#mechalulla event story
yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~Last Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/07)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 23 – Awaken
Jane (Izumi Iori): Fabra, over here!
Fabra (Nikaido Yamato): ...... How's Cielo!?
Terra (Nanase Riku): Fabra-san...! Cielo is... Cielo is...!
Fabra: Terra, calm down.
Fabra: I say that but, his head is badly injured... The risk is high...
Fabra: We have to carry him to my laboratory. Gimme a hand.
Fabra: Jane, you call Novem and Octo. Bring them here using April's vehicle.
Jane: Understood.
Fabra: Why did this happen now of all times......
Fabra: The 'time' is close and yet... Cielo must be repaired as fast as possible.
Novem (Momo): ...... Fabra-san, what happened!?
Octo (Tsunashi Ryunosuke): Is Cielo-kun okay!?
Fabra: It's pretty bad......
Novem: Is the malfunction so bad that even Fabra-san can't repair him?
Fabra: I haven't checked all the parts, but it's definitely bad.
Fabra: What's more, we don’t have time.
Novem: ...... Time?
Fabra: Ah, no. Anyway, please hurry and repair him.
Novem: ...... I understand. I'm going to give it my all.
Octo: I will do my best too!
Fabra: Thank you. I'm counting on you.
―― Some days later
Fabra: You call this fixed...?
Novem: I have fixed him, but......
Fabra: Cielo, wake up.
Octo: Cielo-kun, please wake up.
Terra: Cielo......
Jane: ............
Novem: Good afternoon―!
Dissen (Yuki): Hello.
Octo: Good afternoon!
Terra: Everyone!
Jane: Good afternoon.
Novem: How's Cielo?
Jane: He hasn't woken up yet......
Novem: I see......
Dissen: Here, a gift.
Terra: A bouquet? Ah, it's "Mary!"
Jane: There's so many... Why?
Novem: Isn't it amazing!? It's the result of our research!
Novem: Dissen-san did almost everything though.
Dissen: Well, yeah.
Dissen: But it's thanks to Novem and Octo that I could grow this many.
Octo: No, I just helped a little! It's all thanks to Dissen-san and Novem-san.
Dissen: Terra. Flowers have a language of their own.
Dissen: The meaning of the flower marigold is, 'the brightness of life.'
Dissen: Let's hope Cielo will wake up soon. (1)
Terra: The brightness of life......
Terra: Cielo, open your eyes......
Jane: Terra......
Terra: Let's sing again... Let's sing our song together.
Terra: La~♪ Lala~♪ La~♪
*clack clack clack*... *whee――*
Cielo: ...... Terra.
Cielo: That song......
Terra: ...... Cielo!
Terra: Yes... It's our song!
Cielo: ...... Aah... That's right... I remember now.
Terra: ...... Cielo... I'm so glad!
Fabra: Looks like Terra and Cielo have remembered their 'duty'......
Fabra: Now, my last 'duty' is――
Part 24 - Fabra and Cielo
A long time ago, in this world, humans and robot dolls lived together.
The robot dolls were there to help the humans. But when the humans started to use them as tools in wars, the robot dolls started to demonstrate their true values liberally. As a result, the world wars intensified, and everything was destroyed.
"We can't go on like this."
That's what everyone thought, and yet the world kept falling into ruin each day.
"We can't go on like this."
A robot doll researcher, Doctor ――, with their few trusted companions, started a project called the "Accordatura Project."
They forcibly put the few remaining humans to sleep. Meanwhile, the robot dolls replaced the humans, and repaired the environment so that humans could live there once again.
Their companions were divided into two groups,
One group utilized their brains and abilities, becoming a base for the robot dolls.
The other group believed one day, when they would wake again, they could lead the people so that war would never happen again. They remained human and fell into a deep sleep.
And then, when the tuning was over, and the environment was ready, the clock tower will become a music box.
With its sound, the sleeping humans will be awakened, and the robot dolls that have finished their 'duties' will fall asleep. So that they would never be tools of war ever again.
To play the sound of the music box, the 'duty' of two robot dolls with beautiful singing voices――
Cielo: ...... Hey, Fabra.
Fabra: Cielo. Are you alright now?
Cielo: There's one last thing I want to ask.
Fabra: How sudden. Well, it's the last one, right? I shall listen.
Cielo: You told Terra and I to recall our 'duty.'
Fabra: Yeah.
Cielo: Why didn't you just tell us, instead of having us recall it by ourselves?
Cielo: There shouldn't have been any problems even if you told us when you awakened us.
Fabra: You've got a point. However, I vaguely felt that it would be meaningless.
Cielo: Meaningless?
Fabra: Yeah. It took quite a long time until you two woke up, but when I could finally awaken you, you had lost your memories. I was surprised, and impatient because I had to continue on with the project.
Cielo: Hahaha. I'd like to see your impatient face.
Fabra: Don't make fun of me... But halfway through, I started to think what if that was part of the plan.
Cielo: Who the hell changed the damn plan... Don't tell me, that Doctor?
Fabra: ...... Yeah. I think he did.
Cielo: Why? What if we didn't wake up until the end......
Fabra: If that was the case, we prepared a substitute to replace you, and have him play the song to the whole city with his performance.
Cielo: I see......
Fabra: ...... That guy, I heard he was a "bright person," but he's such a contradicting person.
Cielo: Then, that substitute... Jeune, he might have refused to play the song of the end?
Fabra: I don't know......
Cielo: Why!? If he didn't do it, our plan would......
Fabra: Yeah. It would have been messed up. This world would become the robot doll's world instead.
Fabra: ...... But, the Doctor was probably okay with that. (2)
Cielo: Huh?
Fabra: That person, they liked the robot dolls. In fact, they probably loved them.
Fabra: That's why they couldn't stand it when the robot dolls were one-sidedly used for the humans' convenience.
Fabra: You get that feeling too, right? It should be carved into our hearts, we have been through everything after all. (3)
Cielo: ...... Yeah. In fact, if the humans didn't order the robot dolls to, they wouldn't have hurt anyone......
Cielo: Actually, some of them are even more human-like than real humans. They are kind and thoughtful robot dolls......
Fabra: Did you change your mind?
Cielo: ...... No. Nevertheless, I still want to do continue this project. I don't want to lose my hope towards humankind.
Fabra: I see......
Cielo: Are you relieved?
Fabra: Well, I am. I feel as if a load has been taken off my shoulders. But, are you really okay with it?
Cielo: Yes. I will sing. We will sing the song only we can sing.
Fabra: ............
Cielo: Shall we dream? Until the humans put an end to their quarrel, and awaken us someday.
Part 25 - "Duty"
Cielo: La~♪ Lala~♪ La~♪
Terra: La~♪ Lala~♪ La~♪
Martin (Izumi Mitsuki): Jane-san.
Jane: Martin.
Martin: This singing, it's Terra and Cielo, right?
Jane: Yes.
Martin: It's so gentle. It gives me a nostalgic feeling somehow......
Jane: You're right.
Martin: Jane-san, even though I only asked you once, you have taken care of Terra this whole time, thank you very much!
Jane: No, I really enjoyed it.
Jane: We don't have a concept of "friendship" inside of us, but I feel like I got a similar experience from him.
Martin: Terra is a good guy, right!? ...*yawn*, I'm getting sleepy......
Martin: Until now, I felt sort of unsecured, but now I think I will be able to sleep in peace.
Jane: Yes, I feel the same.
Martin: Good night. Jane-san.
Jane: Good night.
Fabra: Jeune.
Fabra: You should prepare to sleep too.
Jeune (Rokuya Nagi): ...... Playing this song, is my 'duty.'
Fabra: You know about the 'duty?'
Jeune: Vaguely. Once I heard the melody from the clock tower, I remembered it clearly.
Fabra: ............
Jeune: ...... Don't worry. I will sleep properly.
Fabra: Then it's fine......
Jeune: Even if I'm just a substitute, I still want to fulfil my 'duty.'
Fabra: I see......
Fabra: Saying this now is meaningless, but when you were awakened, I felt so relieved. Thank you, for waking up that time.
Jeune: Worst case, if I'm there, we would still manage somehow. I'm just needed in the worst of times, aren't I.
Fabra: Still just as conflicting until the end, huh?......
Jeune: Fufu. I'm just enjoying our talk.
Jeune: I'm sorry for taking your time. Good night, Fabra.
Fabra: It's okay. Night, Jeune.
Jeune: ... Every time I tried to play this song, it felt like it would be the end, that's why I always hesitated to play it......
Jeune: The sound of the clock tower's music box and those two singing are the keys of this plan.
Jeune: My sound is… just a reserve......
Jeune: I have no choice. That was my 'duty.'
Jeune: So that the robot dolls can dream sweat dreams, all I can do is to perform with all my might.
April (Yotsuba Tamaki): I'm so sleepy I can't... Let me sleep here......
Meir (Osaka Sougo): You can't! We should sleep in that place!
April: I want to eat pudding before I sleep......
Meir: You just ate your last pudding, you know. Ah, there's my special cookies, do you want to eat that?
April: Anything but that......
Meir: Why... I made it for you......
April: This is Terra and Cielo's singing, right?
Meir: Yes, it is. It's so beautiful and sweet......
April: I feel like I'll have good dreams.
Meir: Yes......
Meir: April-san, my 'role' is a chef, but in the end, I couldn't make a delicious original recipe, I'm so sorry.
Meir: I'm happy you helped me taste-test my cooking. Thank you very much!
April: Haha, you don't need to worry about that. If there's an opportunity, I will taste your cooking again someday.
Meir: Yes! I will definitely cook a delicious meal! Good night, April-san.
April: Yeah. Night, Meir.
Novem (Momo): Dissen-san, you're bringing that girl?
Novem: Wouldn't it wither?
Dissen (Yuki): I planted some seeds here so it will be okay. And Novem's insects are here too.
Dissen: This "Camellia" is always with me, I don't want to leave it~. You get it, don't you?
Novem: If you're ok with it then it’s fine.
Dissen: Novem, you always spoil me, huh?
Novem: Well, Dissen-san wouldn't listen to me anyway, right?
Dissen: That's not true though.
Novem: That is true! Wait, why are we fighting now of all times.
Dissen: Fufu. You're right.
Novem: At first, I thought you were a weird robot doll, but taking care of a great researcher like Dissen-san wasn't bad!
Dissen: It wasn't bad, that's all? Weren't you supposed to say, "But I really like Dissen-san!"
Novem: Ahaha! You're so helpless, geez. I really like you, Dissen-san!
Dissen: Thank you―. I like you too.
Dissen: I'll be happy if lots of plants grow the next time I wake up.
Novem: You're right! I'll be happy if there’ll be lots of insects and animals!
Dissen: Then, we should sleep now. Good night, Novem.
Novem: Good night, Dissen-san.
Octo (Tsunashi Ryunosuke): Augus-san.
Augus (Yaotome Gaku): Hey, Octo.
Octo: The clock tower was made for this 'time,’ wasn’t it.
Augus: Looks like it. The staff I asked you to check on that time was actually the wind-up key for the music box.
Octo: To think that this tower was a music box, I was surprised.
Augus: Me too. To think that there's a trick to it.
Augus: I've been living here for long time, but I've never realized.
Octo: Augus-san, you are not going to sleep?
Augus: ...... I'm watching over the music box so that it’ll keep working until those two finish singing. This is my last 'duty.'
Augus: It looks like I was set up to be the last robot who would fall asleep.
Octo: I see... Thank you for your hard work.
Octo: Then, I will sleep first.
Augus: Yeah. Ah, wait.
Octo: What is it?
Augus: I promised Novem to praise you for developing the insect robots.
Augus: You did such an amazing job.
Octo: ... Thank you very much! I'm so happy!
Octo: Augus-san, good night.
Augus: Yeah. Good night.
Part 26 - Lullaby
Fabra: It's been a long time since we were awakened.
Fabra: Now, my long lasting 'duties' will finally come to an end.
Fabra: The very first robot doll I awakened was Augus.
Fabra: It really helped when his thoughts had been programed to not realize the tricks in the clock tower.
Fabra: That man who became Augus’ base, it was just as he said… He was also an excellent man...
Fabra: I tried to awaken Terra and Cielo afterwards, but they wouldn't wake up for some reason.
Fabra: I was so confused at the time. I ended up awakening other robot dolls first.
Fabra: It's like what I said to Cielo, that was probably part of the plan too.
Fabra: I wanted to ask, but I have no means of knowing, it's too bad.
Fabra: ............
Fabra: ...... It's time.
Fabra: Everyone, thank you for everything.
Fabra: Good night. Sweet dreams......
Terra: Cielo, I'm happy I can sing with you again!
Cielo: Me too.
Cielo: I'm glad I can fulfill my 'duty' with Terra.
Terra: Seriously! Cielo, you were so reckless! If you had been broken that time, we wouldn't have been able to sing together like this.
Cielo: Like I had any other choice. My body moved on its own.
Terra: Cielo.
Terra: Our song, will it reach everyone?
Cielo: Yeah, it will definitely reach them. Are you worried?
Terra: Just a little......
Cielo: ...... You worked hard and practiced many times, it will be okay.
Terra: ...... Wha!? How did you know!?
Cielo: Ahaha.
Cielo: ...... It's about time for us to sleep too. Good night, Terra.
Terra: Good night. Cielo.
Once the sound became silence...
The robot dolls in the city fell into a deep sleep.
Years passed――
This is a city where humans live―― a world without robot dolls.
At the heart of the city, a huge ancient clock tower soars into the sky.
― FIN ―
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Jane ― Izumi Iori Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo Dissen ― Yuki
Proofread by @ousama-pudding Thank you very much!!
(1) ok Marigold usually means memorials for lost loved ones (makes it sound like cielo died hahah) but Japanese has different flower language sometimes so let’s just let it go :)
(2) Fabra doesn’t use specific pronoun for the doctor so we decided to use 'they'!
(3) Fabra meant that since they were based on the doctor’s companions, they should have the same feelings towards robot dolls, but he doesn’t say it straight out.
I had a lot of fun translating this. Big thanks to each of you for taking the time to read! Merry Early Christmas and Happy Birthday Yuki!! ❄💕
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yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~3rd Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/05)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 17 – The Wind-up Day 1
Cielo (Kujou Tenn): It started a while ago, a memory that I didn't experience, and a slight doubt towards my own 'role.'
Cielo: I've been looking for the answer this whole time, but I haven't figured out anything......
Cielo: In these memories, I always see the clock tower. Just what is going on in the tower...?
Cielo: Tomorrow is the Wind-up Day that comes once a year.
Cielo: I might as well ask Augus, the robot who manages the clock tower.
Augus (Yaotome Gaku): ...... Okay, this should be fine.
Fabra (Nikaido Yamato): How's the clock?
Augus: Same as always. It shows the same time as my pocket watch.
Fabra: I see.......
Augus: ...... Is there something wrong? I always make sure this pocket watch and the watch in my room show the same time, so it shouldn't be wrong.
Fabra: ...... No, if the clock is good then it's fine. By the way, tomorrow is the day to wind the robots in the city.
Augus: I know. What about it?
Fabra: Would you mind helping me out?
Augus: ...... Well, I don't mind. But you always do it by yourself, right? How rare.
Fabra: I want to do it carefully this time.
Augus: Is that so?
Fabra: Yeah. I'm counting on you.
*chatter chatter*
Fabra: Now Augus, they're divided into two rows.
Fabra: You wind the robot dolls in the left row.
Augus: Got it.
Augus: ...... Okay. The next robot doll is the last one, right?
Cielo: ...... Hey, can I ask you something?
Augus: ...... Ask? What is it?
Cielo: What is the clock tower for?
Augus: Eh?
Cielo: This clock tower is the only clock that can be seen from anywhere in this city. Why is that?
Augus: ......? ... What are you saying?
Cielo: You manage the clock tower. You should know about it, am I right?
Cielo: Tell me!
Augus: The reason the clock tower can be seen from anywhere in this city is so that the robot dolls can check the time. That's all, ok?
Cielo: You can just make some clocks for them then.
Augus: Well, but, it’s a long process......
Cielo: What is that around your neck?
Augus: ...... It's a pocket watch.
Cielo: This. I also have a pocket watch. It's broken though, but it's small.
Augus: You're right but...... Sorry, what I've already said earlier is all I know.
Cielo: I see......
Cielo: But, you're always in the clock tower, aren't you?
Augus: Yeah.
Cielo: Then, can you find out if the clock tower’s only purpose is for telling time?
Augus: You tell me to find out but... Sorry for not being of any help, but I've finished winding you, so can you go home for now?
Cielo: Okay......
Cielo: Even Augus, the robot who manages the clock tower, doesn't know anything......
Cielo: I’ve reached a dead end......
Cielo: Ow......
Cielo: My head......, what is this sound...? Singing...?
Cielo: A memory again......
Cielo: The clock tower......? I'm there... with who?
Part 18 - The Wind-up Day 2
Fabra: You really helped me today.
Augus: ...... I want to ask you something.
Fabra: What?
Augus: I'm a robot who manages the clock tower, right?
Fabra: Yes, you are. ... Why do you ask?
Augus: The clock tower is important for the robot dolls, right?
Fabra: ...... Yeah.
Augus: And I also manage a pocket watch along with it.
Augus: To make the clock move, we need the big tower, right?
Fabra: Yeah, we do.
Fabra: What do you want to say?
Augus: ...... Aside from the tower being a clock, does it have another 'role?’
Fabra: ...... What's with you?
Augus: Today, a weird robot came to me.
Fabra: Then?
Augus: He asked me, ‘what is the clock tower for, why is it the only big building in the city?’ I’ve never been asked questions like that before......
Augus: I always thought we needed a big tower to show off the clock. But, this pocket watch is a clock as well.
Fabra: It is.
Augus: We don't need a big tower to make a clock move. We can just use a small clock and go travel anywhere far from the clock tower, can't we?
Fabra: ...... Augus. Your 'role' is to manage the clock tower.
Augus: ............
Fabra: You will understand when the time comes. And when the time comes, your power will be needed.
Fabra: Sorry, but that's all I can say for now. I have something to do so I have to go now.
Augus: Hey! We're not done yet!
Part 19 - 'Role' and 'Duty'
Cielo: ............
Jane (Izumi Iori): That robot doll, he has been following Terra recently.
Jane: I’ve only seen him on the streets though......
Jane: Do you have something to do with Terra?
Cielo: ...... What?
Jane: That's my line.
Jane: You’ve been following Terra lately. What about him?
Cielo: Nothing......
Terra (Nanase Riku): Jane-saan! Where is this book's next volume?
Terra: ...... Wait, eh? Who are you?
Jane: Terra, this robot doll......
Cielo: What is your 'role'?
Terra: Eh? Um, my 'role'?
Cielo: Yes.
Terra: I don't know yet......
Cielo: Really!?
Jane: You, what are you...?
Cielo: You weren't told when you woke up?
Terra: Yes. When Fabra-san awakened me, he told me to recall my 'duty' myself.
Cielo: Recall your 'duty'...?
Terra: Yes. I come to the library to figure it out, but I still haven't remembered.
Cielo: So, you forgot something... just like me...?
Terra: Like you?
Cielo: It's nothing. Why didn't Fabra tell you...?
Terra: He said, "it's meaningless if you don't recall it by yourself".
Cielo: ......!
Cielo: Fabra said the same thing when he awakened me......
Cielo: Does this mean this guy and I have 'duties' aside from our 'roles?’
Cielo: Bringing this topic up now isn't a good idea. I should pretend I don’t know anything and gain more information.
Cielo: You didn’t get a 'role,' are you a special robot doll or something?
Terra: I'm not... I don't have 'role,' I can't do anything......
Jane: ...... Terra is a robot doll that was awakened by Fabra just recently.
Jane: Recently, there has only been a few new robots. And a robot doll that's awakened by Fabra is rare.
Jane: Fabra chose to awaken Terra recently. There might be some meaning behind Fabra's action.
Cielo: Hmm. Robot dolls awakened by Fabra is that rare?
Jane: Probably. I don't know the details.
Cielo: ...... I was awakened by Fabra too, 3 years ago.
Jane: You too...?
Jane: 3 years ago... there might be some meaning behind his awakening too.
Jane: ...... There is one thing that bothers me about Terra.
Cielo: What?
Terra: What is it?
Jane: Terra refers to his 'role' as a 'duty.'
Jane: At first, I thought he just made a small mistake, so I ignored it.
Jane: But his 'duty' is probably different from what we call 'role.'
Cielo: ...... 'Duty?’
Terra: Fabra-san said 'duty' to me.
Jane: And Dissen probably felt something from Terra.
Jane: He looks like a carefree person, but he's sharp.
Cielo: I see......
Cielo: We won't get the answer even if we discuss this. I'm going to continue my investigation. If you know about Terra's 'role' or 'duty' then let me know.
Terra: ............
Jane: ............
Terra: ...... Ah!
Jane: What is it?
Terra: I forgot to ask him his name......
Jane: ...... *sigh*
Part 20 – Nocturne (1)
Terra: ...... *sigh*. It's so late already.
Terra: It'd be nice if my 'role' or 'duty' is to make everyone happy, just like the boys in that book.
Terra: Singing and dancing is definitely fun.
Terra: But, what if, I can't remember until the end......
Terra: I'm a useless robot doll......
Terra: Jane-san too, he might get bored of me......
Terra: ............ Uu...... Uuu.
Terra: ...... Violin? Is someone there?
Terra: U, Um... good evening.
Jeune (Rokuya Nagi): ...... Hey, good evening.
Jeune: Your tearful face is so beautiful.
Terra: Eh?
Jeune: I'm Jeune. You are?
Terra: ...... I'm Terra.
Jeune: Terra. ... Come to think of it, Martin mentioned your name. You were awakened recently?
Terra: Yes!
Jeune: So that's really you.
Jeune: It's your first time listening to my music, isn't it?
Terra: Yes! Your performance was great!
Terra: ...... The song is… a bit scary though.
Jeune: Thank you very much.
Terra: Jeune-san, why are you playing here at this time?
Jeune: ...... Why do you think?
Terra: Eh...... are you practicing?
Jeune: I like seeing robot dolls' terrified and crying faces.
Terra: Eh?
Jeune: But lately, they're already used to it, so they don't give good reactions anymore.
Jeune: So, I'm trying to play late at night to give them a sentimental atmosphere.
Jeune: It's been long since I had a teary face, I'm happy.
Terra: ...... Fufu, what a strange robot doll.
Terra: ...... *inhale*, La〜♪ La〜♪
Jeune: ...... Do you know this song?
Terra: Eh? No, but you played it earlier, right?
Jeune: ...... Is that so.
Terra: Jeune-san, why don't you play a fun song?
Jeune: I have never played a fun song since I was awakened.
Terra: I see......
Jeune: But I’m in a good mood tonight. I'll play for you.
Terra: ...... Yay!
Terra: La〜♪ Lalala〜〜♪
Terra: That was so fun!
Jeune: I had fun too.
Jeune: ...... Would you like to listen to another song?
Terra: Of course I would!
Jeune: It's my first time playing this song......
Terra: ...... Wow. It's such a beautiful song.
Terra: Somehow, it moves my heart. A sad song, yet so kind.
Terra: I want to sing......
Terra: La〜......, Ouch!
Jeune: Are you alright?
Terra: Ye-Yes. I'm fine... It's a great song, I'm sorry.
Jeune: No. It's already late. Let's go home now.
Terra: Yes... Good night.
Jeune: Good night.
Terra: ...... Something came to my mind. That was, the clock tower? Someone was singing there......
Terra: Was that... me...?
Terra: I was singing, in the clock tower...?
Part 21 – Cielo’s Investigation
Terra: Jane-san, I'm going to the clock tower now.
Jane: Have you remembered anything?
Terra: No, it's not like that......
Jane: It's fine but can't you go there tomorrow? It's raining hard today.
Terra: ...... I want to go today.
Terra: I feel like I'll remember something if I go there today.
Jane: ...... I understand.
Jane: Please wait a minute, I'll finish my work. I'm going along with you.
Cielo: ............
Jane: That robot doll again......
Cielo: ...... It’s you two. I didn't follow Terra today, okay?
Jane: Seems like it, doesn’t it.
Terra: ...... Ah. It’s the robot doll from that time......
Terra: Following me... What?
Jane: He’s been following you recently. When he visited the library last time too.
Terra: ...... Eh!? Is that true!?
Terra: I didn't realize it at all... Why did you do that?
Cielo: You might be involved in my investigation.
Jane: What are you investigating?
Cielo: ...... I didn't say it that time, but I was told to recall my 'duty' by Fabra too.
Cielo: And sometimes, some memories I didn't experience appear in my mind. My 'role' as a detective feels off.
Cielo: What are those memories, what is my 'duty'......
Cielo: I'm investigating myself.
Jane: You also have 'duty'...?
Terra: Me too!
Terra: Actually yesterday, I saw "a memory I didn't experience"......
Terra: ...... In that "memory," I saw myself, singing in the clock tower.
Jane: You did? You should have told me sooner......
Terra: ...... I'm sorry. I couldn't remember anything else, so......
Terra: That's why I was so curious about the clock tower... I wanted to go there today, no matter what.
Jane: I see......
Cielo: I also felt like I had to go to the clock tower today.
Cielo: But I still don't understand anything, even up until now......
Terra: ...... Then, how about we look for it together?
Cielo: Together?
Terra: If we look for it together, and if our memories are connected, we might figure something out!
Cielo: ...... I've been investigating for three years now, but I still haven’t found anything......
Cielo: We won't find anything no matter what we do...!
Terra: But...!
*rumble rumble rumble*
Part 22 – A Change of Key (2)
*rumble rumble rumble*......
Augus: Why is it shaking!?
Augus: ...... Hm? The hole of the clock changed...?
Augus: What is happening!? I've never seen this shape......
Augus: The wind-up staff's shape is also changing...!?
Augus: ...... It fits together?
Augus: The shaking has calmed down. ... Why did the shapes of the staff and the clock hole change?
*rumble rumble rumble*
Terra: It, hurts...!
Cielo: ...... Ow!
Jane: Are both of you ok!?
*rumble rumble rumble*
Jane: I can't stand, it's shaking so much......
Cielo: My head hurts so bad, it's like it's cracking open......
Cielo: Shit! Another memory...!? ... At time like this!? ...... Huh?
Cielo: In the clock tower, Terra and I...... ... I remember!
Jane: Terra...!!
Cielo: *gasp* ...!
Cielo: ...... Terra!! Look out!!!
Terra: Eh......
*Crumble* *CRASH!!*
*rumble rumble rumble*......
Jane: The shaking has... calmed down.....
Terra: ............... Cielo......
Jane: ...... Terra! Are you okay!?
Terra: ............... Cielo......
Terra: Cielo...... No...!!
Terra: Why did you protect me...!?
Terra: Cielo!!!!
Jane: ...... Terra! Calm down!
Terra: ......... What should I do Jane-san?! Cielo...... Cielo is......
Jane: Terra, how did you know his name...? ... Don't tell me, your memories...?
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Jane ― Izumi Iori Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Dissen ― Yuki Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo
Proofread by @ousama-pudding Thank you for always~
(1) Nocturne= musical composition that is inspired by, or evocative of, the night
(2) the title is 転調 which means modulation/transition, in music it’s used when changing keys in the middle of a piece of music so I chose A Change of Key bc it fits the story!
The next post will be the last part! Stay tuned and thanks for reading!!
Part 23~26 →
127 notes · View notes
yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~2nd Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/03)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 13 - To Fulfill Our 'Roles' 2 ~ Clock Tower's Library
This takes place before Terra is awake――
Dissen (Yuki): Hello―. Excuse me.
Fabra (Nikaido Yamato): I haven't permitted you to enter the room.
Dissen: How have you been?
Fabra: ...... It's rare for you to be here. What are you here for?
Dissen: I want to ask you something.
Fabra: Out with it already. I’m busy.
Dissen: What are you working on now?
Fabra: You don't need to know.
Dissen: How mindful of you.
Dissen: I bet you've been researching without sleeping, right? Why don't you go get some sleep now?
Fabra: I have slept enough. Well then, what do you want?
Dissen: I want to borrow some books from the underground library.
Fabra: Is the library in the city not enough?
Dissen: I've finished all of the books there. There are some books I can only find here, right?
Fabra: It's not organized, finding them would be hard.
Dissen: I need more knowledge to fulfil my 'role.'
Fabra: Do you really need it?
Dissen: I really need it.
Fabra: ...... Ok, I got it.
Dissen: Ah, really? I'm so lucky.
Fabra: You're the one who asked me.
Dissen: Well, I thought you wouldn't allow it.
Fabra: Are books about plants enough? I'll bring it here, so wait quietly.
Fabra: ...... Don't touch anything in this room.
Dissen: Okaay.
Dissen: ...... What is this? It's covered by a white cloth. Let's see.
Dissen: ...... A red-haired robot doll?
Fabra: Here you go. Is this enough?
Dissen: Aah, thanks.
Fabra: You're welcome.
Dissen: Can I take these books home?
Fabra: Don't. The owner will get angry.
Dissen: Owner? They're not yours?
Fabra: ...... It's fragile, so I don't want it outside.
Dissen: ...... Hmm that's too bad. Then I'll read them all here.
Fabra: Take good care of it.
Dissen: Okay, okay.
Fabra: ............
Dissen: What? Don't stare at me. Gross.
Fabra: I don't trust you, so I'm watching over you.
Dissen: Didn't you say you were busy?
Fabra: It's because of you, a robot who's not very robot-like, I had to leave my work.
Dissen: It's not only me, right?
Fabra: What’re you trying to say?
Dissen: There are other robots who are not very robot-like. It's as if their previous life was......
Fabra: Don't say funny things. Is your gear's circuit malfunctioning?
Dissen: Fufu. I wonder.
Fabra: ............
Dissen: What is it?
Fabra: ...... Just if, if you were right, what would you do?
Dissen: Eh?
Fabra: If… robot dolls were originally human.
Dissen: ...... Nothing. I'm just a robot doll who's trying to fulfil my 'role.’ And I'm here now, reading these books to fulfil my 'role.'
Fabra: Hm......
Dissen: It's rare to see you smile.
Fabra: You didn't see anything.
Dissen: Hmm. Nevertheless, this is such an amazing book.
Dissen: Hm, hm, I see――
Part 14 – The Sign of Blossoming
Dissen: Novem, wake up! Look!
Novem (Momo): Uuh... What is it?
Novem: Dissen-san is energetic in the morning; will it rain spears today?
Dissen: The canaria I've been researching has bloomed!
Novem: Eh!? Really!?
Dissen: Yeah.
Novem: I want to see!
Dissen: Here.
Novem: Wow! It's such a beautiful flower.
Dissen: The flower finally bloomed. I'm so happy.
Novem: I'm glad!
Dissen: Yeah.
Dissen: But the real problem starts now. It needs to be able to grow naturally outside.
Novem: Leave that to me!
Dissen: Novem?
Novem: I've been working on it with Octo.
Dissen: With Octo?
Novem: Yes!
Novem: He helped me develop insect robots that can help plants reproduce naturally!
Dissen: I see. So Octo can do more than just repairing.
Novem: Octo's skills have leveled up!
Novem: We will complete it soon. Please look forward to it!
Dissen: Got it. I'll be looking forward to it.
Part 15 - The Clock Tower Tour
Terra (Nanase Riku): Jane-san, look!
Jane (Izumi Iori): What is it?
Terra: In this book, there are boys who sing and dance!
Terra: To make people smile, they work hard behind the stage, their friendship makes me so excited!
Jane: Aah, so you've been reading that series.
Terra: I want to try singing and dancing like these boys.
Terra: But among the robot dolls, there's no such 'role,' right?
Jane: Yes. And that book is fiction, so we don't actually know if there was a human like that before.
Terra: I'm sure there was!
Jane: Why are you so confident about it?
Terra: Well, I'm sure if I were a human I'd be a human like that!
Jane: ...... Terra, before thinking about what you’d be like if were a human, you have to know what your 'role' is first and be useful in this world.
Terra: ...... Yes.
Jane: ...... I’ve said too much.
Jane: By the way, are you really going to the clock tower today?
Terra: Yes...!
Jane: Your head started hurting when you thought about the clock tower before, so I don't really recommend it......
Terra: But I'm so curious about the clock tower!
Jane: I understand.
Jane: Closing the library for too long isn't good, but I'll be troubled if something happens to you, so I have no choice. I will go too.
Terra: Jane-san...! Thank you very much!
Terra: The clock tower is so big!
Jane: In this city, no matter where you are, you can always see this clock tower after all.
Jane: The entrance is here.
Jane: The inside of this tower is complicated, follow me so you don't get lost.
Terra: Okay!
Terra: ...... Ah! Fabra-san! Good afternoon!
Fabra: Terra. Have you been doing alright?
Terra: Yes! I'm doing great! But... I haven't......
Jane: Fabra. Long time no see.
Fabra: ...... What, so you're here too Jane.
Jane: What do you mean by 'what?’ Is there a problem if I'm also here?
Fabra: No, sorry. I didn't mean anything bad. Terra, you always visit Jane's library, don't you?
Terra: Yes! I've been going there to recall my 'duty.'
Terra: I get to learn many things; every day is exciting!
Fabra: Glad to hear that.
Terra: But, I still can't remember......
Terra: ...... Fabra-san, you really won't tell me anything?
Fabra: ...... I've said it before, right? You have to recall it by yourself.
Terra: Uuh......
Fabra: Knowing many things and looking around this city are both beneficial.
Terra: I understand......
Jane: ............
Fabra: You're touring the clock tower today?
Terra: Yes.
Fabra: Jane also knows a lot about this clock tower, so you can have him guide you.
Fabra: See you.
Terra: ...... Fabra-san, he won't give me a single hint.
Jane: ...... I don't know what he is thinking, as usual.
Jane: Above us is the highest point in the tower, the observation platform.
Jane: You can see the whole city from there.
Terra: Wow! I want to see―!
Jane: It's already dark, so we won’t be able to see very well. We can go up there next time.
*crrk* ...... *crrrreeeaak*.....
Terra: What is that sound?
Jane: Since long ago, there has been a squeaking sound coming from this clock tower every night.
Jane: The sound has been getting louder lately so they're looking for the cause, but it doesn’t seem to stop.
Terra: I see...... Ow!
Jane: Terra!?
Terra: This sound... somewhere...?
Jane: Are you alright?
Terra: ...... Yes.
Jane: Did you remember something?
Terra: ...... No.
Jane: Is that so......
Jane: We’ve been through all of the clock tower, so let's go home for now.
Terra: Yes.
Cielo (Kujou Tenn): ............
Part 16 - Cielo
Cielo: From what I heard from the city's robots, there's a new robot doll that's been awakened recently, Terra.
Cielo: It's the first robot that's been awakened after me.
Cielo: I might be on to something. Let's assess the situation.
Cielo: ...... So that's Terra.
Cielo: He went inside restaurant "Capsaicin."
Cielo: To think that he ordered the restaurant's recommendations, how reckless......
Cielo: Singing, and dancing...? He looks so excited.
Cielo: In the past few days, I've been observing him but there's nothing odd......
Cielo: But, I have a feeling there's something about him. My intuition as a detective tells me that.
Cielo: At any rate, what is his 'role?' He just does whatever he wants every day.
Cielo: I'll observe the situation again in the library tomorrow.
*crrk* ...... *crrrreeeaak*.....
Cielo: Ugh, this sound again......
Cielo: What the hell are those clock tower guys doing...!
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Jane ― Izumi Iori Dissen ― Yuki Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Novem ― Momo Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke
Proofread by @ousama-pudding Kinda mindblowing how mechalulla is just a movie in ainana world, while ainana is just a fiction book in mechalulla world... Thanks for reading!!
Part 17~22 →
142 notes · View notes
yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~2nd Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/03)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 9 - April and Meir
Meir (Osaka Sougo): I bought the groceries for today.
Meir: What should I do to make my customers say it's delicious?
Meir: ...... I want them to eat my food happily… yeah, just like that boy's smile over there――
April (Yotsuba Tamaki): Yumm―――!
Meir: You!
April: Huh? What?
Meir: That's pudding, right?
Meir: Is it delicious? Do you like it? Why do you look so happy when you’re eating it?
April: Huh?
Meir: Ah, I’m sorry for surprising you.
Meir: You just looked so happy eating that pudding, so I called out to you without realizing it.
Meir: Um, my name is Meir. My 'role' is a chef. What's your name?
April: Me? I'm April. I drive vehicles and transport other robots. My favorite food is pudding.
April: What? Do you like pudding too?
Meir: Ah, I'm......
Meir: Oh no. I called out to him without thinking......
Meir: ...... That’s right! I'd like you to taste my cooking.
April: Taste your cooking? Can I eat delicious food?
Meir: Yes! I'll cook a super delicious meal for you!
April: Then sure.
April: Ugh, uwah! *cough cough* What is this!?
Meir: I-Is it bad?
April: It's not bad but, um, yeah, it's bad.
April: How did you make this!?
Meir: It's that bad...?
April: This food, why is it so red? I can't see any other colors in it.
Meir: I blended the spices together, it's my original sauce!
April: That's definitely what makes this bad.
Meir: I-Is that so?
April: I’ve never eaten food this red... Can't you cook something that's not red?
Meir: I can! I can make it if I follow the recipe book! Please wait a minute.
April: This restaurant, Fabra-san said I'd have a shocking experience here.
April: By shocking, he meant super bad, huh?......
April: He tricked me......
Meir: Thanks for waiting!
April: Ooh! Pancakes!
Meir: I think you'll like this since you said you like pudding.
April: Yeah! I like this much more than that red thing!
Meir: That’s good then. Please try it!
April: I'll eat now―
April: Hm! This is delicious.
Meir: I'm glad.
Meir: ............
April: What's wrong?
Meir: My 'role' is to cook food.
Meir: I want my customers to say that my original recipes are delicious... I want to make them happy.
Meir: But my sense of taste is different compared to others......
April: Hmm.
April: I know a guy who fixes robots! You're Meir, right? Let's get your sense of taste checked out!
April: Get ready to go.
Meir: We're going now?
April: The sooner the better right?
Part 10 - Octo
April: Hello―. Is Octo here?
Octo (Tsunashi Ryunosuke): Ah, April-san. Good afternoon.
April: Can you check this guy's sense of taste?
Meir: Hello......
Octo: Hello! We haven't met before, right? I'm Octo.
Octo: I repair other robots and machines.
Meir: Um... My name is Meir. I'm a robot chef......
Meir: But... I think my sense of taste is different compared to normal robots......
Octo: I see.
Octo: The parts for sense of taste is usually quite complex. Let's have a look.
April: Octo, can you check my vehicle later?
April: There's been weird sounds coming from it lately.
Octo: Again? ... I got it. I'll do these in order then, so please wait.
April: How's Meir?
Octo: Hmm, there's nothing wrong.
Octo: There's no problem in the positioning nor the motions.
Octo: But Meir's parts are a little more complex than other robots.
Octo: I think that's why his sense of taste is different.
April: I see. Well, we can't do anything if it's not broken.
April: Thanks, Octo!
Meir: Thank you very much.
Octo: I'm sorry I couldn’t be of help.
Meir: That's not true!
April: Yeah, yeah. Now we know Meir isn't broken thanks to you.
Octo: I'm glad to hear that.
Meir: ...... Octo-san, can I see those tools attached to your clothes?
Octo: These? Sure. Here.
April: Meir, you like tools?
Meir: Yes!
Meir: I've always been curious about how kitchenware and tools were made!
Meir: ...... Ah, how do you use this?
Octo: Ah, you tighten this part――
Meir: I see!
Octo: Are those cooking tools around your waist?
Meir: Do you want to see? This knife is my favorite! Here!
April: Uwa, that’s dangerous...!
Meir: But it hasn’t been cutting well recently, so it’s been troubling.
Octo: ...... There's something specific for knives. Wait here.
Octo: Here, you can have it.
Meir: What is this?
Octo: If you sharpen your knife with this stone, it will cut well again! Try it.
Meir: Thank you very much!
April: Octo, why do you use informal speech towards Meir? You always use such formal speech to me.
Octo: It's because April-san is mid-rank.
April: You can just be informal to me too. It's probably only you who thinks ranks are important, you know?
Octo: I'm already used to it, I'm sorry.
Meir: I understand that feeling!
April: You use formal speech towards anyone, right?
Octo: Meir-kun, we're the same rank so you can speak informally to me.
April: Anyway, you two don't have to be act so formal towards me!
Part 11 – Restaurant "Capsaicin"
April: Like― I― said―, get rid of the red stuff!
Meir: I've decreased it though......
April: Nah, it's still red no matter how I look at it!
*ring ring*
Terra (Nanase Riku): Hello―!
Meir: Welcome!
April: Ooh! Terra! Ah, Jane-san too.
Terra: We're here to eat the chef's recommendation! Two portions of your recommendation, please! We've already prepared ourselves!
Meir: Thank you very much!
Terra: ...... Ah, this is Jane-san. He works in the library. Do you know him?
Jane (Izumi Iori): Good afternoon.
April: Hey, it's been a while, right?
Meir: Nice to meet you, I'm Meir. ... Do you know each other?
April: Yeah. I drive him around with my vehicle sometimes.
Meir: So you are April-san's customer. Nice to meet you.
Jane: Nice to meet you too.
Jane: April drives fast, but it's too reckless, so I only call him when I'm in hurry.
April: Fast is my selling point!
Meir: I'm going to prepare the food. Please wait a minute.
Meir: ...... Thank you for waiting! This is my recommendation for today. Here you go.
Jane: T-This is......
Meir: I-I think it's more delicious than usual!
April: He's right. Try it.
Meir: Please tell me your impression of it after eating.
Jane: Okay... I'm eating now.
Jane: ...... Ugh.
Jane: ............
Jane: ............
Jane: ............
April: Ooi. Jane-san, you okay?
Jane: ...... Huh!?
Terra: Are you alright?
Jane: ...... I'm sorry... Can I have some water please......
Meir: ...... Yes! Please wait!
Jane: *cough*, *cough*......
April: Are you ok?
Jane: Yes......
Jane: ...... Why does it taste so bad?
Meir: So it's bad after all......
Jane: I rarely eat... Does food normally taste this bad?
Terra: But the omelette rice here is delicious!
April: Yeah, yeah.
April: If he follows the recipe he can make delicious food, but his recommendation is really red and really bad.
Jane: It's very red indeed.
April: And I've been telling him to reduce the red stuff.
Meir: But I think it's more delicious when it’s more red.
Jane: ...... I hope April's taste testing will end in a good result someday.
April: Ohh, I'm doing my best.
Jane: Okay, it's already late so I'll be going now. Thanks for the food.
Jane: Are you going too, Terra?
Terra: Yes! Meir-san, thanks for the food!
Meir: Thank you very much.
April: I'm going too. I'll take you two home.
Jane: Eh!?
Terra: Can we!?
Jane: Uh... My house and Terra's house is around here so we are okay.
April: Don't hold back.
Terra: I want to try getting on a vehicle!
April: See, Terra wants to!
Jane: ...... Terra, you need to prepare your heart to get in April's vehicle.
Terra: Eh?
April: Okay then, let's go! Hold on tight.
*vroom vroom brrrrrrrrrrrmm*
Terra: We, we’ve arrived......
Jane: I told you to prepare yourself.
Terra: ...... I'm, giving full points for the thrill.
April: It's so fast, isn't it?!
Jane: It doesn't have to be fast.
Jane: Well, it really helps when I'm in a rush.
April: Terra too, feel free to call me whenever you need!
Terra: ...... Yes.
Terra: Let's only call April-san when I'm in a hurry......
Part 12 – To Fulfill Our 'Roles' 1 ~ Novem and Dissen
This takes place before Terra is awake――
Dissen (Yuki): ...... *sigh*. I don't know what to do with you anymore......
Novem (Momo): I'm home―.
Novem: Dissen-san, what's wrong? Why are you lying on the desk?
Dissen: Aah, Novem. Welcome home.
Novem: I'm home.
Novem: You look so depressed.
Dissen: I don't get what this girl is thinking......
Novem: Girl...? Aah, the plant you always carry everywhere?
Novem: The one where you said you figured out it's breeding method......
Dissen: Yeah. It's this.
Novem: It didn't go well?
Dissen: Yeah. I've went through many trial and errors, and when I finally thought this was the right method, it didn't end up well.
Dissen: I don't know what to do anymore... I give up......
Dissen: I want to travel. No, I want to lock myself away......
Novem: You're already locking yourself away right now.
Novem: No, that's not it. Please don't say that.
Novem: Anyway, you should go to sleep for now.
Novem: Dissen-san, you've been researching without any sleep, right?
Dissen: ...... Okay. Night.
Novem: Eh!? That was quick!
Novem: At least sleep on your bed, please―!
Dissen: ...... Mm....... Hh.
Novem: Geez, you really are......
Dissen: Morning, Novem.
Novem: Good morning, Dissen-san.
Novem: Wait, eh? Are you going out?
Dissen: Yeah. I'm going to Fabra's place. I have an idea.
Novem: Why are you smiling like that...?
Dissen: I'll stay there for a while.
Novem: No way.
Dissen: I'm joking. I'm just going to study. Then, I'm off.
Novem: Take care―.
Novem: He said some weird stuff but I'm glad he looked refreshed!
Novem: Okay then, I should continue my project!
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Jane ― Izumi Iori April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo Dissen ― Yuki Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn
Proofread by @ousama-pudding love how mezzo can make Jane's good day instantly Bad lmao. And re:vale is married even in their own movie. Thanks for reading!!
Part 13~16 →
113 notes · View notes
yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~1st Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/01)
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 5 - Jane
Terra (Nanase Riku): So this is a library... it's so wide.
Jane (Izumi Iori): May I help you?
Jane: Hm? ... Are you by chance, Terra?
Terra: Yes, I am! Are you Jane-san?
Jane: Yes. I am Jane.
Jane: I was told by Martin to help you when you arrive.
Terra: Please take care of me!
Jane: Please feel free to ask me anything about these books.
Terra: ...... Um, can I find out what my 'duty' is if I read books?
Jane: 'Duty'...? Aah, you mean 'role.'
Jane: I see. You can try reading this.
Jane: In this city, every robot has their own 'roles.'
Jane: Just as Martin is a postman, I am a librarian.
Jane: As you can see, there are various 'roles,'
Jane: Robots have to live according to their 'role' that has been given to them when they awaken.
Terra: I was told to recall what my 'duty' is by myself.
Jane: Recall by yourself? ... That's odd. Usually, you’re told when you awaken......
Jane: Anyway, this bookshelf is full of books about robots' 'roles.'
Jane: ...... Do you want to read these?
Terra: Yes!
Jane: The basics is in this book.
Terra: Err, what is it......
Terra: ...... There are ranks for the robots. Their 'roles' differ according to their ranks.
Jane: Basically, the robots are categorized by their ranks, there are high-rank and low-ranks.
Terra: I see. A postman is mid-rank. Librarian... high-rank. It's on top!
Terra: Jane-san, you're amazing!
Jane: Thank you very much.
Terra: Oh right, I wonder what rank the robot who gave me "Mary" is? His name is Dissen.
Jane: This is......
Jane: This is not a wild flower. It's a Marigold. These are very rare.
Terra: It is!
Jane: He gave you this?
Terra: Yes!
Jane: He is an important robot whose 'role' is to manage plants or animals.
Jane: He is a high-rank.
Terra: So Dissen-san is a great robot too!
Jane: The ranks are to differ our 'roles.' A high-rank doesn't mean we are great.
Terra: ...... Ah, what rank is Fabra-san? He's the robot who woke me up...!
Jane: A robot who winds other robots are high-rank.
Jane: What's more, he is above all of the other robots there.
Jane: ...........
Terra: Is there anything wrong?
Jane: ...... No. It's nothing.
Jane: It's already time to close the library so please come again tomorrow.
Terra: I understand! Thank you for today!
Jane: Be careful on your way and don't get lost, okay?
Jane: ...... There are only a few robots that's directly woken up by Fabra.
Jane: Why did he awaken today...? The fact that he wasn’t told his 'role' bothers me.
Jane: Who on earth is he...?
Part 6 - Pain
Terra: Jane-saan!
Jane: Aah, good morning Terra.
Terra: Good morning.
Jane: What do you want to read today?
Jane: You have finished every book about 'roles' these days.
Terra: I get that there are various 'roles' for robots......
Terra: But I still don't know what I am supposed to do.
Terra: At home, I try to recall what it is.
Terra: But when I do that, my head starts hurting......
Jane: What did you say...!?
Jane: Since when? How much does it hurt?
Terra: Um......
Terra: Since I started reading books about robots, so it started 3 days ago.
Terra: Other robots were awakened a long time ago, but why did I wake up only now?
Terra: And when I wonder what kind of place the clock tower is... Ow!
Jane: Terra! Are you alright!?
Terra: ...... Yes, I'm… fine now.
Jane: Please don't force yourself.
Terra: Thank you very much......
Jane: Robots don’t feel pain unless they have a 'bug' in them......
Jane: In some cases, if they get repaired, they could lose their memories from when they woke up. Fortunately, he just woke up some days ago......
Jane: There might be a bug somewhere. If the pain doesn't stop you should go to a robot whose 'role' is to repair things.
Terra: I understand! If it hurts again, I'll do just that!
Part 7 - Jeune
Martin (Izumi Mitsuki): Looks like Terra is visiting the library every day.
Martin: I hope he can recall what his 'role' is.
Martin: ! That guy, there he goes again――
Martin: Jeune!
Jeune (Rokuya Nagi): ............
Martin: Jeune! Stop it!
Jeune: ...... I’m at a nice part, so please don't bother me.
Martin: The passers-by are troubled! Play other songs!
Jeune: I like this song.
Jeune: When I play this song, everyone is terrified and cries. It is wonderful!
Jeune: Please show me your tears.
Jeune: Playing music that will make you cry, scream and be overcome by fear is my goal for the time being.
Martin: What are you doing, making that as your goal...!?
Martin: Why does he always play music that scares the other robots?
Martin: His technique is great, and yet......
Martin: This is weird, I should have put it in my pocket.
Martin: Where did the key to my bag go? I still haven't delivered half of the packages......
Martin: Oh well... I should look for it around the streets I already passed by!
Martin: Uum... Not here.
Martin: I can't find it anywhere......
Jeune: You, are you looking for this?
Martin: Ah! That key!
Martin: Thank god, I've been looking for it this whole time!
Martin: You found it? Thanks!
Jeune: So it's yours after all.
Jeune: ...... Then, to repay what I did for you, will you listen to my song?
Martin: Huh? Listen to your play? If I can repay you with just that then it's fine.
Jeune: You can.
Martin: O, Okay. Got it.
Martin: Stop, stop!
Jeune: What is it? I’m still at the intro.
Martin: Your performance and technique are great, but why do you always play that disturbing song?
Jeune: You were in tears before, but you are angry now. What a busy person.
Jeune: Do you prefer an exciting and kind song?
Martin: Well, I do.
Jeune: Is that so.
Jeune: I will play it when I feel like it someday......
Martin: What a strange guy......
Martin: I call out to him every time I see him in this city, but this guy really only plays scary songs, huh.
Martin: Shouldn't our 'roles' be useful for something?
Martin: And Terra, he doesn't even know what his 'role' is yet. They're so strange......
Part 8 – The Rumored Restaurant
Terra: Jane-san, good afternoon―!
Jane: Good afternoon Terra.
Terra: I visited a restaurant near my house before coming here today.
Jane: Now I see why you were later than usual.
Terra: I talked to the chef and a customer there.
Terra: Most of that restaurant’s menu was delicious, but it was weird!
Terra: I asked for the chef's recommendation, but it tasted so bad that the customer and I almost fainted!
Jane: Is that really okay? What's the name of the restaurant?
Terra: It's "Capsaicin" restaurant!
Jane: ...... Aah, I have heard a rumor about that restaurant before.
Terra: The chef is Meir-san and the customer is April-san.
Terra: April-san tastes tests Meir-san's cooking and gives him advice.
Jane: Huh, is it that April?
Terra: Jane-san, do you know April-san?
Jane: April is a driver of various vehicles so I meet him when I need a vehicle.
Jane: He looks like an idler, but he gives cooking advice, huh?
Terra: He said that when he ate his favorite pudding on the streets, Meir-san called out to him.
Terra: "I'd like you to taste my cooking," he said. April-san likes delicious food so he delightedly accepted the offer, but his cooking was so bad.
Terra: "My tongue is at its limit, so help me," he said to me.
Terra: Jane-san, would you like to go eat there with me?
Jane: After hearing that story, it's like you're just asking me to eat something bad......
Terra: Other than the chef's recommendation, the other foods are delicious!
Jane: ...... Well, I can go sometime.
Terra: Yay―! Let's go together!
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Jane ― Izumi Iori Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Dissen ― Yuki Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo
Proofread by @ousama-pudding I'll keep posting 4 parts in one post from now on. Thanks for reading!!
Part 9~12 →
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yotsutama · 7 years
Mechanical Lullaby ~1st Day~
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Mechanical Lullaby Event Story (12/01) 
Part 1~4 | 5~8 | 9~12 | 13~16 | 17~22 | 23~26
Part 1 - The Second's Awakening
Fabra (Nikaido Yamato): Last is putting this in, and...
Fabra: I need you to wake up already.
*clack clack*... *whee―*
Terra (Nanase Riku): You are?... Who are you?
Fabra: I am Fabra. And you are Terra. How do you feel?
Terra: I'm Terra.... I feel… good.
Fabra: So there's no problem in the data system process.
Fabra: Terra. Do you know what your 'duty' is?
Terra: My 'duty?’
Fabra: You too, huh?......
Terra: Fabra...-san? Where are we?
Fabra: We are in a clock tower, the center of this city. This clock tower tells everyone in the city what time it is.
Fabra: The robot dolls need to wind themselves here in this clock tower once a year......
Fabra: But you woke up just now, so you don't need to do it anytime soon.
Terra: ............
Fabra: That's all I can say to you.
Terra: ...... Eh? That's all?
Fabra: Do you know about this city? How to live here?
Terra: ...... Ah, I think I know.
Fabra: I see. Some information has already been inputted in you. You don't have to worry about how to live here.
Fabra: Do you have any questions?
Terra: Fabra-san, you mentioned 'duty' but what is my 'duty'?
Fabra: I can tell you what your 'duty' is, but......
Fabra: If you don't recall it and realize it by yourself, it's meaningless.
Terra: ............
Fabra: We still have time.
Fabra: You may recall what your 'duty' is after living in this city for some time.
Fabra: Anyway, you should go to your house. I had it prepared for you.
Fabra: I'll draw a map, so wait here.
Terra: I understand. Thank you very much.
Fabra: There's shouldn’t have been a malfunction anywhere, so why did he lose his memories?
Fabra: I precisely constructed them with the finest body parts so that those two can bear their essential 'duties'......
Fabra: If only he is here now......
Fabra: Whining won’t change anything, but I can't help but remember the past.
Fabra: ............
Fabra: Just a little more until the right 'time.'
Fabra: And then those two will――
―3 years ago―
Cielo (Kujou Tenn): ............
Fabra: I am Fabra. And you are Cielo. How do you feel?
Cielo: Cielo... I feel... I don't know. I feel good and bad at the same time.
Fabra: Oh well. Cielo, do you know what your 'duty' is?
Cielo: 'Duty?’
Fabra: You don't remember?
Cielo: Yeah. But I feel that now's not the time yet.
Fabra: ...! You're right. I don't know why you lost your memories, but I'm sure you will remember someday.
Fabra: I can tell you what your 'duty' is, but it'll be meaningless if I do.
Cielo: Huum?
Fabra: If you live in this city you should have a 'role.'
Cielo: A 'role'?
Fabra: Yes. We are robots, so we must have a 'role.' Am I right?
Cielo: ...... Yeah, you're right. We must. Then, what is my 'role?’
Fabra: Your 'role' is a detective. Do you know what that is?
Cielo: Well, somewhat.
Fabra: You will understand after reading some books. If I'm correct, your house holds many books.
Fabra: I'll draw a map to your house, so wait here.
Cielo: I understand.
Fabra: I have finally awakened them, but they ended up losing their memories.... Not everything goes according to my plan, huh?
Fabra: However, I already have all of the pieces. Will the future I predicted come true..? All I can do is wait.
Fabra: And, so that their memories will come back, I can just pray for those two just like what humans do.
Part 2 – Mary
Terra: I wonder what Fabra-san meant by my 'duty?’
Terra: ...... Hm? It smells nice.
Terra: Ow! Wh, what?
Dissen (Yuki): Oops, sorry!
Dissen: The plants alongside the road caught my attention, and I stood up without realizing you were here.
Terra: No, I'm sorry too. I was walking without looking forward......
Terra: ...... What is that yellow thing around your waist?
Dissen: This? This is "Mary."
Terra: "Mary?"
Dissen: Yes. This is a plant, and the yellow part is a flower.
Dissen: It's a very rare sight to see in this city.
Terra: Flower......
Dissen: Recently, I finally succeeded in making flowers bloom.
Dissen: I named this flower here "Mary."
Terra: You named it?
Dissen: Yeah. If I name and raise them carefully, the plants will grow strong.
Terra: Ohh. I see.
Dissen: ...... Oh! You have a different eye color. Your right eye has the same color as "Mary."
Terra: Eh, really? I'm happy I match colors with "Mary!"
Dissen: ...... Oh, right.
Dissen: If you like this flower that much, I'll give you one.
Terra: Really!?
Dissen: Seems like "Mary" took a liking to you too.
Terra: Thank you very much!
Dissen: Take good care of "Mary," okay?
Part 3 - Martin
Martin (Izumi Mitsuki): There’s so many deliveries today, huh? Can I deliver them on time?
Martin: Well, I can’t just complain. Let's go!
Terra: Uuum......
Martin: ...... Ah! Hey! You! Front! Front!
Terra: ...... Eh? Whoa!
Martin: Are you okay?
Terra: Uuh... I'm fine.
Terra: Is my nose in the right place?
Martin: It's still properly there. Don’t you know looking down while walking is dangerous?
Terra: Yes. I'll be careful. You are...? You walk in an odd way...
Martin: Me? I'm Martin. I'm a postman who delivers letters and packages in the city.
Martin: And these boots are my special equipment. I run while jumping with these. It fits my 'role,' right?
Terra: Wow! I wonder if I’ll have something like that?
Martin: Are you... lost?
Terra: My name is Terra!
Terra: I’m following this map to my house, but I don’t see where am I right now.
Martin: So, you're completely lost.
Martin: I feel like this has happened before......
Martin: ...... Ah, it's just like when Jane-san was lost.
Martin: Can I see that map?
Terra: Ah, yes, here.
Martin: Look, this is where we are......
Martin: You can turn right at that corner, and then turn left at the second road.
Terra: I see! I got it. Thank you very much!
Martin: By the way, that thing in your hand is...?
Terra: This is a flower named Mary! A grey-haired man just gave it to me.
Martin: So it's a flower after all. The real thing is so rare.
Martin: The only grey-haired man who grows plants is Dissen-san, right?
Terra: So that man's name is Dissen-san!
Martin: Yeah. Dissen-san is a plant researcher, I often see him walking around with plants.
Terra: Martin-san knows a lot, huh?
Martin: Well, this job requires me to know all about this city and the robots.
Terra: Amazing! Then, do you know about my 'duty'...?
Martin: 'Duty?’ Aah, you mean your 'role'?
Martin: You weren't told when you woke up?
Terra: Fabra-san told me I had to recall it myself......
Martin: Recall it yourself?
Martin: Sorry, but I don't have any idea what it could be.
Terra: I see.
Martin: ......, You can look it up if you don't know, right?
Martin: There's a library around here. You can ask Jane-san who lives there.
Martin: Jane-san knows everything about books.
Terra: I understand! I'll try that!
Terra: Thank you very much!
Martin: ...... Ah, hey! It's dangerous to run!
Martin: ...... Is he okay? I'll just deliver this and visit Jane-san after this.
Part 4 – Fabra and Martin
Martin: That Terra, can he get to the library safely?
Fabra: It's rare to see you talking to yourself Martin. What's wrong?
Martin: Ah, Fabra-san! It's rare to see you here as well.
Fabra: You see, I thought I should take a walk once in a while.
Martin: Huum?
Fabra: What's the situation in the city like today?
Martin: Let's see..., nothing in particular happened, but there were more deliveries than usual today.
Fabra: ...... Sorry. That was my doing.
Fabra: My documents have been piling up, so I organized it.
Martin: So it's Fabra-san's doing! It's a lot more than usual, you know!
Fabra: I'll treat you to a delicious restaurant next time, so forgive me.
Martin: Yay! I rarely have meals but there are some foods I want to try!
Fabra: The restaurant is called "Capsaicin." You might have a shocking experience there.
Martin: What do you mean by shocking? I'll be looking forward to it!
Martin: ...... Ah!
Fabra: What's wrong?
Martin: I just met a guy named Terra.
Fabra: Aah, that was quick.
Martin: Yes. He had a map you drew but, he lost his way.
Fabra: I see......
Fabra: It'd help me if you could take good care of him from now on.
Martin: It's rare to hear that from you.
Fabra: ...... He was a robot I could finally wake up.
Martin: Was there a malfunction or something?
Fabra: Something like that.
Martin: I see! I told him to go to the library, so I went ahead with my boots and told Jane-san to take care of him before he arrives.
Fabra: That’ll be really helpful. I'll be off then. Sorry for bothering you in the middle of your 'job.’
Martin: It's fine, it's fine!
Martin: ...... Okay! Let's work hard today!
to be continued...
Casts: Terra ― Nanase Riku Fabra ― Nikaido Yamato Cielo ― Kujou Tenn Dissen ― Yuki Martin ― Izumi Mitsuki Jane ― Izumi Iori April ― Yotsuba Tamaki Meir ― Osaka Sougo Jeune ― Rokuya Nagi Augus ― Yaotome Gaku Octo ― Tsunashi Ryuunosuke Novem ― Momo
Proofread by @ousama-pudding Will post part 5-8 after this! Thanks for reading💕
Part 5-8 →
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