#and i still watch the fig tree you planted all grow > reblogs
putschki1969 · 4 years
我が家の植物のご紹介! Introducing the plants in my home!
YAY! Wakana is blessing us with another video. She is starting to work through our requests. Since so many fans requested an introduction of the plants in her home, that’s what her first video in the series is about. For 11 minutes straight she is talking about most of the little (sometimes not so little) plant-babies in her house. It’s so freaking cute.
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In my last few posts I have talked about wanting to motivate people to join her fan club by not always sharing all of Wakana’s videos. I have received some feedback and it seems that most of you lack the financial means to join her fan club (I only got a couple of replies so I am not sure if that applies to all of you?) I really don’t like withholding content, I am NOT a fan of exclusivity BUT I want to do my best to support Wakana. That’s why I think I will resort to the following plan from now on. 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
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Click below the cut to find out about the plants in detail:
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ベンジャミン・ラブリー (benjamin lovely) | Weeping Fig Nickname: Love-chan; She mentioned this little baby in one of her fan club magazines and gave away a drawing of it to a lucky fan
エピフィルム(月下美人) | Epiphyllum (Queen of the Night) Nickname: Gekkabijin-chan; Wakana has posted about this on Instagram. This plant blooms rarely and only at night, its flowers wilt before dawn. Wakana used this flower as motif for her “magic moment” spring live goods.
シェフレラ | Schefflera Nickname: Chef; This is one of her biggest plants and it needs to be pruned a lot every year
シェフレラ | Schefflera Probably another one of this kind, she isn’t sure. She bought it in a 300 yen shop.
カラテア・ランキフォリア | Rattlesnake plant It can open and close its leaves depending on the time of day. The leaves are spread wide open in the morning.
ポトス | Devil’s Ivy A very resiliant and strong plant. You need to cut it very often or it will grow longer and longer.
アイビー | Ivy Another very strong plant baby. She bought it in a 100 yen shop. It has grown so much ever since then. 
アガベ・リュウゼツラン | Agave Nickname: Mama Agave; She has shown this plants a few times already on her social media. It’s also featured on her Wakana Live Tour 2018 t-shirt. You have to be careful when touching the leaves because there are some thorns.
コウモリラン | Common staghorn fern She really likes the unique shape of the leaves
エバーフレッシュ | Persian Silk Tree Nickname: Nemunoki or Everfresh-chan; Its leaves slowly close during the night and during periods of rain. Wakana feels like this tree always goes to sleep together with her. Also, this one makes her feel like she lives in the forest. 
しのぶ | Squirrel's Foot Fern Nickname: Shinobu-chan; She thinks this plant is particularly beautiful. Furry paw-like feet slowly crawl over the edge of the container and fronds are sprouting from them. A very mysterious-looking plant. 
It’s really cute how she is discovering all those baby leaves growing on her plants. Love the sound effects she is using. At the end she wants to talk about how to best water all her plants but it got way too detailed so she fast-forwared through all of it. Despite the speed ramping you can still tell how passionate she is about the topic. How is she so adorable? Can someone please tell me? I am just dying from all the cuteness. Her blabbering on and on about watering plants. Bless her! I love her so much!
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mellicose · 5 years
Lily Bloom
A Walter Jodell Fic
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 10,300
Warnings: none
Summary: Walt is deep in his birthday celebration trip, but there's not much joy to be found in anyone involved. He literally falls into the lap of an interesting woman with woes of her own, but soon, they make each other forget - and remember - that the real joy of life is loving.
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Walt walked too slowly to the showers, basket and towel in hand.
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He waited until the others got back on purpose. The stalls were communal, and he had no desire to soap up with his buddies’ cocks swinging just a few feet from him.
Katty said he was insecure. He snorted out loud. She said that, right after complaining for nearly an hour about the homoerotic free-for-all in the women’s showers. He pushed his glasses back up his nose and shook his head. He wasn’t insecure, he was fastidious. This was supposed to be his birthday weekend, but everything felt wrong; his friend’s minds were elsewhere, and Katty did not seem to be in any mood to-
The tip of his sandal caught on a tree root and he lurched forward, his basket of bath things flying everywhere-
An arm shot out from behind the tree, and it grabbed his wrist and pulled. Hard. Just as he was about to yell, his eyes focused on a wide, serious set of hazel eyes.
“Don’t you make one sound,” she said, her hand still pressed over his mouth. Before he could question her, she pulled him behind the large tree truck with her. He was too shocked to react. His heart beat fast. Was there … a wild animal around?
“What is it-“he whispered tensely, but she shhhh’d him, her grip viselike on his forearm.
In a few seconds, he heard steps nearby. She put her finger against his lips.
“Don’t breath,” she mouthed slowly, and peeked around the tree trunk. The steps got closer, grinding on the gravel of the path.
“Seriously, this is ridiculous. I don’t know why she’d disappear on me. She bloody hates the woods.” It was a female voice.
“Maybe you should look in the showers?” A young man’s voice chimed in.
“I already did. She’s not there. In any case, she didn’t take her shower things. They’re still in the tent.” the woman said, and sighed. “Let’s get back. It’s so frustrating! We came here precisely so she couldn’t damn well run away.”
“She’ll turn up. Neither of you seem very nature-inclined,” the young man said.
“Hardee harr harr. We’re far more resilient than we look. Let’s go before we miss the meditation session,” she said.
“Sure you are. Perhaps for the wilds of Milan,” the man said. She squirmed with irritation.
“Watch your mouth, Karl, or no more paid vacations for you,” the woman said tersely. The man’s mouth snapped shut.
She waited until their steps faded to silence to remove her hand from his mouth. He licked his lips unconsciously. They were slightly … sweet. He turned to look at her. She had a sharp, razored bob in a color that looked expensive and high-maintenance.
“I’m so sorry about that. But I couldn’t let you blow up my spot,” she said, standing up and stretching. She wore a pair of yoga shorts, and a tank top that left very little to the imagination. Although it seemed like she was avoiding yoga, she was obviously doing something to keep herself in good shape. He stared at her naked belly as she stretched her arms over her head.
“Your spot,” he said, his eyes lingering on the skintight yoga shorts wedged in the promising cleft between her legs.
“We were supposed to be glamping, getting drunk and high, and terrorizing the neighboring campsites. That’s what she said. Instead, it turns out it’s a fucking yoga retreat. No meat, no alcohol, no sugar … no fun,” she said, rubbing her damp palms on her hips. There was a small rucksack on the ground, and she picked it up and rummaged inside.
“Fig newtons,” she said, pulling out a plastic-covered roll of the cookies. She crinkled up her nose, but sat back down and stuffed one into her mouth. “Awful things, aren’t they?” she said with her mouth full. “I stole them off the campers next door. At least they’re not kale chips and mung beans.”
“They’re alright,” he said. “My mom used to pack them in our lunches,” he said, then instantly wondered why he volunteered the fact.
“Did she?” she said, and gave him a long look from his sandaled feet to his face. “She sounds sweet.”
“She was,“ he said, and shrugged. “She passed away three years ago. Heart issues.”
She dropped the cookies and squeezed his hands. “I’m so sorry,” she said with an earnestness that made his hairs stand on end. “Really.”
He felt the stickiness of her fingers, the crumbs lodged between their palms, but her touch was soothing. And kind, something he had not felt in ages, from a woman.
She sighed and let go. “Wanna cookie?”
“It’s more a bar,” he said, but he nodded and accepted a few. Even the treacly scent of them took him back to better times. To being loved, and the hope of one day loving. It’s odd what a simple scent will do.
“Okay, clever man. I guess they are. Bars, I mean,” she said, and pulled a flask from her rucksack. She took a sip, then shook it at him. He eyed it suspiciously.
“I don’t usually drink alcohol this early,” he said, and instantly felt lame as she burst out laughing.
“It’s water,” she said. “From the fountain by the showers?”
“Oh.” He took a careful sip. It was. Fresh and cool. “Water tastes different up her, doesn’t it?” he said as he handed back the flask.
“It’s from a spring, not a water purification plant,” she said, and leaned back against the tree. The sun was rising higher over the sky, and it was getting warmer. He sat beside her, eating his cookies in silence.
“Why no sugar or alcohol?” he said finally.
“Because they are physical pollutants,” she said. “The retreat is supposed to be like pressing the reset button on our bodies and minds.” She seemed to be imitating someone as she said it. “I don’t want to reset. I want to remember, even if it kills me.” Her eyes watered, but the tears did not fall.
He was quiet, but curious.
“What happened?” he said finally. He wondered whether Katty would come looking for him, then decided he didn’t care. He was a grown man.
“What’s your name?” she said, turning to him.
“Walter Jodell,” he said, extending his hand out of habit. She took it, and squeezed. “My friends call me Walt.”
“Okay,” she said.
“And your name?” he said.
“We’re not supposed to have names during the retreat,” she said, hugging her knees.
“Oh,” he said, flushing.
“Gwen,” she said softly. “And my sister’s name is Sara. And his name is Terrence.”
“The young man with your sister?” he said, sitting indian style. He thought he heard her sister call him something else.
“My partner. Terrence,” she said, then said it again. “Terrence.”
“Is he here too?” he said innocently. Of course a woman like her had a partner-
“No, he’s not,” she said, and rose quickly.” A young, promising dental student driving home from a frat party at USC decided that red lights were just a suggestion and slammed right into him, full speed. She’s fine. He’s not.” She wiped her hands again, although they weren’t dirty.
He didn’t know what to say. His hands turned to fists on his lap.
“I’m here for my birthday weekend. My friends are going to throw me a party tomorrow,” he said. Even as the words left his mouth, he cringed. But she didn’t seem bothered.
“Lucky you. Three glorious days of birthday free-for-all. Don’t party too hard,” she said, and patted his shoulder. “Happy birthday, Walt.”
“It’s not until tomorrow,” he said.
“How old?”
“45,” he said, smiling.
“You look fantastic for 45,” she said, extending her hand to help him up.
“Not there yet,” he said.
“Don’t be afraid of growing older. Those lines and white hairs? They’re a blessing,” she said. “You got family?”
“Yeah. They’re here. Katty - Kathryn, my wife. And Orvis, my son.” He nodded solicitously.
“Katty? She’s a lucky lady, then,” she said, and helped him gather all his toilette items and put them back in the basket.
“I’m the lucky one,” he said automatically. He felt something in him twist painfully.
“Right,” she said. “I better get back to it before my sister starts a formal search party,” she said, pointing in the direction of her camp.
“Me too,” he said. “We’re, uh, over there,” he said, pointing back toward where they stayed. “If you ever need to take a break, have a beer and a hot dog, come through.”
“And ruin your birthday festivities? Never,” she said, brushing the dirt off her butt. His eyes lingered there. She smiled.
“You won’t be ruining a thing,” he said. “Trust me.” His lips were parted, ready to confess the brewing drama, but instead he smiled and nodded.
“Then I’ll think about it,” she said. “Maybe I’ll see you around,” she said, and nimbly jumped over the tree branch that tripped him and onto the path.
He watched her take a few steps. She had Katty’s grace, but the line of her body was different - she wasn’t a walking apostrophe, straight and frightening. Gwen curved with every step. It was enticing.
“Hey-“ he said as she was about to disappear into the green.
“Hmm?” she said, turning and smiling at him. He temporarily lost his breath. She was lovely.
“I’m sorry. About Terrence,” he said.
Her smile blinked off, and she grabbed for a golden ring hanging around her neck. “Me too, Walt.” She turned and walked away.
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