#and i want to incorperate a rainbow into everyones design
yellah-bellied · 2 years
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applejack redesign :) explanations in the tags!
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Ed edd n eddy sona concept very much just a scribble with no thought but I'll iron him out later
Things I want to incorperate: my friends parents gave me this button up with a basically fale plaid pattern made of light rainbow squares and my character is totally gonna wear that. But I'm gonna simplify the pattern once I do some read designing on him. Next: tail. He must have the tail. I will work on the shapes more and probably have it drag on the ground to have a more compelling/interesting shape. Next: I need to make him shorter and chubbier. I want him to be exactky Eddy's height, like on the microscopic level, such that I can have an episode about eddy getting pissy about being the shortest one in his age group, and tries reeeeally hard to prove he's taller than my sona but double dee measures and measures and is like "I don't know eddy you both seem to be of the exact same stature." And eddy's like "well that counts right? I'm not the shortest one??" And double d is like "well you're not exactly taller than anybody" and that argue on thr pedantics for a while and eddy Is left completely unsatisfied with this conclusion. Meanwhile in the background my sona shows ed how to make peanut butter and drainage pipe sandwiches. .
I'm still trying to figure out what his personality would be, I could just make him like school me and have everyone think he's a fuckin weirdo for dressing like a clown fused with roadkill and running around doing stupid weird shit, and add that hidden element of actually being the coolest guy on the planet. I'm sure he could woo over double d and they have some secret study sessions together. I think the Ed's as a whole would understand him the best if I went down that route lol. Might make him mute as well because my self inserts aren't allowed to have voices it feels weird
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b0ne-marrow · 5 years
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Valorverse - Royal Guard
I said I'd post this in the morning but got busy and I dont' feel like waiting til next morning so here you go, lol. I guess I'll renotify everyone in the morning. Right off the bat I apologize for this being/looking so sloppy. I wasn't expecting to end up drawing the characters and started out drawing a mannequin. the line out color as well as ome aspects of the designs are bad afdjksal;fjdskla;j So, I mentioned in my Valorverse writing about Twilight that she was kinda forced to get a royal guard with the increasing tensions between creatures and Equestria. https://www.deviantart.com/musical-medic/journal/Valorverse-Philia-Prinkipissa-785744261 I then realized that I'd probably need to design said armor, lol. You can look at my first attempt here: https://www.deviantart.com/musical-medic/art/Valorverse-Twilight-Sparkle-Armor-Concept-Art-1-0-793342688 Not much is different besides the fact I decided to make the armor Asymmetrical when it came to the Mane 6's cutie marks in that one. lol.  Here's the second one: I basically used these as the line art for this drawing: https://www.deviantart.com/musical-medic/art/Valorverse-Twilight-Sparkle-Armor-Concept-Art-793211093 In this one you can see bsaically what the full armor looks like. The left wing has fluttershy's CM and the right has Rainbow's,  The left side of the chest piece has Applejack's CM and the right has Pinkie's,. The "Front" side of the horn piece has twilights, and the back has Rarity's (except it's just a single diamond)  Anyway, here we have our first two official Guards excluding Tempest.  Tempest, when she was volunteered to start the guard and be the leader, offered to let Twilight have a say in designing the armor it's self to try to warm her up to the idea a bit. Tempest handled the technicalities ( "sorry twi you can't put that on because that creates a huge weak spot" "Do you WANT the enemy to drag us down, or worse yet, a dumb recruit step on ribbon and faceplant himself? That's what happens when you put frilly ribbon on the armor") while Twilight tried to hone in Rarity's design prowess.  Even though it ha d been quite a while since she had seen them, she wanted to incorperate something each and every one of them had. She started with the cutie marks. Applejack and Pinkie's were added to the chest plate as a symbol of strength. Specifically, Earth pony strength. She added Fluttershy's and Rainbow's to symbolize Protetction (of thier wings) as well as Pegasus strength, and added Rarity's to symbolize Unicorn strength and magical prowess. She only begrudgingly added hers because Tempest wanted her to. This is the case for all the references to Twi in the armor. They also of course symbolize their Elements.  The color of the armor is the same as the necklaces/Crown that hold the Elements (not technically, but I use different colors for them in this AU), and the headpiece's hair color incorperates the colors from the friendship keys/rainbow power. (I don't know how to explain in in the verse yet, remember when their eyes would shine and then they got a gift that ended up being a key to open the Chest of Harmony and then they had rainbow powers? afjdklas;jf) Tempest helped her as much as she could. She got REAL sick of Twi's perfectionism though, lol. It got to the point where she basically told Twi that THIS was the final design. However, to her dismay, the "Final" design went through about 6 more reiterations.  But, finally, the armor was made, and Tempest sent out official flyers and papers to join Twilight's guard. Star Tracker's idolation of Twilight never really went away, so when he heard that she was getting a guard and that they were looking for members, he immedietely applied despite not having any training. He was the first official trainee for the guard.  Flash Sentry joined soon after, reccomended by Cadence and Shining Armor themselves.  I'll be writing something for this here soon and will link it when I finish it here, lol. .  Please enjoy! If you like my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon and following me on the other websites I'm on! You can find them all here: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Musicalmedic DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/musical-medic Instagram: @ musical_mediic or https://www.instagram.com/musical_mediic/ Furaffinity: https://furaffinity.net/user/musicalmedic/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Musical_mediic Tumblr: https://Musical-mediic.tumblr.com   Posted using PostyBirb
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