#and i mean cunty in the drag queen way
grim-has-issues · 7 months
jess prodman was such a cunty old man
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ourlordapollo · 2 years
*grabs u by the shoulders* do you I understand what I mean when I tell you that anime!Manfred von Karma looks like an old queen
Look at that man's eyebrows and tell me he isn't a little bit cunty 💅🏼 exactly, you CAN'T
Also there is no way you raise Franziska "world's biggest lesbian" von Karma and Miles "transparent closet" Edgeworth without being at least a little bit In The Know
Franziska: Papa..... I'm gay
Manfred, not looking up from his desk: I'm gayer
Edit bc I went back to Twitter and immediately came face to face with this
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This is a GAY MAN this dude was doing drag shows in Berlin before any of the main cast was even BORN
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fall-dog · 8 months
hey falll!!! how are you?
here’s a little music game! i’d love to know 5 of your fav songs + then you can send on this message to 10 (or however many) other people if you’d like <3
hii love <33 i'm doing great except my friends dragged me to see the new mean girls movie today and i think i took some psychic damage... anyway here's some songs xx
1. under pressure - queen & david bowie (aftersun sorta reignited my love for this one but god... that bridge bowie sings is just ✨✨✨ also i love playing this when i'm running it makes me feel like i'm made of pure electricity)
2. south london forever - florence + the machine (i love the storytelling and it reminds me of my art student era in upper secondary school <3 and it's just soo pretty)
3. seven swans - sufjan stevens (i'm not even religious and even i get such anxiety from listening to this but in like the best way... it's so haunting and intense i love it)
4. thursday's child - david bowie (one of his best in my heart <3 i love his softer more melancholic songs in general)
5. up from the skies - jimi hendrix (SUCH a banger also i love the cunty way he sings "maybe it's just a...change of climate")
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banghwa · 3 years
would you be willing to explain what cunty means ? I thought it was a drag queen thing, kind of like hunty but I have no sources to back that up so it's possible I just made it up and then thought it was real
i don’t mind at all ! <3 you’re not wrong, cunty (at least in the way im using) comes from the predominantly black and latine ballroom scene, and is used most often to designate or describe femme queens. at its barest, it means “resembling or emulating feminine characteristics.” In a drag setting it could also be used in place of “impressive” or “legendary,” “sickening,” etc. I know a lot of ppl use it now to allude to a certain sass, confidence, charm, grace, and originality, which isn’t wrong . It just needs to fall back to that essence of femininity. and it’s not derogatory either, maybe a bit tongue-in-cheek but it’s praise before anything!
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harrypotterimagined · 7 years
(AN): So I’m trying to upload every Wednesday from now on. Maybe with an extra post in the weekend but I’m just very busy, so I can’t always write more than one piece a week. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been binge-watching RuPaul’s drag race for like, two months now. I’ve watched everything three times and I’m starting the fourth time soon. This isn't healthy haha But, I have good news! I’m working on a new prompt list based on quotes the queens have said. I think it’s so fun! They’re so very funny and shady and cunty and nice.  Sorry for the long note, I hope you enjoy reading!
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
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When you went for a walk, the weather was still good. But now you were running back to Hogwarts in the pouring rain. It wasn’t your ideal way to end the weekend, but it always could be worse. As you made it inside, you were soaked. And as if the universe was really against you, George Weasley walked up to you. It wasn’t like you didn’t like him, but you two had a weird kind of love-hate relationship going on. 
“Well, well, well,” He grinned. “If it isn’t the soaked cat. Got caught in the rain?” You rolled your eyes and kicked off your shoes, lifting them up and glaring at him. 
“Oh no, Georgie. Don’t you know? Girls shower with their clothes on and then walk around to dry. Two birds with one stone.” Your voice was sweet but your eyes could kill. He never seemed to notice. 
“Don’t be like that,” 
“Like what?” You snapped. “Like a lovable, adorable, gorgeous person? Tell you what, I can’t help it.” 
“I wanted to say something else but now that you mention it-” He had that one flirtatious look in his eyes at which you just had to roll your eyes. 
“Bye, George.” You started walking away. He called something after you, but honestly, you didn’t care. It wasn’t until you were in your room that you noticed how hard your heart was beating. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the fact that you’d just talked to George, who basically agreed you were gorgeous. 
Dinner was your favorite thing in the world. Just not tonight. You were anxious and not quite sure why. It wasn’t until you locked eyes with George when you realized you were looking for him. He gave you a short smirk, one that could mean anything. You rolled your eyes, making sure he saw you rolling your eyes. You shifted your attention to your friends again. 
“Excuse me, can I borrow Y/n for a second?” You turned around to see George, looking rather smiley and polite. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’m sorry, I’m Karen from now on. And Karen doesn’t have time for...” You waited a second, glancing him up and down. “You.” 
“Now, that’s not nice at all.” 
“Do I look like I care?” Now it was his turn to roll his eyes and pull you up, dragging you away. 
“George,” You squealed as you didn’t expect this. “What’re you doing?” 
“I’m taking Karen away for a nice chat.” You didn’t respond and tried to keep up with his fast pace. 
“What the hell?” You said when George pushed you gently. 
“You weren’t working with me, sorry.” 
“You don’t seem sorry at all,” 
“Maybe I would be if you weren’t such a bitch.” He said it like a statement. 
“I could be less bitchy,” You said, taking a step back. “But you seem to spark that negative side of me. Maybe you should try to stay away, then.”  
He took a step closer and smiled. “You wouldn’t want that. Your friends aren’t as funny as me.” 
“Now you’re saying my friends are stupid? You’re not on a roll, are you?” Without wanting to, your voice grew softer as you took a step closer. You couldn’t stop the slight smile from forming as you could smell him and feel the heat radiate from his body. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, making you chuckle. 
“That’s quite the opposite of staying away,” He didn’t move, so you did. You gripped his shoulders and pushed yourself up to place your lips on his. You smiled against his lips, until he kissed you back. The smile faded as his hands found your face, cupping your cheeks and letting his fingertips move near your hairline. 
Time seemed to stand still, though you realised this was just a moment. In a few seconds, your lips would be alone. This feeling would be gone. You couldn’t really bare that. 
He pulled away, letting his hands linger on your face. Your fingers were digging in his shoulders, afraid to let go. 
“Still want me to stay away?”
“Maybe we can come to an agreement on that,” You smiled, glancing at his lips. “If you can deal with me inner Diva, that is.” 
George smiled, dipping in for a short and sweet kiss. “I’ll learn.” 
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more4gemini · 6 years
9 10 12 13 16 20 24 25 28 30 35 37 40 41💖😍
oh goodness! Sorry in advance for the long post everyone!
9. Best Snatch Game Impersonation
My personal favorite is Alaska’s Mae West, but I also loved Dela’s Maggie Smith and Ginger’s Adele
10. Favorite Season 
Ugggh if I had to choose only one its s3 just because the looks are so good and the drama in untucked is epic too. I think its as close to a perfect season that Drag Race has ever had. (but s2 is also my fave because the draaaama was LEGENDARY and so authentic. I mean, some of them still hate each other 8 years later!)
12. Jujubee or Manila?
Definitely Jujubee. I love Manila’s drag and she’s very talented but I’ve always found her personality to be a bit too much for me. Jujubee is the OG shady bitch. I’ve never seen a queen throw shade quite as smoothly as she does. And not only is she hilarious, she is also stunning! One of my favourite queens.
13. Raven or Raja?
(I knew someone would ask me this lol) BOTH! I CAN’T CHOOSE BETWEEN MY LESBIAN AUNTS I’M SORRY!!!
16. Best Feud
Tyra vs. Tatianna was and is still iconic. You could just tell they hated each other and it was real shit, no acted out, scripted fights. I mean, its been 8 fucking years and these two are still feuding, when will your faves?
20. Favorite ‘villain’
Willam. He was a cocky little shit in s4 but damn was he hilarious! I loved how he managed to get under all the other queens’ skin and caused so much drama during untucked. A legend.
24. Favorite friendship
I mean…duh. Obviously Raja and Raven lol. We already know why because I never shut up about them so I won’t elaborate. But I also love Raven and Jujubee, the AAA girls, and Monique, Asia and Monet this season.
25. Favorite Top Three
At the time it was airing I probably would’ve said s2, but obviously now I don’t fucks with Tyra. So Probably s5. I loved Roxxxy and Alaska and since the show have come to appreciate Jinkx’s humor and her amazing singing and acting abilities. 
28. Least Favorite Queen
Tyra Sanchez (I don’t think I really need to explain why. Who scares people into thinking they’re gonna bomb a huge event like that??)
30. Meanest Queen
Outside the show, probably Tyra again. She just seems so aggressive and hateful. I know she gets alot of shit from “fans” of the show, but the way she responds to it is not cute. 
On the show, there have been quite a few “mean queens”. Raven, Raja, Delta, Willam, Detox (pretty much all the WeHo queens lol), Phi Phi, Roxxxy, Gia etc. were all pretty mean and bitchy during their respective seasons. Aside from Phi Phi, these were all my favorite queens tbh (what can I say I like the cunty queens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
35. Favorite shocking moment
Probably Willam throwing up and being kicked off the show. I did not know it was coming at all so it was a huge shock when I watched. He served drama every second he was on that show.
37. Favorite Catchphrase by a contestant
I’m not usually a fan of “catchphrases” because I find a lot of queens try to force them to become a meme and its very off-putting. However, I still use Hieeee and Byieeeee to greet my friends all the time. Also Miss Vaaanjie
40. Least Favorite Season
Just regular seasons: s7. I just found there was too many mediocre acting challenges and even though we had some good look queens, they tended to all blur together for me with all the corsets and lingerie
All Stars: AS3. Most of the challenges were dumb. (The only good one was the Bitchelor) and that stupid jury twist at the end ruined the entire season even more imo.
41. Rolaskatox or The Heathers?
Rolaskatox. As much as I love Raja, the Heathers/Boogers thing did start to feel a little high school after a while. Plus I wasn’t a huge fan of the other members of the Heathers at the time. I really liked Alaska, Detox, and Roxy and definitely thought they were the most creative and sickening queens on s5.
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RPDR 10 Cast !!
It is March 2018 and Season 10 of RuPaul’s Riggamortis Race is upon us !! It’s time to meet a whole new bunch of bitches and gag on their charisma , uniqueness , nerve and talent ( and sometimes lack thereof ) as they battle it out to be America’s next drag superstar. So what better way to kick off the new season and my new blog other than giving my personal thoughts on the Season 10 girls ? Let’s get into it ...
I’ve followed Aquaria on Instagram for a while now and have always been a fan of her makeup and performance skills but I never really got into her personality. Needless to say , after watching her Meet The Queen’s video , I should’ve continued to mind my damn business lmao. The Trixie as RuPaul head movements are distracting af and the whole cunty attitude thing , which I’m guessing was supposed to read as confident , just comes off as forced and over rehearsed. Aquaria ACTUALLY has enough talent to let it speak for itself and that’s something she should consider lol , still excited to see what she does tho.
First of all , what the fuck is on her head lmaooo ?!? It’s kinda like a bird’s nest that’s been doused in cigarette ash but weirdly I’m not mad about it... Wig aside , Asia doesn’t really give much away for me ; her personality isn’t standout in the video , nor is her look but for whatever reason I am highly intrigued by her. One of my favourite queens of all time is also a pageant queen from Dallas so I’ll be sure to see if Asia lives up to tradition.
She’s pretty but... not just pretty if that makes sense ? I feel like Blair has a lot more to offer than just blinding highlight and blonde wigs unlike previous contestants lol , but I can definitely see the other girls possibly underestimating Blair based on her “ cutesy “ appearance. Her potential and positive spirit alone puts her as one of my top picks for now.
I’m glad that Dusty is a proud bottom as that’s probably where she will be spending most of her time throughout the competition #SorryAboutIt . Nothing against her or her drag as I am actually a huge fan of both and would love for her to prove me wrong BUT .. I just don’t know if she’ll be able to keep up with the other girls in terms of fashion , humour and just overall personality. I am rooting for Miss Dusty with an open , yet realistic , mind . (she’s such a hot guy tho omg)
Now I have no shame in saying that I HATED Eureka on Season 9 , something about her was (for lack of a better expression) heavy. Every scene she was in was just depressed by ill-timed jokes and attitude to me. I don’t know if she popped a pill the same time she popped her knee lol but she is a whole new woman , and I’m so glad to see it ! She oozes fun and freedom in her Meet The Queens and whilst I’m not particularly rooting for her I am happy she’s here.
I mean ... she’s definitely a drag queen ... I don’t know , for me she’s kind of the epitome of just being there , you know ? Not saying she’s bland or boring but she’s just there. Just like those kids in school that were just “ nice ” - they’re not bland , they’re not boring , they’re just nice.. Kalorie is just there and she’s just nice  (gorgeous smile tho , jealous)
Another girl that I’ve followed on Instagram for a minute now and I think that’s why I’m excited to see her on Season 10 ! She has a lot more personality than her Meet The Queens gives off and is also an extremely creative and talented makeup artist , defo one to watch I think.
She thinks she is “the fiercest bitch around” , and I’m happy for her to feel that way - whether I agree or not is another story lol. She is undeniably skilled , beautiful and deserving of her household name status but I just fear that spending so much time around Raven only gives Mayhem knowledge on how to come second .. twice (all tea , just a smidgen of shade hehe)
THIS IS MY BITCH OK !!! She for me is one of the best examples of how C.U.N.T can be displayed so equally within one queen and I am telling you now if she doesn’t take the crown its a case for the FBI , damn it ! I really don’t have much else to say apart from RIP to the rest.
She sounds like Bob but thank the gay God she doesn’t dress like her ! Monet looks amazing ! Amongst some shitty promo looks her’s definitely stands out as the best. Her personality does just as well at standing out too ! You can just tell that she is a fun time and is going to be refreshing to watch. Whilst I don’t think she will be giving Cracker a run for her money personally I can definitely see her going far.
Another one of the better promo looks , another one of the better personalities lol. She reminds me of the women in my family - strong , carefree , black women who are happy to take a couple minutes out of living their best lives , just to get you ALL the way together and remind you who the fuck they are. Although Monique wasn’t particularly sassy in her video you can just tell she has it in her to go awf and I really pray we see it .
“ Ghetto girl from Miami meets stripper pole “
“ I get to be Beyonce for the people who can’t afford Beyonce “
“ Vanessa is a video hoe / twerkaholic “
Miss Vanjie is a girl after my own heart with all her ghetto fabulousness , ol’ girl is a mess in the best way possible. I am sold ! Get these cookies , I shall
Let me just start off by saying burn the wig and the bag that it came in , thank you. She’s promising ! She says she really likes Tyra Sanchez and if she’s anything like Tyra she’s a hundred percent got a fan in me because I LIVE FOR A GOOD BITCH !! A good bitch has strong opinions , a reckless mouth , a fuck you mentality but enough talent to back it up. Whether or not The Vixen has the talent will be determined , whether or not she has better wigs will also be evaluated.
Yuhua is excited that she’s on drag race. I am not. 
JK , but here’s the tea .. am I appalled that they chose her to be on ? Not in the slightest. Am I jumping with joy that she’s on ? Again , not in the slightest - I’m indifferent. Much like Kalorie for me , Yuhua is just there but I feel like she will do more than Kal whilst she’s just there , ya dig ?
All in all the cast is pretty fucking lit. Regardless of my personal opinions each queen is obviously deserving of their spot on the show and I really do hope each of them get to show their best work on it too. These are just first impressions based mostly on the MTQ videos and I’m open for any of them to change , but as of right now my top six favourite queens would be
Miz Cracker
Vanessa Vanjie Mateo
Blair St Clair
Monique Heart
Kameron Michaels
The Vixen
As for who I’m predicting will be top six , that would be
Miz Cracker
Monet X Change
Asia O’Hara
Kameron Michaels
Monique Heart
I plan to do weekly reviews of the episodes when they start coming out , give this review a read and then read me if there’s anything you disagree with lmao
- - Kaine
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slugpussy · 5 years
i just love cunts, movies about women being unapologetically cunty, and not in the “fun” way that drag queens are using it, just absolute fucking cunts. my number 1 goal in life is to have a man filled with rage and hatred call me a cunt, then i can die happy.
“bitch” just doesn’t have the same range as cunt, it doesn’t cut it for me. ever since women started to reclaim it and call themselves and their friends bitches it just kinda lost its meaning
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hey guys, a new season of drag race has graced our screens (like, a week ago) and idk about you, but i’m feeling pretty sickening mawma YAAAAAAAAAAS GAGA WERK THE HOUSE DOWN BOOTS HENNY.
okay, so let’s start by ruviewing each contestant based on their entrance to the werk room.
peppermint: peppermint is the shows OG out and proud trans drag queen. she hails from NY and she is serving LEWKS. after her beautiful blue satin entrance, peppermint definitely left me with a sweet tooth.
next up, valentina, she is beauty, she is grace and she is slaying rupaul’s drag race. red is definitely her colour and the fact she has been doing drag for 10 months and can do THIS: sickens me, she’s such a gorgeous drag baby and puts every biological female’s beat to shame.
okay, i know each season tends to have it’s designated “big girl”, and all she ever talks about is her weight (looking at you, ginger minj) but this is one of the rare few times a big girl hasn’t made me roll my eyes. eureka is very witty, and also has enough good looks to make up for the times she mentions her weight
now it’s time for the oldest queen in drag herstory, the true face crack of the century, charlie hides. aka the one that lana del ray called an asshole that time. despite being an ancient relic, charlie is beautiful and also pulls off dressing like a 22 year old as opposed to a 52 year old. she has her own youtube channel, in which she showcases her comedic talent and also insane beauty, not to mention she was grown here in the UK, and i’m all for a UK drag queen snatching the crown
next up, the “courtney act” of the season (yawn), aka the fishy blonde – farrah moan. not only is this an ingenious pun (whether she realises this or not), but also she looks more like a woman than any woman i have ever met. and this is all i have to say:  on this:  am i wrong?
okay kittens, time for my personal favourite, the artsy, creative, sasha velour. she is dedicated to being “uniquely sasha”, and i’m in love with this bald headed dork. her lipsyncs are ART, and she is essentially herself, just art. her eyebrows will forever be better than yours, sorry ’bout it.
next to enter the werk room, alexis michelle, aka the one my best friend wants to fuck. she’s a gorgeous, curvy queen with the bluest contacts i’ve ever seen. she serves body on a platter and her hair colour is my literal dream. alexis is classy, versatile and just super cute all round. also, her painted tits are just goals.
shea couleé storms into the werk room next, wearing a sickening dress adorned with the face of fellow chicago queen, pearl liaison. shea’s drag style is so fierce, she will legitimately cut you. not to mention she has the best entrance line of the season, and one of the best in herstory.  she looks like she could fuck you up before breakfast.
it’s evidently clear that trinity taylor’s favourite colour is blue. it was her chosen colour for both her promo look, and her entrance look. everything about her is blue, her clothes, her hair, her earrings. all in slightly different, yet equally annoying shades of blue. she is a pageant queen, and a storyline mirroring that of coco and alyssa is in the works between trinity and eureka. trinity isn’t quite beautiful, but just like shea, will fight you, and i love it. also, she can’t tell the difference between a stigma and astigmatism.
kimora blac is the resident bitch of the season. despite her denial, there is no way that this bitch isn’t pumped with silicone. she’s going to be cunty, and no doubt we’re all going to gag over how cynical and mean she is. i do love a bitchy queen, and there’s no way kimora will disappoint, which will hopefully make up for the sub-par looks she’s been serving thus far
now, the comedy queen, hailing from milwaukee, winsconsin, jaymes mansfield. now, don’t get me wrong here, the voice is awful. but i honestly stan the shit out of jaymes, she’s funny, sweet and super adorable. her quirky style and humour are all part of this bright persona, but please let her lose the voice at some point
nina bo’nina banana fofana osama bin laden brown is one of the most creative queens to ever grace the werk room. her periscopes lull me to sleep, her voice is so soothing. she is talented and quirky, and also just the bomb.com.org.uk. and her entrance look was the best ever:
the penultimate queen is aja, from new york. she knows who i am and once told me that she loved me and that is all i have to say about this queen. that, and that i’m seeing this sickening queen in a couple of months and i’d like to join the haus of aja, pls n thank u xo
finally, we have ronnie from new york. she is brooklyn’s premiere lady gaga impersonator. i don’t know what else to say about her  i mean, she’s so good at it, right? look at her  you’d almost think she was lady gaga……………….. AND THAT’S BECAUSE IT IS
in possibly the best the twist in the history of rupaul’s drag race, lady gaga had everyone, especially the queens shook, these were their reactions:
and honestly i cannot blame them, my edges were officially SNATCHED.
thanks for reading this ruview of drag race, hope you enjoyed it!
lauren x
hey guys, pls check out my blog post (it's about ep 1 of drag race!!!!!!!!!) hey guys, a new season of drag race has graced our screens (like, a week ago) and idk about you, but i'm feeling pretty sickening mawma 
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