#and i know loadsss of people loved Dan's sultry voice lol
lexosaurus · 5 years
wait what didn't you vibe with ultimate enemy
I dunno I think I was put off from the way Danny was treated for his “cheating.” Like, okay, the concept of TUE is cool. Very angsty and traumatizing. Right up my alley. 
My issue is that, doing some mild “cheating” (that, let’s be honest, wasn’t really even cheating. I mean, did Danny even look at the answers at all? Like really look at them? In any way that was more than just a passing glance?) doesn’t really warrant having to watch your future self murder everyone you’ve ever known and loved.
Yeah yeah cheating is wrong blahblahblah but idk I guess I just don’t see it as THAT big a deal (for reasons I will explain plz wait). Then again, you’re talking to someone who only passed high school physics because they cheated on EVERY exam. So, you know, now you know where my morals are at.
Idk I mean teach kids that cheating is wrong, but also how about we fund schools so they can actually hire adequate teachers to teach the material? Stuff like TFA is cool because it ensures that schools actually have teachers at all, but like, those teachers aren’t qualified for their positions. How the fuck is a kid supposed to learn math if their teacher was a goddamn International Relations major in college or something? The teacher sure the hell doesn’t understand what they’re talking about. What makes you think the kid is gonna understand that then?
I don’t think—rich parents college case aside—that kids cheat because they’re terrible people. I think they cheat because they’re desperate. Telling a kid that if they cheat in school then their parents will die and they’ll become a murdering criminal isn’t going to stop kids from cheating. Funding schools so they can buy textbooks and go to teacher conventions to get new lesson plans and hiring qualified teachers and giving funding to IEP programs so struggling students can get the extra help they need—those are the things that are going to stop the majority of kids from cheating. Not…whatever the hell TUE was.
No one enjoys going into an exam unprepared. Kids like learning, they like feeling smart, they like walking to school confident in the material. No one chooses cheating as their first go-to thing. Students resort to cheating when they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place and they don’t want their grade/future to suffer because of one bad test. And you know what can help kids not get put in these situations? Qualified teachers with plentiful resources and lots of books and a good network of support! Which many schools in the US are currently lacking.
Yeah I guess TUE just kinda rubbed me the wrong way for that reason. Again, I love the concept and the angst. I just hate they way they set it up. 
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