#and i loved the gradual upgrades in sleeping situation LMAO
hella1975 · 1 year
theo's weekend story time (it's kind of long, sorry)
friday: after a 10 hour bus trip, i get to the city at like 6pm and have to catch a train to the city station, so i haul my duffel bag with my weekends worth of shit in it all the way down the bus terminal, up a flight of stairs, and down a different flight of stairs to get to the train platform. i cannot find the ticket thingy, a lovely woman informs me that they are upstairs and i must have walked right past them, so i trot my dumb ass back up the stairs, buy a ticket, go back down the stairs - at this point im SWEATING bc im wearing three jackets bc it was cold and raining when i left my home town
i get on the train, i get to the city station, i am now on part two of my mission: get to the underground station. the trainline i was on doesn't go there directly, but the two stations are connected so i CAN walk there but i dont now where the fuck im going so i go up the stairs and ask the first person i see wearing a uniform "hey do you happen to know how to get to [city] underground from here?" "i sure do!" "...can you tell me?" he gives me instructions, i repeat the instructions to make sure i heard them right, i head down a different set of stairs and immediately forget half of the instructions but i can't go back and ask again bc i'll look like a dickhead so i just wing it - i go down the next set of stairs, looking for platform 5, i see the sign and follow it up more stairs - dead end. i ask someone in a uniform how to get to the underground, they tell me to go back down the stairs and turn left, i then say "i was so close" out loud, thank them, and go back down the stairs. i FINALLY end up in the underground station, where i proceed to wait for my friend until she finds me. (at this point, after all of the stairs and the several layers and the large bag, i am dying)
it starts raining while we're waiting for the bus, and then i had to dig through my pocket for change for a bus ticket and held up the whole fucking bus for like 5 minutes before finally sitting down. we get to my friends uni, she drags me to the dining hall where i get to met her school friends and THEN, gloriously, i am asked the most beautiful question: "oh, you're writing a book? what's it about?"
and i don't think i breathed for the next like. five minutes.
we get back to my friends dorm and build a bed for me on the floor (it's a sleeping bag), and thus starts my life as a criminal
saturday: my friend has a committee meeting to go to, so i literally just hung out in her dorm by myself all day - had a nap, ate some skittles, did some sewing and some writing, very productive. she finally gets back at 4:30.
we get dressed up as pirates, take a bus to the train station (i once again struggle to pull together enough change for a bus ticket, we are also both carrying two bags each + a gift bag for our friend), we get on the train and then have to take another bus so we're standing at the bus stop and this couple start having the most batshit argument and it's mildly scary and mostly hilarious and then the woman bumps into my friend and we both just freeze bc we think we're about to get dragged into it but instead she just apologises and then HE apologises and then she's like "don't apologise for me" and then they're getting into it all over again, finally the bus comes. i am ONCE AGAIN struggling to get a ticket bc i have the worst luck with buses (this time it's bc we can't remember the exact stop we need to get off at) meanwhile the woman throws a bike helmet at the man except her aim is shit and it hits me in the back of the leg instead and by the time i sit down im trying so hard not to burst into laughter
now, the thing about the friend i came all this way for, is that they live in a really awkward area, so me and the friend im staying with get off the bus and have to walk for half a fucking hour while carrying all our shit - we stopped halfway just so i could text our friend that i was going to kill them - and by the time we get there it's 7pm. we left at 5:20. i was sweaty, puffed, and exhausted.
another thing about this friend is that, we got mistaken for each other a lot when we were in high school - like i spent my first two weeks at a new school hearing about this other kid that i apparently looked exactly like, and then we met and somehow ended up friends, and it's been a running joke ever since - especially bc we're very similar personality wise and after this one time we both walked out of separate rooms to discover we were wearing the exact same jeans (which we had both diy-ed, they weren't even store-bought, we just made the same pair of jeans)
so i get to this pirate themed party, and i'm standing in the kitchen, and the friend-i'm-here-for walks in and we just pause. look each other up and down. and just go "for fucks sake" because we'd miraculously managed to wear the same fucking thing in different fonts.
i get drunk <3 on an empty stomach <3 the horrors set in but i am so brave about it <3
i am given a matress on the floor (an upgrade from the sleeping bag)
sunday: me and the friend-im-staying-with are the first awake, i scare myself with my reflection (pale, eyeliner smudged down my cheek bone, half my hair falling out of it's bun), i drink two cups of coffee while watching my friend-that-im-here-for power clean (they refused any offers of help), finally we all get dressed (there are five of us, we are the main group, 4 of us went to high school together and the other is K's boyfriend who is now our friend) and we head out to get food! i got a chicken and avo crepe and it was really fucking good actually, and there was some random kid dressed as chainsaw man running around which was just. brilliant.
the friend-im-here-for drives me and the friend-im-staying-with out of the city to her parents house (where we are staying tonight) and bc the drive was long we got to just talk about anything and eerything which was nice bc it's hard to actually catch up with someone at a party, so i'm glad i got to actually hang out with them yknow?? they dropped us off, and i've upgraded again to an actual bed <3 then i got dropped off at my aunties, and i got to catch up with her and then my grandma came up so i got to surprise her! and then my aunty offered to drive my back to my friends instead of having my friend pick me up, and then we detoured to get maccas, and then me and my friend watched ghost files and now i need to go to bed bc i have to get up at a ridiculous hour (i mean technically i don't, but the more anxious i am about something, the earlier i have to be prepared for it)
and yeah!! so the 10 hour bus trip was honestly worth it, bc the vaguely chaotic events of this weekend was everything i should've expected from this lot, and hopefully i'll get to see them again on my birthday bc they all said they're keen on coming down so yeah. very happy, very fulfilled. thank you for listening <3
theo 0 : public transport : 1
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