#and i know for a fact she didn't set the price for the movie tickets in Argentina herself
grilledkatniss · 1 year
Local swiftie syndicate is officially on strike.
We were willing to go broke for the concert, we have nothing left for a movie ticket right now.
6k for a movie ticket is fucking absurd. 15k if you want the eras tour popcorn bucket with the seat.
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Hello lovelyyyyyy!! I hope you’re well and having a lovely spooky season! I saw that you haven’t gotten Lando requests and I find that unacceptable so here goes: lando x driver!reader - a bunch of the drivers end up piling up in someone’s hotel room watching a scary movie. Reader doesn’t want to be a chicken because she knows she’ll get teased, but she’s terrified. Lando notices and tries to comfort her. Maybe covers her eyes during scary bits? Maybe spends the night in her room bc she’s scared to be alone after? Idk go crazy girlie!
Not That Scary - Lando Norris
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<word count - 2987>
This was such a dumb idea, but you went along with it. You went along with it since you didn't want to seem like a chicken, even though it now seemed like a very small price to pay in order to get out of this. 
As you all piled into Max's hotel room, ready for the scary movie suggested by the smooth operator himself. You hated scary movies just as much as the next normal person, but you couldn't think of a viable excuse to get out of this. 
There was plenty of room for all of you as you huddled around the TV, some poor souls having to take spots on the floor, or dragging dining room chairs over and trying to get as comfortable as possible. You were one of the first ones in, and you took your spot on the couch in the corner.
Lando and Carlos nearly got into fisticuffs for the final spot on the couch, that was next to you. "Carlos, you can sit here, Lando can sit there. I don't mind taking the floor," you said, wanting to get the film over with, and the longer they took, the longer you had to wait until you could go to your hotel room and forget about this stupid scary movie.
"No no, I'm a gentleman, ladies first. So Lando, the seat is all yours," Carlos quipped with a mischievous smirk on his face. He knew how to rile Lando up, and this was his one way ticket to starting an argument that he knew he'd somehow win. 
"Whatever," Lando mumbled, instantly backing down and flopping down next to you. Carlos chuckled to himself and sat on the floor, his head leaning back on the arm rest beside you. "Can we share the blanket? You're kind of hogging it," Lando said, tugging at the soft, white blanket you had wrapped around your shoulders. 
"Fine fine, just make sure it's definitely half and half, yeah?" you said, draping half over him as he shuffled closer to you so that you'd both be warm. 
"Sure, I can do that," he smiled, keeping to the rule you had set out for him. "Max, what are we watching?" he asked, itching to get the film started. You, on the other hand, were sat there, nervous out of your mind. 
You were hoping they would say a mild-mannered horror film, but Carlos just had to go and ruin the night. "Let's go for it, The Shining," he announced, and there were a lot of approving words as Max found it on the TV. 
"Oh shit, here we go," you mumbled, grabbing a pillow to hold onto through the particularly scary moments. You had your arms wrapped around it, ready to squeeze it instead of screaming through the jumpscares and gory bits. 
"You alright?" Lando asked, hearing your mumbles. He leant in as not to alert the attention of anyone else, since he didn't want you to be uncomfortable if you said you weren't alright. 
"Yeah, yeah, scary movies just aren't really my thing," you smiled, nodding. 
"Neither, but you can squeeze my hand if it gets too scary," he chuckled, moving even closer to you so that you were shoulder to shoulder, and the blanket completely covered the two of you so nobody could see if you did in fact want to squeeze his hand. 
"Thanks," you said as Max started the movie, and a lull fell over the group. For a short while, you all sat there, silent as the movie was still rather tame. Your knee was bouncing up and down out of nerves, and you were slightly jumping at the smallest loud noise or frame change. 
"We can go if you want, you're not enjoying yourself," Lando whispered, placing a tentative hand on your leg to try and stop you from shaking it so much.
"It's OK, I'll settle into it," you dismissed, making no effort to move his hand. Out of habit, his thumb swiped up and down over the skin on your leg. It did offer a small amount of comfort to have his hand there, grounding you. 
"Just let me know if you want to go, we can go," he whispered, leaving you to watch the movie. It was nice to know that he'd make an excuse, but there was no way you were tapping out now. You were locked in, and there was no backing off.
"Thanks," you told him, glueing your eyes back to the screen. You were coping, just about. The pillow was being squashed to death, and you were jumping at even the most minor of scares. Lando thankfully knew when the big ones were, since he had watched the movie before. 
Without warning, Lando covered your eyes with his hand and all you could hear was Jack trying to break down the bathroom door while Wendy screamed in terror. You flicked your eyes over to him, and smiled. 
You mouthed a 'thank you', and he proceeded to mouth back a 'no problem'. Lando took his hand away from your eyes, before swiftly covered you back up again. The sounds alone of whatever was going on on screen was enough for you to take hold of the hand he had on your thigh.
"You're fine, it's not real," he softly chuckled, trying to bring about some sense of solace to you while the movie drew to a close. As the last few scenes played out, you just let yourself lean into him while you held his hand, squeezing every time you got a little scared. 
As he looked around, making sure no one was looking at you, he gently planted a kiss on top of your head before resuming the regular position. You felt yourself relax instantly, even if the movie was still scaring the living hell out of you. 
It was just nice to have someone to lean on, figuratively and literally as you watched the worst thing you had ever seen on TV. Every time you even slightly gripped his hand, he squeezed back, just to remind you he was there.
You were trying to put on a brave face while everyone else was looking relatively stoic. Well, apart from Charles. He had been hiding under the blanket for at least fifteen minutes, and whacked Max every time he laughed at him. 
You didn't want to be subject to any teasing or anything, so you gripped Lando's hand and hoped to god that he wouldn't run around, telling the whole grid how much of a chicken you were being throughout the whole movie. 
As the final shot of Jack, frozen to death flashed on the screen, you let out a tiny squeal of terror, and everyone's eyes turned to you briefly, a few of them giggling away to themselves. "Out of all the things that we have seen, that's what gets you?" Carlos laughed, turning his head to look at you. 
"It was a shock," you said, glad that Carlos hadn't been able to tell how terrified you had been throughout the entirety of the movie. It wasn't before long that everyone was being hauled out of Max's hotel room. 
You would have rather driven 100 laps in Qatar than sat through another minute of that goddamn movie. It felt hot and stuffy in there, and the corridor was like a refrigerator in comparison. 
"Hey, you OK?" Lando asked, catching up to you on the walk back to your hotel room. 
"Yeah, yeah. That movie is going to keep me up all night," you lightly laughed, not looking forward to the impending nightmares that you knew were going to be plaguing your sleep tonight. 
"I can come stay with you if you want, might take the edge off," he offered without a second thought, and you couldn't tell whether he was being actually serious, or taking the cake. 
"Really?" you asked, trying to confirm his intentions. 
"Yeah, it'd be my pleasure. Maybe we can watch something a little less scary, take our minds off of whatever the hell that was," he chuckled with a sincere smile. If he was completely honest with you, he was scared shitless as well, and he wished he had multiple hands to hold your hand, cover his eyes and yours during the movie. 
"I'm in 216, so we'll have to take the elevator or the stairs. But at this point, pretty much everything scares the life out of me, so either is good," you said, starting to walk down the carpeted corridor as people dispersed to their rooms for the night.
"OK, stairs sound a lot better than the elevator right now," he said, causing you to laugh slightly. Lando was clearly just as unsettled as you were, and it would be nice to be scardycats together, as you defended each other from the imaginary monsters that you'd surely be dreaming of. 
The pair of you walked down the stairs of the eerily quiet hotel, and there were a couple times you could have sworn you had seen those two creepy little girls standing at the end of the hallway, but you knew it wasn't real. 
"We're keeping the lights on," you stated when the two of you walked into the hotel room, and Lando wholeheartedly agreed. 
"Absolutely, sounds perfect," he nodded, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He didn't want to just take his shoes off and crawl into your bed, he thought that would be pushing it a bit too far. As if you had read his mind, you hopped in. 
"You can get in one one condition," you smirked, eyeing up the mini fridge in the corner of the room. You were also watching the snacks that were on the table top, and you weren't getting back out of the warm confines of your bed now that you were in.
"Already on it," he sighed, picking up the bags of snacks and throwing them to you. "What drink do you want?" he asked, opening the fridge and seeing what you had. You looked at the selection, and just settled on a mango juice. 
Lando collected your drinks and tentatively got into bed next to you. "Thanks, do you want to sleep or watch a movie?" you asked, cracking open the mango juice and taking a sip. 
"Well, if we sleep, I'll scare the monsters away, I'll protect you," he giggled, nudging you slightly. 
"My knight in shining armour," you rolled your eyes, turning the light out and getting comfy. "If I wake you up in the middle of the night, I'm sorry, OK?" you said, closing your eyes and instantly feeling tiredness take over. 
"Don't worry about it," he chuckled, also feeling really tired. The two of you fell asleep almost instantly, but it wasn't long before you grew restless. 
All you could hear was the sound of Wendy screaming as Jack tried to bust the door down, and you jolted awake, seeing nothing around you but darkness. Sitting bolt upright, you took a couple deep breaths, as you felt stupid for how scared you were of a movie. 
Lando felt the sudden shift, and opened his eyes. Through the darkness, he saw the outline of you, sat up straight and he could hear you breathing. "Hey, you OK?" he whispered, and you turned your head to look at him.
"Yeah, yeah, just... a little on edge. It's stupid, really," you shook your head, fidgeting with your fingers as he held his hand out to you. 
"Don't make this weird, but c'mere," he mumbled, still very clearly half-asleep as you shuffled closer. As you led down beside you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and tugged you so that your back was flushed to his chest. 
"It's not real, yeah? You're safe, I've got you," he quietly rambled as you put your arms on top of his while he held you close. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I'll protect you," he continued to ramble, peppering kisses down your neck as if he had completely forgotten that it was you in his arms. 
The gesture was small, yet intimate and calming and it lulled you into a sense of warm comfort. You mentally scolded yourself for not telling him to stop or pushing him away, but you loved how his lips felt against your skin. He kept them light, but you couldn't help but close your eyes as sleep tried to take you away.
"There you go, you're OK," he mumbled, sensing you were falling asleep as your body relaxed against him. "That's it," he muttered against your neck as you lost consciousness, and it wasn't long before he followed suit. 
You were relaxed, and there weren't anymore interruptions throughout the night. The pair of you were woken up by a loud wrapping on your hotel room door. "Y/N! Wake up!" As you and Lando woke, still entangled in each other's arms, you both looked at each other in horror at the realization of who was outside. 
"What do you want, Carlos?" you groaned, making no effort to move away from Lando as you snuggled further into him. 
"Is Lando there? He's not in his room!" he shouted through the door and Lando groaned into your neck. "Can you open the door please?" Carlos continued. 
"Yeah, one second," you nodded as Lando tried to pull you back into bed with him.
"Just tell him to piss off," he mumbled, nestling himself back into the covers as he instantly felt cold and unsettled without you beside him.
"I'll be quick," you smiled, leaving him in bed and going to open the door for Carlos. The Spaniard was stood there, arms crossed, a slight smirk painted on his face. 
"Is he here?" he asked, trying to look past you and into the room. Your body blocked the view, so he wouldn't be able to see that lump that was Lando under the duvet. 
"No, he's probably gone down for breakfast."
"We already checked, he's not there. We've looked everywhere," he told you as he walked straight into the room, peering around. You held your breath as his gaze turned to the bed, but it was empty. It was obvious where he had gone, but you just prayed to god that Carlos wouldn't check the bathroom. 
"Sorry to intrude, we just thought that he could be in here," he shook his head, not seeing any signs of Lando in the room. He started to walk back out, before turning and opening the bathroom door, and then the shower curtain. 
"Oh hello Lando, didn't think you'd be there," he laughed, his tone dripping with sarcasm. The smirk on Carlos' face was not going to be wiped off any time soon. Lando sat there, cowering in the bath after his poorly thought out idea to hide from Carlos. The effort was commended. 
"I guess the moaning and groaning we all heard last night wasn't from the ghosts and ghouls," he winked as Lando turned bright red. 
"No, we were both scared from the movie last night, so we kept each other company," you explained as Lando sighed. He didn't want Carlos to know he was scared of the film, but he also didn't want everyone to think you two were sleeping together. Well, not in that way. 
"Oh yeah? Calming each other down with the devil's tango? Surely that gets the heart rate going more, no?" he listed, using all of his self-composure not to just laugh in your faces. "You just going to sit in there or are you going to come out, Lando?" Carlos continued. 
Without saying anything, Lando pulled himself of the empty bath and stood next to you, eyes flicking between you and Carlos. "Go get dressed, you two. A couple of us are heading down for breakfast. Wait, Y/N, did a vampire bite you? You've got something on your neck," Carlos said, peering at you. 
You clapped your hand over the area, thinking Lando had gotten a little carried away and you just hadn't noticed. "Kidding," Carlos laughed, knowing he had gotten the reaction he was looking for from you. "No more bone rattling you two, I'll see you in a bit," he giggled, leaving the two of you in the bathroom in silence. 
"I should, you know, I should, uh-" he mumbled, fidgeting with his fingers. 
"Yeah, me too," you nodded, walking out of the bathroom. Lando wanted to stay - he didn't want to leave your side just yet. "I'll see you at breakfast, thanks for last night," you smiled as he approached you. 
Lando opened his arms out as you hugged him back, not wanting to turn out of his embrace. Just as you went to leave the hug, Lando couldn't help but move his lips down to your neck and softly bite his teeth into the flesh. "Lando!" you exclaimed, racing to the mirror to see what he'd done. 
"Wait, Y/N, did a vampire bite you? You've got something on your neck," he chuckled, leaving you gobsmacked as he went to get ready for breakfast. 
"For fucks sake," you mumbled, instantly reaching for the foundation to try and cover up the red teeth marks that were printed on your skin. Your heart was racing, but you couldn't tell whether it was the fear of it being seen, or the thrill of it happening. 
A/N - Yes, I know it isn't spooky season, but I wrote this aaaaages ago and wanted to post it since I actually really like this one. I have more requests coming in, and I am writing quite a few of them at the minute! Keep them coming, hope you're having a wonderful day, and love you 💖
@chilichilichilipep This one is for you my lovely! Your requests are honestly some of my favourites that I get, and I adore them all, even if it takes a few decades for me to write them 🤠
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