#and i like how jeune is like the opposite of nagi
yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~1st Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/01)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 5 - Jane
Terra (Nanase Riku): So this is a library... it's so wide.
Jane (Izumi Iori): May I help you?
Jane: Hm? ... Are you by chance, Terra?
Terra: Yes, I am! Are you Jane-san?
Jane: Yes. I am Jane.
Jane: I was told by Martin to help you when you arrive.
Terra: Please take care of me!
Jane: Please feel free to ask me anything about these books.
Terra: ...... Um, can I find out what my 'duty' is if I read books?
Jane: 'Duty'...? Aah, you mean 'role.'
Jane: I see. You can try reading this.
Jane: In this city, every robot has their own 'roles.'
Jane: Just as Martin is a postman, I am a librarian.
Jane: As you can see, there are various 'roles,'
Jane: Robots have to live according to their 'role' that has been given to them when they awaken.
Terra: I was told to recall what my 'duty' is by myself.
Jane: Recall by yourself? ... That's odd. Usually, you’re told when you awaken......
Jane: Anyway, this bookshelf is full of books about robots' 'roles.'
Jane: ...... Do you want to read these?
Terra: Yes!
Jane: The basics is in this book.
Terra: Err, what is it......
Terra: ...... There are ranks for the robots. Their 'roles' differ according to their ranks.
Jane: Basically, the robots are categorized by their ranks, there are high-rank and low-ranks.
Terra: I see. A postman is mid-rank. Librarian... high-rank. It's on top!
Terra: Jane-san, you're amazing!
Jane: Thank you very much.
Terra: Oh right, I wonder what rank the robot who gave me "Mary" is? His name is Dissen.
Jane: This is......
Jane: This is not a wild flower. It's a Marigold. These are very rare.
Terra: It is!
Jane: He gave you this?
Terra: Yes!
Jane: He is an important robot whose 'role' is to manage plants or animals.
Jane: He is a high-rank.
Terra: So Dissen-san is a great robot too!
Jane: The ranks are to differ our 'roles.' A high-rank doesn't mean we are great.
Terra: ...... Ah, what rank is Fabra-san? He's the robot who woke me up...!
Jane: A robot who winds other robots are high-rank.
Jane: What's more, he is above all of the other robots there.
Jane: ...........
Terra: Is there anything wrong?
Jane: ...... No. It's nothing.
Jane: It's already time to close the library so please come again tomorrow.
Terra: I understand! Thank you for today!
Jane: Be careful on your way and don't get lost, okay?
Jane: ...... There are only a few robots that's directly woken up by Fabra.
Jane: Why did he awaken today...? The fact that he wasn’t told his 'role' bothers me.
Jane: Who on earth is he...?
Part 6 - Pain
Terra: Jane-saan!
Jane: Aah, good morning Terra.
Terra: Good morning.
Jane: What do you want to read today?
Jane: You have finished every book about 'roles' these days.
Terra: I get that there are various 'roles' for robots......
Terra: But I still don't know what I am supposed to do.
Terra: At home, I try to recall what it is.
Terra: But when I do that, my head starts hurting......
Jane: What did you say...!?
Jane: Since when? How much does it hurt?
Terra: Um......
Terra: Since I started reading books about robots, so it started 3 days ago.
Terra: Other robots were awakened a long time ago, but why did I wake up only now?
Terra: And when I wonder what kind of place the clock tower is... Ow!
Jane: Terra! Are you alright!?
Terra: ...... Yes, I'm… fine now.
Jane: Please don't force yourself.
Terra: Thank you very much......
Jane: Robots don’t feel pain unless they have a 'bug' in them......
Jane: In some cases, if they get repaired, they could lose their memories from when they woke up. Fortunately, he just woke up some days ago......
Jane: There might be a bug somewhere. If the pain doesn't stop you should go to a robot whose 'role' is to repair things.
Terra: I understand! If it hurts again, I'll do just that!
Part 7 - Jeune
Martin (Izumi Mitsuki): Looks like Terra is visiting the library every day.
Martin: I hope he can recall what his 'role' is.
Martin: ! That guy, there he goes again――
Martin: Jeune!
Jeune (Rokuya Nagi): ............
Martin: Jeune! Stop it!
Jeune: ...... I’m at a nice part, so please don't bother me.
Martin: The passers-by are troubled! Play other songs!
Jeune: I like this song.
Jeune: When I play this song, everyone is terrified and cries. It is wonderful!
Jeune: Please show me your tears.
Jeune: Playing music that will make you cry, scream and be overcome by fear is my goal for the time being.
Martin: What are you doing, making that as your goal...!?
Martin: Why does he always play music that scares the other robots?
Martin: His technique is great, and yet......
Martin: This is weird, I should have put it in my pocket.
Martin: Where did the key to my bag go? I still haven't delivered half of the packages......
Martin: Oh well... I should look for it around the streets I already passed by!
Martin: Uum... Not here.
Martin: I can't find it anywhere......
Jeune: You, are you looking for this?
Martin: Ah! That key!
Martin: Thank god, I've been looking for it this whole time!
Martin: You found it? Thanks!
Jeune: So it's yours after all.
Jeune: ...... Then, to repay what I did for you, will you listen to my song?
Martin: Huh? Listen to your play? If I can repay you with just that then it's fine.
Jeune: You can.
Martin: O, Okay. Got it.
Martin: Stop, stop!
Jeune: What is it? I’m still at the intro.
Martin: Your performance and technique are great, but why do you always play that disturbing song?
Jeune: You were in tears before, but you are angry now. What a busy person.
Jeune: Do you prefer an exciting and kind song?
Martin: Well, I do.
Jeune: Is that so.
Jeune: I will play it when I feel like it someday......
Martin: What a strange guy......
Martin: I call out to him every time I see him in this city, but this guy really only plays scary songs, huh.
Martin: Shouldn't our 'roles' be useful for something?
Martin: And Terra, he doesn't even know what his 'role' is yet. They're so strange......
Part 8 – The Rumored Restaurant
Terra: Jane-san, good afternoon―!
Jane: Good afternoon Terra.
Terra: I visited a restaurant near my house before coming here today.
Jane: Now I see why you were later than usual.
Terra: I talked to the chef and a customer there.
Terra: Most of that restaurant’s menu was delicious, but it was weird!
Terra: I asked for the chef's recommendation, but it tasted so bad that the customer and I almost fainted!
Jane: Is that really okay? What's the name of the restaurant?
Terra: It's "Capsaicin" restaurant!
Jane: ...... Aah, I have heard a rumor about that restaurant before.
Terra: The chef is Meir-san and the customer is April-san.
Terra: April-san tastes tests Meir-san's cooking and gives him advice.
Jane: Huh, is it that April?
Terra: Jane-san, do you know April-san?
Jane: April is a driver of various vehicles so I meet him when I need a vehicle.
Jane: He looks like an idler, but he gives cooking advice, huh?
Terra: He said that when he ate his favorite pudding on the streets, Meir-san called out to him.
Terra: "I'd like you to taste my cooking," he said. April-san likes delicious food so he delightedly accepted the offer, but his cooking was so bad.
Terra: "My tongue is at its limit, so help me," he said to me.
Terra: Jane-san, would you like to go eat there with me?
Jane: After hearing that story, it's like you're just asking me to eat something bad......
Terra: Other than the chef's recommendation, the other foods are delicious!
Jane: ...... Well, I can go sometime.
Terra: Yay―! Let's go together!
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Jane ― Izumi Iori Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Dissen ― Yuki Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo
Proofread by @ousama-pudding I'll keep posting 4 parts in one post from now on. Thanks for reading!!
Part 9~12 →
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