#and i said i gotta make tea ill then keep company while you guys eat lunch
patrice-bergerons · 2 years
I forgot to pack my own tea and now I'm forced to drink pg tips - a tragedy truly 💔😔
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
If I Could Make A Wish
Word count:1,088
The café was filled with tired students and equally tired professors.
Gigi sits with jerico in a corner right up the Window, the wall like decoration separated them with the people right besides them.
--i know a great tea you could try
--oh please do tell
--its Arab Tea with Cardamom and Cinnamon, youre going to love it
Jerico was a picky eater and equally picky tea drinker.
--sounds good, lets order that
There wasnt really something to talk about.
Jerico hated talking about school.
Gigi hears jer sigh deeply with worry.
--whats up?
The djinn asked.
--its nothing really,im just missing my brother thats all..
He spends so much time going from desert to desert , and a very special holiday is coming up back at my home and I dont want to miss it,its usually celebrated with family and Friends...
--what is he after exactly?he sounds desperate as a djinn without their lamp
The dragon seems to chuckle and looks away--hes after the lamp of his ancestor... he was a djinn too
The tea arrives with some cupcakes to accompany them.
--maybe I can go with you to that holiday-- the djinn said-- you dont have to go alone
Jeri's eyes lit up-- would you go with me?
--Of course! When is it exactly?
--in three days
--do I have to wear anything in specific?
--no no..you dont have to maybe I can come up with something similar to what we wear , how do you feel about terra's style?
--oh, I really like it,the colours are too earthy for me but i gladly wear them for you
And her cheeks went red.
Jerico could only contain her giggles--that means a lot thanks gigi, ill talk with a friend see what I can get for you okay?
--ok --okay
And so evening goes by, the moon slowly makes her way up to the Sky.
--ill see you tomorrow then
--yeah, diesection class?
--Yeah, ill see you around gigi
And then jerico says something in a language she recognizes.
djinn tongue
Her cheeks heat up as she also says goodbye and makes her way back to home.
The Next couple of days went by quickly, and finally there they were, gigi looks in the mirror of jericos house,the outfit was a mix of djinn clothing and terran style.
She looked beautiful.
The djinn and the dragon walk side by side in the festival, lively music plays as the old terran women singed and told the tales of old.
Their hands brush togheter and shyly their fingers intertwine.
Both would be lying if they said they dont feel the chemistry between the two of them.
--oh you gotta hear this one
Jer tightens her grip on gigis hand and she runs towards one of the stages that were set up.
An old woman of wich jerico couldnt quite recognize but still seemed familiar started talking.
She was pale and with a long black hair , a scar across her left eye covered by her dark locks.
-- a long time now, there was a faery that lived in a willow tree.
She had hair like Fire, emerald eyes and a beautiful voice.
A young Man heard her singing, and followed the sound towards her.
For Many Many days he tried to court her, but nothing seemed to work.
The young Man, brought down her ancient tree, and took the faery out of her forest.
When she was far away just at the entrance of the Woods she collapsed and faded into a flower, that would Bloom for a bright eve.
The Man...understanding his greed called upon Ray, the god of providence, who made a pact with the goddes of life to bring back the faery and her tree in exchange for her soul.
The soul of the Man was embeded into the old willow,so he could stay with the faery to Keep her company....
This story show us that we dont realize what we have until we lose it,and that love is stronger than the gods themselves ...
Gigi looks at jerico who had her eyes sparkling with ilusion.
The djinn suddenly feels a tug on her stomach,as the dragon goes to get something to eat, she runs as the sensation of familiar magic strenghtens.
Another djinn was close.
She ran and ran until she found him.
Sitting alone in a corner.
--excuse me?
Gigi asked.
A Man looks up, its evident that genie blood coursed through his veins.
The same blood as hers.
--youre a genie too --the Man says -- I suppose youre gigi Grant, jerico told me about you
--jerico?...so youre her brother...her half djinn brother
--Im aajab halba, yeah, I am...have you seen her around?
--yeah actually im with her
--do you mind taking me to her?
--Not at all, this way
And so they walk in silence, not uncomfortable silence but rather familiar one, after all they were genies too.
--so jerico talks about me?what does she say?
Aajab chuckles and crosses his arms-- you havent realized by now?
--re realize what?
--oh come on,you know what im talking about, youre a genie too, you tellin me you dont have a crush on her?
Genies cant lie to eachother...Its too obvious even for them.
-- fine and what about it?
--she has a crush on you too,I know my sister damn well
--oh my Ra!
Jerico runs towards aajab hugging him tightly.
The Man hugs back
--مرحبا الهوام
(Hey rascal)
Jeris eyes water -- gv vcgizñe (I missed you)
--Me too me too...
--gigi hes aajab,my djinn brother
--Yeah we met--the Man says-- she brought me to you , anyway im hungry ill give you guys some privacy
The half djinn goes to a food stand.
--they have to kiss
A familiar voice says.
--Dont jinkx it Ray...
--thanks for bringing him to me gigi
Jer steps closer grabbing her hands.
-- no need to, I know terrans value family very high...and its nice to meet someone like me
--Its nice that I have met you
Both chuckle and press their foreheads togheter
--gv zom
--What does that mean?
--its terran for 'I love you'
Gigi is taken back for a bit before pressing her lips against jers.
Jerico hugs her waist holding her close.
Both meet the others gaze, breaking the hug while holding hands.
--yeah ,starving
--Oh let me show you this youre going to love it!
And so off they went to enjoy the festival.
Love above all,above the gods.
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Big Hero 7
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Big Hero 7 S2
Eighth Wheel 
*A very familiar hand slices through the urchin to collect the meat inside, where she soons places it on an egg roll where she soon places a slightly grilled asparagus on Momakase's customer's plate. The customer soon revealed herself to be Liv Amara, the ceo of Sycorax.*
Liv: Your Kaisake is exquisite... so very unique.
Momakase:And I understand you posses unique skills as well Miss Amara... as does the Lady.
Amara: We are all guided by our passions, aren't we?
Momakase:*While chopping up tuna* Very true... its no wonder you clicked with Lady Nozako, which itself is very impressive. She barely talks to anyone new unless introduced by a trusted business partner.
Liv: I have my ways~
*Momakase places the fish slices into a flower as she sprinkles on green special herbs and delivers it to Liv Amara.*
Momakase: Allow me to present your dinner.
Liv: *Eats one fish slice* Mm, delicious. You have a gift.
Momakase: Obviously. At least you can appreciate it, my last boss was...less satisfactory. But I want more.
Liv: You know my company has been looking for a certain kind of investor.
*Momakase looks over the file folder Liv Amara passed to her.*
Momakkase: Oh~ A wealthy one? You spoiled lady~
Liv: Lets say, motivated. And guilty as charged.
Momakase: And Lady Nozako has to admit... you sure do know how to pull your weight around... certain clients.
Liv: At Sycorax, we believe in progress... at any cost.
Momakase: And if I invest, I can expect a certain return...yes? You know how Nozako is with paying your rent.
Liv: *Stops from drinking her tea* I make dreams come true.
Momakase: How about... nightmares?
*At Fred's house, Fred is using a screw driver and sticking it to a paste covered foot armor or Mini-Max, the little sidekick Hiro and Cora built him for to help him.*
Fred: OK Minimax, This is what we call a teachable moment!
*As it turns out, something with paste in MiniMax's bottom armor resulted in Minimax with only half of his armor while Fred tries to remove it.*
Fred: What we learned here is using your thrusters to make smores is a bad idea.
Minimax: Indeed Fred. In spite of my clear and insistent warnings, your marshmallow folly is now evident.
Fred: Finger pointing is not helpful minimax!
Minimax: You speak the truth, I repeated pointed my finger at you as I suggested you immediately ceased your ill-advised activity.
Fred: Have you considered maybe when I'm done your thrusters will be better than ever?
Minimax: Your farfetched statement calls for laughter! *Laughs at Fred* Hahahahahaha!
Fred: We'll see who's laughing when whoa-!
*Fred had inadvertently pressed something that caused Minimax's thrusters to fly off and crash though the ceiling, leading a piece of debris to fall off. Suddenly Fred and Minimax hear an alarm.*
Minimax; Is your home equipped with a folly alarm?
Fred: No! Just a regular alarm-*Gasp* That means somebody's breaking in!
*Fred and Minimax jump into action to investigate and find the home invader. Soon they arrive at the kitchen where Fred equipped himself with a toilet plunger as a last minute defense weapon.*
Minimax: Minimax! Defender of justice is here to-!
*The lights turn off, both unaware of the home intruder is behind them, and then they swiftly restrain them with rope. Soon it flips out with the goodies in bag, leaving the two hogtied...with the plunger stuck on Fred's butt.*
Minimax: That happened too rapidly for perpetrator identification.
Fred: the Perpetrator din not count on rich people paranoia... to the microwave cam!
*As of while, Cora is preparing dinner for her family... all four of them. Kage sits awkwardly next to Mizuchi as Kaguya sits from the other side. Soon Cora places all the omlettes on the rice and sprinkles it with green onions and delivers all of the plates to the table... the last two given to Mizuchi to hand the final one to Kage.*
Mizuchi: My daughter's Omurice is one of my favorites, I'm sure you'll love it.
*Cora sits awkwardly and close to her grandmother as the elder lady sips her tea.*
Kaguya: I heard tomorrow is a big step, you'll be heading to SFIT to see Grandville again.
Mizuchi: *to Cora* Commander Carter will be observing you all... just in case.
Cora: OK papa.
Kage: *To Mizuchi* I'll be careful Mizuchi.
*Just then, Cora's phone rings as it shows a text. She quickly gets up and starts running upstairs.*
Kaguya: Is it Big Hero 7 related Cora?
Cora: *Calling out* Yeah Grandmama! I'll try to be back soon!
Mizuchi: Tell Hiro I said Hi!
*Cora stops by her Papa's side as he leans down to receive a kiss on the cheek before running off.*
Cora: Bye guys! See ya later!
*Soon enough, all of the team arrive at the lab where they review over the video feed of the intruder whooping Minimax's and Fred's butts.*
Gogo: Microwave cam? Seriously?
Cora: Well you have to creative, otherwise if you did it standardly the perpetrator would have taken them out easily before doing anything.
Honey Lemon: Good point.
Hiro: Baymax, enhance.
Baymax: enhancing.
*The video clears up to which they all take a closer look to identify the person... which lead to nothing.*
Gogo:...Well that was helpful...
*Soon enough they hear the familiar clicks of heels which belong to Professor Grandville, who is carrying her own project to fix up.*
Grandville: Carry on with your surveillance analysis, like I'm not even here.
Wasabi: I still can't get used to Professor Grandville knowing we're Big Hero 7.
Grandville: *Suddenly behind them* As far as I am aware, Kaguya and Mizuchi also know about your secret as well. Again, pretend I'm not here.
*The gang jump up startled as Cora clings to Hiro's arm in surprise. After Grandville leaves them be the team resume to their plan...somewhat.*
Honey Lemon: What did they take Fred?
Fred: That's the thing! Nothing's missing! Not my mother's jewelry box, not even my most valuable collectable!
*Baymax quickly shields Cora's as Fred pulls down his pants to show the team his prized collectable... much to their dismay.*
Fred: The actual underpants of the Captain Fancy movie!
Wasabi; *sarcastic* Yeah, I was wondering about those.
Grandville: *Suddenly* Mr. Frederickson-
*The team jump up again, this time Hiro hugs Cora tightly as Baymax still covers her eyes.*
Grandville: Your collectable undergarments are not relative to the situation..oops sorry *Giggles* I'm not here.
Hiro: Wait, Professor Grandville what were you gonna say?
Grandville: I don't want to tell you how to super hero. *Walks over to the video footage* You have to look for the details in the details.
*When she zoomed in the picture it showed that the briefcase they had has a temperature number on it.*
Grandville: That is not just any case.
Hiro: Its temperature controlled.
Cora: Which means whatever valuable thing they stole has to survive long enough to wherever the thief goes!
Grandville: Indeed, whatever the thief stole has to be precisely 1.6 degrees celcisous.
Baymax: That is the factory recommended temperature for consumer refrigeration.
Cora: So you're telling us that the thief stole food?... If its for feeding a starving neighborhood I wanna talk to this thief! If not... that's just plain rude.
Gogo: A burglar that steals left overs... how exciting.
Honey Lemon: Thanks for the tip Professor Grandville!
Wasabi: Yeah, good catch.
Grandville: I'm available anytime you need assistance... *To Cora* Cora.. is Kage ready for tomorrow.
Cora: Somewhat, Commander Carter is coming over as well to check up on us.
Grandville: I see, well DM me!
*Grandville walks away from the group.*
Hiro: Did she just say DM me?
Fred: Wait a minute! Tomorrow is Kage's day to be at SFIT?
Cora: *Rubs arms as she quietly nods*
Honey Lemon: Don't worry, we'll keep an eye out on him.
Gogo: And make sure he doesn't do anything to either of you guys *Points to Hiro and Cora.*
Wasabi: I still can't believe that he got his surgery and is now coming tomorrow...Seeing Obake-I mean, Kage here after what happened a few months ago is gonna be something off for us...
Hiro:*looking at the door Grandville walked through* And for Grandville too.
*Meanwhile, the thief is scouting out a truck where a chef closing up for the night is heading towards to. The driver gets out and delivers a box of white winter truffles to the chef. Getting the info they wanted, they leave. Meanwhile the gang head back to Fred's house to see what the thief had stolen from Fred's fridge.*
Gogo: Fred is there anything missing?
Fred: Nope, even my yaki taco from is right where I left it!
*Cora cringes at the sight of the rotten taco and the disgusting ooze its flowing.*
Baymax: I would not advise-
*Fred eats the taco anyway. Cora had to turn around and gag as Hiro pats her back. Needless to say the others share the same disgusted belief of Fred's consumption of the taco.*
Baymax; Eating that.
Fred: But we should probably check out my parents' fridge too.
Gogo: You're parents have their own refrigerator?
Fred:Yes? Your point?
*Fred uses his hand to open the scan pad to enter the other fridge to see what could the thief possibly have stolen.*
Fred: Warning, stinky cheese ahead.
*The fridge opens to see that all the most delectable cheese is accounted for... except for one... Hiro picks up a crumb of cheese and turns to Baymax.*
Hiro: Baymax? How are you on cheese analysis?
Baymax: Downloading Dairy database.
*Soon after Baymax checks over the crumb of cheese and quickly finds it match.*
Baymax: analyzing enzyme characteristics. Point stilton gold.
Honey Lemon: *Looking up from her phone.* Wow! Its worth more by the ounce than actual gold!
Wasabi: thus the awesome cooler! I gotta get one of those coolers-
*Just then Baymax's belly lights up with an image of Grandville in her office.*
Honey Lemon: Professor!
Cora: What up?
Grandville: Students, rare truffles have been stolen from Noble Hill's most exclusive restaurant.
Hiro: And we just figured out the burglar stole an expensive cheese from Fred's parents.
Wasabi: I'll admit, the thief has good taste.
Cora: But unless the thief is throwing a fancy party why would you steal rare food? Then again, Stilton cheese costs more than my house.
Grandville: Yes, High end foods. The next most probable target the caviar visar of the exotic spicery.
Hiro: Looks like we're splitting up.
Honey Lemon: Thanks again for your help.
Cora: Looks like you and Commander Carter have a lot in common. He sometimes helps out new super heroes with any plan if they want.
Grandville: I will take note of that when I see him and Kage tomorrow. And again, do not hesitate to DM me.
* Baymax flies through the city with Hiro and Cora on his back along with Honey Lemon and Fred.*
Gogo:*Through comm link* All quiet at the exotic spicery, stay sharp.
Hiro: Thanks Gogo.
Wasabi:*Through Comm link* Only crime here is how much they're charging for saffron.
*All five heroes land in front of the now peaceful store as Cora peers inside to see any potential caviar that would attract the thief.*
Fred: No body steals from my parents! Lets catch this thief!
Cora:*Looking through glass* White Beluga caviar?! *Looks at price* This is how much they charge for Fish eggs?!
Fred: Wait, caviar is fish eggs? Capital barf.
Cora: So long its not made of actual whale meat I'm cool with fish eggs.
Baymax: Nausa, I am equipped to treat such-
*But they are swiftly interrupted when they see the thief that had stolen the cheese enter into the store.*
Fred: That's the thief!
*Hiro tries to open the door but sees its locked so he turns to Baymax.*
Hiro: Baymax! Rocket fist!
Baymax: To break the window could cause damage to private property.
Cora: Too bad for us cause the thief will still do damage to said private property!
*Soon enough the thief cuts through the window, which causes Cora to recognize the blade they are wielding.*
Cora: Guys! I think I know who the thief is! Its-!
*The thief lands at the alley way and removes her mask.*
Momakase: Hello children.
Fred: That was-
Baymax: Momakase.
Cora: I knew that blade was familiar!
*Soon enough they all give chase to capture Momakase. Fred had been the first to get near her till she pulls on a clothing line where she snaps it to Fred, resulting in a pair of underwear on his costume's head.*
Fred: Ugh! Underpants!..At least they're clean.
*Fred makes an attempt to grab her but Momakase soon flips over and swings him away.*
*When Momakase flips over to the building top, she sees Baymax, Hiro, and Cora.*
Baymax: Do you wish to voluntarily surrender?
*Momakase pulls out a blade in response.*
Hiro: Told you it wasn't gonna work.
Cora: Bless your sweet circuits.
*Soon enough the teen couple hop off Baymax to deal with Momakase. The ninja first goes to Baymax to slice him up while avoiding the punches and kicks delivered by the teens.*
Momakase: *Grunt* Don't know *Grunt* Why*Grunt* That creepy bastard took an interest in you annoying brat!
Cora: Don't remind me!
*But then Momakase grabs Cora and slams her to Hiro, resulting in them to hit their backs at the small roof entrance door.*
Momakase: I'll deal with you two real soon.
*While Momakase charges at them, Hiro and Cora call out to Baymax.*
Hiro: Baymax! OverDrive Mode!
Cora: Now!
*Soon enough, Baymax transforms into his over drive mode to properly fend himself against first the flying chunks told Momakase that she would soon beat the bot, only for the remaining sword Baymax has to knock out Momakase's sword. But sadly enough, it costed him his full battery as it stumbles like a fool and dropping his sword.*
Baymax:L-Low battery...
*Momakase quickly grabs the sword and uses it to stab the center of Baymax's chest, causing Baymax to malfunction badly and pieces of his armor exploding before landing down on the floor. All that's all it took for Momakase to escape.*
Hiro and Cora: BAYMAX!
*After immediately contacting the team they all took Baymax back to school for repairs as they talk about what they learned.*
Baymax: I -am in-in need of repair.
Cora: *Pats his head gently* We'll fix you up good as new Baymax.
Honey Lemon: Poor Baymax.
Gogo: What happened?
Hiro: Momakase happened.
*Hiro and Cora soon set out to repair their friend.*
Cora: She's the gourmet burglar.. though in hindsight she was a chef so stealing food would make sense.
Wasabi: I agree on that.
Hiro: Baymax, can you still scan for Momakase?
Baymax:*Different languages* Hello I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.
Hiro; His language setting is fried too.
Gogo: Isn't it weird we hadn't gotten any alerts about Momakase escaping jail?
Cora: Yeah, and the only reason she got out the first time was because 'someone'.. helped her out. Which means someone else must've-
Grandville: Momakase escaped. They didn't want to alarm the public.
Honey Lemon: Wow Professor Grandville, how did you know that?
Carter: I informed her about the news after she relayed what you all have learned.
*The team look behind them and see Commander Carter.*
Hiro: Commander Carter! What are you doing here?
Carter: You literally forgot about today? Its you know, make sure HE isn't doing anything or exposed to something related to his trauma?
*The gang look at Cora before the teen girl face palms.*
Cora: Oh man!
Carter: I did contact your grandmother and father about the situation and now they are on high alert. While I thought that was a stupid move to disclose the info on Momaakse's escape, its best to inform our own supers here about it.
Honey Lemon: thank you commander carter.
Carter: Which also means keeping a closer eye on Kage.
Cora: Considering how they were together.. chances are she's gonna a little peeved about him.
Carter: Exactly.
*Soon afterwards Fred comes in with a Noodle Burger bag.*
Fred: Who's hungry for some noodle burger... or should I say Chicken noodle burger?
Wasabi: The cockanoodle dude is Back!?
Fred: only for a limited time-
*But before Fred could take a bite out of his chicken burger, Grandville slaps it to the ground. Much to the shock of the team.*
Grandville: Super Heroes should eat super food, that's why I made you kale nuggets.
*The spider bot delivers the food to which they quickly eat it. It had a...unique taste.*
Fred: Capital Bar-I mean Capital Yum!
Hiro: Delicious!
Cora: Its something very unique!
Baymax: *Different language* Would you two like a lollipop?
Grandville: *Different Language* No, thank you.
Carter: *Different language* Rest well soldier.
Grandville: You will go on Night patrol, while Hiro and Cora stays to fix the robot.
Carter:*To Grandville in English* You should also come with me... its time to meet him.
*Grandville's eyes widened as she instantly remembers about him. But she regains her composure and soon leaves with Commander Carter. The gang spit the food out after they left, but then they notice Cora staring at the door. Hiro goes over to her as he places a hand on her shoulder. Soon enough at the two adults' side, Gradnville sees him... her most favored student all those years ago.*
Grandville: Hello.. Kage.
Kage:...Grandville...I heard about the news. I swear I did not break her out! Its not-
*Grandville shs him gently before she goes to place her hands on his shoulders. He calms down as he takes deep breaths.*
Grandville: How is your new life with your brother going?
Kage: Quiet... but sometimes its filled with laughter... I got to meet Akemi.
Grandville: Akemi?
Kage: My Brother's wife.. and Cora's mother... or at least I meet her shrine. *Sigh* Once or twice I saw Mizuchi talking to her photo or just.. tell stories.. stories our father told us.. Its little..and broken.. its still a good family.
Grandville: Yes, a good family that cares about you and your well being.
Kage: I'm not so sure about everyone.. I did attempt to hurt her...
*Grandville diverts her eyes to the ground as she immediately connects the person he had damaged most as his time as Obake.*
Kage:... Look, I have something for you.
*Grandville sees Carter pull out a folder which soon reveals notes and skills about Momakase.*
Kage: This is all I have on her, her strengths, weaknesses, and her habits. I'll do my best to help you all.
Grandville: Thank you, I'll let the students-
Kage: Don't tell them yet! Please...
Grandville: I promise Kage, I'll tell them when you're ready.
*Grandville goes over to the door to continue her duties when Kage speaks again.*
Kage: Another thing; its good you are helping them with this case.. but they best perform brightly when they decide for them selves.
Grandville: I will take note of that.
*As Grandville walks away, Commander Carter shakes his head before chuckling.*
Carter: That woman is gonna learn the hard way about super heroes.
*Meanwhile Momakase is strapped to the table with Liv Amara ready to perform the transformation.*
Liv: Try to remain as still as possible.
*As Liv amara types up the code to perform Momakase speaks up.*
Momakase: Lady Nozako had given you permission for this transformation correct?
Liv: *Smiles sweetly* Of course!
*Soon Liv amara pulls out a drill with a special bio chip ready to be implanted at Momakase's neck.*
Liv: You might feel a slight pinch.
*Back at the lab...MANY HOURS LATER.*
Baymax: Diagnostic mode: scanning capabilities off line.
*Hiro and Cora yawn when soon, the rest of the team return.. super tired and walking like zombies.*
Cora: Did you find Momakase?
Fred: No...Makase…*Slumps to the floor.* Sorry, I could have sold that better if I wasn't so sleepy.
Honey Lemon: Looks like you two have been up all night.
Cora: Yup.
Hiro: I fixed his language setting while Cora checked over the wires, but his scanner's still buggy.
*Baymax's head starts to inflate itself.*
Cora: Also his head turns into the stay puff marshmellow man.
Baymax: I am concerned, this may alarm potential patients.*After he said this his head deflates.*
Cora: Be glad your big brother is checking Kage.
Baymax: Big Brother?
Cora: The first Baymax.
Baymax: Oh... OK.
*When he looks at the team he soon sees them all in a deep sleep, resting from staying up all night as they dream on...for about 10 seconds.*
Gang: AAHHH!
*Grandville then appears in front of them wearing a track suit.*
Grandville: Rise and shine everyone! Its high tensity work out time!
Gogo: How long has she been up there?
Cora: And how did you...*Sigh* never mind..
Grandville: You need to be faster, stronger, smarter. Today we're focusing on faster.
Cora: Professor Grandville don't you think this is a little extreme? Could we at least take a nap?
Grandville: A nap? Do you think Momakase is napping right now?
Cora: Let me think... is she wants to be fully aware of her surroundings to focus which requires an 8 hour sleep...then Yes!
*Hiro's eyes widen in fear for Cora as his girlfriend responded in her cranky sleep deprived form.*
Grandville: Lets Go! Lets Go!
*Soon all of the gang start running off for their workout. Leaving Baymax behind.*
Baymax: Goodbye.
*Many hours of training later~*
Honey Lemon: I know she means well, but Professor Grandville must be stopped.
Gogo: Agreed, she's totally out of control.
Wasabi: Yeah, she upgraded my blades the other day and now it makes this annoying buzzing sound.
*IT sounded like screams of the dead.*
Honey Lemon: Maybe one of use could ask her to get down a notch.
Gogo: How about all the notches?
Cora: I volunteer as tribute.
Wasabi: You sure about that Cora? I mean, I know someone with a rebellious anti-authority streak?
*Wasabi looks at Hiro but Cora stomps her foot.*
Cora: Yeah... no. I can handle this guys. I'll tell her straight and simple about all this.
Honey Lemon: Good luck Cora.
Hiro: *Hugs his girlfriend for good luck* Try not to die babe.
Cora: Thanks.
*But before she could do that Grandville calls for a meeting. After getting properly dressed she discusses a potential strategy for them all.*
Grandville: I made a decision, we need to take the fight to Momakase.
*She directs to the board behind her and brings out Momakase's hideouts, her old one being highlighted. But soon enough it spins out of control, talking about how who will think that they'll think game. Thankfully Grandville brought them back to focus.*
Grandville: People, this is the only lead we got. Here's my plan: at dawn you will raid Momakase's old hideout-
Fred: Dawn might be tricky for me, I have to be up late for this fancy dinner thing. I'm meeting my mom at a super exclusive meal prepared by a mystery chef. She paid a fortune!
Gogo: *Points to white rose on his chest* Whats with the Flower?
Fred:The mystery chef chooses a color and only uses the most expensive ingredients with that color.
*While he was talking, Hiro pieces out the plot behind this and circles all the white words.*
Hiro: Anybody else noticing that everything Momakase stole has the color white's name?
Honey Lemon: Freddy where is this mystery dinner?
Fred: Let me check the internet vite. Or In-Vite as I call it, *Finds the invite* Oh look we're going to the same place Momakase's old...hideout... is...*Catches on* Oh!
Cora: You figured it out!
Grandville: Then suit up!
*And so the team put on their super suits ready for action until Wasabi's blades start making the hellish screech of doom.*
Hiro: If we split up we can surround Momakase-
Grandville: Momakase got away because you split up. Stick together this time.
Hiro: But together at an enclosed building we're more vulnerable-
Grandville: Trap. She doesn't know you're coming! She won't be able to handle all of you at once!
Cora: *Frustrated sigh* Whatever you say Grandville.
*But when they soon leave for the dinner, it suddenly occurred to Cora about how Momakase is getting all of these ingredients and about the guests coming. What does Momakase want with them? She usually steals from them money, and while that is plausible, at a huge gathering at once? And how could she organize a banquet so quickly alone...unless she wasn't alone...perhaps..like with their former enemy she had been hired. The question is who is it now? Meanwhile at the dinner party all of the dinner guests are arriving at the gala, and among the guests is Alistair Krei himself, tagging along is Mizuchi, his personal body guard. Admittedly it was rather strenuous finding a tailor that would design clothes for Mizuchi's stature, but now Mizuchi looked like a million bucks, though still not as impressive as Krei's suit.*
Mizuchi: It is an honor that would invite me to join you for this gala.
Krei: Well, you are one of my favorite employees out there. Consider this a bonus to your paycheck.
Mizuchi: I wonder if I could take some home for my family... Cora would find a way to make something delicious out of it to make for all of us.
Krei: Your daughter can cook?
Mizuchi: Greatest cook I know. This new chef will be impressive, but my number one will always by Cora.
Krei: You really love your daughter do you?
Mizuchi: She's my whole world, alongside her mother.
Krei: That's very sweet.
*Soon enough they are inside where Krei found, to his displeasure, that he is to seat near Liv Amara. But when Krei goes over to chat to Liv amara, Mizuchi was distracted by the dog a fellow dinner guest is bringing.*
Krei: Hello...Ms. Amara... How ya doing?
Liv: I'm doing spectacular, my business has been increasing in wages.
Krei: *Straining smile* I see, well, I heard that you have two new interns at Sycorax.
Liv: Yup, Karmi and Cora Mizichio. One for Bio tech and one for Marine Bio.
Krei: Well that's funny.. ya see, I know Cora's father and according to him... Cora never really said yes.
Liv: Its because I'm giving her time to decide, but she'll come over. She has plenty of interesting potential inside.
Krei: I see that too, but.. considering how Cora appeared at the parade like she wanted to melt away... Like she wanted to be anywhere without you or that girl. Whatever you are offering to her, no matter how expensive it is, it's never going to work.
*While Liv Amara's face remained its calm façade, her eyes were glowing that venomous lividness that Krei knew too well.*
Liv: You think so?
Krei: I know so.
Mizuchi: Come here boy!
*Krei and Liv Amara turn around to see Mizuchi playing with the dog, a canine mutt who happily bounced around. Liv Amara's eyes glittered at him: He was tall, muscular, sweet, and had the most warm brown eyes and smile she had ever seen.*
Liv: Who is that?
Krei: That would be my Body guard, Mizuchi. *To Mizuchi* Come on now!
*Mizuchi sighs as he pets the dog and greets the owner goodbye before greeting them.*
Liv: Hello there~
Mizuchi: Hi...how are you Miss Amara?
Liv: Doing well, we were just discussing about you. and you can call me liv, Mizuchi.
*Mizuchi merely nods his head, both men unware at the pink glint in Liv's eyes at Mizuchi. Meanwhile, the team get together.*
Hiro: Remember, we're not splitting up this time.
Cora: You know Hiro, if this comes back to haunt us. I'm blaming her.
Gogo: Harsh, isn't it?
Cora: I hadn't eaten, or slept, or even breathe since Grandville took over! At least Commander gave us space! She's a total control freak!
Wasabi: Lets just go through this and then you'll talk to Grandville about this.
*Soon enough they enter the room.*
Hiro: give up Momakase, you're outnumbered!
Momakase: Let me think about it... no.
*And soon enough, she throws them in one by one into pantry and locks the door. Wasabi tries to slice it, but finds it ineffective. Fred tries to use his fire breath, but its also ineffective.*
Fred: Apparently its fire breath and laser blade proof.
Momakase: Sorry Kids, this pantry is impenetrable.
Hiro; You won't get away with this Momakase!
Momakase: Nonsense, I already have... *To Cora* As for you AquaGirl… You are going to be my personal knife board after all this is over...Bastard child.
*Soon enough Momakase leaves.*
*Cora immediately starts up the call to Grandville and tells them about the situation.*
Cora: Hey Grandville.
Hiro: *Joins in conversation* Momakase has us trapped here, we need back up now!
*Soon enough the call ended, but what the team didn't know was that Grandville activated a side of her com to tell the details of her plan to take Momakase down, but she instead over heard their words about her. And looking back at her actions and the words Kage had told her, she realized what she had done.*
Grandville: This is all my fault...
Baymax: Yes_No-Yes-No
*Baymax's head inflates while he tries to give an answer.*
Grandville: Laying your emotional baggage on a broken robot... Kage was right, I should have let them be and listen...you've really outdone yourself grace...
*That is when she sees Baymax's blueprints, and she made up her mind.*
Grace: Lets fix this!
*And soon enough Grandville sets to work on repairing Baymax. And soon enough she creates a chip to help stabilize Baymax.*
Grandville: That will do for now, lets go find us appropriate dinner wear.
*As it turns out, her dinner wear is a combination of all the Heroe's supersuit, sans Fred's. And Baymax is dressed in his red armor. She hops on Baymax and quickly blows on Tadashi's chip.*
Baymax: Do not look down.
Grandville: OK.
*and just like the time she came crashing down to earth escaping Kage's lab, she screamed as Baymax blasts off.*
Grandville: I looked down! I looked down!
*As of while, the dinner is happening where all the guests are having dessert.*
Krei: this white Chocolate soufflé could use a pinch more seasoning of sea salt, don'tcha think?
Liv: I actually think its perfect as it is.*To Mizuchi* What do you think?
Mizuchi: I don't really know... I say the white chocolate soufflé isn''t really my taste in dessert... then again it could just be that I was so used to simple home cooking.
Liv: Well that's not fair, you should be able to enjoy all the finest things in life~
Mizuchi: Thank you Miss Amara, but I think for now I'll be more comfortable with my daughter's cooking. Her Omurice is to die for.
*Krei notices Liv seem a little off put by Mizuchi's comment and secretly smirks. As of while Grandville and Baymax finally arrive.*
Grandville: Are you able to locate the students?
Baymax: Yes, they are in a small room behind the cooking arena.
*As of while the dinner is over soon enough, Momakase is heading over to Liv Amara's table where she sees him. Mizuchi looks up and sees her as well, his eyes widening in fear.*
Liv: Mizuchi? Is something wrong?
Mizuchi: We have to go now!
Krei: Go? We hadn't got entertainment yet-
*that is when Krei sees Momakase there. staring at Mizuchi with cold blooded murder in her eyes.*
Krei: I agree, its been a nice dinner, goodnight! *Whispers To Mizuchi* Call Big Hero 7 immediately once we get out!
Grandville:*Busting through the door* Where is Momakase?
Krei: Right there! The one who tried to poison me and robbed me!
*Grandville activates her laser blade.*
Momakase: You call that cutting edge? *Pulls out her own knife* This is cutting edge.
*Momakase runs towards Grandville while Mizuchi takes everyone outside, making everyone, even the mole child leave the stadium...though he noticed how calmly Liv Amara walked despite being in a room with a criminal.*
Grandville: Mizuchi! Find the students! They're in the kitchen in the pantry!
*Mizuchi nods as he runs towards the kitchen, which soon catches Momakase's attention, running towards the man to which Grandville immediately runs after to block Momakase off his back.*
Grandville: I may not be good at fighting, but I'm really good at running!
*While that happens, Mizuchi goes over to the kitchen where he call out.*
Mizuchi: Cora? Hiro? Where are you all?
*The gang immediately hear the voice of the man and they immediately stand up.*
Cora: Papa! We're over here!
*Mizuchi goes over to the door and looks for the door combination.. his mind drawing blank. Just then a shadow appears behind him. during the commotion Grandville had done all her best to run from Momakase, but soon the sushi chef throws a bottle of oil and cuts it in half to make sure Grandville slips and falls. Now Cornered, Grandville is at the mercy of Momakase.*
Momakase: You're out of your league here..but I'll make this quick.
*But before she could land the blow, her sword is taken away by Hiro's glove.*
Hiro: Dinner's over Momakase.
Cora: Now take to pay for the bill.
Wasabi: Yeah, you're no match to us without your sword.
Momakase: True... Good thing I have these!
*Soon enough her hands start growing the same graphene claws on her hands, making them all stare at shock.*
Cora: What happened to you?!
Momakase: A better question is, what will I do to you Aqua Girl!
*The gang split up as Momakase tries to slice the girl in half. Gogo tries to throw the disc at her but Momakase slices it to pieces.*
Cora: Wasabi! Heads up!
*Wasabi sees Hiro throw Momakase's sword to him to fend himself from sushi chef feline. And soon during their battle Wasabi cuts Momakase's hair even shorter. Honey Lemon tries to trap her but the chef keeps popping them till Gogo saves Honey Lemon. Then Fred tries to flame broil the chef but her enhanced agility easily allowed her to escape the flames of justice. But soon enough with everyone giving their all ; Hiro's electro-disks, Gogo's discs, Wasabi's sword play, Fred's destruction, Cora's constant elctro shock to keep her down, and Honey's excessive chem balls finally trapped Momakase for good! *
Cora: Finally!
Hiro: We did it!
Grandville: Excuse me... I want to apologize to you all for being so intrusive.. Heroics are your areas of expertise... not mine.
Wasabi: Its alright, Professor Grandville.
Honey Lemon: We know you meant well.
Grandville: But this would have been done a lot sooner if you all had 'nutted up' and told me about my behavior. *To Cora* I have been a 'control freak' that kept you from proper rest and diet. I'm willing to listen to you all.
*Just then Baymax and Mizuchi enter the room, with Mizuchi trying to hold Baymax steady.*
Baymax; Guys! I don't have a face!
Mizuchi: Now lets take Momakase and-
*Then Momakase bursts out through the ice, looking more feral as she climbs out with her claws.*
*After she leaves Cora goes to Grandville*
Cora: Last I checked Momakase couldn't grow claws... or have eyes like that! *To Mizuchi* Papa, what were you doing here?
Mizuchi: Krei brought me as a guest to this dinner.
Hiro: Did you notice anything weird?
Mizuchi: I was seating with Krei and Miss Amara.
Grandville: Miss Amara? Was she OK?
Mizuchi: Everyone made it out.. although... She was the only calm one in the midst of panic..
Honey Lemon: What do you mean?
Mizuchi: I get that to remain calm is an important key to handling a situation like this... but this calmness was like.. she knew nothing would hurt her...even though its common knowledge by now that Momakase is dangerous.
Cora:...Guys? There's something you should all know..it has something to do with Liv Amara...
Gogo: What is it?
Cora: When The honor ceremony for Liv Amara happened, Hiro and I talked to Krei a little bit about liv... but then Krei said something interesting about her..
Gogo: He's just jealous about her success.
Grandville: He has been known to be petty.
Cora: I agree on that.. but then he said that he met Liv before and called her an insidious two faced snake who would do anything for praise. And the way he spoke about her isn't about pettiness or jealousy.. this was actual disgust, like he had seen it before! and then.. well..I'll just go out and say it... *Takes deep breath* I think Liv Amara is responsible for Orso Knox's state as a monster...
Everyone: What?
Honey Lemon: Liv Amara took Knox to the lab to help him! Why would she do that to him?
Grandville: What concrete proof do you have about Liv Amara, that is a serious accusation young lady.
Cora: It started after I Knox was beaten when I saw two things. One was a piece of his scale which I studied over and saw it was a around eight days old. Then I saw the schedule pad that showed Knox's schedule, and the last appointment he had before going as a monster was Liv Amara herself! I thought over Knox's behavior and saw that out of all of the people he came to for his appointments, the only one he attempted to attack was Liv Amara! he didn't attack Fred, or Krei, or any of the party guests! He only launched to her alone! Then I thought about the quotes... they were all connected to the Tempest right? I read over the play and found this rather peculiar character.. A malicious witch who gave birth to a monster and treated her servant ariel with cruelty..
Honey Lemon: And the Witch's name was Sycorax!
Fred: Could someone explain to me where's she's going with this?
Hiro: She's saying the times Orso Knox spoke was his way of saying that Sycorax made him the monster...Liv Amara made him a monster!
Grandville: No... How could? Why would? Liv Amara strives to help people and has always been so generous.
Gogo: Maybe Orso Knox found out something about her and tried to expose her to whatever she's doing.
Fred: And turned him into a monster in an attempt to shut him up! She's our Phase two Main Villain!
Grandville:... I'll be sure to inform Commander Carter about this revelation. *To Cora* Cora, be careful. If what you say is true... Make sure you do what you can to help.
Cora: Will do... I'm sorry I hadn't told you all this earlier, but Obake...happened.
Hiro: *Hugs her tightly* Its OK Cora, I believe you.
*Later that night Liv Amara stares disappointedly at her phone as she sees that during the chaos that the money transaction was interrupted. Apparently Momakase's phone had been severely damaged thanks to Big Hero 7. Damn brats. That's when a Hologram appears, and in the shadows a woman appears, her blood red eyes cutting deep into Liv amara's soul.*
Liv: Madame Nozako, what have I received to be blessed with your-
Nozako: You had turned one of my finest warriors into a she-beast without my consent?
Liv:... Yes. But it was to-
Nozako: First you turned a well known man to a beast to shut him up, and now everyone knows about Momakase's transformation? You say that your believe in progress no matter the cost, but that does not excuse you to being reckless you pitiful harlot! I have given you this company with my money and allowed you to do what you want. all I ask in my payment...Or else I can easily take all of this away... your wealth, your fame, and your reputation will be nothing but dust and you'll go back to being the pitiful whimpering child I found you before.
Liv:... I Promise not to do it ever again, not without your consent Lady Nozako.
Nozako: Good.
*The hologram turns off as Nozako's side reveals a highly advanced screen touch computer looking for information.*
Nozako: I have better things to do.. such as setting up a little family reunion with my son.
*A picture of Mizuchi shows up on her files, her nails tapping the desk in rhythm feeling the room with Dread.*
A.N: DunDun Dun! Tell me whatcha think! Love you all!
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gh0stlyfixation · 7 years
Three years
Plot: Reader has battled cancer for three years and is in a coffee shop and meets Elijah Mikaelosn and grows a friendship with him.
“Today marks three years. Are you okay?” Asked Oliver, Y/N best friend, and worker at the corner cafe.
“Of course, I’m better now. I’m happy, healthy.” Said Y/N.
“I’m glad to hear. Does that mean you’re coming back to work?” He asked her as a man came in.
“Sadly, no. I still have the effects of chemo. It won’t be for another year.” Y/N stated. “Oops, sorry sir.” Said Y/N getting out of his way.
“It’s quite alright miss.” He said in a deep English accent.
“I’ll be over here if you need me, Oliver.” Said Y/N with a smile and walked over to the nook.
“Sorry about that sir, I’ve just haven’t seen her in a long while.” Said Oliver. “What can I get for you?” He asked the man
“A small black coffee and it’s quite alright. I overheard something about chemo. Did she go through that?” Asked the man.
“Yes, about 3 years ago she was diagnosed, but just recently went through her last treatment.” Said Oliver
“She’s so full of energy and looks like she never underwent such a struggle.” Said the man
“She knows how to hide it. I’ve been her best friend for years and even I have to pry out how she feels. And that all be $3.50.”
“Here you go.” He said handing him the money
Oliver handed him his coffee and the man proceeded to sit down in the nook as Y/N read her book and the long chair.
She rubbed her stomach as she read, soothing the pain of her newly scar. “Ow,” she said quietly as she stops rubbing it.
“Are you okay miss?” He asked
“I’m alright. Rubbing my stomach too hard I guess.” She said looking up at the man.
“I’m sorry to intrude, but your friend, Oliver I think you mentioned, told me you went through chemotherapy. What happened?” He asked.
“It’s alright, and I was turning 20 and found out I had cancer. I had immediate surgery and treatment during. Finally beat it a month ago.” She told him
“You don’t look so ill though. How?” He asked.
“Makeup, wig, baggy clothes. I’m as thin as a stick.” Y/N told him with a small smile getting up to look at the books, back facing him.
“It just amazes me how strong you are. What hospital did you go to?”
“New Orleans hospital.” She said
“I live right by it.” Said the man.
“You must be loaded if you live by that, but then again, I’m not surprised, you’re wearing a $4,000 suit. Meanwhile, I’m in a baggy sweater and sweatpants that cost me $3.00 at Walmart.” She said giggling.
“I just have centuries of family money. What do you do for a living?” Ask Y/N.
“I’m a businessman,” He said hesitantly but continued. “I travel a lot as well.”
"Interesting, I’ve majored in music and received my degree to become a music composer but only ever worked at this small cafe then had to quit all of it for treatments. I assume you have 5 homes, one of which is here in this town and four in different amazing countries?” She asked him
“Well, one in this town, one in Virginia and 3 in different countries.” He said with a smile.
“Well, I’m not some dumb blonde, who is actually a brown hair girl just has a wig on, who will fall for your money if that’s what you’re getting from me.”
“Not at all, just having a nice talk with a nice girl.” He said with her grin
“Well, thank you. Your pretty nice yourself,” she stated looking deep into his eyes with a smile as he looked back returning a smile.
“Hey Y/N.” Oliver said shaking her pill bottle.
“I’ll be right back.” She said to the man, standing up slowly and carefully.
“He’s cute.” Said Oliver in a whisper tone.
“Agreed, on top of that, he’s a billionaire, I think.” She said making a big gesture causing the man to look up at them.
“Making a scene Y/N/N!” He said urgently. “Don’t let this sucker slip!” He added, pointing a finger at her
“What if he’s gay?” She asked Oliver
“Hell, I’ll take him.” He said laughing
“Lord.” Said Y/N walking away back to her seat.
She sat down and looked at her phone, “Oh shoot.” She said getting back up.
“What is it?” The man asked.
“I’m late for an appointment.” She said grabbing her purse.
“I do need to leave as well, I’ll walk out with you.” He said. The two walked pass Oliver as Y/N secretly pointed to the man so only Oliver could see.
“Hope you have a nice day!” Oliver said to them both.
“You too sir.” Said the man. They both walked out the door to the parking lot.
“This is my car.” She said walking to it, tapping on the roof of her Ford Mustang.
“I hope your appointment is good and I hope you get better.” Said the man leaning against it.
“Thank you.” She said with a smile.
“I gotta go now, see you soon hopefully.” He said Turing around, but before he got too far she stopped him, “wait!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Yes, miss?” He asked Turing his head to look at Y/N
“I never got your name.” She said
“Elijah Mikaelson.” He said.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.” she told him.
Y/N stood in front of the full mirror at the cafe. It wasn’t busy, in fact, no one was there, but Oliver.
“Y/N/N, it’s not going to go away.” He said as she looked at her scar. Just then a man walked into the cafe, but Y/N was completely oblivious to the noise. She still held her shirt up just high enough to see her belly button.
“That’ll be $3.50.” Said Oliver. He looked over at Y/N and stated, “Still there Y/N. It’ll smooth out soon, you know that.” Said Oliver again. It caught Y/N attention and she placed her shirt back as the man she recognized came to her.
“Hey, Elijah.” She said with a smile, turning around.
“Y/N.” He said with a smile.
“It’s infected.” Said Oliver. “That’s why it’s red, but you don’t listen to me.” He told her
“I’ll be fine.” Y/N said stubbornly
“I think it should be checked out. You can’t be getting sick.” Said Elijah.
“Agreed,” Oliver said.
“Guys, I just saw my doctor. I just have to keep it clean.” She said lifting it back up.
“That’s a pretty big scar,” Elijah said
Y/N scar went from the middle of her breast to the bottom of her stomach. She was insecure about her body so she put her shirt down not exposing how big it really was.
“I’m gonna go home. I am tired.” She said grabbing her purse.
“Alrighty. By girl.” Said Oliver waving. Elijah nodded. “Bye guys.” Said Y/N
Y/N arrived home and placed her purse on the table. “Thankful for the rich parents.” She said to herself. She turned on the hot water for a bath and got in. After an hour she put on her long rob and ran to the door. She unlocked it only to reveal the familiar man, Elijah. “Elijah!” Y/N said in surprise.
“Y/N.” He said
“Come in, please.” She told him. “How exactly did you find my house?” She asked confused.
“Your friend Oliver, wants us, as he said to "hang out” and gave me your address.“ He told her.
"That’s really creepy but nice. Well, if I knew, I’d have company I would’ve looked more presentable and cleaned around here.” She told him looking around her living room that was filled with papers, books were stacked on the table and paint splattered on the wall and floor.
“It’s alright.” He said with a small smile looking around only to smile at her little mess she has created but never cleaned.
“Do you want anything to drink? Eat? I have tea, coffee, water. Not a lot here.” She told him honestly.
“Coffee.” He said looking around at the painting on the wall.
“You drink a lot of coffee, assuming you just want it black?” She asked him.
“As always.” He said.
They sat on the couch as Elijah held a mug with his coffee and Y/N held a teacup. “So tell me about yourself,” Elijah said grinning.
“Well, I grew up in a rich home. My mom was a surgeon and my dad was a CEO of some company. I have a brother, Payton, and a sister, Mia. I grew up as a horse lover. I have two of them at my parents. Been looking for a home so I can have them. I love to read. I love music. Photography.” She told him. “Tell me about you.” She said with a smile.
“I actually grew up in Europe. I have three brothers and two sisters. Our family was/is sort of a mess. We traveled a lot. I love music, to read. I love family. We have a little saying "Always and forever.” Oh, and I cook.” He told her with a smile.
“Well, good to know you cook, because I for one, can’t.” Said Y/N with a little giggle. Elijah smiled at her giggle finding it cute.
“I can most definitely help with that.” He stated, fiddling with his coffee mug.
“You know you look rather muscular, you have to do some kind of workout thing.” Y/N told him
“I-” he started but paused a moment, “I just work out a lot.” He told her.
“Uh huh.” She said nodding, a little suspicious. Elijah took his phone out after it rung more than three times. “Busy man I see.” Said Y/N, taking a sip out of her teacup.
“I’m sorry,” he said, Taking his phone out and answering. “Okay- Why so late?- I’m coming now.” He says in a serious tone. “I’m sorry, business is calling.” He said to her with sorrow.
“It’s alright. I’m tired anyway, I need to sleep.” She said with a yawn
“Here is my number.” He said giving her a card.
“Wow, a business card.” Said Y/N with a smile
“I’ll see you later.” He said kissing her hand.
“You too Mister.” She said closing the door and locking it.
“Holy hell he’s hot.” Y/N thought to herself.
“She’s gorgeous.” He thought to himself.
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