family.
“I am, we’re just walking into church,” Derek explained. “Listen, Penelope, I know we haven’t had much time for real dates, but I just can’t stop thinking about you. You know?”
Penelope pinched her lips, flustered, she squealed below her breath, “Uh, yeah, I mean, we are like an unstoppable power couple.”
“So you see that too?” Derek laughed, trying not to be too loud as all the old ladies filing into the building behind were sure to be listening.
“You know I do, hot stuff.”
“So, it’s official, then?” Derek asked, suddenly somber. “We’re a couple?”
“Like the diva herself sang it, “All I Want for Christmas is You, Derek Morgan.”
With that Derek jumped in excitement, the weightlessness of new love spreading within his chest.
“Alright, Baby Girl, I gotta go say a special set of thank yous inside, but you have a good night.”
Penelope pecked into the phone, “Merry Christmas, my love.”
Dec 25, 2016 6:37am Hartwood, VA
If years of being married to a musician hadn’t trained Monica Walker to be ready for anything, years of parenting had. She had been up tending to vomit buckets and the clammy forehead of little Eli since the wee hours. She started the coffee pot once the sun began to bleed heavenward. She was exhausted to the point of numbness, stunned into meditating on that first Christmas morning. A young mother, pained and panicked, slouched besides cattle in the night.
“Mary, I feel you girl,” Monica muttered, “We do the dirtiest jobs, yet all they remember is their accolades.”
It was then that she heard Stephen’s soothing bass beckoning the family to arise and celebrate. “Oh, come let us adore him-“ An age old tune drawn out with his infectious rhythms. The rippling melody cut off with Stephen’s realization, “Uh-huh, where are the kids?”
“Sleeping,” Monica sighed, regaling her husband with her night of double duty, Santa and Nurse. They sipped their coffees in quiet comfort, just two people, still madly in love, waiting.
Eli muscled through opening his presents as only a child would, no sane adult would stay upright that long after the night he had endured. Maya was getting too old to appear to be excited for presents, but her mother pulled out the squeals when Maya opened her very own make up kit. The kids were so engrossed in their gifts that they didn’t notice that their parents didn’t exchange gifts this year. Sometimes, time together made up for the tightening budgets.
Dec 25, 2016 10:17am Sundance, UT
The thick crunch of snow punctuated the steady breaths of the pair on the hillside. The slopes were filling up, despite the holiday. For Dave and Alex, there was no place to be and no race to the bottom. They carefully secured their skis and grinned at each other in the other-worldly ensembles.
“See you at the bottom?” Dave asked slyly.
“I’ll be waiting,” Alex teased, snapping her shaded goggles into place.
The day was spent enjoying the endless mountain views and varying degrees of conversation paired nicely with varying degrees of inebriation. The resort was first class, a level of luxury Alex Blake had left behind with her political career.
“Thanks again for inviting me, Dave,” Alex smiled, a bone deep tired taking hold, the kind only fresh air and excursion could produce.
“Anytime, Allie.” Dave nodded his head and ducked into his room. Alex headed to her own suite, falling swiftly into a dreamless sleep.
Dec 25, 2016 4pm Manassas, VA
Haley kept pointing to the chairs framing their large dining room table. She was working out the seating arrangements in her head, making sure that chairs weren’t too spaced since the Walker clan would not be joining them. Which left Meg without anyone in her age range to socialize with, reseating her with the adults. Kit and Jack were too small for a table to themselves, anyhow.
Aaron walked on stocking feet, into the room adjusting his tie. “When did you say everyone would be here?”
“I told Kate dinner would be at five,” Haley explained, shuffling a place setting two inches to the right.
“So they’ll be here any minute,” Aaron nodded, “I wonder if Jason is coming, or if Stephen has finally forgiven him and is having him over for Hanukkah.”
“Well, I put out a menorah, too, just in case.” Haley shrugged.
“Of course you did,” Aaron murmured, sneaking behind his wife to grab her in an instinctual embrace. He framed her petite body, letting her relax into the gentle swaying. As soon as the tension had released her shoulders a tiny, yet unyielding cry burst from the hall.
“I’ll get him,” Aaron whispered, kissing her temple. Haley cursed gently under her breath when the shrill cries refused to fade, despite her husband’s best efforts. She tucked the hair behind her ear and marched towards the nursery, Aaron could play host, for a bit at least.
The first knock was more of a stomping of feet in the mudroom; Kate just let herself in, as always. Haley sighed, knowing that she would soon be pulled away from the warm bubble of nursing. Motherhood was exhausting, wanting to be everything for her son, yet needing to be a coherent functioning member of society as well.
The bustle of taking coats and dispersing drinks were handled gallantly by the Headmaster, with some assistance from his future student, thirteen year old Meg. The rolls were in the oven and the wrap was secure around Haley’s torso when the phone rang. For emergencies and peace of mind, the Hotchners still kept a landline; forcing Aaron to pick up in the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas!” The young father answered in a rush.
“Hey there, Hotch.” Jason Gideon beckoned back. “Look, I’m not going to make it tonight.”
“That’s too bad,” Aaron admitted, “But I hope that means you’re spending it with family.”
“You could say that,” Jason placated, “Anyway, thank Haley for the invitation, I’ll see you soon enough.”
“Will do. Take care, Jason.”
“You, too, Aaron.” Mr. Gideon hung up his phone, dropping it on the television tray beside his microwave dinner. He wasn’t spending the night with family, unless you counted his half blind cat, Monte. He just didn’t have the heart to spend a night projecting cheer. He thought of his son, knowing that Hotch’s hopes were grander than his own.
Dec 25, 2016 8:47pm Brooklyn, NY
Elle had forgotten how unmanageable streets were back home. There wasn’t any fresh snow, thankfully, but the street parking was beyond packed due to the holiday. After hours in traffic, two emotional meltdowns and four cups of coffee, she had arrived. The Brownstone was more run down than in her memories, but the warmth and the wreath on the door were the same.
She tucked her hair behind her ears and straightened her posture. With a deep inhale, she knocked. The graying head bobbed to answer the door. Frozen before her, her mother’s stern face melted into a blissful exultation.
“Mija!” Elle’s mother shrieked, grabbing Elle tightly to her. Elle let the tension leave her body, the hours of anxiety and white knuckles slunk away. When her mother’s arms held her; the tears fell freely.
“Hi, Mami.”
“Oy, mija. My Elle is home now.” Her mother crooned. They stood in the doorway, with the noisy city behind them. Basking in their homemade Christmas reunion.
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Very Special Thanks to Cassie @mentallydatingspencerreid,
Meg @imagicana , and Loki @jodiewhittakers!!!
@ddreammcatcher @ultrarebelheart @lightbluelester @criminal-anatomy   @captainreid  @thebadyears @amarislestrange @shaelyn102 @badasprentiss @fl0werb0nes18 @inestava @sam-carter-in-training @wonderboygenius @fortheloveofpearlet @valentina-pendragon-blog @imarockstar45 @chocok22 @cynbx @fairymega @madamredwrites @doctorspencerreidrp @mindsunleashed @dontshootmespence @bookofreid @marvelfanlife @welp-there-it-is @ilikeitwhenyousleepforyouareso   @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @original-criminal-fanfics @derpyprentiss @olicia-leeshy @lookwhatyoumademequeue @veroinnumera @sarahkay-19 @sammles27 @lesbian-asajj @teatimewithtiya @braziliangirlonasharkcity @alienlynz @janam03 @nobravery @clockworkballerina  @whymesswperfection  @hagridsmumhasgotitgoingon @brooke0297 @XXMADDHATTER39XX  @gurliest @handpaintedgalaxy
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