#and i guess coral island but that was liked first before the bugginess made everyone hate it LOL
eurodynamic · 6 months
i am once again having fun on a game that 90% of the internet is trashing
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dragoncaverns · 5 years
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Dear Diary,
Its been a while since I’ve last wrote to you. About a month and a half I believe. Lately I’ve been so caught up with work that I tend to loose track of time. I recall mentioning the last time I wrote about planning a new buggy for captain brownbeard to use on long exploration trips. A buggy that would be far more efficient and safer than sailing his precious boat into treacherous waters. Since I’ve learn previously that Brownbeard will only travel so far from our island into open seas before deciding to turn back.
After I planned out a blueprint of the new buggy fitted with upgrades. I banded together some of the islanders to help with construction and planning. Magrog, Dougie, and Digby helped with crafting the metal parts. And Gillian turned out to have quite the hidden talent when it came to inventing machinery. She was a big help in figuring out how to make the retractable glass dome and the digital map scanner. The only other upgrade that didn’t require too much thinking was to make a large storage space. Enough to store about 3 months worth of food and water. The visual results made this buggy look more like lady bug honestly. With the eyes being the glass dome.
Gillian was mostly in charge of overseeing the project once it was being put together. Meanwhile I took the time to show Brownbeard how to drive the buggy buggy. This way he’ll know how to drive it by the time the new buggy was finished. All I can note about the practice was that I had to smooth out quite a few dents on the poor buggy buggy. But he eventually got the hang of it. Everyone had gather around to see the new buggy once it was finished. It was given the name “Lady Buggy”.
After the buggy was done, Malroth and I went on quite a few trips to different explorer isles to stock up on resouses since Brownbeard would soon take off in the new buggy on a 3 month trip.
The main goal to why Brownbeard want to take such a long trip is so everyone can figure out where these islands now reside on the world map and where the closest mainland is. I personally would love to eventually send some bird mail to my family and to the princess of the real moonbrooke in regards of her “father”.
It’s been about a month now since Brownbeard left. And with him gone. Everyone is stuck to this island til he returns. I’ve already ran out of some building materials a few days ago on my larger projects. So now I’ve mostly been doing small details and touch-ups on previously finished projects. Yet given that I like to be a perfectionist when I do build something. There is rarely things I need to touch up on. So now I’ve been trying to fill all my free time with other activities. Like fishing, cooking, and overall socializing more. Lulu and some other people say its good I’m taking a break away from building. Something along the lines that I need to learn to unwind and take things slowly. Although I feel what they say is true. I can’t help but feel anxious or bored without something hands-on to focus my mind to. Maybe this long break will really help me learn to relax some more.
Lately within the last couple of days of meandering around the town I’ve started to pick up on some common routines of islanders throughout the day. Where they like to go, what they get up to, and taking example or even joining in on activities they prefer to do to pass time. I’ve also been hearing plenty of gossip that goes around and their personal thoughts.
Currently much of the chatter been about anticpating Brownbeard return. Talking about what he may find out there, guessing where the islands are on the world map, where they would love to travel or who they like to meet, and planning of what would best attract people from the rest of the world to come here to visit. But aside from the hope of the future. A lot of people have been coming up to Malroth, Lulu, and me to ask questions about our past lives in the “real world.” Malroth unsurprisingly still has no memories of his alter self. So its safe to say it didn’t take long before people stop asking him questions. Lulu eventually just grew tired about people asking her personal questions of her past and she made others aware she had enough. So now I’ve been the one most the islanders have come to. Which personally I don’t mind one bit. Nor does talking about my past bother me.
Yet this afternoon I’ve spent my time contemplating over a question that Lillian asked me earlier today. She asked me if I remembered how I ended up on this island after the shipwreck. And at first I told her that I didn’t remember. But that isn’t true. I know I was conscious for most of that time. I just repressed or didn’t need to remember how I got to this island. As my memories at the time if the question came up as a blank to me. But for the rest of that day and even now I can’t stop trying to remember every details of that event. It is like some part of my inner self is desperately trying to make me remember something that I’ve forgotten. So I ended up spending the rest of my afternoon lost in thought, digging through the foggiest bits of my mind to pull out those memories.
Oh! But I’ll have to write that into a bullet point to wrap this up. Malroth just came in and went to bed. I would much rather go to sleep before he starts snoring. Otherwise I’ll end up sleeping in the living room again.
I remember… O trying to grab Captain Whitebones hand as the sea washed me out the hull of the ship. O clinging to a floating crate for dear life as the torrential waves battered and tossed me around. O spending the rest of that day, all night, and most of the next day floating in open water. O having no energy left to hang onto the crate anymore and losing my grip… O sinking below the water. My eyes shut, lungs burning, and coniousness slipping. O feeling what seem to be clawed hands wrapping around me and bumpy surface pressed up against me before all my senses went dark.
Final thoughts: I wonder if someone or something saved me out there? Maybe it was a merman like in some kind of fairytale? Or a new monster I haven’t seen yet? That or I coulda been hallucinating it all and was just brushing up against some coral or rocks. Haha, that’s probably the most likely conclusion. Yet I feel like in those final moments before I passed out, the creature is almost familiar to me somehow. Oh well, its still most likely all just in my head. But if by some off chance something did save me. I hope that I can one day thank them.
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