#and i immediately changed the details and sent it to them straightaway
twinkleallnight · 3 years
Words of silence
Book: The Royal Romance AU
Pairing: Drake x Hana
Word count: 1255
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Catch up here
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I reach Shanghai early in the evening. Looking at my watch I make a quick calculation of what Liam must be doing. My cell phone rings and I flip it open to see an incoming call from Liam. I answer the call with a smile.
“Hey bro!”
“Landed safely?” Liam asked.
“Yes, all safe and smooth till now.”
“Listen, there will be a driver waiting for you at arrivals. He will take you to Cordonian embassy straightaway. Mr Lee has been informed and a meeting with him is arranged at his estate in three hours.” He feeds me with all the info.
Riley’s giggling voice adds in, “You have enough time to spruce up.”
I see a man holding a placard with my name. I  signal at him. As I get into the vehicle, Liam continues briefing me. “Remember, you are a diplomat from the royal council's department of communications.”
Olivia speaks in between, “And please act like one.”
“What are all of you doing together?”
Leo’s baritone sound is next. “Round table conference for you.”
“Prepping up the commoner.” Livy snorts. But I argue.
“Why can’t I just be who I am?”
“And make a fool of king of Cordonia? Who sends a vet as a spokesperson?” Livy speaks in an irritated tone.
“Fine. I will follow.”
Max tries to give more details. “Once you are done with all the heavy work, go to The Bund. I have booked a table for you at the Fairmount Peace Hotel”
“What am I supposed to do there?”
“Unwind with the world’s oldest jazz band, my dear friend.”
There is a complete silence and I can imagine all of them glaring at Max. I know I guessed it right, when he starts explaining.
“What? Don’t you all look at me like that. After having the heavy talk with the girl’s father, the poor guy needs some breathing space.”
“I am not having the talk, Max. Not just yet.” I clarify.
“You got this Drakey!” Leo resonates.
“I will call you later guys. Thank you.” And I disconnect the call.
I look through the window at the passing city streets. It looks more crowded than Cordonia. I roll the glass down to take a whiff. This is where Hana belongs to. I try to imbibe the smell, the sounds, the vibes in an effort to find a piece of her somewhere. Where are you, Hana? By the time I reach embassy, I am drenched in sweat. Damn! This place is humid.
I refresh and gear up to meet Mr Xinghai Lee. The same car takes me to the Lee estates. I try to strike a conversation with the driver, who speaks in broken English. He is all praises about Mr Lee.
My anxiety is increasing with every passing moment. We reach our destination after about half an hour drive. I feel my pulse rising when I am ushered in an office. The walls are light and intricate wooden work is tastefully placed around the room giving it a warmth. The Rosewood desk in the centre, has few chairs set across. I am directed to the couch, eccentrically placed on the right side of the desk.
Soon, a man in his sixties, with a medium built up and a smiling Asian face walks in. His clothes and accessories throw an impression of his status. He gives me a tight lipped smile.
I get up to greet him. “Good evening Mr Lee.” I speak in a bland tone.
“Nî hâo!” he says. And I keep giving him blank stare.
Maybe he realises I didn’t understand a word of what he said. He repeats in English, “I meant Hello, you good? Usually, your people greet us our way.”
I wince at my foolishness. I should have done my homework well. I falter a bit “Oh that, yes. I am good. Yes. I am sorry. I am new to the stately affairs.
“Ah, the new king and his new council. I understand. I congratulate you all.”
“Thank you. This is a message from our King Liam. He has sent his good wishes to you and says thank you for showing your support towards our kingdom.” I hand him the manila envelope I was carrying with me.
“Thank you. Please take a seat.” I sit across his desk as he rips open the envelope and reads through the documents. His serious expressions change into delighted ones.
“Oh, my daughter into the cordonian council?”
“Yes sir, the king speaks highly about lady Hana and wants her to join his council.
“We need to think over this. I need to discuss with my wife.” He beams at me clearly showing that he is happy about the offer.
“Sir, I can wait for your answer. My return has been a scheduled after two days. I will be staying at the Cordonian embassy.”
“No, no. You don’t need to stay there. Please be our guest. Give us a chance to show the cordonians the beauty of East.” I nod and accept the offer immediately.
“May I have an audience with lady Hana. I would like to extend my greetings to her in person.” I ask him.
“Sure. My assistant will guide you. Enjoy your stay at Shangai.” We both get up and greet each other.
I walk out following the short man assigned to me. A conquering smile plays on my lips.
The short guy takes me around to the east wing of the estate and has some conversation in Chinese with a lady. He then turns around and informs me. “Lady Hana is out for some work and will be returning after an hour. I have left a message with her help. We will update you once she is back and ready to see you.”
“No problem.” I follow the short man to the guest room Mr Lee had offered to me in the southern wing. Once inside my room, I quickly tie up with embassy to send my bags. I pace through the room for sometime but my curiosity wins over and I move out of the guest rooms, back to the east wing, discreetly. I hear someone approaching and sneak into the room I had visited few minutes ago.
I have done this many times with Liam, the sneaking and peeking through the chambers of the palace but doing it here in unknown territory makes me nervous. As I wait into the darkness, the door creaks open. I brace myself against the wall behind the door.
The door closes and a silhouette reclines her back on the door. I am holding my breath while peering through the darkness. I thank my stars. It is Hana, I can recognise her anywhere. In one swift moment, as she switches on the light, I leap in front of her, covering her mouth to muffle her scream.
Her eyes shift from the scared expressions to that of surprise. I engulf her into a longing embrace, till I have inhaled her fragrance enough, till I have felt her touch enough. After some time I realise it is not enough, it never will be. So, I peel myself from her, only to find the honey colour of her eyes melting into tears that are staining her supple cheeks.
I cup her face, “How much I have missed you!” I place a kiss on her forehead but all I see is the storm in her eyes and all I get on her lips is silence.
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 Tags: @annekebbphotography @alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @cordonia-gothqueen @drakewalker04 @eadanga @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @indiacater @jessiembruno @kingliam2019 @lisha1valecha @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @speedyoperarascalparty @queenrileyrose @texaskitten30 @txemrn @sfb123 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @efecom @grsarco-blog @lovelyladyk88
48 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 4 years
// Part 1  • Part 3 //
Ch.2: Charms 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female OC
Story Summary: Steve asks his new friend to help his best friend Bucky deal through all the memories Hydra has left behind in his head. It’s just that Bucky doesn’t see how she’s going to be able to do that.
Chapter Summary: Bucky struggles to avoid Chloe and put those wrong feelings to rest. Meanwhile, Chloe is still under the idea that she's done something so wrong that Bucky won't see her anymore.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​
[There’s a part 2 because someone asked and I can never say no :)]
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There wasn't a lot of things that made sense. One of those things was Bucky suddenly choosing not to continue seeing Chloe after a week or so. It was simply too much and for him, that was saying something. He just couldn't understand how the hell all this happened, much less why it had to happen.
Chloe Winters had been sent to help him and he chose - no, no, some part of him chose - to like her just a bit too much. He tried to get past it, focus on what she was instructing him to do. It wasn't like he was short on bad memories to focus on but it seemed like each time he and Chloe were in the middle of the sessions, his mind liked to seek out new details about her that he hadn't noticed before. Her long tresses of blonde hair actually had strands that were slightly darker than others. She actually had a half-formed dimple on her left cheek. It didn't always come out but then again, when did he ever make her smile? That honor mostly went to the annoying silly-putty man. Angel Face. That annoying nickname Sam appropriated on her God knew how long ago actually started making sense. There were just times when he was lucky enough to see a mischievous glint in her otherwise angel eyes.
Bucky was sure that if Steve were to find out what was running through his head these days, he would laugh to the moon. But no. No one could find out. Absolutely nobody.
It's why he had to quit the sessions. Perhaps he could gain some type of control over this if he wasn't so close to Chloe. Control. What a terrible word that was. It could possibly haunt him for the rest of his life. He hadn't had control over himself in years and that would stop now. He would have control of himself at least in this aspect of his life, more for Chloe's sake than his. She was young, she didn't need any of this, much less from him. He still vividly remembered her reaction during their last session which was what ultimately pushed him to do one good thing in his life after all the bad.
"You're really not focusing," Chloe had noticed straightaway his lack of attention.
Even with his eyes shut, Bucky imagined the frown she often put on that was more or less of a pout instead. When he opened his eyes, he confirmed. It was alarming how quickly he began to memorize some of her habits. Whether that was part of the enhanced abilities he had or his brain was just that attuned to her, he was not sure. He didn't want to know either.
"Okay, c'mon!" Chloe huffed, inadvertently fanning him with her breath. There was remnants of a sweet cinnamon scent in the air. Her eyes snapped open and met his, not looking the least bit bothered by their incredible closeness. They seemed to narrow, actually. "You want to tell me what's going on or are we just going to keep dancing around in these sessions?" She didn't mean to sound angry but she was a bit frustrated that this wasn't working anymore. It meant she wasn't working anymore. She wasn't able to help him. Recently, she found that she really liked helping him. It certainly brought out some of those nice personality traits Steve swore he had. Chloe was personally interested in seeing that charming smile Bucky was rumored to have. She'd seen some of the old photographs circling through the Smithsonian museum and yes, he really did have a charming smile. She wanted to see it in person (not at her though, of course not). Moreover, if Bucky was capable of producing one of those smiles, it meant he was on a road that would ultimately lead to recovery.
But clearly she was failing to help him.
She got further confirmation when Bucky practically recoiled from her. He'd realized it was different being this close to her when they both had their eyes opened and were looking at each other. Foreheads touching, locked gazes, knees brushing against each others and her sweet floral scent? How was he supposed to control himself when all the odds were against him?
It was flat out terrifying how much he was affected by her. Even when his mind was frazzled, he couldn't remember another moment like this in his life. What did Chloe possess that she had him bitter sweetly suffering for her? Moreover, why couldn't he stop?
Was this just another consequence of Hydra? He lost that trait in him that once allowed him to glide through women like nothing? That's stupid, he concluded. As if Hydra would ever take that into consideration. No. This was all him. So it begged the question again...why was it happening now? This was the worst time possible.
"Are you just going to keep staring at me or what?" Chloe's sharp tone pulled Bucky back to the present...a torturous present. Her frustration was evident in her narrowed eyes. That was something else he learned about her. She was very easily irritated.
"I can't..." He decided, pushing himself up from his seat.
"What—" Chloe frantically followed his movements and rushed up to her feet. "What's going on? Did I do something? Did I not do something I should've?"
There was the other thing, a trait that often upset Bucky. Each time Chloe felt like she'd done something wrong, she panicked. And when she panicked, she frantically tried fixing it like she had something to prove. He was a bit familiar with that. Someone else used to do that back in the day.
"Should we change something? Do you want me to change something!? Just tell me-"
"Chloe stop before you can't breathe," Bucky had to practically command her before she actually went blue in the face. "I just don't want to do this anymore."
"But why not?" She bit her lip. "Did I do something wrong?"
She didn't buy it. "People always tell me when I do something wrong so if I did do something wrong, just tell me so I can fix it. You won't hurt my feelings. I'm very used to this."
That twisted something in his stomach. She should not be used to that. No one should ever make her feel like that. Bucky tried ignoring the flash of anger that crossed him.
"What did I do?" Chloe asked again, her tone softening as she waited to hear the mistakes she so clearly believed she made.
"Nothing," Bucky assured her even though it wasn't completely the truth. Se had done something but she hadn't at the same time. The best thing he could do was to remove himself - he had the option to do so.
"Well, that's just a lie—"
"We're done, Chloe." Bucky turned away before she blinked at him with those big eyes of hers. Removing himself quite literally meant removing himself from the situation. Until he discovered a way to end these confusing thoughts, he would have to put some decent distance between him and Chloe.
~ 0 ~
In the following days, Chloe tried her hardest to figure out where she'd gone wrong. She honestly thought that she'd done everything like she was supposed to. She'd taken things very seriously and done what she could to help ease Bucky's nerves. Where had she gone wrong? It wasn't long before she noticed that he was trying to keep away from her. She was thoroughly stumped.
"You can't get upset over it," Sam said to her one afternoon. "Guy like him? His mind's all over the place."
"I'm not upset, I'm...irritated," Chloe admitted. At first she'd been truly upset that it was her fault Bucky decided to end the sessions but she slowly came to the same conclusion that Sam suggested. "I'm irritated because he won't help me help him. I can't tweak my strategies if I don't know what's wrong with them."
Sam shook his head at her. "Oh c'mon, try to forget about it for a while."
"I can't," Chloe admitted with a heavy sigh.
"Why not?"
Chloe didn't answer straightaway. There was too much going on in her head and for once it wasn't because of the Hive Mind. She wasn't one to dwell so much but this one...this one had her. She couldn't get rid of the urge she felt to help Bucky. She helped a lot of people in the past but there was just something different this time 'round.
Just forget the charming smile, she berated herself as that's what was keeping her tied to the problem. It wasn't. There was plenty more and she hated to admit it. But she would be the biggest idiot if she ever admitted that to Sam. He would have field day with that information.
"I just can't," she whispered.
Sam watched her carefully as a heavy feeling fell over her angel face. "Hey, I got an idea. A distraction."
"Yeah, what do you have?"
Sam smirked. "A bet."
For all her troubles, Chloe Winters loved a good bet.
Endless huffs and groans carried out from the compound's training room. Some of them were a bit worrisome and others made it sound like there was a child or rather an angry teenager who wasn't getting her way. Bucky wasn't sure if it was normal to immediately recognize those sounds but the reality is that he did, and perfectly too. He could've walked away - or he could've kept walking - but he didn't. With a heavy sigh, he came into the right room - a training room - and found Chloe resting her head against a a long, black staff. She was frustrated.
She was obviously training, or perhaps trying to, he'd caught her a few times in the room with Dimples. Today it seemed like she was on her own. She was wearing fitted black pants and a black jacket with the outstanding silver zipper in the middle. Her long hair was parted into two double-dutch braids that ended at the nape of her neck. Even upset she still looked—
"I can feel you staring," her eerie calm voice actually startled him. The irony.
"Sorry, I was—"
Chloe pulled her head from the staff and looked his way with sharp eyes. "Watching me fail? Yeah, I think you've been getting a show from me lately." She turned completely to face him.
"I already told you that you did nothing wrong—"
Chloe waved him off. "Fine, fine. But listen," she twirled the staff in her hand around, "Can you just tell Steve that you decided you didn't want to continue with the sessions? Because if he asks me one more time what happened, I'm going to forget that I love him dearly and I'm going to kill him."
As much Bucky fought the urge to — and he really did fight it — his lips curved into a smile that soon turned into an actual chuckle.
"Don't laugh!" Chloe pointed at him but her own growing smile defeated the purpose of her scold. "I mean it. He's been driving me crazy with all these questions. And don't even give me the crap that I stand no chance against the Captain America because I swear to you that I would find a way."
"I have no doubt that you would," Bucky's words were honest and he only realized it after he'd said them. For some reason, instead of things being chill and distant between them, everything seemed to melt away. He eyed the staff she was holding a bit too tightly. "Are you alright?"
Knowing where his attention had gone to made Chloe pull the staff behind her back as if that would completely hide it from view. "Let's just say that I may have made a bad decision..."
"I think I'm no stranger to that." He should stop talking and leave but his feet were glued to his current spot. It became permanent when Chloe smiled at his comment.
"Sorry," she bit her lower lip. "I know that given your situation, you must think that my problems are petty..."
"I don't," Bucky shook his head. He didn't blame her for her thought logic but he most certainly wasn't going to let her believe it was true. "What's bothering you?"
Chloe upheld his gaze until the warmth on her face got the best of her. She appreciated his interest even when things between them weren't as great as they could've been. "It's this bet I made with Sam. I'm supposed to beat him at a spar using—" she brought the staff from her back for show, "—this. But here's the thing..." Her entire face fell flat. "I suck." Once more, Bucky lost the battle with against laughing. Chloe tried her best not to look as irritated as she would've been had somebody else laughed at her. "I'm not kidding! Staffs just aren't my thing."
"Then how exactly have you been putting up a fight?"
"I used to be a gymnast when I was younger so I've sort of transferred some of those moves into my fighting skills. Plus, I know combat I just...don't do well with staffs for some reason." She narrowed her eyes at the staff beside her. "I hate them."
"Why'd you bet with him in the first place, then?"
"Because I make bad decisions!"
This time Bucky didn't laugh but he couldn't say the same about the smiling. He just couldn't stop. He was used to doing a lot of fighting but he was beginning to suspect that this one wasn't going to be so easily won. In fact, when he volunteered himself to give Chloe pointers and she beamed...the fight was nearly lost.
"So what exactly is this bet anyways?" He asked after she'd handed him her staff. "And how do I make sure that Sam loses?"
Chloe laughed. It was angelic too. Goddammit this is ridiculous, Bucky inwardly huffed. Maybe he was exaggerating or something — nobody could sound that type of beautiful by just laughing.
"Well, if he wins then I have to be that wing-woman I said I'd never be and go dancing with him," she explained, completely missing the deep frown that crossed Bucky's face.
"Dancing?" How exactly was that supposed to help anyone?
"It's this ruse we both do when we want make someone jealous," Chloe shrugged. "Last time, I scored a date with a CEO guy. Didn't last but you get the idea. It works."
"Yeah..." Bucky struggled to keep his teeth from visibly gritting together. How could he hate an idea so much when he wasn't even involved?
"And if I win, then he buys me dinner from my favorite place."
"Doesn't sound like he's giving up much," Bucky said, barely hiding the sour tinge in his tone.
Chloe smirked. "That place is extremely expensive. I like expensive things. And be assured that if I win, I will make him spend hundreds of dollars."
"But you said you're not good..."
"Right. So I'm going to need those pointers of yours." Chloe made a gesture with her hand for Bucky to get started. She was all ears.
"I need to see how you're fighting with a staff before I give any advice," he tossed her the staff back and watched her fumble to catch it. "Well, there's one thing right there."
At his subtle teasing, she brandished the staff at him like it was a sword. "Watch it," she warned, her eyes slightly narrowing. "I told you that I"m not an idiot. I don't know how to fight with a staff all that well but I do know some things."
"Let me see them."
"Let me see what you're doing." Bucky pulled his arms behind his back and put on a stance of waiting.
Chloe lifted an incredulous eyebrow at him. He was serious. "In the history of an unfair fight, this—" her finger switched between him and her, "—takes the cake. You're not doing this to me."
"Just do it."
Chloe huffed but prepared herself for an attack. She wouldn't dream of winning against him but the least she could do was give him a good whack for pulling this on him. When she went in for the first try, Bucky easily deflected it and still took notice of her mistakes. One of the first things he noticed — and perhaps was most amused by — was her easily irritability. She wasn't huffing nor growling but her face was as red as tomatoes each time he took the upper-hand.
He finally grabbed the staff when it almost hit the side of his head but even that wasn't very strong either. He swiftly snatched it from her hand and brandished it against her forehead. "You're dead," he announced.
She rolled her eyes and pushed the staff off her. "Tell me something I don't know. Sam's going to kick my ass and I'll have to be his wing-woman. Don't be fooled, there's a lot to the job."
"You don't need to become better overnight, you just need to know enough to beat him."
"And how do I do that?" Instead of verbally answering her, he wielded the staff against her but before he actually did anything with it, she pushed it aside. "I don't care if you were the Winter Soldier, if you actually hurt me I will get you back for it. It might not be now nor that obvious, but I did grow up with an older brother so I know my way around tricks."
At this point, Bucky wouldn't even try to hide his amusement. He laughed. Chloe smiled triumphantly. She'd been working her way to that line and it felt good seeing it pay off. She hadn't seen his charming smile but hearing his laugh was just as good. She wondered how he sounded back before anything happened to him. It must have been nice to see.
She cleared her throat when the warmth on her face was too much. "So, tips?"
Bucky nodded. "The trick to this is simple—"
"I'm sure," she folded her arms, smirking when he rolled his eyes at her.
"Stop trying to learn all these different moves to win. You only need two max."
"Okay, so what would you recommend?"
"Like I said, something simple. I'm guessing that because Sam knows you're, uh, not that good with the staffs, he won't be expecting you to actually do something. He'll most likely watch you fumble and maybe laugh a bit—"
Chloe's face had fallen flat the moment he stated going off on that tangent. "Anytime you want to actually show me something would be great." She saw the smirk on Bucky's face too late. The staff had suddenly come across her legs and knocked her flat on her back. Just as she raised her head, the staff pushed against her throat.
"That good enough for you?" He looked down at her with such a sarcastic expression that in that moment, Chloe forgot all about charming nonsense and glared with glowing blue eyes.
"Some people have the courtesy to point this—" she tapped the staff, "—at your chest, not your throat! That hurts!"
"It's what anyone would expect," Bucky pulled the staff from her throat and offered her his flesh hand instead. "But you can't deny and say that it's not simple enough. You can definitely get it."
Chloe took his hand and was easily pulled to her feet. "Did you forget the part where I don't own any of that super soldier strength? You have seen Sam, right? I didn't fight in a war - I was a gymnast for God's sake! I still am but with an alien Hive Mind inside my head!"
"Don't sell yourself short, Chloe," Bucky said, earnestly. "I've seen your fighting skills and they are good. You just can't be good at everything." That would make her insanely perfect. "But you can beat Wilson. I know you can."
Chloe blushed all of a sudden. Stop that, she snapped at herself. It was one thing to think about smiles and another to, well...do that. He wouldn't be the first man to 'believe in her' - this was the home of the Avengers. Steve Rogers was chock-full of 'believe in you' speeches and Tony wasn't that far behind (in his own spectacular way he delivered the speeches just as fine as Steve did).
But she met Bucky's gaze and felt her entire body warm up.
"So, um...what-what do you think I should do?" She asked. She crossed her arms over her chest as she fought the inner battle of her self-consciousness.
"Exactly what I just did. Use the sweep strike first then the downward thrust. You can't do the latter if you don't do the former. Try it," he tossed her the staff which she barely caught. "And use all of your strength. You should be fine with one blow because the staffs are pretty dense themselves. Try it."
Chloe clutched the staff with both of her hands. "I swear to God if you laugh—"
"Why would I laugh?" The smile on his face betrayed his intentions.
"How the hell are you friends with Steve Rogers, a.k.a. the nicest man on the planet?"
"I'm not nice?"
Chloe took all her annoyance and put it into her moves. She swept the staff down below but instead of doing what had been done to her, Bucky grasped the staff and used his grip on it to pull her towards him. She yelped when her entire body did a spin and her back hit Bucky's chest. "What the fuck just happened?" Her wide eyes blinked several times.
She felt Bucky's body rumble behind her as he laughed. She looked at their position, still trying to figure out how the hell it happened. His metal arm was wrapped around her waist while his other hand held onto her staff. As annoyed — and confused — as she was, there was a mighty tingle that ran down her back. If she stayed perfectly still, she could feel his breath tickling the side of her neck from his laughter. It seemed like she had a very good talent at making him laugh. She'd take it.
"Having fun there, Sergeant?" She looked up at him with a smirk on her face.
"Maybe," he admitted. He was. He really, really was. It was the first time he had a good laugh since...a very long time ago. He met Chloe's waiting gaze and found her delightfully close. Her pink lips were still curled into an alluring smirk that was begging for someone to cover with their own. He swallowed hard. That'd been a very dangerous thought.
"Glad to hear it," Chloe whispered, sounding a bit distant. Apart from the charming smiles and laugh, she was discovering the blue of his eyes. She was at a much better angle to gaze into them and she was not disappointed.
Someone cleared their throat at the head of the room, breaking them apart in a second. Bucky thanked his lucky stars that it was Dimples and not Steve because he wouldn't hear the end of it.
"I came to see if you needed some help with that stupid bet you made with Sam," Seren awkwardly folded her arms over her chest.
"I got it, thanks," Chloe was quick to say with a tight smile. Goodbye is what she wanted to say. Unfortunately, things went in a very different direction.
"I tried giving her some advice, but feel free to help her," Bucky pulled his arm from Chloe and handed her the staff back.
"Bucky, wait—" Chloe reached out for him but he was already crossing the room. She groaned as soon as he was gone. "Well thanks a lot, Seren!"
The ginger lifted an incredulous eyebrow at her. "What?" She didn't know whether to laugh or not. "I just wanted to help—"
"You could've helped by keeping your orange head out of this!"
"Chloe!" Seren frowned, one of her hands raising to her ginger hair. "That's not nice."
"Go tell Steve or something."
Seren rolled her eyes. "Chloe, you can't do that."
"Do what?"
"That. Whatever I just walked into, it shouldn't be happening." Seren shook her head, putting on that motherly tone Chloe often came across with. "It's not right and you should be focused on helping Bucky."
"Yeah, well, he didn't seem so against being that close," Chloe smirked.
"Chloe," sighed Seren. "I just feel like Bucky has a lot to deal with and you should try to help him not..." Her hands did an awkward gesture that had Chloe nearly laughing, "...you know...try to kiss him or something!"
"Oh, but would that be so bad?" Chloe bit on her lower lip. The more she considered the idea, the more inclined she was to it.
"Oh Chloe, don't set yourself up to get hurt," Seren genuinely wished her friend would think things through before she tried to do anything. She could only hope that Chloe would heed her advice.
~ 0 ~
He'd seen Chloe kick Sam's ass and seeing Sam's stunned face was such a priceless moment that Bucky would be placing it at the top of his best memories. Chloe had been so proud of herself that even the loser himself had to laugh with her in the end. He offered Chloe to buy her dinner there and then and while it had been a purely platonic offer, it fouled Bucky's mood in a second. He didn't want to admit it but somewhere inside he knew he seethed with jealousy that someone else had the opportunity to buy Chloe dinner and he couldn't.
It was just one of the many opportunities he'd lost because of Hydra. Losing himself was always the biggest loss he suffered but now that he was 'back' to the world, living decently he started discovering that there were other losses he hadn't even considered. Taking a girl out to dinner was just one of those losses he was discovering. And it hurt. For centuries the only pain he felt was an physical one and somehow that seemed to pale in comparison. This type of hurt was carried around all day, all the time, and enhanced whenever she was around. He could be near her for a few minutes before he had to make himself scarce to avoid any trouble.
Chloe noticed straightaway. She had hoped that after their moment training things would be better for them, maybe even their sessions would start again. She just didn't understand what the hell was going on with him. She started to think that Seren was right — Bucky simply had too much going on and she couldn't get mad at that. If anything, she just wanted to help him. Because as much as he tried avoiding her, she could tell when his thoughts were getting to him. It actually pained her to see him in pain.
You're going to drive yourself crazy if you keep going on this path, she inwardly sighed. She had to face facts. Whatever problem Bucky had with her, she would never find out. She simply had to move past it.
But as soon as she walked into the lounge room and saw Bucky pacing back and forth with a clear problem on his mind, she knew that it was going to be impossible. His pacing was slightly heavy with his feet dragging here and there. It was like whatever was going through his head was distracting enough to interrupt his walk.
"Bucky?" She called but, unsurprisingly, he didn't even notice she'd come in. She heard him muttering things but couldn't make out what he was saying. "Hey, Bucky!"
He said nothing but did wave her off, and rather harshly too. Chloe didn't think it was on purpose — something bad was occupying his mind and if she could take a guess, she'd pick Hydra as the number one option.
If she could see in his mind at that moment she would catch all the flashes of dark moments passing through his head. He'd been lucky enough to have most of these episodes at night (never mind sleeping) but today...he wasn't that fortunate. He couldn't rid himself of the flashes, the voices, the blood. It was overwhelming him.
"Bucky, c'mon!" Chloe sprinted towards him, catching him just as he turned around. "What's the matter—"
"I need to be alone!" He practically yelled.
"And I need to be stronger...apparently!" She said as he so easily walked her back in his pacing. "C'mon, talk to me!"
"I can't!" He finished his pacing once again and turned in the opposite direction.
Chloe watched him do two more rounds before she decided to help him whether or not he wanted it. He needed it. She waited for him to turn around again then promptly slapped her hands to his temples. Bucky blinked twice before a funny feeling came over him and his eyes fell shut. The 'funny feeling' wasn't anything to do with his latest affection for Chloe.
The memories started slowing down, giving him the chance to breathe for the first time since the last hour. He could see a warm blue glow around him that even though he had no idea what it was, it just made him feel good...relaxed. An odd faint noise filled his ears but it was difficult making out what it was.
"You're good, trust me," he perfectly heard Chloe's voice over the noise. He could open his eyes but for some reason he didn't want to; whatever power she had over him (her literal power) was much too peaceful to let go. With that mentality, his body easily followed her movements and before he knew it, she was gently sitting them on the couch, her fingers never once lifting from his temples.
"It's okay, you'll be okay," she whispered. He felt her forehead press against his just like she would in their sessions.
How long did he think he could escape anyways? She was just too close and...too helpful. As soon as he breathed in, he smelled her sweet floral scent again and that Moroccan hair perfume.
"Do you want to know something?" She suddenly asked and he was unsure whether or not it was to keep things from getting awkward or simply to share something to make him feel better. "The noise you hear? It's music."
"Is it alien?" The question slipped from him before he could realize. Still, it earned him one nice, soft laugh.
"No, it's completely human. These creatures I'm accidentally connected to...for some reason, when I feel them reaching out — whether or not they realize that I can feel them — and I know that they're in trouble, I just let them hear music. It seems to calm them down. I know it does the same for me when my head feels too crazy. Is it working for you too?"
"...yeah, actually, it is." Bucky could feel his mind clearing up little by little. Nothing was going at light speed anymore. His body was no longer tense...for the memories anyways. He opened his eyes to see Chloe with her own shut tight. She was deeply focused on the task. He'd spent a lot of time trying to avoid her so that this precise thing wouldn't transpire anymore...but he failed miserably. She was so close right now, one small movement and...
"I'm glad," she smiled lightly. "I told you that I knew a thing or two about having your mind invaded. I know that my troubles, my past, could never be as horrible as yours but trust me when I say that I would do anything to help you ease your pain. When Seren first found me, I was a wreck and she was so kind to me. She did everything she could to help me. I want to do that for someone too and despite your reservations about my abilities, I am happy that you gave me a chance for a time. I promise to do better."
"Chloe, I swear to you that I didn't end the sessions because of something wrong that you did."
Chloe finally opened her eyes to meet his. "Then why?" She whispered. "I thought...I thought we were doing good but then you..." She sighed. "You're honestly so confusing, and that's apart from everything else going on. You, as in you, are confusing me. One day you're helping me out win some bet and then you vanish from me."
"Yeah, I, uh, haven't been very clear..." And how could he be? He himself didn't know what the hell he was doing anymore. Like Chloe had said, that was apart from everything else. She herself was making him so confused. The sadder part was that no matter what he tried to do about it, it didn't help him in any way.
So really, what was the point in trying to do something about it if it wasn't yielding the results he needed? The words 'Just go for it' came too late as Bucky had already leaned forwards to kiss Chloe. She had a very small moment to be surprised about it before he was pulling away. Her blinking eyes locked with his. He was utterly guilt-ridden and yet, if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sorry for doing it. He was merely sorry for whatever kindness Chloe would rescind from now on.
"I know, you're done," he started pulling her fingers off his temples when she yanked them out of his hands. He sighed. "It's why I avoi—"
"No, be quiet," she was quick to bring her hands to his face, her fingers spreading over his cheeks. "This is why we talk, dammit. Use words." Because if had used words to explain, then she could've very well skipped the quiet admiring thing she was trapped doing. She offered him a smile that may as well have been the faint music she'd played in his head to give the same peacefulness. She pulled one of her legs onto the couch as she shifted her body closer to his.
She pressed her lips against his for a kiss that promised to last longer than the first. Bucky's mind went soaring with new thoughts and feelings. His entire body felt a raging swarm of sparks that if he'd still been just his regular self in the 40s, he would've called crazy. There was no girl on the planet that could ever do all that with such a simple act.
As it turned out, there was.
He just had to go through a couple decades first.
But here she was in the end, giving him such delectable kisses. He couldn't get enough of her. Even when her body was against his, it wasn't enough. His arms wrapped around her waist to hold her. Her hands had come down from his face to his shoulders, gripping them as tightly as she could which wasn't a lot in comparison to his strength. He wouldn't comment on that. He loved feeling that urgency she had to hold him too. It wasn't as one-sided as he once thought.
But it's still not right! The sharp voice was quick to scold. It was enough of to yank him out of the moment.
Chloe missed the warmth as soon as his lips were gone. "Hold on—"
"It's not right, Chloe. I have no right pulling you into any of this. I'm the worst candidate for you—"
"I wasn't aware that I had candidates," she made a face.
"Trust me," Bucky ran a hand down a long curl of hers. "You definitely do and each one is a lot better than what you have in front of you. I'm nothing but darkness and you don't need that."
"I would appreciate if you gave me the power to choose what I want and don't want." In any other case, Chloe would've been nothing but irritated somebody was taking decisions for her but this wasn't any ordinary case. She had to tread carefully and most importantly not invalidate Bucky's feelings. "Listen to me," she once again shifted to get closer. Her hands cupped his face and tilted his head towards her. "You have done dark things but you are not dark." Bucky was midway scoffing when she gripped his head a little tighter, forcing his gaze to stay right on her. "You feel. Whether it's gloomy and grim, you feel. You have remorse for things that you had no control over and that's more than enough proof for me."
"I don't want to pull you down with me," he whispered. "I'm drowning."
"Oh honey, who says I'd let you drown?" She smiled at him, hoping to get one back from him too.
He didn't. In fact, he couldn't look at her. "I don't need you helping me out of any affection you think you might have."
"Don't go insulting me sweetheart. The reasons for my reservations on helping you came from a source of self doubt. I get a lot of things wrong around here. I'm sure you've heard about that already," Chloe swallowed roughly. "And even if I had any type of affection for you, it wasn't the reason why I wanted to help. You think Steve didn't tell us all about you before he brought you here? Hell, you think that the world didn't know who you were in the 40s? I knew that you were good, alright? I knew that you were a good person who bad stuff done to them. So let me keep helping, please."
Bucky finally looked at her and when he did, all that Chloe saw was 'why?'. Why bother to help him at all? She shook her head at him.
"Because you deserve help," she said simply. "And I would very much like to be the one to help. And along the way, if you'd like, we could have some dinner or something...?"
A light bemusement crossed Bucky's face. "Hold on...did you just ask me on a date?"
"Oh, that's all it took to get you out of your moment?" Chloe felt her face warm up to an insane point. She would absolutely take it. "Then yeah, I am. When you are ready, I would love to go on a date with you."
"Ah, doll face, you have no idea how much I'd like that." There was an underlying regret in his tone but Chloe wouldn't let him get away with it. She'd found what would help him get out of his 'gunk' and she would use every thing she had at her disposal.
"Doll face?" She grinned. "Is that my nickname? Did you finally come up with one for me?"
"No," he said and watched her pout dejectedly.
"What? Why not? I like it."
"Because...because I already had one for you way in the beginning." If he was finally putting everything out there, he might as well bring out the last bit.
"What is it, then?"
"Princess. And to be fair—" He started just as Chloe's eyebrows quirked into a not so pleased reaction, "—I thought of that the first time I met you. You were an absolute princess. Long, curly blonde hair and rosy cheeks? Are you kidding me?"
Chloe rolled her eyes but the playful smile on her face helped him relax. She wasn't going to be upset over it.
"You make the perfect facial expressions, and — no offence — but you kind of seemed like an air head in the beginning." He laughed when she gasped in offence and shoved him on the chest. "I was wrong, clearly!"
"You're a jerk! No—" she jabbed her finger to his chest each time she spoke, "—you're a flirt, a-a show off and I heard that you're a know-it-all too!"
"Stop talking to Steve about me!"
"Take the nickname back!"
"I don't think I will," he declared. And there went the adorable pout. "Because it's not all to do with your appearance anymore. You're a princess, and if I was lucky enough...I'd call you my Princess."
Chloe's face softened. "I'd like that," she whispered.
Bucky's gaze lowered. "Me too..."
"So let's take this step by step," Chloe's hands once more cradled his head. "Let's focus on your sessions. We can resume them and do everything we can to ease your recovery." Her fingers gingerly brushed her fingers through strands of his hair.
As much as he fought it, he let his eyes fall shut. She may have had the softest fingers and, well, he had a lot of fingers comb through his hair before the war happened. (He would never in his life admit that to her though, not unless he was suddenly stupid).
"Can we do that?" Chloe's voice filled his ears once more. "Help you?"
'Anything you want' nearly rolled off his tongue if he hadn't caught himself. His eyes snapped open and before he knew it, he was nodding. He wanted her and in order for that to happen, he needed to get better. He couldn't be anyone's 'someone' if he wasn't complete. He would dare to believe that he did deserve some type of help. He had to because then it would make no sense for him staying alive after so much.
"Help me please," he whispered.
Chloe smiled softly. "Of course. But can you do something for me first?"
"What?" He knew something good was coming the way she blushed in an instant.
"Can you...can you smile for me?" Her sheepish question was outright surprising.
"It's just...I've seen countless pictures of you and people always said that you had a charming smile. Steve talked about it too. It's stupid, I know," she said, her eyes quickly darting to the side out of embarrassment.
While she was embarrassed, Bucky was soaring with smugness. "Really? Is that why you wanted to help me then? For one smile?"
"Shut up," she said quickly, her hand reaching up to her hair to tuck some of it behind her right ear. "Never mind. Let's just forget it and we can do another session or something."
"No, no," he reached out to her to stop her from getting off the couch. "You're doing so much for me, if I can pay with a smile then...why not?" He laughed.
Chloe blushed all over again but it all seemed to stop when he actually smiled at her. He did it with so much ease that she wondered at what point did he learn how to do it. Was he a young boy? Probably. It had to be.
"So c'mon, Princess, can I squeeze in a session right now?" He had the audacity to ask sweetly. He knew exactly what he was doing and Chloe would make a note to get him back for it later. "Well—"
Chloe practically lunged on him, her lips landing perfectly against his. Bucky swiftly caught her by the waist and pressed his metal hand against her back. He met her hungry kisses and matched them with his own. Neither really considered the idea that their impromptu makeout session could be cut short if someone were to walk in on and find them in their compromising positions. Chloe threw that thought out the moment she was able to wrap her legs around Bucky's waist and felt his hands roam her body. There was no concept of 'space' for either of them. All they knew was that they needed to be close to each other as possible and they suspected that this would be the reality for a long, long time.
Author's Note:
I swear that I'm trying to get my ideas sorted for this fandom and I'm not just writing crap. It just takes a while.
6 notes · View notes
rwbyremnants · 4 years
WARNINGS: roleplay, bondage, blindfolds, tickling, feet, undressing, shibari, dildo, first time, female ejaculation.
Hey guys, I know you came here for the smuts and I won't take up much of your time (or you can skip this author note, don't say you couldn't lmao). But there's a lot going on out there and it's pretty terrifying. If you aren't already doing all you can, visit this Black Lives Matter website for more information on what's up and how you can help. Thanks.
=Chapter 3
Little had seemed to change in the week following Ruby’s first encounter with Winter. She was still living with her dad, still trying to steal little Fènleng at every opportunity when she visited Yang and Weiss, and still searching for her own place.
Rather than return to the other side the country, Penny had opted to live with Ruby and Taiyang while they searched for jobs and apartments in Nashville, now that they had their degrees from university. As content with the arrangement the three of them were, there were many times when Taiyang would prove rather overbearing, often knocking on the door to check things were okay and ask if they wanted drinks, even when they had requested him not to.
Ruby had taken to her laptop once more, looking through various housing websites; just as she did every evening. "Hey, this apartment has two bedrooms, that looks nice!"
"I do not think we need two bedrooms," Penny mused as she sorted through the stack of job applications. They had sent resumes to several places online, but it didn't hurt to consider some minimum wage possibilities to tide them over financially. "Although, it might be nice to use the second one as an office, or a guest room…"
"Or when Fenny's a little older so she can sleep over, or we can get a green iguana and it could be its room, or we could just-" But the silence from Penny spoke volumes. Eventually Ruby stopped talking, looking back to the screen. "Rambling, sorry. But I'll keep looking!"
"You're fine, Ruby." It a simple statement, designed to let Ruby know that she had no problem with her rambling and no more. Then her curiosity got the better of her. "Why a green iguana?"
"Well, have you seen them? I think they'd be so much more interesting than a cat. Not that cats aren't cool, though!" Looking through more of the site's choices, her face seemed to light up yet again at another choice. "Hey, this one here looks really good! And it's in the middle of the city close to the-"
But right away, Ruby stopped. She had been about to admit it was close to The Clamp, the club which Blake had first taken her to when she was exploring. But at last minute, she remembered Penny didn't want to hear about such things. “Theeeee ice cream bar I like… yeah…"
Ruby's strange tone of voice did draw Penny's gaze up, but she hadn't quite caught on what she was trying to avoid mentioning. "There's an ice cream bar you like in midtown? Excellent. You'll have to take me there sometime."
"Huh? O-Oh… Yeah! Sure! Great." Now that had gotten her into a sticky situation. She'd need to find an ice cream bar in the middle of town now. There was certainly no way she could take Penny anywhere near The Clamp. Eventually she turned her chair to face her, leaving her house hunting for later. "How's your job search going?"
"Not great," she sighed, glancing between her own laptop and the papers. "But I have completed a few of these applications. Maybe an exciting beginning in the Walmart industry will be in my future."
"Well, anything is something! I have my savings for a deposit for a place, so we're not in too much trouble if we can't find anything." As always, Ruby was optimistic. She moved over to sit next to Penny on the bed and rested her head against her shoulder. It was a habit of Ruby's, leaning over to watch her as she browsed online.
The arm not occupied with the touchpad reached around to squeeze Ruby closer. She didn't even have to concentrate on doing it, so often did this habit come up. "What do you think about me trying to sell people phones?"
"Like at a kiosk or whatever?" she asked, looking to the job application she had open. A typical highstreet phone store needing another representative. "Sure! I think it'd pay better then Walmart, plus you get to be the one to tell people what's what."
"Indeed! I am satisfied with our current phone plan, but if they offer an employee discount… who knows?" Just then, she heard the telltale jingle of Ruby's default ringtone. That meant it wasn't Yang or Weiss, and obviously not Penny. "Oh, that's funny; we're talking about phones, and yours is ringing! How coincidental."
"Oop, so it is!" Pulling it from her pocket to check who it was, Ruby's face froze a moment. In plain view of Penny, the contact name was 'Winter'. "Oh… One sec."
“Sure,” Penny said in a casual tone. Though her eyes were wide, curious about Ruby’s behaviour.
Untangling herself from Penny's side, she stood again, pacing back toward her chair so she was a small distance from her girlfriend. Mainly for her benefit, and so she couldn't hear Winter should she start dirty talking straightaway. "Hello?"
"What are you wearing?" came the tinny voice, sultry and husky.
Yep, there it was. All that was missing was some cheesy saxophone music in the background and she could have been a late-night commercial for phone sex operators. Ruby's face lit a bright red, eyes as big as dinner plates as she looked back toward Penny for a split second, and then toward the ground as she talked in a hushed tone.
"You can't ask that right outta the gate! What if I was in public?!"
But Winter was already laughing. "You didn't actually have to answer, I was kidding. I'm sorry."
"Well, I would have answered anyway, but I’m not exactly alone." Glancing back at Penny for a moment, she gave a small grin to try and apologise, before looking away. "Penny and I were looking at apartments."
"Ahh." The voice sounded apologetic. "She… does know about our arrangement, doesn't she? I think you told me she does, but I want to make sure. I can be more discreet about contacting you if you need me to."
"No, she does! We just haven’t talked about the nitty gritty details, but she knows it's a thing. In fact…" Covering the phone for a moment, she looked toward Penny instead to ask. "Are you okay with me taking this in here? Or do you want me to leave the room?"
Though Penny did look vaguely uncomfortable, she smiled and said, "It's fine. We're all adults here." She hesitated, then added, "Tell Winter I say 'hello'."
"I'll make it up to you when we're done." Ruby assured with a warm smile, before turning back the other way to talk back to Winter again. "Yeah she's fine. She says hi, by the way!"
"And the same back to her," Winter chuckled. "I suppose I did call out of the blue so I should get to the point. I was wondering if you'd be available for a session tomorrow evening. Say, around six?"
"Tomorrow? I don't think I have anything planned. Lemme just double check," Yet again she covered the phone, and looked right back at Penny. "We have nothing going on tomorrow evening, right? I don't think your dads are here ‘til next week, are they?"
"Nope," Penny said easily. "You can set up an… appointment for tomorrow. I don't mind." Her smile was still a little awkward, but she wasn’t at all outraged or overly disgusted.
"Alrighty." Back to the phone again, she smiled. "Sure, I'm free! Guessing you managed to get rid of your roomie for a bit?"
"Indeed. In fact… I felt a bit regretful that you had to leave so late last time that I've arranged for my 'roomie' not to come back until late the next day. This way, you can sleep here if you're too exhausted to move afterward. And if it's alright with Penny, of course."
The implication was clear; Winter intended to really put Ruby through her paces in one way or another. And that idea was making Ruby blush yet again. Last time already seemed crazy to her! She didn't even know she was ready for more just yet. Swallowing, she nodded. "Cool, sounds good. You didn't have to go through all that trouble though, I don't mind."
"Too late," she told her carelessly. "But honestly, it's fine. So, can I expect you at six? That will give us time to stop and have a drink beforehand again. That seemed to help you de-stress a bit."
"Yeah, six sounds great. I'll ask about sleeping over as well, but it should be fine. I'll see you then!"
And with that, she hung up the call, tucking her phone away in her pocket, before she looked over toward Penny again. Despite her being alright with their arrangement, clearly stating she had no problems, Ruby still felt guilty about leaving her. She needed that reassurance.
"Are you definitely okay with this?"
Penny didn't look quite as easy-going as she did a moment before. "Well… alright. I suppose there isn't any harm, but I'm going to miss you while you're over there."
"I can stay." Immediately, she took her seat back next to her again, wrapping her arms around her and cuddling closely. "Or come back after, whatever you want. I mean it, if you want me to stop then you're totally okay in asking me to."
"I don't. I want you to enjoy sex. Since I do not, it's only logical for you to find somebody who can fill that need." After a breath, she added quite calmly, "Sleeping over there… isn't the same, but it also makes sense from a practical standpoint. You're already there, and doing something that's very… physically demanding. Even getting dressed and hailing a cab would be inconvenient, nevermind driving yourself home."
"There's a little drinking involved so I won't be driving." As if that would somehow make things better. But Ruby only continued to cuddle into her side, delivering a kiss to her cheek before she nuzzled against her neck. "But for real, if you don't want me sleeping there, I won't. I'll Uber it back home to snuggle with you. Because I'd rather you be happy than me have convenience."
"Honestly, it's fine. It's just less of a 'sex only' arrangement, that's all." She turned her sparkling green eyes on Ruby for a moment, gaze level and unflinching. "But I would appreciate you letting me know if things become romantic between you and Winter. Not that it will mean our relationship ends automatically; I can share you. But I won't share you without being aware of it."
"I don't want you to share me," Ruby insisted, looking back into the dazzling eyes of her loved one with honesty as she took her hand in her own, running her thumb over the top of it. "You're the one I want to spend my life with, not Winter. I promise that."
That brought an easy smile to Penny's face, and she leaned over to kiss her lips with great relish. "Not that I was worried about you leaving me, Ruby. I think we know each other well enough by now."
Then, uncharacteristically for the libido-less girl, she allowed herself something like a lewd smile. On anyone else, it would have just looked mischievous, but for Penny, she was practically winking and nudging Ruby in the ribs.
"Have fun with your playdate tomorrow, okay?"
Rolling her eyes, Ruby gave a warm smile back as she squeezed Penny once more. "I will, I'm sure. But for tonight…" She drew herself away, holding the top of Penny's laptop screen for a moment as though she were about to close it. "How about we go to bed early and snuggle up with a few episodes of Doctor Who?"
The smile turned joyful, and she placed her own hand on the side to help swing the laptop shut. "That sounds excellent! I think I've done all I can here, anyway. Shall we order a pizza?"
"You read my mind! Nothing to stop us having a really quiet, relaxing evening to ourselves."
At least, that was what Ruby thought. Until there was a knock at the door, and the voice of her father calling through, "Ruby, could you take Zwei on his evening walk? Make sure to take a bag!"
"…Nothing but picking up dog poop, I guess. Whee…"
This time, Winter was a lot more nervous about the things she had set up for Ruby's arrival. In most situations, she had a firm grasp of the scene they were setting up; how things would go, and what would be involved. What their roles would be. This time, she was operating with partial information, most of which had been hastily researched specifically for their evening. She had to hope for the best, and that she had not jumbled up anything in her mind.
When she heard the doorbell, she shouted, "COMING!" from the bedroom as she made sure a few last things were set up, glanced at the spare outfit hanging from the back of the door, and at the other one in the bathroom as she passed. Then she nodded to herself as she swept through the house to the front door, took a deep breath, and eased it open.
"Sorry I'm a little late!" Ruby hastily tucked a strand of hair behind her ear again. Once more, she sported the black and red skirt, only with a black tank top to go with it this time. Just the thing for the summer heat. But that didn't stop the knee high boots she always wore from making a second appearance. It was a little more casual than the first evening, a sign of Ruby's growing confidence; but still enough to show she made an effort. "The Uber driver took me the wrong way to try and charge me more, the jerk. He’s getting a frowny-face review."
"No, no, you're right on time," Winter chuckled. She herself was wearing a pencil skirt and a light blouse; a bit dressed up for their evening in, but nothing terribly fancy. "Really, if you came when we said, I'd have still been rushing around setting things up."
"Oh… Well, okay! It all worked out for the best then!" Ruby grinned, taking a few steps into the apartment so Winter could lock the door behind them both. Yet another evening with the building to themselves, thanks to Winter's mysterious roommate disappearing for the night. Strange how Ruby had never met them.
Pacing toward the sofa, she asked, "Oh, am I okay to take my boots off? They're clean, but just in case."
"Hm? Oh, please, make yourself comfortable! Do you want some help?" She gestured to the sofa, which would make a prime spot to shed the boots either way.
"Nah, I got it!" She took a seat at the sofa right away, unzipping her boots to place them one side of the table. Once more she was hearing the calming sound of the well-contained waterfall in the corner, a relaxing ambiance. "So…" Ruby began, sitting back in the chair. "Are we having a drink first again? Or going straight to it?"
"Whatever you like." She gestured toward the kitchen. "This time, I've made sure I have a few easy-to-microwave snacks on hand, if you're hungry. Much as I loved eating dinner with you last time, I… didn't want to assume you were after a longer 'date'. Especially if you wanted to get straight to it. Do you?"
"Huh… Well…" Slowly shrugging her shoulders, Ruby weighed up the options. The way she saw it, it was no different to the times back in college where her and her dorm friends would have a meal together before spending the evening playing games. Winter was a friend, nothing more, nothing less. "Snacks sound great! So we can chill."
A pleasant smile spread across her face, almost one of relief. "Good. That's… that's good. Well, I don't know how you feel about spinach-artichoke dip and pita bread, but I do have other options if that doesn't sound appetizing to you."
"Hey, I’m game!" She tried her best to sound genuine. In truth, anything to do with vegetables wasn't the most pleasing of things to Ruby. But for Winter, she would make an effort. The least she could do was try it and then have another option should she not like it. Plus, they had drinks. "Got anymore of that strawberry ale? That was really nice."
"Restocked it just for you," Winter said over her shoulder as she went into the kitchen.
As it turned out, the dip with pita bread turned out to be a rather pleasant snack. That alongside some mozzarella sticks made for a wonderful snacky meal between them, accompanied with light conversation and one or two drinks to get them feeling at ease with one another. Both had began chatting about various subjects together; work, living at home, even Zwei.
But as they got down to the last of the bread, the subject had changed to college stories. This one in particular, an embarrassing tale about how Ruby managed to walk in on one of her dorm-mates. "All I wanted to get was my DVDs back, I didn't expect to walk in on Pyrrha pinning her boyfriend against the wall! Ever since then, I made sure to knock a lot louder if Jaune was ever over."
"Goodness!" Winter chuckled, wiping a drip of hummus from the corner of her mouth. "Sounds like a disaster narrowly averted to me!" Sighing, she thought that over for a moment before saying, "I wish I had an experience like that. My university was here, so there was no need to live in the dorms."
"Oh it was a blast! Even if me and Penny weren't typical sex-crazed dopes, we all had good laughs. And teased each other whenever we could. Pyrrha and Jaune never lived that down, I’ll put it that way." She continued to giggle to herself, finishing off the last bite quickly once finished with the tale. But just before she took a swig of ale to wash it down, she laughed and added, "I think Jaune was more worried we were gonna tell people that he was clearly the bottom, fragile masculinity and all that."
"Oh? Interesting…" Her head tilted to one side - a bit more than it would have done without the pair of martinis she'd ingested. "Have you ever wondered how it is that… I mean, look around you. I'm your Dom, Blake and Sun go to the club, too… Qrow was there the once. You ended up having quite a few kinky people around you, even though it's not a very typical 'hobby' to have. Isn't that funny?"
Finishing up the last swig of ale, she nodded as she put the glass down. "Yeah! It's a crazy world… maybe kinky people all just gravitate towards one another without realising or something. Who knows?"
"Could very well be," she admitted as she glanced at the half-empty container of dip. "Now then. I have a little something special planned for this evening, but we don't have to get to it right away. What would you like to do next?"
"Special?" That piqued Ruby's interest. Special like the costume Winter had prepared last time? Possibly something on those lines, given the rather mischievous look on her face. Giving a small smile of her own, she crossed her legs. "What kinda ‘special’ are we talking?"
It seemed Ruby was ready to progress their evening. Waggling her empty glass back and forth a few times, Winter then set it down and stood. "If you're ready…?"
"I can be.” Standing and holding a hand out toward her, she said, "Lead the way."
Down the hallway they went to the three doors that branched off to both bedrooms and the bathroom. However, instead of opening the door to her room, Winter gestured to the loo.
"You'll find a change of clothes in there," she told her sub formally. "By the time you've changed, I will have, too - but please knock just in case."
"Alrighty; I'm meeting you in your bedroom, right?" she asked, opening the door to the bathroom and about to step inside, though she lingered around for Winter's answer. She had to double check.
"You are. See you sooooon…" The last syllable was drawn out as Winter waved at her, a twinkle in her eye. With a sly wink of her own, Ruby entered the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her. For a moment, she had to giggle to herself as she stood against the door, composing herself.
A special surprise, huh? I wonder what it could be. Looking to the towel hangers in the room, she spotted something that could be what Winter had in mind. A long, black robe hanging from one of them, hanging alongside a school uniform. When she walked over to inspect it, she found there was more to it; specifically, an emblem on one of the pockets.
"Hufflepuff! Wait… Is this an official robe?!" It was. Ruby knew rather well how expensive some of the merchandise could be, but Winter had bought her an official Harry Potter robe regardless. Her house, too! She also clearly expected her to wear it for their session today, however, which lead Ruby to wonder… what could the evening possibly entail?
Doing as asked, Ruby slipped off her clothes and put on the robes. Taking a moment to neaten up her appearance in the mirror, she was satisfied and ready to go, leaping out of the bathroom with excitement. Once at Winter's door, she gave a quick knock.
"You may enter."
When Ruby did, she beheld a room completely transformed. A curtain hid the bed entirely from view, and everything else… it looked straight off the sets of the movies. Fake wood paneling covered the floor, a huge old steamer trunk sat nearby, and dark-hued tapestries and paintings did a fantastic job of hiding the normally-pristine walls. There were a couple of very authentic-looking school satchels propped against the wall, and right in the center…
"There you are," Winter said without looking up from the bubbling cauldron set in the middle of the floor. She, too, was dressed in a similar outfit, although finished off with knee-high black stockings and brown shoes. Her own colours were the blue-and-bronze of Ravenclaw, and she was, indeed, flicking a thin wand over the top of the "potion" she had brewing. "I thought your detention would be finished hours ago."
"Holy…" Ruby took a moment to look around in awe. How on earth did Winter manage to do all this on her own? And it was all for her; a fantasy from her favourite books, all hers to live out. She really was someone who went all in to impress their partners, it seemed. Quickly remembering she had a role to play, she stood upright and looked right toward Winter again rather than the look of the room. She could focus on being thunderstruck later.
"U-uh, yes! Well… Lockhart had me signing a bunch of fanmail… it took a long time, got super boring."
"Sounds as if it would be. Oh, and this owl came for you…" She handed over an envelope, one made of yellowed parchment. The address on it was her actual home address, but it was written in calligraphy.
"Oh, thanks!" Taking it from her, Ruby took a moment to inspect the beautiful handwriting. Even just the envelope was a sight to see, and they had barely started! As she gently broke the wax seal at the back, she leant forward to ask out of character before she read what was inside, "Can I keep the envelope?"
"Of course, since it is yours," Winter said in an impatient tone… one that seemed to be equal parts Hermione and McGonagall. The letter read:
Welcome to Hogwarts! Hopefully you can forgive me if I mess up something here or there, you know this is all new territory for me. But I did a fair amount of research; I am a professional! There was a winky face there, which was such an odd thing to see in calligraphy that Ruby had to giggle. Today's safeword is "Muggle." Please do not be afraid to use it, either just to tell me you prefer or don't prefer something, or because you don't want to continue this scene. Otherwise, I'm going to continue to behave as if this is all very real, and you will do the same.
Have fun! -Princess
Muggle, huh? Ruby thought to herself. She really has done her research. This was exciting! A real practice this time, where only that word was her safety net. Ruby was determined to make the most of this new role and play along - not to mention curious to see just how much research Winter had done.
To test, she tried a simple question: "So what's a Ravenclaw doing outside their dorm past curfew?"
The look she fixed Ruby with was withering. "You're the one that needs tutoring with potions, Rose. But if you'd prefer I go back to my own rooms…" She began to move as if to stand up.
"O-oh I… Um, yes! Guess I do," she admitted instead, wandering over to the boiling cauldron. How was Winter keeping it bubbling like that? She didn’t feel much heat. There were so many questions, but it was all as magical as the book world Winter attempted to recreate.
"Good. Now… this Disappearing Solution is through the first phase of ingredients. What's next, do you remember?" Winter's free hand gestured to a carrying case of fake potions ingredients that stood open nearby. Most of the tiny phials looked like they simply held coloured sand or beads, but it was enough to complete the look.
"Disappearing solution? Hmm…" If that was from the books, she couldn’t remember it. Maybe it didn’t matter. Straightening her glasses for a moment, she looked to the “ingredients” Winter had prepared, wondering what would create the better effect for the boiling liquid. In the end, she went for the green food colouring.
"I believe it's goblin’s blood next, right?"
"Exactly," Winter said with a grin. "Go on and add it - not too much, though."
Opening the phial, she allowed a couple of drops to enter the cauldron. Just as she anticipated, it was the right amount to change the colour of the water, to show she'd achieved the goal. Satisfied, she grinned. "Done! And it didn't blow up this time!"
Her Ravenclaw tutor had to suppress a laugh at this, but she managed. "Very good, yes. You'll get an A in Potions yet."
Of course, she meant this to sound complimentary, but she didn't know that an "O" was the most desired grade. Ruby was quick to point it out, chuckling to herself as she reached for a flask of yellow sand to keep herself temporarily occupied. "Don't you mean an O, miss? That's what I hope to get." But, she couldn't help but smirk, muttering to herself under her breath, "In more ways than one…"
Winter scowled at her. "What did I tell you about correcting me while I'm tutoring? That's one punishment you've earned when we're through… keep it up, and I'll add a few more." Clearing her throat, she recomposed herself and consulted the large, old book beneath her. It looked to be some kind of encyclopaedia volume or an atlas in which she had stuck a few pages of notes in the centre. "Now… we let this simmer for two minutes, then add… what, Rose?"
"Sorry miss! We add… U-uh…" No doubt Winter would want to add more and more punishments to the list, and in truth, Ruby was rather curious about that prospect. What kind of punishments would a Hogwarts tutor exactly use? Holding up the flask of sand to her view, she shrugged her shoulders. "Powdered Mandrake, miss?"
Winter pursed her lips, as if deciding to be mean on purpose, or to be more fair. "Very good," she finally said. "But I would hope you'd remember it faster than that by now. Well, go on, shake it in there."
"O-oop! Right!" Taking off the cap, Ruby added a much larger amount of sand to the mixture than she did with the colouring, seeing how it mixed in with the water below. Two ingredients down; how many more was Winter willing to add? But then she thought of something else she could do, and grasped the wooden spoon that rested to one side, giving the “potion” a good stirring for a while to make sure the sand mixed well.
"Gently!" she was warned, with the wand pointed at her. "You don't want to go too fast, or you'll set it off again! Honestly, you're a hazard to our health!"
"S-sorry, Mistress! I thought it would be more viscous." She tried to play along. Once satisfied, she allowed the potion to settle before reaching back to the pack of supplies once more. Perhaps Winter would want other conversations to keep them going, and to stick to the theme. "So… I hear you're doing well in Charms? That's pretty good to hear."
"Potionus Brewus," she said to the cauldron as she waved her wand over it - then sticking her tongue out at Ruby, a briefly out-of-character moment. They both knew that wasn't anything like a spell from the movies or books. "Yes, indeed; the professor says I'm getting top marks. I heard you're improving in there, too."
Having to suppress a laugh of her own, Ruby continued to stand upright as she nodded to her tutor, taking a fake feather from the pack. One that had obviously been painted to look like it belonged to Fawkes, the phoenix from the movie. As she held it above the mixture a moment, she smiled. "Yes! It's probably my better subject. That and Care of Magical Creatures."
"Oh! Don't add that!" Winter warned her with wide eyes, the other hand coming up as if to stop her. "A feather would upset the balance! Ruby, what are you thinking?!"
So she was going to be a little mean. Bringing her hand away from the potion again, she held the feather still in her hand, keeping it still. "But, I thought a few strands from a phoenix feather give it that longer lasting effect? It's better than troll hairs, right?"
"Yes, longer lasting, but only in the hands of an experienced witch! If we do anything slightly off, it will go up in our faces! Again!" Sighing, she snatched the feather away, pointing it at Ruby. "That's two punishments. You know we aren't ready to begin messing with the ingredients list, we're only fifth years!"
So they were in the same year in this scenario? Interesting. It was all little things for Ruby to play with in their fantasy together, things she could use in conversation. Deep down, Ruby would be more than happy to roleplay an entire scene without the sexual part, to live in one of her favourite fantasies for an evening. But the prospect of more sex, if it was going to be as amazing as last time, made it better.
"Well, what would you do to finish it?!" she asked, putting her hands on her hips. "It's not my fault I'm trying new things!"
Rolling her eyes, Winter sighed, "How is it not your fault when you're the one doing it? You sound like a Slytherin." Her head nodded to the phials. "Just use the troll hairs. We're not trying to impress anyone, just getting it done so we know what we're doing in class."
"Alright, alright!" She finally rolled her eyes, collecting one of the phials Winter had prepared. This one seemed to be a few trimmings of her own silver strands of hair, only a few inches long each. Probably from a recent haircut that she had saved specifically for this event. Taking the cork out from the bottle, she poured its contents straight in with the rest of the mixture, before taking the spoon once more to stir.
"That's better." After a few minutes, she sighed and eased her legs apart, moving them off to one side instead of folded up together. "So… how are things with that girl in your dormitory going? The redhead who looks like a Weasley."
"Oh you mean Pe- The Polendina girl?" Maybe that would be a better way to keep up their illusions. Unable to help herself, she smiled happily at the mention of her name, taking the spoon out from the potion and lightly tapping the few drops off of it. "Well, not too bad. But I think she's still a bit anxious towards me. She was startled when I told her I was sleeping in your dorm."
Glancing around with an alarmed expression, Winter hissed with a finger up to her lips. "Shhh! We don't want that getting around, do we?" Clearing her throat, she set down the wand to smooth down her blouse and necktie. "Alright. This is nearly done, so… would you like to mark the results down?"
Her hands moved to one of the satchels and pulled out a ladle and a large potion bottle, complete with stopper. With a mildly disinterested look, she nodded at a roll of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink that lay near the potions ingredients.
"Yes, yes of course, Mistress." That name seemed to be an odd habit. Mistress. It suited her well enough, even if not for this particular role. Still, there hadn't been a complaint yet. Taking the roll of paper and the quill, she dipped it into the inkwell, about to press it into the page, when realising she hadn't a clue how to write that neatly. "Um…" she muttered to herself, still paused with the long feather in her hand, trying to hide the drops of ink that splattered on the page by writing as best she could. Which unfortunately, was very messy.
As Winter blew across the liquid resting in the ladle, waiting for it to cool off to put it in the bottle, she glanced at the page and winced. "Dreadful. No wonder I'm always fixing your essays." Then she poured it in and stoppered it. "There, this is for you to turn in tomorrow. I'll pour one for myself."
"Sorry," she muttered again, finishing up the last few words before she took the bottle to set near her paper. All there and ready to go for their “lesson” at a later date.
"Good, Rose. That's brilliant. Now…" Glancing up as she turned down the burner under the cauldron, she favoured Ruby with a smile. "Are you ready for your punishments now, or will you take them later?"
A good question again. Two punishments awaited Ruby at some point, and the more she thought on it, the more excited she was to discover what they would be. Biting her lip with a smile, she shrugged her shoulders again. "Right now will do, Mistress."
Stoppering her own potion bottle, Winter chuckled to herself as she tucked it into the ingredients case and closed it. "I see. In that case… I think it's time we practice a little spellwork, don't you?"
With careful attention, she began to move the cauldron and the burner it sat upon closer to the wall, to give them more room. Ruby could now see that Winter had been sitting on the cord that led to the nearest outlet. Not quite as magical as anticipated it seemed. But it was probably for the best that the burner was switched off before they got into play. A fire would be one of the worst distractions. Focusing her attention back on Winter again, she stood upright, quickly adjusting her glasses once more.
"What kind of spells?"
"Funny you should ask…" Only briefly checking the pages in the middle of the book again, she swished the wand at Ruby and cried, "Petrificus totallus!"
Ruby knew a lot of the spells by heart – including the petrifying curse. She immediately stood straight, arms flat against her body. Taking a very quick glance just to check there was nothing presenting a danger behind her, she then allowed herself to fall back, falling to the ground with a FLUMP!
"Shit!" Winter breathed very quietly at the sound of her hitting the floor, but then cleared her throat. "Good, good. That will help with the punishments a lot." A smirk touched her lips. "Blink twice if you can understand me."
"Owie…" Ruby couldn't help but whisper to herself, slightly shocked at how the fall had hurt. But it wasn't serious at all. And within a few seconds, she looked up toward Winter again, blinking twice as commanded.
"Excellent. You are now at my mercy, Rose." Walking around her on a slow circle, she granted an occasional view up her skirt.
The lack of underwear was enticing. Something Ruby hadn't expected. She couldn't help herself, eyes following as she paced slowly around her, until the naughty sight was no longer visible. Then her focus went back to Winter's face. But rather noticeably, her cheeks were redder than before as she tried to lay as still and stiff as possible.
"Let's just… yes, I think that would do nicely for a start." Squatting down - and again, presenting Ruby with a brief flash of flesh before her legs were in the way again - Winter rolled Ruby over onto her stomach. Still having to remain stiff, Ruby allowed for Winter to manipulate her in this way, curling her hands into tight fists. Something to keep her focused for the time being.
Once she was face down and secure in that position, there came the sound of Winter rummaging in one of the satchels. When she approached again, she said in a clear voice, "And now… Incarcerous."
The spell was accompanied by the feeling of something slithering over Ruby's bare calf. Something thin, but made of a type of fabric.
"Hmm?!" Unable to see what was happening, or even ask, Ruby was forced to put up with whatever Winter intended for her. Feeling the strange fabric seeming to crawl over her legs sent a small shudder up her back, making her bite her lips to try and suppress any sounds.
Now that the effect had been established, the work had to be done. Next, Ruby could feel a long, thin rod being pushed under her arms and stomach; it felt similar to the material that had teased the backs of her legs, but not quite the same. Then a thick knot of what was surely… rope. It had to be rope, there wasn't much else it could be; a thin cord maybe half an inch thick, at the most. Blinking in shock, Ruby had no choice but to be bound. It wasn't just to hold her steady, it had a pretty appearance, too.
Once Winter was done, Ruby was still left on the floor in her previous position, waiting patiently for Winter to lift the first spell. However, she did not… quite yet, anyway. Instead, there was another muttered spell: "Obscuro."
This time, thin fabric slid down over Ruby's eyes from above, settling into place and blocking out all light. Blindfolds as well?! Winter really was going all out with her new sub this evening. Now Ruby couldn't move, even if she tried to! What else could Winter possibly have in store? A gag?
No. They hadn't established a signal for that. Winter wouldn't make things that extreme just yet; they would need to build toward it. That came with just as much relief as it did disappointment, but perhaps some day…
"There," she sighed, trailing the very tip of the wand up and down the back of Ruby's thigh. Tying her up had bunched the back of her robes off to one side, which looked quite awkward but did at least reveal more of her shapely legs. "Now then… Finite petrificus."
Finally she was allowed to relax her body. And she did so, first by testing the bindings; pulling this way and that, she struggled against them as much as she could, discovering they were holding well. Now she really was at Winter's mercy.
"Oi!" she called out, struggling again. "Are you mad?! What if Filch catches us?"
"Shhhhh!" Winter warned her. "Or else I'll use a…" Another pause to glance at the book. She really was trying her best, even if she hadn't quite memorized every detail she would need. "Langlock on you!"
That shut Ruby up. Trying to look toward Winter as best she could, she struggled against the bonds on her hands again. More than anything, it was to make a show for Winter, to display how helpless she was. Something she hoped she would like. "What are you gonna do to me?"
A low chuckle floated out as she grasped Ruby's ankles and raised them up. "Well, first I have to finish what I couldn't with you stiff as a board like that." Then she began to tie the ropes around her ankles, much in the same fashion she had done around her sides and wrists. They actually connected to the tie around her wrists, in fact.
What an embarrassingly compromising position! Any effort to move her hand would surely result in exposing more of herself, revealing her in the process. Even if she was still wearing her underwear, it wasn't exactly something she wanted to display so easily. Wriggling again once it was tied, she turned her head toward Winter.
"I-it feels… good, Mistress."
At that, Winter frowned, but it was clearly a theatrical one. "Aww, what kind of punishment is it if it feels good? Oh well… guess we'll have to move on to the next one." More rummaging sounds came from nearby.
"Oh, I-I mean, u-uh…" Ruby stuttered. She meant to try and please her master, not further annoy her into making more punishments for her! Still trying to look around foolishly, she listened carefully for what her mistress was doing, unable to hear anything she could identify.
"Are you ready, Rose?" Winter demanded as she drew closer again.
And then came the feeling of her socks being pulled off. Seemed she had no choice but to see what Winter had in store for her. Swallowing, she whispered, "Yes."
There was a brief pause, and a quiet chuckle to herself. Then Winter bellowed, "Rictusempra!"
And without a second's delay, suddenly light, teasing sensations were sliding up and down the sides of her legs, over the soles of her feet, even briefly over her wrists and knuckles.
"Wha-haha! Hahahaha! Hehe hahaaaa!" Right away, Ruby was laughing and giggling loudly, reduced to a squirming mess on Winter's bedroom floor. She couldn't escape it! Whatever Winter was using for her spell was tickling her most sensitive areas, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
"Ahhh, this seems to be doing the trick!" Winter cackled as half of the sensation moved to the back of Ruby's neck, while the rest continued to slide from ankles to knees.
"Hahaha! No! S-stop! Hahahaha!" But from the silly grin on her face and the immense laughter, it was unsure to tell if Ruby really did want her to stop or not. She continued to squirm as best she could, trying to shrug her shoulders to keep Winter away from her neck, but failing miserably. She could do nothing about any of it but squirm, and wait till Winter was done.
Or use their safeword... but no, she didn’t want to chicken out. Not just yet and not so easily.
"Oooh, I think I- I mean, the spell has found the parts where Ruby Rose is most ticklish!" A little giggle followed as the teasing bits poked into her ear briefly, but only for a second before returning to the back of her neck. Meanwhile, the other half returned to her toes, swishing back and forth at a rapid pace.
"Hehehe! Nooo! I-it hahahaha I-it's too, haha! Much!!!" But Ruby was absolutely powerless, no matter how much she wriggled away from it. It just kept coming, over and over again, making it difficult to keep talking at all. She felt her toes flexing, fists clenching to try and hold on.
After another few seconds that felt like an eternity to the poor girl, Winter said in a bemused voice, "Finite Rictusempra." The sensations all fell away. "I may have to use that one on you again; it's great fun, and great practice."
It took a few extra seconds for the sensations to die down, and the poor girl to go slack. Finally she could lay against the floor and catch her breath, panting heavily to do just that. Whatever Winter used to tickle her certainly did the trick.
"Goodness me," Winter said, in the "Hogwarts Student" accent and tone she had been using most of their play. "I didn't think that would have that great of an effect on you, Rose! How do you feel?"
Ruby eventually tried to look back toward her again, giving a small smile and a nod back at her, and attempting to make a thumbs up gesture with her hand. While she was still breathless, it was just enough to assure she was feeling alright enough to continue, just exhausted from the tickling.
"Ooh, glad to hear that. Do you want to feel… better?" The question was vague, but had a distinct implication of what kind of "better" Winter might have meant. As she asked that, the thin, cold length of her wand passed up and down the outside of Ruby's calf. Thankfully, it wasn't the same type of sensation she'd just put up with moments before.
"B-better?" she finally had the breath to ask, leaning to try and look toward where Winter was touching. Not to much use at all. She assumed Winter was using a wand, given the texture of it, but couldn't be too sure. Whatever it as, it felt good to give her the attention she craved. She wanted more. "Yes, I.. I think so."
The sensation moved down until it was trailing over the backs of Ruby's thighs, over each inch with the lightest touch. Eventually, that meant pushing her skirt upward along with it. There was a light gasp from Ruby as she was being exposed all the more to Winter, able to feel the cool air caressing her thighs right up to her rear cheeks. Something sharp and warm closed around the blade of her foot as what was presumably the wand kept taunting the back of her thighs.
Had Winter just… bit her foot? The "Mmmm" that vibrated against the skin would seem to suggest she really had. Unable to help herself, Ruby curled her toes again to test the sensations. Sharp teeth were still present, biting against her flesh. Why Winter would be so interested in one of her feet was beyond the Hufflepuff girl. But it was happening, and not too unpleasant, either.
Then she could feel the wand right against the lining of her undies, causing yet another gasp. Noticing the gasp, Winter answered it - for what turned out to be the wrong reason. "Sorry, just watching these wiggle around during the Tickling Jinx… I felt like a cat watching a mouse try to escape. Made me want to attack."
Another bite, this one softer, just in case Ruby had not enjoyed the first as much as she let on. But yet again, Ruby wriggled her toes back and forth against the sensation. It was certainly interesting, and if Winter enjoyed it, she couldn't argue. In fact…
"Does Mistress like my feet?" she asked, trying to suppress a giggle.
"How dare you accuse me of that, Rose!" Winter cried out, again in her "Hogwarts" accent. Then, playing it up for effect, she pitched her voice so that it would sound very slightly nervous, combined with a lot of budding desire. "I wouldn't… like such a thing…" Lips grazed over the sole near where teeth had just clamped down moments before.
A small smirk graced Ruby's lips again as she waved her toes, very gently moving her feet back and forth. "It feels like you do… Is that a kiss I feel there?"
Unbeknownst to the tied-up girl, the blush that crept into Winter's cheeks was not at all staged. Not so much because of the topic, but because Ruby had discovered one of her secret kinks: a sub teasing her as a Dom.
"N-no," she breathed, kissing again, and harder. "This… it isn't what you think, you silly Hufflepuff…"
"I think it iiiis," Ruby continued, and once again wriggled her feet in a teasing manner, curling her toes on occasion. "I think you're a foot worshiper, aren't you?"
The teasing was working far more than Ruby knew. Her cheek nuzzled the wiggling toes as she breathed, "Stop, you… you can't know that…"
Obviously, she wasn't very convincing, so she decided to try to distract Ruby by pressing the wand inward against her centre again.
There was another small gasp inward as Ruby felt herself getting touched directly. Right against her panties with the wand, and it was so hard! An unfortunate side effect was how it made her think of possible other things that could go in there… Such thoughts were making her grow warmer, wetter. She found herself biting her lip, trying to suppress a moan.
"You like that, don't you?" Winter breathed, turning the teasing around on her sub now as she rubbed the wandtip up and down her sensitive lips through the thin material. "You like it when I expelliarmus your panties off."
"I… don't think that's how the spell works," she commented, but continued to squirm under Winter's movements, trying to shuffle herself away from the wand for the sake of her dignity. An attempt that failed miserably.
"I think it is." Of course, Winter didn't know for sure, but for the moment it didn't matter. "And… I think it's time we go a little further, don't you? I can't leave you tied up all day long." Her lips quirked. "Or…. can I?"
There was no response to that, other than Ruby clearly swallowing. There were advantages to her remaining tied for the evening; Winter would have full control, Ruby would simply have to go with the flow. But the disadvantage of remaining tied was that Ruby would still be clothed. It would be rather difficult for Winter to do anything to her.
"In fact… I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. Oh, wait…"
And there was a strain of light laughter as all pressures disappeared from the rest of Ruby's body, and she heard shoes clopping away from her.
"Huh? Mistress? …Winter?!" Upon hearing Winter walk away, she tried to look around yet again. Curse that blindfold! There was no way Winter would just leave her tied up and sightless, was there?!
Apparently, there was. The room was entirely silent for about five minutes; not even the sound of a ticking clock to break up the silence. There were distant sounds in the rest of the apartment, so at least she knew Winter was still around there somewhere.
Left in a compromising position, bound and blind, Ruby had no choice but to wait out her time. Shuffling yet again, the bounds held tight. Escaping that way was out. She could attempt to yell out the safeword… "No, she has the room soundproofed. She wouldn't be able to hear me." There wasn't anything she could do, other than try and get comfortable and await her master's return.
"Ahhhh," Winter sighed softly as she reentered the room. "There's my favourite pupil, right where I left her. So patient!" The voice grew closer, and to one side of Ruby. "Did you have a nice break?"
"Winter?!" It was as though Ruby was barely able to believe she'd got back from the shocked tone of voice. Squirming yet again against the bonds, she groaned, "That wasn't funny! You just left!"
A hand patted her backside - perhaps a little harder than was necessary, but still nowhere near a spanking. "You were fine, I'm sure. And I brought you a little treat, too…"
"What if I needed the bathroom, or had a panic atta- wait, a treat?" she asked, yet again making a futile attempt to look.
"Yes," Winter cooed. "A treat for Rose. Here, I'll give you a hint…"
And suddenly, there was a sharp, ice-cold sensation directly between her thighs. Not quite high enough to reach anywhere more sensitive, but not far off, either.
"HAAAAH!" Yet again, Ruby tried to shuffle herself forward and away, squirming almost as much as she had when she was tickled. "What the heck is that?!"
"The question is, do you like it?" The object turned very slowly, and that revealed that it was round. Also, wet; she could feel moisture running down the inside of her legs to the floor.
"It's freezing!" Ruby truly hadn't a clue what was being placed on her skin. The more it turned, the colder it was. There was no way that she could get away from it. "Seriously, what is it?!"
Giggling, the object was removed and brought around to Ruby's face, and chill, smooth glass was pressed up against her lips. "I fetched you some refreshment."
"God, it was freezing…" Ruby continued to comment, although when feeling the edge of it touch her lips she puckered them ready to take a sip, waiting for Winter to pour it gently. So Winter tipped it up for her, the other hand pressing gently against her forehead to help her head remain upright while she swallowed.
"Do you like?"
Taking a few sips from the glass, she welcomed the strange gingery flavour, with a hint of cream. It was a flavour she didn't recognise, but a good one. Finally trying to turn to one side once she'd had enough, she sighed. "That was nice, actually."
"A little butterbeer to quench your thirst."
Then soft lips were replacing the mouth of the bottle, pressing in so gently it was almost as if they weren't there. Relishing in the small kiss for a moment, Ruby hummed contentedly. And then realised; Butterbeer! That had to be imported either from Florida or from the UK studios. Winter really got some just for her to try? How much was her master willing to spend on her sub?
When their lips parted again, Winter whispered, "Fancy any more, Rose? Or do you want to be out of these ropes quicker? Your choice."
Again, the choice. She could be out of the ropes at last, to be free to either end their play there or finish in a simple manner. Or, they could make things more intense. Once again, she got thinking; what if she wasn't wearing clothes under the ropes? What if she was tied and naked, an item for Winter to just freely use? It was an exciting thought, one that brought all the more heat to her sex. Her Dom hadn't even seen her naked properly – not yet. But that didn't stop Ruby from egging her on.
"Don't suppose you have a spell to get me naked in these ropes, do you?"
"Hmm…" A few seconds ticked by with Winter thinking that proposition over. Then she leaned down and whispered, "Muggle," before slightly peeling up one side of Ruby's blindfold so she could see her.
Finally she could see. Blinking to adjust to the light again, Ruby made eye contact with her Dom, tilting her head questioningly. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no," Winter assured her immediately with a gentle smile. "But I wanted to ask… would you rather we stop this play and strip you? Or do you want 'Winter the Ravenclaw' to be more hardline with you and tell you 'no'? I have… ideas for either choice." That word being stressed made it sound an awful lot like Winter wasn't bluffing.
"Ideas?" It certainly got Ruby's attention. If she had plans either way, then there was nothing to lose. What did Ruby want? Truthfully, she wanted to remain in the fantasy world they had created. To be the small, helpless student at the mercy of her Ravenclaw tutor. Perhaps not a teacher, but it was close enough to her darkest fantasy; she could pretend. Biting her lip, she smirked mischievously.
"Well… I do like Winter the Ravenclaw…"
Chuckling at the impish grin on her sub’s face, the Dom traced her fingertips through Ruby’s hair. “Maybe we can reach a compromise. What if we keep the scene ‘paused’, and I untie you and strip you as quick as I can? Then we’ll ‘unpause’, and act as if it’s all been a spell to undress you.”
That was exactly what Ruby wanted. There would be no way they could actually remove clothes through the bindings, but it would be the closest thing to her potential fantasy. A brief moment to simply set things up for the next scene. Giving a nod, she tried to shuffle her hands again.
"Sounds good. You don't have to tie me back up as pretty as this if you don't want to."
"Oh, I'm a shibari master," Winter informed her. "Without feigning the spellwork, I could redo that in five minutes or less. But I also have some other apparatus with which to hogtie you again if you'd rather not wait."
"You really do have everything here!" Ruby teased, flexing her fingers slightly as Winter began to loosen what was on her. Finally her arms were freed, then she moved on to her feet. Shrugging her shoulders, Ruby smiled. "I gotta admit, I'm curious. But I think going back to the ropes would be better for the pausing thing."
"We can do that another time. I mean, if you're still enjoying our arrangement." As her hands raised up and began helping Ruby remove her "uniform", she added, "Believe me, I have an entire closet full of possibilities, and a fairly empty social calendar in the evenings and on weekends. There will be time."
"As long as your roomie's okay with it." Ruby continued to help with removing her clothes, unbuttoning her shirt gradually for her pleasure. Although, while they were on that subject… "How come they aren't here, anyways?"
"Out making themselves scarce." When Ruby only quirked an eyebrow, she snorted, "They know what I get up to here, and that under those circumstances, I appreciate having the place to myself. Don't worry, no one's going to bust in on us."
Smirking again, she gave a rather taunting wink back to Winter. "Do they have this sort of arrangement with you?"
Luckily for both of them, at that exact second, Winter had been about to undo the black-and-yellow necktie from around Ruby's collar. Instead, she grasped it and jerked her forward so their bodies were flush with each other. She gazed straight into her silver eyes.
"That… would be asking me to breach a Dom-sub nondisclosure agreement. And you wouldn't do that… would you, Lady?"
The mischief vanished. All Ruby could do was look back into Winter's eyes with a mixture of fear and arousal. She really did have her wrapped around her little finger. "N-no, ma'am! Sorry!"
But in a way, it answered her question. Otherwise Winter would have outright said no, rather than calmly avoid the question. But there was a new question she now asked herself out of curiosity: was Winter a Dom or a sub with this mysterious roommate?
"You're forgiven." She kissed Ruby's nose briefly. "And no harm done. I just don't want you prying into that kind of thing too much, or getting into the habit of doing it at the Clamp, either. It's… impolite, and could get you hurt if you do it to just the wrong person."
"Okay. Understood, yeah… won't do that," she backtracked, sliding off her skirt and tossing it aside. It was a fair point on Winter's part that she shouldn't pry into people's business. Anyone could be dating anyone, for numerous reasons. It wasn't for Ruby to know, and she had to protect them as much as she would want to be protected.
Moving on to the task she was looking forward to, but equally nervous about, she reached her hands behind her to the straps of her bra. Pulling it together to prise it free, she allowed it to slide off her arms, revealing her modest chest to Winter. Releasing the necktie, having opted not to take it off after all, Winter reached down and traced her fingertips around either side of the erect little peaks.
"Ohhh… have I told you lately how much I enjoy your form? All of it… and I'm straight six days of the week!"
"I guess I'll have to note down Wednesday is your gay day." Ruby giggled to herself at that little joke. But the hands on her chest were irresistible. She found herself having to lean forward against them, smiling contentedly when soft thumbs moved over the tips. So soft, even when she was at her mercy.
"Guess you will." Her smile slipped on one side. "Actually, I'm sorry you haven't been here in a couple of weeks; I was waiting for some of these supplies to come in. Plus there was a lot going on at the office."
"It's fine! Don't worry about it." Taking a moment to stand still and recover, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and added, "I can imagine things are hectic right now with Fènleng on the scene. Yang mentioned they've had a few people at their door asking dumb questions so I can't imagine how much more you've had if you're the middle man."
"It's…" Winter reconsidered what she had been about to say, hands pausing on Ruby's stomach. "Well, not exactly a 'PR nightmare', but it's made a lot more work for us. But that's shop talk, and you're here to play." Her hands glided around the waist, index fingers dipping just under Ruby's waistband.
"Yeah but, we're paused." She held onto Winter's hands for a moment to stop her, looking up into her eyes to catch her attention. "You can talk to me, y’know. I'm not just a sub, I wanna be a friend to you, as well."
For whatever reason, the insistence from Ruby made the taller woman blink down at her with some surprise. "Of course you aren't just a sub. At the very least, you're my sister-in-law. But even more…" Her fingers came up to caress the soft apple cheek of the girl in front of her. "You're already my friend. Just a… new one."
Smiling back gratefully, Ruby allowed one of her hands to hold Winter's against her cheek still, leaning in against it. "Good. So if you want to talk about whatever, we can."
Is this delving into romantic territory? she thought to herself. That was one of the major rules Penny had against their arrangement. No romance; at least, not without telling her. And though she insisted it wouldn't happen, here she was - just about naked, looking up affectionately to Winter. In a very similar manner she would with Penny. Was it a step too far?
Perhaps Winter had recognized that, as well, because she smiled a bit wider and gave Ruby a light kiss on the forehead; one more like Yang would give her than Penny. Obviously, it was a move to tone down the emotional vibe between them. "No, no, I'm finished. It's nothing I can't handle." Then she reached the other hand down to squeeze Ruby's backside. "I'm much more interested in finishing our scene than rehashing crap from the office."
"Oooh…" Clenching her rear muscle slightly against the hand, Ruby purred with surprise. But alas, she too was far more interested in reaching the end of their play than anything else. That didn't mean she wasn't going to ask later, though. "Alrighty." Finally letting to of Winter's hands, she smiled mischievously again. "I believe you were removing my undies?"
"Yes. Let me see you stripped." The fingertips raised up again, pulling at the waistband until it began to slip downward. Ruby was prepared for this; below she was freshly trimmed, making everything neat and tidy for her Dom. Assisting further, Ruby stepped out the underwear once she'd lowered them enough, letting Winter place them with the rest of her clothes.
Then for the last item. Her glasses. Taking them off and folding them neatly, she quickly leant over to put them down on one of Winter's desks. That was something she couldn't risk throwing among the pile.
"You could have left them on," Winter chuckled softly, eyes sliding up and down her flawless form. "The whole 'Potter' thing. But it's okay if you don't want to have them in harm's way, should things get… vigorous."
"Yeah, was kinda worried about it." Though stepping away from Winter again, she reached to pick up one of the ropes on the floor, innocently handing it toward her. "Speaking of which…?"
A wicked grin flashed across her face. "Ohhh, I am gonna enjoy this."
And she did. In a matter of minutes, she had Ruby hogtied on the floor again, the ropes tied in such intricate, visually appealing patterns up the front of her, above and below her breasts… around her hips, ankles, wrists. Everything was tight, but not so tight that it would be uncomfortable or cut off her circulation. She really had done this many times… or had it done to herself many times, at the least.
Right away Ruby assumed her role, faking a nervousness in her voice. "I can't believe you’ve done this! How can you be sure Filch won't walk in?"
"Because I magically locked the door!" Winter snapped, walking around Ruby in a circle now. Completely missing Ruby’s meme reference. "But of course, we both know you don't mind this as much as you're pretending! Isn't that right, Rose?!"
Struggling again against the bonds, she looked toward her master once more. Still slightly nervous, but more excited about what was to come. Winter was right. "I'm not giving you that satisfaction!" she shouted back, tugging at her ankles. "Not when I could tease you more!"
And Winter's eyes flicked toward the ankles and back. "Hah! As if that's…" Another flick. "Stop changing the subject! I have you tied up, and I'm going to make sure you remember it!"
Yet again, Ruby curled her toes and flicked her ankles again, smirking to herself. Even in character, it was beginning to grow more obvious just how well it was working, how attracted to her body Winter was. This really was a “gay day”.
"Oh I'll remember," she goaded. "I'll remember how much you can't resist me!"
After a second, Winter whispered under her breath, "Damn. Forgot to put the blindfold back." She bent over at the waist and quickly tugged it into place, then breathed, "Sorry," before straightening again.
"Ow!" With how quickly she tied it she had managed to catch a few strands of hair. But it was enough that could be ignored. Besides, she knew she was obviously getting to her master. "You really do, huh?" She grinned. "Wow, I never expected how much you did!"
"Do what?" Winter hedged, back in her "Hogwarts" accent once again now that she had fixed that minor mistake. "Do want to tease my trussed up turkey?"
So it wasn't working anymore. Growing nervous again, the grin was slowly vanishing from her face, where she bit her lips nervously instead. "A-and how… how will you do that?"
Satisfied that her ploy to distract Ruby had worked, both in and out of character, Winter chuckled. "Oh, I have a special spell for that…" There was the sound of rooting through a satchel once more, then a page being turned nearby. When she returned, she knelt by Ruby's side, seemingly ready to proceed.
"Are you ready for the ultimate in witchcraft?" Even to her own ears, the line sounded silly, but she hoped her sub wouldn't mind too much.
Swallowing, said sub leant her head against the ground and resigned herself. Winter was going to have her way, and there was nothing she could do to stop her. No more teasing. Eventually she nodded, waiting for what she would do. "Yes."
"Good. First… Engorgio!" Of course, there was no actual sound of the spell taking effect, but Winter paused as if there were. Then she breathed, "Now, we are ready."
An instant later, something textured and semi-firm was brushing up and down the insides of Ruby's thighs. Suddenly Ruby's muscles tensed up again. That felt a lot thicker than her wand did… Maybe Ruby's idea that Winter would use some kind of object to tease her wasn't so far fetched after all. And that spell…
"What is that?" she asked. "Why does it need to be bigger?"
"It's something just for my Rose," Winter cooed, trailing it higher and higher until it was within a hair's breadth of her moistened lips. "She's going to take it… ohhh, she's going to take it deep."
Clenching her muscles closed again instinctively, her eyes opened wide behind the blindfold. There really was something going inside her tonight. Something big, and as she said, something that would get deep. Biting her lip nervously, she shuddered at the thought.
"O-oh… wait, be careful! I've never, um, had anything that big before!"
As it began to edge its way between the folds, Winter cooed, "First time for everything. And you can't do a thing to stop me, tied up like you are…" As it delved a little further in, she continued to taunt her. "You don't want me to stop anyway, do you? Yes… yes, you're really looking forward to this. To me opening you up."
Feeling it right against her lips had her breath quickening. And Ruby wasn’t lying; she really hadn't had anything too big inside her body. Nothing bigger than two fingers, at least. And from the feel of whatever Winter had, this was going to be a fair bit bigger. Would it cause damage if Winter rammed it inside so quickly?
Biting her lip nervously, she had to call up out of character, "Winter, I'm serious. Just… Go slow? At first?"
"I'll do what I want, you Hufflepuff!" Winter snapped. But the latter was clearly added to remind Ruby that they were, after all, still playing out a scene. At the same time, the object ceased its slow, inward progress and instead began to shift back and forth very slightly.
Ruby gasped shakily. This was really happening! And by Winter's gradual pace, it was going to head deeper and deeper, even if not right away.
After another moment of teasing her body, preparing her, it began to push in again - and there was more resistance. Winter seemed to hesitate, then placed a hand on Ruby's shoulder, stroking up and down for a moment. She was waiting for a signal; should she continue, or did Ruby not want what was about to happen to happen under these unusual circumstances?
But there was no response from Ruby. She seemed unaware of what was truly happening within her body. What was being pushed against. That was until Winter pushed a little more, and could feel something give. And that something had her wincing fairly loudly. A sharp, intense pain, like something had torn.
"Muggle! Muggle!!"
The presence inside of her vanished, and Winter pulled up the blindfold, cradling her face in both hands. "Are you alright?!" she demanded the instant they could establish eye contact.
Ruby’s legs closed tightly, eyes clenching shut still as she bore the pain. Already she could feel her eyes watering, but she held herself back. She couldn't cry in front of her dom, that would ruin everything! "What the heck was that?! It felt good, then… then something felt weird, and it really hurt, I just freaked out!"
"Why didn't you tell me?!" Winter snapped, somewhere between angry and sad. "I'd never have done it this way if I had known – you should have disclosed to me before we ever had our first scene!"
"I did!" She finally managed to open her watery eyes again, still holding herself back. It was more from that sudden pain than truly feeling sad. "I said I'd never had anything that big! I didn't know taking things bigger would hurt!"
"Then you… really didn’t- alright." Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get upset, but… it's unusual that you would have taken anything in without clipping the hymen. But now it's done, so… so there's no use in crying over spilled milk."
Oh… THAT'S what that was, she thought to herself, sniffling as she looked back down toward the ground. No wonder Winter was so upset that she didn't know; it was something that no one could give her back. Blinking a few times to try and clear her tears, Ruby shook her head again before she looked back up to her.
"Sorry, I had… I had no idea. Like, I thought that only- I d-don’t know what I thought. Sounds like my school's sex ed fucking sucked, huh?"
But of course, Winter saw the sparkle of wetness on her eyelashes, and frowned further. "God, Ruby… I would have done this so differently. If I did it at all! I should have- well, I say I should have looked, but that would be pretty strange. I'm not your gynecologist." She traced her fingernails through Ruby's hair. "Are you okay, though? Do you need me to untie you?"
She shook her head again. "No! No I don't want that. I mean…" For a moment, she looked to one side, instinctively leaning her head against the hand that was fussing through her hair. Even when her hands a moment ago were teasing and enticing her, they did just as good a job at calming her right down, relaxing her.
"I was really enjoying it. So hot, even if kinda weird. I just… I didn't know it would hurt that much. Will it still hurt? Or is… that it now?"
"It might still be a little sensitive," Winter admitted. "But the worst of it will be over now. I'm so sorry this had to happen this way, with you tied up, and…" Bending low, she kissed the top of Ruby's head. "Virginity is such an overrated thing, anyway. It doesn't matter in the slightest. What matters is if you're enjoying yourself."
"Well, I've heard of people ripping theirs when riding horses and stuff. That's why I guess I kinda assumed I didn't have one or something, with me and Penny doing stuff in the past…" But after a short while, she finally parted her legs again, into the same position they once were. And with a small nod, she smiled. "I do wanna keep going, though."
A very soft laugh floated out of Winter's throat, betrayed as it was by her sad eyes. "You're a real trooper, Ruby Rose. And… when we're finished with our scene, I have a treat for you - not a 'Lady' treat, but something I think you'll like." Clearing her throat, she leaned down to kiss her head again before reaching up to the blindfold. "Ready to begin?"
That made everything all the more sweeter. Winter wasn't angry with her after all; that enough was plenty of relief for the smaller girl. As things went, it was probably the best outcome for the loss of something so intimate. Even if it wasn't Penny, it was someone she trusted deeply. Trusted so much, she wanted to continue until the end. Nodding, she smiled.
"Okay." The blindfold came down to eclipse her vision again. Seconds later, she whispered, "Begin play" for good measure.
"Alright, Rose," the colder voice snapped as the foreign object began to push its way into her once more. "I'm about to change your entire world."
Yet again, her breath quickened. In the blink of an eye, Winter could go from a calming presence to a merciless Dom. It was something she adored, but also feared at the same time. Winter truly was a mystery. Biting her lip as the object slid past her defenses, she took another breath in preparation. .
And this time, it wasn't stopping, even if the pace was as gradual as before. Moreso, in fact; Winter seemed to have taken Ruby's newly-discarded virginity into consideration, even if her character did not.
"Ooh, look at you taking all of this… every last inch of it. You really were dying to have me invade you, weren't you? Such a naughty Hufflepuff."
When it slid past the point that hurt last time, there was a small shudder that went through her body. But not one of pain. One of pleasure. One that was made so obvious when she looked outward blankly against the blindfold, moaning out rather quietly.
Humming with satisfaction, Winter manoeuvred herself around to one side, positioning herself with her head just above where her wrists and ankles were hogtied so that her arm could get a better angle. As could her vision; looking straight down, she was just able to glimpse what she was doing to Ruby's sensitive sex.
And within a few more seconds… "There. All the way filled. How does that feel?"
"It's so big…" she half-whispered, half-moaned. Whatever Winter had used to fill her insides truly was larger than anything she had ever taken. And when she tested it by clenching her muscles even tighter against it, she found herself moaning outward again, arms quivering in pleasure. Which in turn, caused her ankles to twitch, as well.
Which Winter did notice, but she was determined to ignore. That was a separate play for a separate occasion; Ruby was experiencing being filled for the first time, and it was her duty to make sure the orgasm was one of the best she'd ever had.
"Do you like it this big?" Winter demanded of her, turning the thick shape within her very slowly. "Does it touch you in ways you didn't think you could be touched?"
"Oooohhh…" she strained out once again. It truly was teasing her in all the right places! And as she rotated the object, it was touching all the more of her, brushing against her inner walls in new and insane ways. "Yes!" she moaned, clenching her muscles down onto the object. "God, it really does, Mistress!"
"Good," Winter cooed, bringing it around to the original position. Then she began to slowly pull it back out of her. Inwardly, she hoped Ruby would say something if this was moving too fast, but her Dom persona certainly wouldn't stop to ask at that juncture.
It certainly wasn't. The sub found herself missing the sensation of being filled again. She wanted it back in there, back deep. Was something wrong with her to crave something so depraved? If there was, she didn't care right now. Especially not when she made a silly attempt to move back against the object.
However, unbeknownst to Ruby, her Dom didn't think it was silly at all. It filled her with a tingling of lust to see the girl, newly christened a woman, so eager to participate and enjoy these foreign sensations. So she slowly began to ease it back inward - though it was a fair bit faster than the time previous.
Yet again, there was another strained moan. Feeling it re-enter after a brief period away was so good! Far better than she ever expected it to be! And with the speed growing even faster than it had before, it hit all new places, teased all new parts of her. She loved it. Maybe she really was growing more corrupt, craving more obscene things for her body.
As she watched Ruby writhe below her, Winter held onto her shin with the free hand, to steady both of them. With more leverage now, she began to push it in and out of Ruby at a faster pace, listening to the sounds it was beginning to create.
"She's so wet," Winter cooed at her sub. "Wet and ready. Mmm, next time I'll have to drink her… bottle her up as a potion, perhaps." A particularly jerky thrust, just for variety. "A potion of lust."
"Hah… Ah…" The moans were continuous now. As Winter continued at a faster pace, her callings of pleasure were syncing up perfectly – a melody to rival that of her Dom's sister's singing, all summoned by the movements of that object pumping in and out of her. She no longer cared what it was, just that it wouldn't stop. Not until she got the finish she was craving.
As Ruby writhed and moaned, enjoying the pounding that was heightening her pleasure with every pass, Winter found herself with a small, unexpected problem. There really was no other way for her to continue to do what she was doing, no other angle from which to best deflower her – not without rolling her over, anyway, and that would be too painful on the poor girl's limbs. Therefore…
She was stuck face-to-feet, staring at what Ruby had been using to tease her earlier. Not glancing at them very often was working so far, but the faster she slid her instrument of pleasure in and out of Ruby, the more the toes curled and uncurled. Would they prove impossible to ignore, after all?
"Oooohh!" And that got particularly worse when Winter hit one spot. When she angled against her spine slightly, something felt even better than before, causing Ruby to yell out in even louder pleasure. She was already beginning to sweat before, but this was making her fists clench… and toes curl in as tightly as they could.
Hot breath caressed over Ruby's ankles as Winter began to feel the effects of her exertion, having to thrust into her over and over with the as-yet-unnamed object. She may have been in fantastic shape, but even she would sweat during a workout. And bringing her sub off definitely qualified.
"Do you… like it right there?" she asked, trying to replicate the effect with her next thrust.
Thankfully, it did. Rather perfectly, in fact, as the poor erstwhile virgin called out once more, growling with delight. "Yes!" she called loudly, grinning with glee. "Yes! Oh Winter, again!"
"Yeah! Yeah, that's right, again!" Licking her lips, she leaned even further down to better angle her shoulder, so she could deliver the maximum thrust possible once they really got going…
And felt a big toe writhing back and forth against her cheek. How was she supposed to ignore Ruby being so cute and squirmy? This really was testing her limits as a Dom; it was part of the reason she preferred to be on the receiving end most of the time. Temptation was hard to fight.
Something else was growing hard to fight, as well. Ruby's overwhelming need for her finish. To further tease Winter, though not with her intent, her trussed legs were beginning to shudder and quiver right by Winter, toes vibrating again right by her cheeks. "W-winter!" she called again, allowing herself another moment to moan. "I-I'm so close… I-I'm gonna- ah!"
The temptation would not win; Winter loved seeing and feeling the wriggling toes, but she could resist that long. It was easy. She was nothing if not professional. "That's it, Rose! Let it happen; let me conjure your orgasm here and now! Shout for me, squirm and shout! Be a good little Hufflepuff!"
All Ruby had to do was clamp her muscles onto the object again, and she was done for. The Hufflepuff turned into a quivering, shuddering mess on the ground as she called out loudly, straining against the ropes as her muscles pulsed with pure joy. As expected, her last little occurrence when she finished was not a one off. Being laid on her stomach, any of the fluid she secreted went straight against the ground, the ropes, or on the object; coating it with a different kind of fluid. It was far beyond her control.
And though Ruby could not see it, Winter was watching all the while, eyes wide. However, rather than being revolted, she was smiling, mouth very slightly open. What a glorious sight! Knowing her sub's climax was so powerful she couldn't help but squirt that way filled her with pride. A job well done.
Top marks.
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isitstraightvodka · 7 years
Welcome Home
For @dadshirtking​ and @happilyinlovewithharrystyles​, enjoy, my babes!
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It was great to have Harry home for a while. One Direction were on a small two-week break from their tour and your boyfriend chose to spend all 14 free days with you. It was hard having him go away from many months but you supported him 100%. You knew how much he loved his career. It wasn't a job to him. He was living the dream and you saw how happy he was on stage with his three brothers. And you couldn't be more proud of him.
It was early September on a cool autumn night in London as you cooked dinner when you heard the sound of his keys in the door. It swung open and there he stood with bags on his shoulders and a smile on his face when he saw you. You abandoned the food and flew across the room, laughing as he dropped all of his bags and welcomed you into his arms. You leapt onto him, wrapping your arms and legs around his body, burying your face in his chocolate curls.
"Hello, baby. Missed me?" His voice sent shivers down your spine. So deep and slow and perfect.
"Mmm-hmm. So much." You mumbled. You brought your head back and quickly found his lips, pressing yours down hard on his. His sweet sexy taste intoxicated you and you immediately craved more. Your arms were tight around his neck and your legs squeezed his hips as his arm went around your waist while his other hand rested on the back of your head, sighing as you kissed him. Harry walked forward and you found yourself being placed down on the marble counter, slowly breaking his lips away.
"I missed you too, gorgeous." He smiled, laying a kiss on the tip of your nose. His expression changed and he looked at you with curiosity.
"Mmm, what's that wonderful smell?"
"Tacos, babe. Your favourite." You said.
"God, I love you." He whispered, kissing your jaw before going over to see what you had prepared for dinner so far.
You slid yourself off the counter and brought your fingers to your lips as you admired the profile of Harry's back. He was only wearing jeans and a white button-down but he made the simple look completely flawless. You walked over to him and circled your arms around his waist, resting your cheek on his back. He laid one of his hands over yours and relaxed in your hold.
"You OK, gorgeous?"
"I've just missed you. So so much." You murmured. Harry turned around in your arms and placed his hands on your waist, kissing your forehead.
"I know. I've missed you too."
You glided your hands up his chest and undid the first button of his shirt, allowing the top of his butterfly tattoo to be shown. You would be lying if you said you hadn't been sexually frustrated for the months that Harry had been away. You had been craving him and now that he was back home, he was all yours again. You tilted your head up to kiss him, gently deepening it as he clutched your waist, pulling you closer.
"Aren't you hungry, baby?" He asked.
"Yes. But not for food."
With one hand on his neck, you fumbled with the button of his jeans with your other fingers. A low growl came from the back of Harry's throat, setting your heart on fire. You managed to turn off the cooktop and gasped as he pushed you forward, lifting you back up onto the counter. Harry took the hem of your dress in both hands and you lifted your arms up so he could tug the material over your head. You weren't wearing a bra and the only clothing you had on was a pair of white panties. His eyes glinted with desire as he devoured your breasts with a single look. He stroked your left nipple and smirked when you sucked in a breath. You couldn't handle it. You grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him to you, wrapping your mouth around his, tangling your tongue with his as he ran his hands over your bare back. He left wet sloppy kisses down your neck, paying extra attention to your breasts, making your cheeks flush as he swirled his tongue around your nipples. You moaned as he moved further down, his fingers playing with the lace of your panties.
"Raise your hips, baby." He demanded. You did so and he pulled the panties off you, sliding them down your legs. Harry wrapped you up in his arms and let you stand on the floor while he went down on his knees, caressing your inner thighs with his fingers.
"Please, kiss me, Harry." You begged. He began to stand up but you shook your head and made him go back on his knees.
"No, kiss me there."
His eyes grew dark when he realised what you meant. With his hands on your thighs, he leaned in and kissed your wet folds, making you throw your head back in pleasure, your hands curling in his hair. His tongue did wonders down there, moaning so loudly that you didn't care if the whole city could hear you. It felt so good and you had missed this feeling so much. You whimpered his name but he only licked you more, tasting you, his fingers digging into your soft skin but it was wonderful. Your legs were so wobbly. The pleasure you were feeling made it so difficult for you to keep on standing. You took hold of his face in your hands and pulled him up to his feet, slipping your tongue into his mouth, the flavour of your own juices making you kiss him harder.
In a matter of seconds, Harry was naked like you and he had pinned you down on the kitchen floor, your legs bent up on either side of him and your chest heaving up and down in anticipation. He locked his hand with yours while he opened you up tenderly with the fingers of his other hand, making you buck your hips up.
"Tell me what you want, gorgeous. Tell me." He said.
"You, Harry. I just want you." You sighed, practically aching to feel him. He pressed his lips together and hovered over you, giving you a warm kiss as he opened you up a little more. You turned your head to the side and bit back a moan, the sensations of his fingers within you driving you over the edge. Harry pressed a couple of kisses to your neck just as he pushed himself into you. You let out a small scream and craned your head back, your eyes squeezed shut and your heartbeat going crazy. It had been so long since you felt him but you remembered the feeling straightaway. So warm and big and making you feel so good. The kitchen floor wasn't exactly the most comfortable place for your back but Harry being inside you made it worth it. It burned a little because it had been a long time but it was a good burn. A burn that you knew wouldn't last for very long. Adjusting to the feel of him didn't take as long as you had expected but you still had to adjust yourself. You kept your hips elevated, one arm throw around his neck, your fingernails deep in his flesh, as he start to pound in and out of you. The burn was still there but Harry silenced your load moans with his lips, laying loving on your mouth sweetly.
"That's it, baby, just relax." He whispered, stroking your left thigh gently, kissing you again. You sighed and breathed a little slower, taking in your boyfriend's smell, trying to relax as you got used to the feeling of him inside you again. He hitched your leg up higher, allowing him more access, as he sped up a little bit, moving his lips down to your neck, right on your fast pulse. His fingers tightened around yours, keeping you safe in his grip, making sure that you were fine the whole way through.
"Just let go. I'm here, just let go."
The soothing tone of his voice was the final piece as you felt that first orgasm rip through you. You wanted him to kiss you. You wanted to feel his lips on yours. You let go of his hand and wrapped all 10 of your fingers in his hair, pushing his head back so you could crush your mouth against his. Harry picked up the pace, your legs wrapped high around his waist and your tongue in his mouth. The words "harder" and "faster" flowed from your lips, your teeth latching onto his bottom lip, tugging on it with force that he almost drew blood. He growled like an animal and kissed you without mercy, slamming into you with no warning. You screamed his name, the tiles cold on your back and the burn in your body setting everything aflame.
You didn't know how long you were making love on the kitchen floor. All concept of time was lost every time he slid into you and made you reach your high over and over again. Your fingernails left deep marks in his muscular back and your butt and thighs were marked with red fingerprints from your lover's large hands. One thing you knew for certain: it was so wonderful to have him home.
His arms were warm, his chest was warm, his breath was warm, his lips were warm. He was just so warm. You could stay in his embrace forever. Both of you were hot and tired from lovemaking and were lying on the couch together, a thin blanket draped over your waist, covering the lower half of both of your bodies. You traced one of his swallow tattoos with your fingertip, marvelling at the detail of the ink. Harry laid his hand over yours and played with your small fingers, pressing kisses to the tips of them.
"We've never had kitchen sex before." You said.
"That's true, we haven't. Did you enjoy it?"
You looked up at him and nodded with a smile. You laid your head in the crook of his neck and rested your hand on his chest. The post-sex time was so relaxing because all you and Harry wanted to do was just curl up together and talk until one of you fell asleep. Sex with him was like a drug you were addicted to. You craved it a lot, especially when he was away. Now, you had him all to yourself again and you wanted him for as long as possible. You let him know that by kissing his neck softly, shifting your hips to the side, feeling his member on your leg.
"Can we do another round?" You suggested.
"Oh, baby..." Harry chuckled and you looked at him with big eyes. He brushed strands of hair away from your face and ran his thumb over your swollen pink lips.
"As much as I would love that, you look far too exhausted to do it again. I think it's time for you to sleep." Harry got up from underneath you and wrapped the blanket around your frame, easily scooping you up in his arms as if you weighed nothing. Your home was in his arms, you just felt so safe there. His lips touched your forehead as you closed your eyes, letting him carry you to the bedroom.
The soft pillows hit your head and you smiled softly when you felt Harry climb in beside you, his arms around you and his chin on your shoulder, leaving one tender kiss there.
"I love you, gorgeous."
"I love you too, Haz." You whispered as you entered the world of sleep, protected and warm in the arms of your handsome boyfriend.
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