#and i just made this key illust :)
stepswowdsen · 4 months
【KagePro】 Kuroha x Envy Baby ♦️ ♥️ 🃏
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"I'm ready for this this lover baby My garden of love is in danger from a drawing hand Truly, this this lover's crazy In the garden of harm, the bud of a human is a lie-ai-a"
(EN TL by Magenetra)
You can see the translated lyrics above! Magenetra has the best translation of Kanaria's Envy Baby
Original Song by Kanaria (illustrated by LAM)
Envy Baby Fan-cover by Utaite Mafumafu
Envy Baby Fan-cover by Raon Lee
Envy Baby (Douman UTAU Jinriki) by Doskoi Tsukimiyama
My doodle is based on the Envy Baby MV illust by LAM, and Mochizuki Kei's illust of the Mafumafu (Utaite) fan cover. Their art styles are so strong… LAM has a great painting style, and MochiKei has really strong lineart and colours
Raon Lee's fan cover of Envy Baby is my personal favourite! She has such a powerful belting voice and I love her growls. Since she's fluent in KR, JP, and EN, she makes really good translations/song lyrics for her song covers.
Kind of a shame that the card covers up the dots on his face, but oh well 😭 Quick 1 hour sketch cuz I just wanted to get the concept down, I'll draw more interesting patterns on the balloons and playing card eventually
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Literally no one fits this song more than Douman (FGO). Envy Baby is a song about "twisted love" and love being an obstacle, with the center character being drawn with clown and circus motifs.
Douman is an evil gay clown demon (major FGO antagonist) who hates humanity and doesn't understand love, but after being defeated by Ritsuka (FGO's protagonist), is trying to learn how to love this human. LimGuda (Douman (Limbo) x Ritsuka (Guda)) is spicy as hell and deadly romantic... My fave FGO ship forever!!!
It is PERFECT for Douman and the LimGuda ship.
But I wanted to try my hand at a Kuroha crossover.
Also cuz Tsukimiyama already drew a Douman x Envy Baby crossover with their gorgeous art (and also did a Douman UTAU jinriki cover). For a UTAU jinriki, the tuning is nice ^^ They have a great painting style. I LOOOOVE the Douman UTAU fan-cover sm... UTAUs are fan-made Vocaloids, and the people who make UTAUs and UTAU jinrikis usually make art and tune their fan-covers as well ^^
The only second runner ups that I can think of who would fit this song almost as well as Douman, would be Nikolai (BSD), another GNC gay clown - go figure, and Tyki (DGM) due to his playing card aesthetic.
Funny how the song starts with "Hi I wanna people save" All these bitches are doing the opposite of people saving LMFAO They're murderous as hell!
When I'm free, I wanna draw JuAli soon I miss them weh weh...
This is mainly KagePro but since I mentioned the others, I might as well tag them...
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bedbathbrainfart · 3 years
Yael and Mulwarra
Hello readers! My apologies that this post is late, it will be the last post in the storytelling series other than my concluding remarks. Thanks for reading!
“Yael and Mulwarra” in Ancient Tales for Modern Kids Stories From Far Away Places. Illust. Vesna Krstanovich and John Mardon. 43-52, Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2000.
Yael and Mulwara is an Australian tale about a bird spirit who lives in the sky world, and knows little about humans despite being half human himself. For the spirits who live in the sky world humans are clumsy creatures who lack grace and power. One day during his flying, Yael notices a rather graceful human walking along a cliff and watches as she slips and falls off. Yael rushes over and catches her mid-fall, returning her to safety on the solid ground. Once the girl regains her senses she asks “where am I? And who are you?” Yael explains that he is a bird spirit who can fly, and he saved her from falling off the cliff. The girl introduces herself as Mulwara, and soon the two begin to get along quite well. Yael asks to show Mulwara the world, and does so by holding her while he flies high above clouds showing her all of the beauties from above that she would not otherwise see. The two discover their shared love of nature and fall in love. Yael takes Mulwarra back up into the sky world to meet his father Yarnu, who is very displeased at Mulwara’s presence as humans are forbidden in the sky world. Yarnu was the leader of the sky world, and tried to trick his son into dropping Mulwarra back onto earth to no avail. The two leave the sky world without Yarnu’s blessing and are very disheartened. Yael decides to return to the spirit world by himself to consult his father. His father is pleased and claims Yael has returned to his senses, thinking Yael has abandoned Mulwara. However Yael instead asks for Yarnu to use his power to change Yael from a bird-spirit into a full human. Yarnu is enraged and cannot believe the audacity of his son, he gives a resounding no to Yael.
After some time and deliberation Yael approaches his father with his request again, and his father agrees. With Mulwarra in his arms, Yael stands prepared for his father to cast his magic unto him and turn him into a human. This will leave Yael forbidden from the sky world forever, he will not be able to return but accepts his fate. Yarnu turns Yael into a human and gently guides his son and Mulwarra down to the earth. Upon their arrival back to earth Yael and Mulwara are excited and Mulwara wants Yael to meet her family. When they go to leave however Yael tumbles over, not used to using his human legs yet and has quite a bit of trouble walking. After gaining some stability it was time to meet Mulwara’s family, who are all incredibly suspicious of Yael. Yael has different customs than most humans, and some human customs are also very off-putting for Yael - such as eating poultry. The family eventually asks the two of them to leave, which they do very sadly. The two walk together to the beach, and speak softly to each other wondering if they will ever be accepted by the others’ families and if they could love one another for a long time. While sitting, they notice a large colourful glow coming from the Ocean, it is Yarnu, Yael's father. Yarnu comes to the earth and very quickly spreads a warm blue light over Yael and Mulwarra, they watch as their feet turn to tails and Yarnu tells them he wishes them the most happiness in a place where they can be happy together. The two now-merfolk are ecstatic and lunge into the water, swimming and splashing until they disappear into the horizon forever.
Let me just start off by saying that this story is amazing and it was easily one of my favourites to tell. It is full of adventure and action when told, and the kids absolutely loved it. The best moments in telling this story came at the very end, when Yael and Mulwarra become merfolk and get to live happily ever after in the ocean. I found that this story worked for just about every age level being that it does take about 20 minutes to fully tell. The older kids found the adventures and scariness of Yarnu’s wrath to be really exciting and intriguing, the younger kids hung onto other details like how Yael needed help to walk once he was a human. What everyone picked out as interesting was neat to see in the classroom, kids brains are so cool! Now the story itself had TONS of symbolism throughout it that most if not all of the kids would not have picked up on in the same way adults would, but still understood those small changes. The biggest example in the entire story is that Yael and Mulwarra are both transgender.
Yael is half-bird-half-human and so he has legs like a human but wings like a bird, and a bird-like face. Ther narrative that begins the story tells us that spirits from the sky world see humans as undesirable, that they are clumsy and slow and have nothing to offer of value. Yael did not think these things of Mulwarra though. Firstly we see the immediate connection and that Yael comments on how he has never felt so free with anyone else before, Mulwarra agrees the same. Eventually Yael decides to ask his father to essentially transition into a human from his bird-spirit body, and is met by disdain from his father who does not agree that Yael should become a human. This is devastating for Yael as he can’t be with someone he loves very much. Mulwarra feels similarly and after Yael’s transition she too receives a poor reaction from her family upon introducing Yael to them.This narrative is incredibly similar to many of the coming out stories of transgender youth heard today. Someone comes out to their family members, is met with a negative or un-accepting reaction, and is forced to live as someone they do not want to be or to stay away from those who do not accept them.
Children’s literature does not often represent transgender people, not outwardly, so I found this story to be remarkable in that both characters were made to obviously be transitioning. It is a great way to introduce kids to the LGBTQ community, as many adults and educated are often fearful of explaining to younger audiences that people can love people even if they’re different from one another. However despite there being representation of transgender characters there is also the romanticization of transphobia and the trauma associated with family disapproval. Both families ultimately at first reject their children when they approach them with new partners, and this is romanticized when emphasis is placed on the idea of Yael and Mulwarra running away together. This is a common romance trope used in writing but it must be made clear that there is nothing romantic about being disowned and shunned by your own family. To follow this and add to the romanticization, at the very end of the tale Yarnu reappears with a sudden urge to support his son. This comes after telling Yael that he would be banished for life, his lifestyle choices were unacceptable, that he was no longer a part of the original family he had come from. This is a confusing shift in tone as readers by this point are convinced that Yarnu does not support his son.
Ultimately I found that this story was great for older audiences in the grade 4-6 range, but could easily be modified to be suitable for younger listeners as well. Having a story with marginalized main characters (even in fantasy) helps to show kids that there are many diverse people in the world. I found telling this story to be incredibly fun and challenging, the tale itself requires lots of acting and animation to make it come to life. This was great as it made me harness my best acting skills and pay close attention to what skills would need improving for my public speaking. Overall this story taught me the importance of animation and knowing your audience.
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theworstjedi · 4 years
Backalley Medicine.
The heavy smell of blaster fire settled on the back of Friyr’s throat, making him cough. He was bleeding. He could smell the rusty smell under the sting of laser cauterized flesh.
He kicked the blaster he dropped away from the security officer’s prone body. He’d pistol whipped a good-sized concussion into her, but he didn’t want her to start blasting again when she came to.
Friyr’s fingers shook as he pulled a burner holo from inside his robes. The pads of his fingers fed him too many details about the way the cheap plas felt weird against his skin. The seams of where it had been melted togther bothered him at the best of times, but his mind was racing through sensory input at miles a minute, as though the fight was still happening. Unable to slow down.
“Sudas,” he mumbled as he punched in the frequency by muscle memory.
The buttons were stiff and slow, and the Jedi cursed again before he got the number right. It rang in a tinsly tone once before the holo flared to life. The light flare made Friyr’s head dance with pressure points.
“I need a doctor or something,” he said without wating for a greeting. “Some contact I was talkin’ to drank somethin’ spiked an’ attacked me. She needs to live.”
“Where are you?” the staticky figure asked.
“I need her to live-- uhhhh-- Sudas.” He  pressed the inside of his wrist to his forehead. He knew it popped him out of frame, but the cool pressure relieved the tension building inside of his head. Kark sighted people.“--Where am I?” He exhaled. “Red-- Red Light. Red Light District. ‘M in the Howlin’ Gauntlet slums.”
“You’re in luck. There’s a clinic on Boonta and one-fifteenth.”
“That’s-- That’s cross the way. Thanks.”
“Force be with you, Knight Illust--”
Friyr punched the disconnect key.
Zentra’s body was heavy. She was slipping. His arms were insufficiently skinny and his chest was narrow. Illustratum was built for running from one moment to the next. He wizzed away before life’s teeth caught up at him. He wasn’t durable, and he was woefully aware of this as Zentra’s body weighed the Jedi to the empty street pavement. He stumbled forward blindly, darting into the street before his arms could fully fail and running across it with the recycled wind in his ears.
The metal-pave of the other side caught his sandal, a droid screamed behind him, and the world tipped. Friyr’s heart fell into his mouth as the moment slowed itself amidst the panic. His arm holding Zentra’s legs had stretched out as though to stop the ground rushing up. They both lurched to a stop mid motion as the Force’s arms caught them both midtumble and lowered them both down to the metal ground.
Cold. Scuffed. It did bad things to his skin that cold sweat didn’t allieviate, but Friyr didn’t linger. Had to move on. Had to move on. He was vaguely aware of being on his knees (haha) and unthinkingly was digging his hands into Zentra’s arm pits and dragging backward aimlessly. His need to keep moving quenched the terror of being blind and lost in a world so many used their eyes to navigate.
“More to the right, Jedi.”
Friyr’s shoulders relaxed as the grumbly layers of Zentra’s wan voice flushed into the air. He didn’t allow himself to stop, but he did pause as she stirred. Grunting to pick herself up witha few choice Huttese words.
“I hate to say it, but I’m glad they didn’t get you. Where-- where did they go?”
Instead of answering, Friyr lifted under her pits until the weight of her rose. She stumbled against him, grasping for purchase on his arms. His breath staggered for a second, but Friyr stayed steady.
“That might be a liddle bit better.”
She sagged against his shoulder groaning and cracking the pain in his chest open with a fresh mallet. But she was here, and something frantic inside of Friyr’s chest settled with a finality. The body he held, the Force murmured, was a corpse already. The Force lingered. Over her, like a buzzard and in other people who saw them.
People didn’t spare the two a second glance. And Friyr - who was used to wide berths normally - could feel the tension of their repulsion to death and violence pricking at him. They emptied several blocks. “We’re goin’ to the clinic on Boonta. Tell me where to go. You c’n pull my clothes in a certain direction if you can’t talk. It’ll be slow, but I’ll eventually figure you out.”
Her hair tickled his cheek as she nodded. “Okay, Jedi. You’re facing the right way.”
She walked, both of them clinging to each other the way they were clinging onto life. Zentra was slower than he was. For every two steps his heels scuffed into the metal, she took one and a half. They ambled, like a  two headed akk. Their pulse was too slow. The lukewarm stale air around them was growing too cold. But Friyr was determined.
“Where are they?” she asked again.
“Where’re who?” Friyr asked as calmly as he could between clipped breaths.
“There were monsters, and I couldn’t see you anymore, and one of them-- lunged at me.”
Friyr winced as Zentra’s body shuddered. He wanted to tell her the monsters were dead. Sheilding her from the processing of her own horror the way one might shield a child. But Zentra was no child, and he needed her sharp.
“You had a bad trip,” Friyr said with a  heavy heart. “The water bottles’re spiked with whatever made the other two shooters go crazy.”
Zentra let loose a string of profanities. “Aren’t you a Jedi? Can’t you feel that stuff?”
“I-- The Force didn’ tell me until you’d already-- I think this is how the Force meant to show me.”
“You’re so bad at your job, the Force needed me to-- Kark. You remember what happened to those other people? The drug bleeds them, Illustratum. It bleeds them.”
Friyr remembered. He nodded silently.
“And you’re just okay with that?”
Friyr responded shakily. “Me personal? I don’ know what ‘m okay with. I trust in the Force and--if she’s takin’ you back,” he sighed a hot dry breath. “then its your time, Zentra. Not a thing I c’n do to stop it. But I need to know what you know, we can stop other people from..."
There was only the scuff of their boots for a few precious seconds on the metal.
“We’re almost there,” Zentra said softly.
Her voice below his ear was meek and he could smell the traces of stim coating the air. Hospitals smelled clean, but there was nothing more pungent than the shacks that took in bodies on Nar Shaddaa. Friyr had to fight down bile to stop his stomach from rolling.
“Jedi?” she asked, turning Friyr’s thoughts from morbidity.
“If you end up in a story, make my part a good one. I took down two gangsters and a Hutt ‘fore I went down. Real blaze of glory stuff.”
Friyr laughed shakily. The sound escaping his lips dislodged something in his throat, making his face flush hot and his brain shut off in a doorway that smelled recklessly chemical. He scrubbed at his cheek with a sleeve to wipe away any tears, but his face was dry.
“Hey! We need help!” he shouted into the darkness. The rest of Nar Shaddaa soundlessly shouted the same words back through the Force
“Kark, you wanna scare everyone else in here more or what? Think you’re the only one who’s having a bad night?” the doctor had said, then had shoved his body into a bed and something up his arm.
And Zentra-- Zentra was somewhere to his right. This had been both a relief and a torment once the Force around her started to sound like death.
“You must be pretty jumped up, guy. The amount of pain killers you’re on should’ve put you under an hour ago,” she sounded like she was talking through a wall. The world was-- a radio out of tune.
“No, I feel ‘em,” Friyr responded delayed. “I just-- when did she die?”
“She’s stable,” the doctor who had told him to shut up when he came in, sounded tired now. “Remember? Your girlfriend’s stable, and you were shot in the chest four times. You need to save your strength worrying.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” She had been investigating the murders with him and would’ve hated any insinuation she and Friyr had known each other tangibly. “You’re a bad doctor,” Friyr mumbled.
The Force ate at the edge of his soundscape, pressing his broken cheek against the pillow.
“I’m a bad Jedi,” Friyr mumbled even more quietly.
“Why is everyone in the slums half-crazy before they get here?” the doctor muttered. “Even the Jedi’re loony.”
Somewhere in Friyr’s tired brain, he new she would’ve dismissed him had he not the robes and lightsabers to proove it... He was.... fading... to the hum of...... narcotics......... slugging through his veins. He could almost.................................... see them if he tried. But he...... could still hear...................................................................... Zentra’s song............................................................................................................ fading. Faster than he ..........................................................................................................did.
“What the fuck is going on?” The doctor sounded urgent.
............................................................. “Hemorraging? .......Impossible......she.. stable! She was just stable. I need twenty mils of..............”
Zentra sounded wet, and the air was rusty, like the inside of a body without the body smell. ....... Friyr’s brain at delay supplied that a ‘hemorrage’ was a lot of blood. ............... He bet Sahley could’ve told him.......................
“We can use her parts for someone else....”
Why were hospitals always cold when you woke up? Not that he was complaining. Air against his bare skin had always steadied him. Friyr couldn’t feel his fingers, but he could flex them. The short nails scraped into his palm jaggedly. Ah, well. There went his acrylics. They had cost a lot. Friyr idly wondered how much Zentra must’ve cost on the black market without stopping to think where he’d learned the knowledge that she was to be recycled.
The air smelled like every cheap cleaner in the world and like security agent insides. He should know, he used that brand and Zentra had died on his watch.
He bent his arm. Much like getting stiff doll limbs to marrionette, Friyr’s body responded jerkily. The needle in his arm was tight. Frankly, the mental numbness just meant the traumatic parts had passed; he could work again for a little before it caught back up to him.
He paused. Realizing for a second that he hadn’t been bare when he came in. His fingers came up to touch his chest. Instad of skin, gauze snagged at his finger pads in that skin-crawlingly rough texture. It took all of Friyr’s willpower not to yank them off. As if on response, his chest ached deeply. Sudas, he felt pulverized.
“At least the guys’ll find the scars hot when you get back out there.”
Friyr’s head snapped to the sound of a familiar Core Wolder voice to his left, and his chest ow.
"What’re you doin’ here?” the Jedi whimpered despite himself.
“Why’d you think HQ sent you here? I’m apparently an organ harvester lookin’ to make a clean run, Investigator Illustratum.”
Friyr frowned at the allusion to their mutual disingenuity and shushed.
“It’s fine, everyone’s gone. You and your contact were the last of the night. The doctor went to clear her head.... Who did that to you?”
Friyr tilted his head grimly to the right where--- Zentra had been and the smell of her citrus cleaner blood remained.
The undercover Republic plant whistled. “No kidding? Your contact ambushed you? We really need to vet these psychos properly. I thought she was just Cartel.”
“She... was.” Friyr puased, loathe to try and unpack how wrong the past-tense sounded. His tongue dragged agaisnt his dry lips instead. “She drank something that drove her up the wall--” Friyr tried to gesture with an arm, but they wouldn’t lift without a fresh nauseating roll of pain.
Ah. Reality. Welcome back.
A warm hand rested on his forearm. “Take it easy.”
Friyr shook his head without thinking. “I have work to do.” A fearful sweat popped into existence along the craig of his skinny shoulder bones. “I hate hospital beds. You know that. And--?” Friyr wore at the sheets beneath him with his broken nails. They were the kind of soft that only threadbare brought.
“There’s a guy who died from Howlin’ Gauntlet a little while back. Outside of territory. He was stabbed, but a sniper got him or somethin’.”
“Ah-- heard about that one. There was no holovid feed of it happening or something? All the cameras had been taken offline. It was probably just some gang killing, honestly. Everyone’s got a slicer these days. Probably some guys looking to digitally flex a little on the Gauntlet.”
Friyr shook his head at the expense of another nauseated roll. “I think-- I think it’s connected. Too much is goin’ on with that sector. I gotta rule it out myself.”
The other agent exhaled, and there was a few beats of silence before his clothing rustled. Friyr listened to the other man tap tap tap. A digital chime of confirmation. “I can get the body here for you to do your uhh-- thing. One of our guys’ll move it. Pretend it’s a part scrap or something.” Friyr winged at the phrasing. “Do you need help with it?”
“I don’ think I can stand by myself.”
“I’ll help you piss, then we can do your space magic. But first--” The agent began fiddling with something that pulled at the line in Friyr’s arm. The tugging sensation made him curl a lip. There was a pressurized hiss and the fiddling stopped.
“Goody!” Friyr rasped in a highly disaffected manner. Perhaps the first time in a while he hadn’t been enthused about another man talking about his dick. “Also uh-- start puttin’ recalls or warnings out about the bottled water or something.”
“Bottled water? Why?”
“It’s what she drank.”
“Force. Okay. I can tell field agents, but we can’t go public with this.”
“None of that Jedi talk about morals,” the agent cut Friyr off. “If you expose the lead, the guy’ll know he’s been fingered. You should lay low for a while.”
The fight left Friyr’s body. His neck rolled back onto the pillow. His veins were warm and tingly. “I hate that,” was all he managed to say beneath the outrage stuck in his throat. Partially for the dead people he’d met this morning, for Zentra, and for every person on Nar Shaddaa looking for a way off of it. ... Partly because he realized that pressurized hiss had been the SIS agent dosing him with more pain meds.Then sleep collapsed onto his small abused body like a ton of bricks in that ramshackle slum clinic.
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9/2 Book Deals
Hey guys, happy September! Can you believe we’re already here? I know a lot of you are over the moon about it being time for the fall season and I’ve enjoyed seeing the uptick in happiness from people because of that, haha. It’s been a rough as hell year! How are you guys doing?? Read anything good lately? Anyway, I’m yet again back with some books on sale to share with you all, so be sure to have a look if you need some reading material. :) And once again, The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep is on sale and I seriously can’t stop recommending it! It’s such a fun fantasy where literary characters come to life and in this case, chaos sort of reigns when a few characters come to life that shouldn’t. The Rage of Dragons is also a huge hit! There are also a few graphic novels on sale that I’ve heard awesome things about. Anyway, I hope you’re all having a fantastic week and happy reading! :)
Here is the link to find resources on how you can help out with the BLM movement! Keep the momentum going!
Today’s Deals:
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The Unlikey Escape of Uriah Heep by H.G. Parry - https://amzn.to/3hN0RRn
The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter - https://amzn.to/2QM600j
Time's Convert by Deborah Harkness - https://amzn.to/34SDthM
The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator by Timothy C. Winegard - https://amzn.to/3gPCO32
The Hot Zone by Richard Preston - https://amzn.to/2EZuQH4
The Woman on the Orient Express by Lindsay Jayne Ashford - https://amzn.to/2ETPZCG
The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty - https://amzn.to/34W9qWi
Locke & Key Vol. 1 Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill, illust. Gabriel Rodriguez - https://amzn.to/2QPwYEi
Saga Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan, illust. Fiona Staples - https://amzn.to/2QP4omc
Monstress Vol. 1 by Marjorie Liu, illust. Sana Takeda - https://amzn.to/2QPuANO
White Sand Vol. 1 by Brandon Sanderson, Rik Hoskin, illust. Julius. Gopez - https://amzn.to/3hNopWe
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner - https://amzn.to/3bmGyaR
Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah - https://amzn.to/3bmGXtT
The Stillwater Girls by Minka Kent - https://amzn.to/3gRZRtZ
NOTE:  I am categorizing these book deals posts under the tag #bookdeals, so if you don’t want to see them then just block that tag and you should be good. I am an Amazon affiliate in addition to a Book Depository affiliate and will receive a small (but very much needed!)  commission on any purchase made through these links.
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yukioji · 5 years
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THE OWL HOUSE is full of guests tonight!!! 24 days before the premiere ~
Hoot doesn’t remember letting anyone in! 
Willow’s brought her mandrake, and Gus is just blushing over 
Amity Blight’s obvious crush on Luz! 
Eda’s made cake for everyoneand coffee ‘cause she aint good w/ kids ! Her other hand is on the floor lighting a candle and summoning a harpy beast! Phew!!! That’s all! 
I’m a sucker for Takafumi Hori, so I high-key referenced this from a LWA spread, uploaded on my main blog years ago, replaced the characters and TA-DAAAH! 
Some deets, little Dana monster screaming @ the stairs, King looks out for Luz. Eye creature is my favorite! 
Aspiring to be part of that extraordinary crew, some day! Illust on insta | twitter
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