#cause once again- rainboom
yellah-bellied · 2 years
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applejack redesign :) explanations in the tags!
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squilko · 2 years
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messy doodle of my mlp au redesigns again... with slight alterations...
some ideas under cut..
rarity… crystal pony (ties into why spike is obsessed with her but not in a weird way he just thinsk shes cool… shes moved several times… her parents fled the crystal empire with her when she was a babby… then she lived in canterlot.. wanted to open a boutique there but the competition was too intense so she moved to ponyville.. she had encountered twilight once or twice before so she recognizes her when they meet in ponyville
twilight… not much changed tbh but she has a stunted horn so she actually has a difficult time doing magic so she studies it really hard to compensate… treats spike NICELY. more like a little sibling than a SERVANT. spike is very clingy and hides under her legs a lot cause he gets a little shy… gets more social once they move to ponyville cause ponies r a ltitle friendlier… he befriends the cmc and is like. one of them basically they are his friends… he also walks on all 4s cause he was raised by ponies… spike has hijacked my twilight message… she wears a little bag..yeah..
APPLEJACK!!!!!!!!! i love her. ok. shes basiclly the same. she more so takes care of her family tho… shes actually older than big mac and hes still way bigger than her but she still calls him bitty mac cause its her baby brother. ok * bursts into tears * i dont think i changed anything else..
raaaaaainbow deash… originally named lightning dash before she did the rainboom… her hair was originally blonde… the rainboom permanently dyed it tho… she still reaaally wants to become a wonderbolt but she hasnt yet because she has poor eyesight and they disqualified her from joining cause of it… her goggles are perscription HAHAHA… scootaloo still looks up to her… rainbow and her have a heart to heart cause rainbow is like well even tho ur different u can still do things !!!! and she shows off her goggles and pts them on scoots and scoots is like woah it looks all funny… and then rainbow is like YA i cant see well lol… the rainbow crash nickname reaaally gets to her cause before she had ehr glasses she would bump into things and the otherkids would tease her :(
fluttershy is batpony from BEGINNING. um. other than that shes like exactly the same AHHAHA. she wears a little cloak thing to cover her wings… she got it from rarity.. pinkie also ahs the saddle cloak thing from rarity.
pinkie is just pinkie except she puts on clown makeup... she wears rollerskates a lot
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Since you did do an ask on the bigger and more popular Mane 6/Rainboom ships, may as well ask on the lesser known and talked about ones. Thoughts on:
Sunset/Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy/Pinkie
Sunset/Wallflower Blush
Rarity/Rainbow Dash
Twidash - Absolute jock/nerd energy. Also mad scientist/willing guinea pig energy! Can be fun.
Pinkiedash - absolute bros(genderneutral) who will party hard and cause a large-scale prank war throughout their home. Love them.
Sunset/Rainbow - Somehow both very similar and very different in a way that may butt heads at times but god they'd also vibe so hard.
Sunset/Fluttershy - in my aus I usually make them gay in opposite directions, but I can see this being sweet.
Appleshy - absolute cottagecore energy I love them.
Flutterpie - Okay but remember my rewrite of Pinkie Pride where I switched it to be Flutter's birthday and the Pinkie v Cheese fight was about that and it ended in Pinkie remembering that it's Flutters' party so they sneak off to have their own get together while the epic bash is happening? THAT.
Rainbow/Flutters/Pinkie - Fluttershy is exhausted but she loves them.
Sunset/Trixie - The most dramatic couple oh my god.
Twilight/Trixie - honestly the mid ship in 'Twilight with her other powerful unicorn reflections'. Still good of course! Though I do think this depends on your exact characterization of Trixie.
Rarilight - YES!! YES!! I'm not even gonna elaborate I'm just going to once again recommend The Enchanted Library
Sunset/Rarity - Actually while I rarely focus on this one I actually love them?
Rarity/Rainbow - Another opposites attract but I do adore the dynamic!
Sunset/Applejack - Honestly I rarely consider this but I think it'd be cute
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novinoviarts · 3 years
So between autocorrect and that fact that the idea was a bit of a WIP and once videos are posted you can’t edit them, here is a better explanation on sonic rainbooms. It’s a bit long so strap in, and I’ll probably be editing it after rereading it.
The Magic
Sonic rainbooms are the most dangerous stunt a pony can preform. It’s essentially a large gathering of magic that explodes when a Pegasus breaks the sound barrier. There are no ‘accidental’ rainbooms, a Pegasus has to intentionally gather the magic around them to preform it. While a young, uniformed Pegasus may not realize they’re gathering magic to do one, the static sensation usually scares them into stopping.
This is the one of the few times a pegasus can manipulate their own magic, the other being the trails they leave behind them and some vocal magic, although those both must be honed with years of practice.
The Danger
They have a very high fatality rate due to their unstable nature, and if a flight pony -like the wonderbolts or other performance teams- were to preform it in a full stadium, it would kill a lot of ponies and level it.
Once they’re dead they’re dead, nothing you can do at that point. But you can stop a Pegasus from preforming a sonic rainboom, if you’re quick enough. Many well trained Pegasus break the sound barriers and preform Sonic Booms, a natural magic less version. There are Pegasus trained specifically to stop a rainboom. For a fully trained flyer, it may only take them 30 seconds to try one, and you’ll only know in the last ten.
The main factor is again, magic. You can easily tell when a Pegasus is attempting to preform one. In fact, you can feel it. The air becomes charged with static and you can feel the rumble of a storm that can make you feel sick.
The Results
With all that being said, most Pegasus know well enough to not try. There is the rare reckless Pegasus that may try, but with the risk of being banned from cloudsdale and any flight team, most don’t bother.
Sometimes they do, and the resulting destruction is a warning as to why you shouldn’t. There are several districts that are still under reconstruction. Sonic Rainboom magic does not dissipate for years, and can make reconstructed unstable if still present.
And their oddest feature is the death itself. Some bodies are completed intact, others mutilated by the lighting, some there are nothing left at all. There’s been no connection made on what causes the state of the body.
And what if they live? There is is only one living Pegasus at this time who survived a rainboom besides Rainbow Dash. She lives all the way in Canterlot, living in the lap of luxury because of a guilt filled noble, and she will never fly again.
The Exception
So how can Rainbow Dash do them all the time?
She absorbs the worst of the energy with no drawbacks and causes no more damage than a normal sonic boom. With that being said, the areas are fairly large and open to avoid any unforeseen catastrophes. She does have stay away from ponies for a few hours until the magic dissipates, or it can make them sick.
But nobody knows how she survives them.
The only other exception, is dying Pegasus. They are allowed to preform them as a last hurrah, and certain flight teams will help them get to the speeds they need before falling back, and letting the magic happen. Sometimes Rainbow will help them see it through and has earned the moniker Deaths Glidance, but it is given with honour, and she is well respected for it.
So that’s it! I plan on making a more sciencey explanation of how rainbooms work for the hell of it, so expect that later.
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daydreamrulez · 3 years
My Little SunShim
Chapter 19 - Confrontation (Part 1)
After a few days of training, The Rainbooms are ready to fight thier biggest enemy yet, Demon Shimmer. The gang went to the city to find Demon.
“According to the news on my phone, Demon Shimmer is wrecking havoc in the city. We must stop her before it’s too late.” said Sunset.
“I hope that monster didn’t make too much of a mess in the city.” said Rarity.
Sunset and her friends heard people screaming in terror. The people was running away from the mayhem.
“Oh no.” said Sunset.
The Rainbooms ran to scene and they saw burning buildings and destroyed cars. Then they saw Demon Shimmer wrecking havoc. The Rainbooms were shocked.
“DEMON SHIMMER!!!” Sunset shouted angrily.
Demon stoped and turns to see The Rainbooms. Demon chuckles evily.
“Well well well. What do we have here? It’s Sunset and her former enemies, The Rainbooms.” said Demon Shimmer.
“Your rein of terror is over Demon! We’re here to destroy you once and for all! You’re causing so much pain to everyone and you caused me to almost kill my friends back at the fall formal!” said Sunset.
“After your friends’ magic separated me from you, I’ve been searching for you and destroying lands and worlds. You broke my heart and now you’re going to pay!” said Demon.
“I’m glad I turned good and I’m glad we’re separated. I will always love my family and I will never join you ever again. I am Sunset Shimmer! Daughter of Sunshine and Sunrise Shimmer and protector of both worlds!” said Sunset with determined eyes.
Sunset’s friends cheered for Sunset. Demon Shimmer growled. “Oh, yes, she's so very special! GET THEM MY DAZZLINGS!!!!”
The Dazzlings flew over to attack the Rainbooms and it’s revealed that The Dazzlings now look like Demon Shimmer. They screeched.
“Get ready girls! Let’s transform!” Sunset said with determination.
“OKAY!!” 6 of the humane 7 shouted happily.
Then all of a sudden, their geodes started to glow.
“What’s going on? WHAT’S HAPPENING TO OUR GEODES?!!” Rainbow Dash shouted in horror.
“I don’t know!” Sunset said worriedly.
Sunset and her friends knew that they’re going to get a really big surprise!
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[ Video transcript: A colored MLP animatic by swomswom  set to Owl City’s ‘’To The Sky’’.
(opening notes.)
Close up of the grassy ground with a butterfly flitting by.
( Da da, da da, da da da da dada da. Da da, da da, da da da da dada da.)
Rainbow Dashs hoof appears on the grass, she spreads her wings, gets ready for takeoff, and flies up making an impact.
( Shipwreck in the sea of faces, There's a dreamy world up there, Dear friends in higher places, Carry me away from here,)
Wide far away shots of RD flying in the clear sunny skies.
( Travel light let the sun eclipse you, 'Cause your flight is about to leave, And there's more to this brave adventure, Than you'd ever believe, Birds eye view,)
RD flies close to the camera, opens her eyes once, turns and flies back. The faraway ground is visible from the sky. Screen fades to white. A montage plays showing what her friends are doing at their homes.
( awake the stars 'cause they're all around you, Wide eyes will always brighten the blue,)
Twilight studying while Spike grumpily carries books. She is perplexed about some science.
( Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery,)
Applejack applebucks confidently but looks up disappointed when no apple falls.
( 'cause after all those wings will take you, up so high,)
Fluttershys table is messy with flour after making a leafy meal for Angel Bunny which she gently puts towards him, he is refusing it.
( So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and,)
Opal is sleeping on top of a cupboard. Rarity levitates many objects and juice to drink as she makes a dress. She seems to be having a problem with it.
( Take to the sky... you take to the sky)
Pinkie is happily making a giant blue and pink cake and is about to add frosting.
( Da da, da da, da da da da dada da)
Wide shot of RD flying through the sky which closes in her face, clear and relaxed.
( On the hills of lore and wonder, There's a stormy world up there, You can't whisper above the thunder,)
The shot fades to black. Everything becomes grayscale. Now its a closeup of filly RD looking determined.
( But you can fly anywhere,)
Its the start of the race from her cutie mark origin story. She stands beside colts Dumbbell and Hoops.
( Purple burst of paper birds this, Picture paints a thousand words,)
The checkered start flag waves.
( So take a breath of myth and mystery And don't look back)
The foals go through the cloud hoops, RD in the lead.
( Birds-eye view,)
Dumbbell hits a cloud pillar, makes a woozy face and is taken out of the race.
( awake the stars 'cause they're all around you)
Hoops looks with dislike at RD as she still confidently leads through the cloud hoops.
( Wide eyes will always brighten the blue)
Closeup of Hoops with an angry and twitching face.
( Chase your dreams,)
He knocks RD to the side, she is surprised and he is grinning maliciously.
( and remember me, sweet bravery)
RD hurt, closing her eyes and shaking.
( 'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high)
She looks angrily after Hoops figure in the distance, he is now in lead after cheating.
( So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind, And)
Closeup of Hoops face clear and confident, before he looks to the side and his eyes go wide in alarm.
( take to the sky)
He is surprised out of flying through RDs sheer force of coming back in. She has an extremely determined expression.
( Progressive instrumental and [you take to the sky] )
RDs eyes are closed, her figure is blurring with the speed. She still keeps going.
( There's a realm above the trees)
Very close closeup on RDs face. The shot fades to white. She opens her eyes and smirks. Her irises are colored rainbow in a splash of color.
( Where the lost are finally found So touch your feathers to the breeze And leave the ground)
Wide shot of Ponyville. A wide yellow sparkle appears in the sky, faint blue around it. Rainbow Dash looks very enthusiastic as she makes the Sonic Rainboom and her mane brightens and extends. She and the boom are vibrantly colored against the grayscale.
( Birds-eye view, awake the stars)
Its implied Dash in the present has repeated the Sonic Rainboom after reliving her childhood memories.  A montage plays showing how her friends are impacted at their homes.
Twilights experiment bottle explodes and blackens her face, frazzles her mane. The books he was carrying falls atop Spike making him even grumpier.
( 'cause they're all around you)
Every single apple on the tree falls on Applejack, overwhelming her.
( Wide eyes will always brighten the blue)
Angel Bunny’s meal is toppled over. The bowl is on him. Fluttershy got the cucumbers in her eyes.
( Chase your dreams,)
Rarity is annoyed as the pink juice stains all over her mouth, neck and the dress she was working on.
( and remember me, sweet bravery)
Pinkie frowns as the huge frosting gets all over her mane and nose.
( 'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high So bid the forest floor goodbye,as you race the wind, And)
The shot fades to white. RD alights on the grass, looking satisfied. She slowly opens her eyes but then they widen in surprise.
( take to the sky)
Her friends are all messed up and they know it was because of her Sonic Rainboom. They all come chasing her together, pissed except for Shy who is hesitant as usual.
( [you take to the sky] )
RD shakes and looks at them very sheepishly.
( [you take to the sky] )
RD runs away scared from the dust cloud of her friends chasing her.
(  Da da, da da, da da da da dada da. Da da, da da, da da da da dada da,
You take to the sky)
Wide shot of RD running away fast over the hills. Then a closeup of the grassy ground with a yellow flower. A blue feather drifts in from the sky and close to the screen. It implies Rainbow Dash has taken flight once again. 
The shot fades white and blue text appears with ‘’Cerulean Sky by swomswom. ‘’
End transcript. ]
BRO THIS IS FROM 2012...I REALLY LOVE IT...So relaxing to watch -W-
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Back at Keira’s house in Ponyville, Discord had nestled up to the plush of Keira he had summoned and had dreamed about his past. In a way, it was more of a reflection than anything, but it could still be called a dream.
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He first dreamed about the first time he had tried taking over Equestria when Celestia and Luna had ruled and had the Elements of Harmony. Back then, nothing really had mattered to him but causing chaos.
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He then dreamed about the second time he had tried to take over. It was then Twilight and the others who had to trap him back into stone. Discord didn’t understand it then, but he could remember seeing Keira being upset about having to put him back in stone.
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Discord’s dream then went to when Discord realized that he actually did want friends. It had happened during the third time he was released, this time by the order of Princess Celestia. Keira harshly declined his offer to ice skating after he had frozen over Sweet Apple Acres. It was then he had realized he felt alone. He didn’t want that anymore.
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The next part of Discord’s dream lead him to the very first time that he had realized that he had fallen in love with Keira. He didn’t know what to do about these new feelings and was too scared to confront Keira about it. He was afraid that she would reject him.
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At last, he dreamed back to the day that he and Keira had shared their first kiss. It was during the Summer Sun Celebration after once again saving Equestria from the Plunder Vine infestation that was destroying the Tree of Harmony. As Twilight flew towards the sky as the princesses had done in the past for this celebration, she had caused a similar effect to a Sonic Rainboom. It was then that their relationship had been made official.
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aboutthemponies · 5 years
The End is Neigh
I first started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in the middle of the season 4 to season 5 hiatus. At the time, there was no announced fifth season; the end of season 4 was simply the end of the show as far as I knew. I remember feeling so content after watching that final battle between Twilight and Tirek that as I fell asleep that night, I thought “That was so good! It cannot possibly get better than this. I’m so happy I could die in my sleep tonight.” Woah, that’s a grim thought. I wasn’t even 18 years old and I was already content enough with my short life to be fine with dying right then? What strange drugs I must have been on!
Needless to say, my life continued on, and I’m so glad I did. Only after watching the entire show would I attend BronyCon, create my own MLP club at college, join the amazing DC Bronies for the semester I was away, and discover all the amazing art, music, animation, parodies, PMVs, and so much more that this fandom has made in its nine years of existence! In that time, there’s also been disappointments: never again has a season’s finale topped my experience of seasons 4’s (or season 2’s), and neither did the MLP movie. This isn’t to say that I do not enjoy episodes from the newer seasons (there’s several that I enjoy from every single season), but rather the magic, the obsession, has long since faded.
Indeed, when I first watched the show, I fell under a magic spell that would cause me to think about ponies non-stop, would make me go crazy anytime I saw a piece of pony merchandise while out and about, would make me rewatch seasons 1 through 4 four times within the course of a single year, would make me identify as a brony first before any other identity. It was a complete and total obsession that I can only compare to falling in love, and oh boy, I fell so hard! I can go on and on with clichés about how the show filled me with endless joy and changed my life forever, but I don’t need to because if you understand that I “loved” MLP:FiM, all my strange behavior will make sense.
When I first fell in love with FiM, I couldn’t watch other shows because I felt I had to reserve my entire heart for this one show. Eventually, I moved past that thinking when my obsession lessened, and I found my heart was big enough to also love other shows like the Powerpuff Girls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, and Gravity Falls. Finally, the lunacy declined enough to reach normal levels, and I still watch the show, but through jaded eyes which only see the past. This of course, is the lifecycle of love; it starts out as all-consuming, but with enough time, the intensity goes away and the relationship changes.
So when I think about the final season of FiM and what that means to me, I first have to recognize that my experience of the show, from discovering it, obsessing over it, plunging into the fandom, and finally taking a step back away from it all, is largely over even before season 9. The obsession phase started in July 2014 for me, and I remained completely obsessed up until I started college in August 2015. There on out, I entered my fanatic stage: still very dedicated and engaged with the show, but not obsessed like I once was. That lasted at least until the end of season 6, and arguably through January 2017 since I was still regularly writing this blog regularly up until that “Leaving the Fandom” post in February. Then on out, I’ve been in this “casual fan” stage; I’m still following the show, going to meetups, and having the time of my life at conventions, but the effort to participate in the fandom by writing blogs, making music, producing videos, is pretty much gone. The great love I once felt is now my nostalgia.
In that time, the show has also changed significantly (which I analyze in this video). I think we all agree that the show needed to change in order to survive this long, but I also find some of the changes essentially removed core aspects of the early show. In any case, it is what it is and the changes are here for good (I personally like the addition of the friendship school but could live without the map and reformed Starlight Glimmer).
And season, we’ll have season 9, almost 10 more hours of new pony! The question is, what expectations do we have of it, if any?
For me, we’re so far away from the original stories which began in season 1 and ended in season 3/4/5 (depends on which story and who you ask) that the show could honestly do whatever it wants as long as it completes a story. 26 episodes that are entirely serial? Why not? Follow only the student 6 in some kind of new adventure? Sure, I’d be down. Let the megaspells hit and unleash the armageddon? The show’s still for kids, so turning it into Fallout: Equestria’s probably not going to happen.
More broadly, what I really want is for the final season to invoke some of the same emotions that I felt during earlier seasons: the awe of when Rainbow Dash performed the sonic rainboom in season 1, the joy of Pinkie Pie singing the smile song, the tears of happiness when Twilight got her wings in “Magical Mystery Cure” and the CMC their cutie marks in “Crusaders of the Lost Mark”, and the feeling of togetherness when the mane 6 collapsed in exhaustion after making all the apple cider in “Super Easy Cider Squeezy 6000.” There’s so many emotions in those earlier seasons that I don’t think it’s possible for the writers to produce them all in one season, but even if they only succeed in one episode, that episode will be something to treasure.
But even if that doesn’t happen, and all my fondest show moments remain in those earlier seasons, it’s still been such a lovely ride. My love for the show might be a thing of the past, but it’s better to have been in love and then out of love than to never experience that love at all. Over the years, so many fans from so many places have loved My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and I’m glad I got to take part in it. Once a brony, always a brony.
Have a great season 9 everypony!
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shadowcipher17 · 6 years
School Raze Review
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Ok, Haber what were those tragedies called The Cutie Remark and To Where And Back Again cause this finale HOLY SHIT! The final six episodes of this season were amazing! But this finale is honestly the best thing to come out since the Season 4 finale but it didn’t pass Twilight’s Kingdom as my favorite but it came close. I’ll be covering both parts like School Daze so let’s get into it!
Pro’s (School Raze Part 1)
I like the setup that they had with Cozy Glow being Twilight’s best student and “right hoof” so to speak
Derpy cameo
Call Back to The Cloudsdale Weather Factory and cloud walking spell, coincidentally Twilight first uses the cloud walking spell in Sonic Rainboom and Rainbow gives the Mane 5 a tour of the Weather Factory in the same episode
I noticed that Starlight had to keep her magic activated to hold the non fliers while when Twilight did the cloud walking spell she didn’t have to
Cozy Glow’s facial expressions while trying to pronounce Tirek’s name
Starswirl mention
Ok, I wasn’t expecting the callback from It’s About Time when Luna and Twilight bring up Twilight going to Tartarus to bring back Cerberus
Also, concerned Luna.
*sniffs proudly* Cozy did the best thing
It’s good to see the callbacks with the Everfree creatures but at the same time Celestia and Luna what the fuck
Spike being worried about the Everfree creatures and Twilight comforting him...dawww
I really thought Tirek had a different voice actor for a second but then I remembered that most of the Season 4 finale he was in his powerful forms so his voice was less raspy
The funny thing about this is that Twilight had a shot to attempt to redeem Tirek or ask if he was willing to change his ways...but she didn’t even consider it (1. Good. 2. Tirek would’ve said no anyways)
Tirek is the literal embodiment of power-hungry
“I scratch your back, you scratch mine?”- Tirek saying that to Twilight...I have very disturbing thoughts about that...
You can visually see that Twilight’s still mad about what happened...the entire time she’s practically giving Tirek death glares and has those little lines under eyes which normally indicate anger
Tirek I can understand but your telling me that the Cockatrice, Manticore, Bugbear, Chimera and the other creatures that inhabit the Everfree Forest and other places get locked up...for being who they are once again what the fuck. So if Celestia and Luna would’ve gotten word of that Ursa Minor attack in Ponyville instead of Twilight lulling it to sleep and reuniting it with the Ursa Major, would they have put it Tartarus, a baby cub that was cranky from being woken up by two colts? 
These next few are because of leaks
Neighsay coming back...obvious
Sandbar “betraying” the Student 6, and even if it wasn’t leaked it was still predicatble
Cozy Glow being the big bad to the point where I wasn’t surprised HOWEVER the way she was portrayed as a villain is a different story
“Friendship isn’t magic. Friendship is POWER!- Cozy Glow
The thing wrong with this line is that she says friendship isn’t magic but it’s power but power is obviously magic (with all the magic and power drained away) and friendship is obviously the most powerful magic so it still qualifies as friendship is magic
Despite how she did all this...she’s still another typical villain who wants to rule Equestria and is apparently jealous of Twilight for some reason
Overall- 8/10
Pro’s (Part 2)
Neighsay being a straight up Red Herring, her and Cozy Glow had nothing to do with each other
Neighsay gets reformed and sees the errors of his judgements
The Student 6 and the CMC’s being the MVP’s of the episode
A lot of people are mad that the CMC didn’t do more but without the CMC to get Cozy away from the office, the Student 6 wouldn’t have freed Neighsay for him to contact the Princesses which was one of the two things Cozy didn’t take into account
The Tree Of Harmony taking a stand and saving the Student 6...but not Starlight
Yona represents Honesty
Silverstream represents Laughter
Ocellus representing Generosity
Smolder representing Loyalty
Sandbar representing Kindness
Gallus representing Magic
The Mane 6′s death glare to Cozy Glow 
They not only got the Princesses...THE GOT THE ROYAL GUARD TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING!!!! Thank you Flash Magnus!
Female Royal Guard
A good cliffhanger to end Season 8 and start off Season 9
The fact that Cozy Glow has no backstory at all. Even if she had Starlight’s pathetic backstory it would’ve been fine because unlike Starlight a grown mare she’s still a filly but she has no back story to back up why she did what she did
Starlight would’ve been useless if she were free and considering how smart and knowledgeable Cozy was she most likely would’ve turned the whole thing on Starlight anyway for the events of A Matter Of Principals and her past and Starlight wouldn’t be able to do anything about it
Overall- 9/10
Some Other Things I Want To Point Out
1. Cozy Glow (Overall)
She’s the best Friendship is Magic villain since Tirek and one of the smartest. It’s funny though because I saw Cozy Glow with different characteristics from previous villains: Sombra’s cunning planning, Adagio’s manipulation, Chrysalis’ deception (Season 2 and the alternate timeline), but what was most interesting was that her and Twilight’s relationship kinda mirrored Celestia and Sunset’s relationship only difference Cozy’s was just an act to steal and rise above Twilight’s title. The downside to Cozy Glow is that her plan also makes no sense and didn’t think it through where she has similar characteristics to Chrysalis (now) and Starlight. Her plan was to drain Equestria off it’s magic and send it to another world but Equestria and all it’s inhabitants thrive on magic which keeps their world intact. For example we see with Pinkie’s cupcake that it was wasn’t edible because of freezing magic, if all that magic is gone then Equestria would be at risk of being destroyed to the point where it becomes this
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#Cozy’s Timeline
Also, if you listen closely when Cozy reveals her real motives to Twilight the background music is a more evil version of Trixie’s theme...I don’t know what they were going for there.
2. Twilight and Magic
Twilight’s magic honestly keeps on getting more interesting. She has the ability to get magic transferred to her from other creatures including the creature who drains and absorbs magic in the first place. It also brings up the magic transfer back in Season 4 where the princesses had to transfer their magic to Twilight in order to stop Tirek which was a cool comparison. Now imagine if the animals were at their full strength and it was before the second day and the Mane 6 tried this...Celestia better have a backup plan just in case Twilight turns and let’s loose
3. The Tree Of Harmony and The Elements Of Harmony
So apparently the Tree is powerful enough to save the Student 6 from the magic sphere of all the magic in Equestria of the ponies, creatures, and magical artifacts meaning that it still worked without it’s magic getting drained so without a doubt it’s the most powerful source of magic in Equestria.
Finale Rankings
Twilight’s Kingdom- 10/10
A Canterlot Wedding- 9/10
School Raze-8/10
Magical Mystery Cure-8/10
The Best Night Ever-7/10
Shadow Play-5/10
To Where And Back Again-3/10
The Cutie Remark-2/10
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glapplebloom · 6 years
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Chapter 3 of the return of the Pillars. And they didn’t come alone...
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When we last left off, the artifacts were found. They have been brought back to the Temple of Ponhenge and the Princesses, Sunburst and Moon Dancer were doing the spell. The artifacts began to glow and rise to the sky. They soon spun around really fast and opened a portal. And after a bright flash of light, the Pillars returned.
Of course, they were in mid air and unconscious, so that meant they were falling and needed to be saved. Using their magic, the Princesses caught all of them before they hit the ground and the rocks above them crushed them. The first to recover was Star Swirl the Bearded.
Star Swirl: What... What has happened?
Moon Dancer: My hypothesis was correct! I was successful in bringing them back.
Star Swirl: To where?
Celestia: I know this is hard to believe, but you and the others were trapped in Limbo for a thousand years. But Moon Dancer here figured out...
Star Swirl: What?! No, no, no, no! You must undo what you've done!
Moon Dancer: What? Why? You just got here.
Star Swirl: You cannot bring us back!
Gilda: In case you haven’t noticed, she totally did.
Star Swirl: You cannot bring only the Pillars back!
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As soon as he said that, another portal opened. This one much darker than before. Out poured what can only be described as liquefied darkness. As soon as a body was formed, the sky turned dark. Once finally taken shape, it turned out to be the Pony of Shadows.
Pony of Shadows: Mwahaha! Your pitiful attempt to imprison me has failed, Star Swirl!
Star Swirl: You must return us to limbo. It's the only way to stop him.
Celestia: Even if she could, we can’t lose you again!
Sunburst, worried of the situation, flips hard through Star Swirl’s Notebook.
Sunburst: He has a point, but there’s no table of contents!
Pony of Shadows: Allow me to assist. 
Using his powers, he created shadow vines that shot out in 6 different directions. One stabbed the book and the stone behind it while the others stabbed other pillars. Shooting out his magic through the vines, he effortlessly destroyed those pillars.
Pony of Shadows: There! Without the power of Ponhenge, your banishing spell is useless!
Star Swirl: You have studied my writings. Surely you have some other plan.
Moon Dancer: No. We didn’t expect something like this to happen.
Starlight: I had a feeling though. So Thundibles Strike!
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The Thundibles gathered together.
Lightning: We really need to come up with a catchier 
Pony of Shadows: How cute. When I extinguish the light and hope of this miserable world, I wonder if any pony would remember you.
The Pony of Shadows begins to shoot a beam of magical energy towards the party. Starlight, seeing this, counters with her own spell that blocks the Pony of Shadows and hurts him a little.
Pony of Shadows: Argh! This one is almost as... strong as you, Star Swirl. But even in my weakened state, she cannot stop the might of shadows! 
Gilda: This seems like a no brainier.
Using her increase speed, Gilda flies towards the Pony of Shadows and with her right claw empowered the the Red Light, does a slash that visibly hurts the Pony of Shadows.
Pony of Shadows: Argh! Light! You ponies found a way to weaponize light?!?
Gilda: Not light. Rage!
Gilda breathed in deeply. When she was done, she unleashed a Lion’s roar. Combined with the Red Lantern Ring amplified it and weaponized it to a Sionic Blast of Red Energy that did major damage to the Pony of Shadows. He was down on his knees after the attack.
Star Swirl: Know this, fiend! We will not rest until we find a way to return you to limbo!
The Pony of Shadows growls.
Pony of Shadows: Never! Your days of glory are through, Star Swirl. Now my dark power will reign, and you six will bow to me!
He then unforms himself and shoots out in the sky in speeds that rivals the Sonic Rainboom. Flash Magnus and Lightning Dust flies up to see where.
Lightning Dust: Um... where'd he go?
Somnambula: That is a riddle we must unravel. And quickly.
Meadowbrook: How long have we been gone?
Axilla: Over a thousand years.
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Star Swirl: Then my spell worked, before it was meddled with, and the realm has been at peace for a millennia!
Starlight: To be fair, I read that book front to back and there was no mention of the consequences of trying to free you.
Luna: And sadly, much discourse has happened since you left. An entity known as Discord threaten all of Equestria. Creatures like Sombra and Chrysalis was causing terror. And worse of all, I fell into darkness myself and for months kept Equestria in darkness.
Celestia: Luckily, a brave hero arose and has helped defend Equestria from dangers within our world and beyond it.
Flash Magnus: If this pony is truly that accomplished, we will stop the Pony of Shadows twice as fast together.
Star Swirl: We shall see. It is an easy thing to say she have saved the world. It is quite another to do it.
Lightning Dust: And she won’t be alone. We’ll probably need the Elements of Harmony for this one.
Starlight: And you can count on the Thundibles helping too.
Celestia: I will send a note to Apple Bloom to meet us at Canterlot Castle. We shall regroup there and come up with a plan of action to deal with this Pony of Shadows.
Star Swirl: Well, I hope this hero of yours lives up to my expectations.
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(Vector by Suramii)
Later, at Canterlot Castle...
Star Swirl: You’re hero is a child?!?
To be continued next week. 
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peculiar-bonds · 6 years
Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind: Chapter 6 - Reawakening (ENDING)
Synopsis: While Mane 6 are on a research mission in a small town from another world called 'Earth', they learn about an old myth among the inhabitants: the Slender Man. What is the ugly truth of this haunted town? Will they survive the monster's deadly grasps?
It was a gruesome night for the girls…
Slender Man decided not to show any mercy anymore towards his intruders. They were too many this time, and all of them had to die by his hands. Except for one of them. Kate. Even if she stood in front of him, quite close, he didn’t touch a strand of her hair. Absolutely none. They stared at each other for a long time, and Kate knew what was going on. He was trying to communicate with her.
“I have plans for you, Kate…” the faceless monster told her in her head, with a deep and terrifying voice.
Kate couldn’t stand the pain. Every word that he said felt like a migraine.
“Then why are you hurting them instead? LEAVE THEM ALONE! I’M SICK OF YOUR SHIT!” Kate screams, still unable to stand on her feet.
“Human pest. They’re all standing in my way…” Slender Man telepathically replied to the human hostage.
Kate was in even more pain. She almost curled up into a ball, and yelled among the other ones in danger. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
Meanwhile, Twilight was watching the entire scene, and quickly realised that all of this was a distraction. She couldn’t bear the prolonged bloodcurdling screams of her friends, who were slowly strangled by the appendages of the tall monster. But she had no choice, the ‘game’ had to stop; the last page might be the only escape. So she sprinted as hard as she could to the last landmark, while avoiding Slender’s direct attacks. Twilight might not have been the athlete of the group, but she was small, and it definitely gave her an advantage against Slender Man. The captured ones couldn’t resist for much longer; the tendrils were strong enough to break a human’s bones, but they were suffocating them instead. Slender Man preferred to give a slow and painful death to his victims. On the other side, Twilight reached the final destination: the big and leafless tree. The last page was placed on its trunk and the message was “DON’T LOOK, OR IT TAKES YOU”, written in the same style as the others, also containing a small doodle of Slender Man in the down right corner and an X in the upper right corner. Before she could even grab the paper, she felt a sudden stab of pain in her back. She gasped, and looked down. A tentacle pierced her right through the spine, bleeding all over the grass. The pain was unreal, the vision blurred,and death was on its way.
The other girls, including Kate, witnessed Twilight’s last breaths in utter shock.
“NOOOOOOOOO!” Pinkie screamed with tears in her eyes, sobbing loudly.
But her cries made Slender Man even madder, and Pinkie was about to have the same fate as Twilight. He impaled her without any remorse, crimson blood oozing from the hole in her body. The creature quickly retracted his tentacle from Pinkie’s corpse and dropped her as if she was a ragdoll. This time, the others didn’t dare to make a sound. The fear was getting stronger and their breaths were getting louder. Each one of them was panting intensely, internally mourning the loss of their friends. Even Kate didn’t make a single move; the headache from before was too traumatising to handle. Slender Man was glaring at all of them, and all of them looked at him in fear, when suddenly, Rainbow Dash’s adrenaline bursted out.
“LET US GO! UGH!” she snapped.
“Rainbow, don’t!” Kate warned.
But it was too late; Slender Man’s tentacles already gripped her neck and strangled it with brutal force. The athletic girl tried opposing resistance, but it was futile; the faceless one was way more powerful. The rest of the girls that were left were watching in pure horror as their dear friend died under the tentacles’ pressure.
They were aware it was their turn. There was no escape. Thus, Slender Man started torturing all of them at once. Applejack and Rarity were also strangled to death,while Fluttershy was impaled, spitting blood from her mouth.
It was a grisly sight for Kate. She was helpless and too weak to stand a chance. Soon enough, Mane 6 collapsed on the ground, limp and lifeless. But there was more; Kate might have been alive, but she was still trapped. She started running in the other direction and look for an alternate escape. But it was no use, because Slender used his tendrils to catch her and lift her up to his level, just like he did before. The girl was petrified; she just couldn’t say anything to confront the monster. It was all over…
Out of nowhere, the other side of the forest was glowing with orange lights. These light beams weren’t ordinary, they were accompanied by several unknown voices. Just like they were alive…
On the landmarks, something unusual happened as well. The Cutie Marks of the Equestrian Girls were magically carved into most of these landmarks, with neon-like traces. The rocks were marked with Rarity’s symbol, the walls with Fluttershy’s, the restroom with Applejack’s, the tanks with Rainbow Dash’s, the tunnel with Pinkie’s, and finally, the tree with Twilight’s.
The orange lights spread across the forest until they reached the corpses of Mane 6. The bright strange lights surrounded the lifeless bodies, lifting them up in the air. Slender Man paused, and Kate was completely stunned. Not only that, the bizarre beams started healing and reviving the girls, while they also formed the everlasting Elements of Harmony: Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter and Magic.
“What is happening?” Kate muttered, feeling like she was dreaming.
Meanwhile, the girls woke up, glancing at their surroundings.
“No way!” Twilight exclaimed, completely puzzled.
Suddenly, the magic around Mane 6 grabbed Kate from Slender Man’s grasp. The creature tried to get her again, but Twilight involuntarily formed a magic shield that rejected the tentacles.
“Tara, is that you?” Kate wondered, believing that her insanity had progressed.
“Yes, Kate, it’s us, your friends,” Twilight replied with convincement.
At last, Mane 6 made their final move, All of them rose their hands in the air, then pointed them at Slender Man, who was angry that he couldn’t do anything about all of this. His tentacles were still coiling in mid-air, surprisingly showing fear.
Out of each girl’s hand burst out a colourful beam of magic. Inover a few seconds, there were six distinctly-coloured beams that hit the faceless monster; suprisingly, they caused him unbearable pain and agony, signaled by his monstrous scream. For the first time in humanity’s history, Slenderman was completely defeated. He melted and disintegrated into oblivion, then he exploded in a luminous rainbow, very similar to the Sonic Rainboom.
Everything faded to black in the moment.
*next morning*
Twilight slowly opened her eyes. The forest never looked so peaceful. It didn’t take a lot for the others to wake up, without any remaining scratch or scar.
“Girls, we did it! We finally did it!” Twilight exclaimed in excitement, then touched her tiara, which was a true miracle. The other girls fet their Elements of Harmony around their necks as well. It was, indeed, a miracle.
“Um, what the heck happened last night?” Rainbow asked, while rubbing her eyes.
“Whatever that was, I’m glad we’re free from him…” Fluttershy admitted.
“Girls, can’t you see? Our Elements of Harmony! They’re back!” Twilight exclaimed again.
“You owe me an explanation, Tara…” Kate added with a smug expression. “But first, we gotta rest for a while. Don’t you agree?”
Mane 6 nodded at Kate’s statement.
“Perfect! Let’s hang out at my house, it’s not far from this place. My mom would be glad to meet you!”
Rainbow and Applejack felt a bit of distrust, but they had no choice, apparently. Their legs couldn’t walk anymore, so the group went towards Kate’s house. When they arrived, they couldn’t believe what they saw. Kate’s house was really big, placed in the heart of the forest. The sight was beautiful, indeed. Right at the threshold, there was Kate’s mother, Beth Hayes; despite her age, her expression was truly youthful, and her red curly locks complimented her appearance. Still, she had a worried look on her face.
“Kate! You’re finally back, my dear!” she ran away to hug her daughter.
“Good morning!” Twilight greeted.
“Are you Kate’s friends? Come in, I have cookies and I’m gonna prepare smoothies for y’all!” Beth said with an inviting tone, then hurried to the kitchen.
Kate shrugged at her mother’s excessive generosity, but she was glad to see her again, after all. Especially after that night. Before making themselves comfortable in the living room, Twilight and Kate had to take all of the Elements of Harmony and hide them in Kate’s room.
“Listen, Kate, I would like you to keep all of them in a safe place. As much as I’d prefer having them at disposal, in my apartment, I still think it’s a huge risk, hence anyone can come in and take them without having any idea how powerful they are…” Twilight explained.
“What’s the deal with these things, if I may ask? You aren’t from this world, aren’t you?”
“No, we aren’t. But you must not tell anyone about this. Not yet. I want you to keep them safe, Kate, because you’re far away from a potential threat. Do you understand?”
“I do. When will I hear the entire story, though?”
“Soon enough. We’ll come again after we get used to all these ‘human stuff’ and explain you everything. But for now, promise me you’ll keep them out from your mom and any stranger that passes by!” the Equestrian demanded.
“Alright, Tara…I promise. And I’ll wait. Just be careful, okay?”
“I will…” Twilight promised as well, then hugged her new friend from Earth. Kate felt it like a huge responsibility at some point, but she had to deal with it nonetheless. At least she had a purpose once in a lifetime.
Meanwhile, the other Equestrian girls had a wonderful time with Beth Hayes. The mother was permanently cheerful and welcoming to her guests, confessing that it had been a long time since someone came to visit her; not even the relatives bothered to check on her and Kate from time to time. But both of them got used to the situation after all.
“This ain’t fair…those people can’t be called ‘family’, ma’am!” Applejack commented.
“We’ll make sure to pay you a few visits, miss Hayes. You’re a very delightful company!” Rarity said with compassion in her voice. “If it’s no bother for you and Kate, of course…”
“Good Lord, Rachael, I would be very happy to see you again! But I hope not in the same circumstance…” Beth replied with genuine warmth in her statement. “Besides, I’m glad to finally see my daughter having a few friends that truly care about her…” the woman sighed, sobbing and crying for a few moments.
Fluttershy rose from the couch and hugged Beth without hesitating. Later on, the others followed her and did the same; the bond was stronger than ever.
Finally, Twilight and Kate came downstairs, witnessing the affectionate moment from before.
“I see you’re getting along…” Twilight said with a smile on her face. “Come on, let’s get back to the town! We still have school to attend!”
“Oh, come on!” Rainbow Dash protested. “Can’t we stay just a few more minutes?”
“No. We’ve got a lot to do, trust me!”
The others also sighed, then exited the house one by one. “Goodbye, Kate! Goodbye, miss Hayes!”
“Wait, sweetie! Let me give you a few cookies. You didn’t eat anything…” Beth insisted, while offering a paper bag filled with chocolate chip cookies to the petite teenager.
Twilight had no time, nor energy to protest. “Thank you very much! Have a great day, miss Hayes! Bye, Kate!” she said while going out with the others.
Mane 6 simultaneously waved at the two humans from behind, who waved back to them. Finally, they left the yard, then the entire forest, heading towards the town on foot. Towards new experiences as humans…
                                                    -THE END-
                                                     (for now)
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hemlockdumpling · 7 years
2016/2017 Animation Challenge Day 22
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Season 6, Season 7, Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree, The Magic Trilogy)
Ready for My Little Pony spam? Let's also say SPOILER WARNING just in case.
Season Six
It's safe to say Season Six is Starlight Glimmer's season. Though stand alone episodes do offer other ponies a chance to shine, it is reformed Starlight and her redemption arc that takes the center stage, as she struggles with opening up about her past (The Crystalling,) bonding over past mistakes (No Second Prances,) facing the fear of failing friendships and being rejected (Every Little Thing She Does,) and taking on challenging responsibilities against insecurity and self-doubt (To Where And Back Again).
We also get the debut of the royal baby alicorn, Flurryheart, as well as insight into the Crystalling ceremony in the Crystal Empire. There's sister-sister bonding between the Pies and the return of Maud. The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to find things they enjoy outside of their cutie marks, which causes Apple Bloom to feel left out. There's Rainbow Dash's most cringe worthy moment among her heroes (you'll know it when you see it.) Applejack and Rarity try to spend the day together at the spa, but things don't go smoothly. Fluttershy also butts heads with her laid back brother. A cart building episode with meddling older sisters. The return of PrankDash. A boat ride that ends in a falling out between friends. That one episode where little Applejack learns the value of honesty when a little white lie spirals out of control. A friendship problem hits the Wonderbolt Academy. And surprisingly, an episode that tackles discrimination. Yes. You heard right.
Stand out episodes include A Hearth's Warming Tail (the Christmas Carol MLP style with fantastic music numbers,) The Saddle Row Review (clever delivery of the same sequence of events through different POVs,) Spice Up Your Life (tackling original creativity vs popular mainstream,) Stranger Than Fanfiction (when fandom opinions clash and how to come to a compromise,) Dungeons And Discord (Dungeons & Dragons MLP style,) The Fault In Our Cutie Marks (a sweet little episode about trying to find your purpose against the odds,) and Gauntlet of Fire (awesome Spike episode without him being just a butt monkey. Dragon.)
Season 7
What does MLP Season 7 offer this time? Twilight Sparkle seeks Celestia's advice when she fears she has nothing else to teach Starlight Glimmer about friendship (Celestial Advice.) Baby Cakes with Auntie Twilight! (A Flurry of Emotions). Pinkie Pie tries to hook her sister, Maud, with friends to show her what Ponyville has to offer (Rock Solid Friendship.) Assertive Fluttershy is assertive about her animal sanctuary goals (Fluttershy Leans In). Clingy Big Sister Rarity fights to keep the bond she has with her little sister, Sweetie Belle (Forever Filly). Big Mac falls in love (Hard To Say Anything). When Yaks learn a lesson about never being too proud to ask for help (Not Asking For Trouble). A Discord friendship crisis! Oh no! (Discordant Harmony). Bad communication causes Spike problems (Triple Threat). Learning lessons of love and friendship does not come naturally to all (To Change A Changeling). Rainbow Dash tries to clear the name of her greatest idol (Daring Done?). Rarity freaks out about her mane for a whole episode (It Isn't The Mane Thing About You.) Fluttershy tries to find a cure for an ill Zecora (A Health of Information). Being a Blank Flank becomes trendy at camp (Marks and Recreation). Twilight Sparkle sacrifices her own holiday time to ensure her family get to do what they want (Once Upon A Zeppelin). Bad communications cause problems between Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash (Secrets And Pies). Starlight Glimmer fears losing her friendship with Sunburst due to different interests (Uncommon Bond).
Favourite episodes include All Bottled Up (bottling up your emotions is never the answer,) Parental Glidance (the strain between an embarrassed Rainbow Dash and her super enthusiastic and highly supportive parents,) Honest Apple (the thin line between constructive criticism and hurtful words,) A Royal Problem (the Royal Sisters finally acting like sisters,) The Perfect Pear (easily the best episode in S7 that finally tells the tale of the Apple parents,) the publication of the Friendship Journal earns the Mane Six adoring fans and attention that isn't always positive (Fame And Misfortune), Equestrian legends told through campfire stories (Campfire Tales) and Twilight tries to save Star Swirl the Bearded from a long prison (Shadow Play).
Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree
The fourth Equestria Girls film sees the Humane Seven whisked off to the nature camp, Everfree, where a mysterious creature of legend is said to lurk the woods. Following the aftermath of Friendship Games, SciTwi still struggles with the guilt of unleashing the magic and fears that Midnight Sparkle, her evil alter ego, may break free and hurt those she cares for. Each girl also discovers a special ability during their time at camp and basically become X-Men Pony Girls. Yeah, that one.
Aside from a single case of Adaptational Villainy that did not sit well (Filthy Rich,) this is still a pleasant little movie to watch. Sunset Shimmer really is shown stepping up here, trying to support SciTwi in the same way the original Twilight did for her, becoming a leader to the Humane Seven. Her song, Embrace The Magic, really nails this as she shares the sentiment that being who you are should be something you embrace, not bottle up and hide. It is definitely Sunset's Crowning Moment.
Other great musical numbers I liked are The Midnight In Me (a ballad sung by SciTwi as she wrestles with the darkness she feels is inside her) and We Will Stand For Everfree (boss villain number is boss.)
The Magic Trilogy
A three-part Equestria Girls special, The Magic Trilogy features Dance Magic (Rarity encourages the Rainbooms to enter a music video competition to raise money for repairs to Camp Everfree and dance off against the Crystal Prep Shadowbolts,) Movie Magic (the girls play detective when important movie props at the latest Daring Do set go missing) and Mirror Magic (Equestrian magic once more causes headaches in the form of a special mirror.)
If you like Equestria Girls, these are worth watching. From fun little nods (Humane Seven dressed as the Power Ponies) to the eventual meeting of Starlight and Sunset, The Magic Trilogy expands further on not only the Equestria Girls world, but Equestria itself.
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MLP Rewrite AU - Friendship Games (if you haven't done it already)
Okay so I debated on this for a hot minute but like. I /did/ rewrite this once
but there's one thing I want to think about re: rewriting it again.
Which is just how different Sci-Twi is from Twilight. I mentioned this before but while the rest of the Counterparts are pretty indistinguishable from each other, Sci-Twi is the only one who is a whole ass different person. Which makes sense!! It's totally believable that their different upbringings would make them different!
But at the same time, she's just so different from Twilight that it bothers me. And I think my best bet right now is going to be mixing the two. Because if I went full on keeping Twilight's personality in Sci-Twi's situation, she'd derail the plot like 10 times throughout the movie.
Okay as for some rewrite:
Sci-Twi is still quite anti-social, but it's less 'meek and scared' and more closer to the Pony self in Season 1. Where she just does not have time for everyone's bullshit when she can be learning more things! This is exacerbated by the fact that Crystal Prep is full of dicks, so any time VP Cadence tries to get her to branch out and make friends, they're jerks
Spike is a Human in this too, a Freshman while Twi's a Senior. He's better socially on the whole but Crystal Prep isn't really the best place for making friends so he doesn't really have any and tends to stick to Twilight between classes and help her with projects(extra credit points are a bonus!)
Plot is very the same. Twilight's investigating the weird energy signals she's been picking up while somehow everyone from Crystal Prep hasn't heard jack shit about the Magic nonsense going around CHS. The Friendship Games are coming up, and Cinch wants Twilight to compete. To the point of blackmailing her with approving or denying her study program.
Twilight is quite annoyed by this tactic, but isn't too bothered on being able to complete the goal. She's more upset that competing will keep her from investigating the school since she already figured out that the energy signals are coming there, but hopefully she'll still get something. That said she will be mentioning it to Shining and their parents later.
Meanwhile the Rainbooms are dealing with their Magic just kinda happening and not quite figuring out what's causing it.
Yadda yadda, Twilight and Spike show up and is creeped out by everyone seeming to know their names? What the fuck? Though it doesn't take long for all of CHS to find out 'oh, that's Twilight's Human Counterpart and she's at Crystal Prep???'.
Twilight causes issues thanks to her device draining Magic and opening portals. The Rainbooms try to talk to her, but keep getting interrupted by either the Games or just the Shadowbolts thinking that they're starting shit and turning it into a back-and-forth trash talk.
They get some of a chance to talk to Twilight when her and Spike wander off to try and eat their lunch in peace, but Fluttershy is also trying to eat her lunch in the relative peace of being surrounded by local animals.
Fluttershy is nice ofc and asks Twilight why she seems so frustrated, and Twi starts ranting about the energy signals and all that. And Shy's like 'have you..... tried asking anyone? Because we'd all tell you about the whole magical pony counterpart dimension'. And Twi's like 'Why would anyone tell me anything when I'm just a student from a rival school being a nosy fucker and did you say 'magical pony counterpart dimension???'
Fluttershy just kinda smiles and reminds her that, for as many mean people there are, there are plenty of kind ones willing to help wherever they can. She'd be fully willing to answer any of Twilight's questions!
Cue Pony-Up sequence, Twilight's device draining Flutters' Magic, more portals opening, and Spike being temporarily yeeted through before getting pulled back to their world.
Twilight is already panicking because okay oh shit this is not only starting to get very dangerous but holy FUCK who knows what that could've done to Spike is he okay she doesn't want her little brother to get hurt because of her!
Spike says he feels fine, though he was sure something weird was happening. Fluttershy tries to assure them that it's just part of the portal transforming people into their Counterparts, but that isn't most reassuring. Especially when Spike sneezes fire because yep contact with Magic /did/ change him a bit.
Twilight is too panicked to ask any more questions, instead trying to run off somewhere fully alone and have a mini breakdown and try to figure out a way to dismantle the device she has to keep if from doing more dangerous things. Unfortunately she's dragged back into the Games.
She actually does decently well in her part of the triathalon(Twilight may be a nerd, but she had Shining as an older brother. She's not a pushover when it comes to athletic stuff even if it's not her vibe.). But she's still shaking too much from earlier for the archery part. Instead of starting to cry like in canon, she's still low-key crying but about to take off Sour Sweet's head because you are not helping!!
Unfortunately AJ gets there first of like 'Girl shut the FUCK up your teammate's doing decent and you saying untrue shit to hurt her ain't helping!' before trying her best to help Twilight stay grounded in reality enough to make the shot.
This counts as enough truth and honesty to get a pony up, and whoops Magic Drain and Portals! Absolute chaos and danger!
Afterward Twilight tries to both apologize and swallow her pride to ask for help because yeah clearly the others know what's going on. But ofc kicking everything off again by draining Rainbow's Magic and opening more Portals.
Sunset.... doesn't handle this well. Like she was already dealing with the frustration of Magic doing weird shit, she was feeling inferior because 'surely Princess Twilight would've had a handle on this by now but I've made no progress!', her friends have been put in so much danger thanks to this whole thing, and she's low-key projecting with seeing someone so genuinely curious but messing with things they don't understand in ways that have no safety nets for when shit goes wrong.
So she snaps and yells at Twilight about it. Which makes Twilight both sad and frustrated because damn it she's trying and maybe Sunset has a point but also she's panicked enough as it is and doesn't want to hurt anyone else!! So she storms off.
Spike is at least trying to get more answers with less direct frustration.
The next round starts and.... well. Twilight's dealing with Cinch's dishonest blackmail scheme. She's dealing with her classmates turning against her. Both making it clear that they're only using her for what she can give them. The only way to make things right for anyone is to go through with this plan, but she's so scared to hurt someone with it now that she sees the danger she's been putting them in and how unstable it is. The only way to fix this, all of it, is to push through and learn what she can. If she has more knowledge, she can find a solution.
The negative energy around her creates Midnight Sparkle, not a Demon but a Dark Angel. All of her desires magnified, with no care to what may happen. What does she have left here? People who don't give a fuck about her? But there's a whole world of Magic where she can at least learn new things. Give herself some semblance of joy.
Sunset manages to use the Elements as well. Midnight vs. Daydream. Like Canon, Spike manages to call out to Twilight. A reminder that, as bad as thing had gotten, she still has people here who love her. Allowing Daydream to push through with her Magic as well.
An offered hand, a promise that things get better. Friendship given, deep from the heart.
In the aftermath, it's hard for most of Crystal Prep to ignore the obvious lesson. Seeing what their actions turned Twilight into, seeing what CHS' Friendship let Sunset become. It'll take a bit for them to change as well, but.... Twilight gets more proof that asking for help comes through because yeah telling her brother and parents about Cinch's blackmail attempt helped uncover even more of it and at minimum she's getting a forced retirement, allowing Cadence to take over as Principal for now.
Even so, Twilight wants to learn more. Both about Friendship and about Magic and everything inbetween. And it'd be a lot easier for her to do that at CHS. (And they're dragging Spike too lmao)
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Rambling Review: EQG - Rainbow Rocks
When we last discussed Equestria Girls, I came to the conclusion that, in spite of the numerous moments of sheer blandness and ridiculousness, the film itself was essentially harmless. The “villain”, if you could even call her that, did not impress me, the plot was uninspired in spite of the addition of MLP elements, and the structure was a complete mess from my personal perspective. So, imagine my surprise when a sequel was announced in 2014.  And by surprise, I mean revived agitation. Don’t get me wrong, while I now see that a sequel was inevitable, I was less open minded to the concept at the time. But, casual fans and critics alike all say that Rainbow Rocks is a vast improvement over it’s predecessor to this day. Are these claims true, or is the sequel just as nonsensical as the original film? Well, let’s jump through the mirror again and take a look.
We begin in the human world this time, as we see three obviously evil magical girls are feeding off a green fog surrounding a bunch of arguing teenagers. They talk about how the “food” has been quite insubstantial in recent years until the climax from the last movie explodes in the distance. The leader with a hairstyle fluffier than the fluffiest of unicorn plushies marvels at the light-show, and tells her sisters that their time has come. Equestrian magic has appeared in the human world, and they shall us it to make it’s denizens adore them. Cut to about maybe a month or so after the Fall Formal, where everyone is giving Sunset Shimmer the stink-eye after what she did. This is actually important for two reasons:
1. Consequences. I commented in the last film that leaving Sunset in the human world rather than have Princess Celestia punish her was not the right thing to do because it gave Sunset a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card. In this film, that point is rendered moot because nobody trusts Sunset, not believing for a moment that her days as a tyrant are over. And why should they? They were all used and abused by Sunset in various ways prior to the end of Equestria Girls, indirectly or otherwise. Which gives way to…
2. Regret. Sunset actually feels bad for what she did, and this time it feels more believable. There’s nothing like an entire school turned against you to make you feel cast out. Every time the subject of the Fall Formal and Sunset’s transformation is brought up, she becomes depressed or agitated about it. She wants to put the incident behind her and prove that she is better.
Which is why she has agreed to show some new transfer students around the school before someone tells them about her past. But, surprise, surprise, the transfer students are three familiar girls in tacky clothing. Sunny shows them around and mentions a school-wide musical fundraiser, which certainly gets the attention of the girls who start to act noticeably weird when Sunset asks about their matching necklaces.
Huh, obvious baddies who don’t want people to touch their bling. Are we sure Evil Sunset didn’t somehow multiply?
In all seriousness, the Dazzlings are a breath of fresh air to me, as they actually are given a little bit of character in comparison to Sunset’s one note “gimmie the crown” shtick. I especially love the Megatron/Starscream-esque relationship from Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze with a little bit of Sonata Dusk making memes in the background. And then things get even better after they sing their first song, “Battle of the Bands”. The three sisters saunter into the cafeteria and pretty much undo what Twilight did in the previous film and begin to divide the students. The Dazzlings manipulate everyone but Sunset and the HuMain 5 into fighting one another and turning the musical fundraiser into...well, a Battle of the Bands. And as the students argue, the girls feed off that familiar green fog again as our heroines watch in confusion.
Sunset, showing some more brains than in the previous film, comes to the immediate conclusion that the three girls obviously have dark magic on their side, and the gang goes to tell Principal Celestia in order to kick them out. But, unfortunately, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are weaker than their Alicorn alternatives, and are already under the thrall of the Dazzlings, leaving the girls at a lost until Sunset remembers about a journal she had brought from Equestria years ago. The journal apparently acts as a primitive form of text messaging, allowing Sunset to send a message across the dimensions by writing a message in her book which will appear in another back in Equestria. By sheer luck, Twilight is already in possession of the magical, glowing, vibrating second journal which receives Sunset’s message, and she not only determines that the Dazzlings are Sirens banished from Equestria by the Dumbledore/Gandalf/Merlin of Pony Lore, Starswirl the Bearded, but she also Macgyvers a way to open the portal between the two worlds early using the journal’s magic.
So, Twilight and Spike return to the human world, leaving the others behind to avoid the confusion that would come from having two of everyone running around. Everyone back in the human world is excited to see Twilight come back, even Sunset, who offers to help Twilight up after a rocky entry. This brief moment is important. The way Twilight initially hesitates shows that even she rightfully doesn’t trust Sunset yet. It, again, shows that all is not forgiven like we thought back in the previous film’s finale.
So, by now you're probably asking “why is Twilight even here?”. Well, since Principal Celestia is basically a puppet, the HuMain 5 believe the only way to deal with the Dazzlings now is to blast them back to the stone age with the same Deus Ex Machina attack from the Fall Formal. But, since this film isn’t supposed to be thirty minutes long, this plan backfires, not only making Twilight and the HuMain 5 look like fools, but also expose their resistance to the Dazzlings’ mind-control. While Adagio theorizes that these girls could be the source of the Equestrian magic she had witnessed long ago, the girls retreat to make a new plan at Pinkie’s house during a slumber party.
So Plan C goes something like this: have Twilight write a “counter-spell song”, play it during the Battle of the Bands and defeat the Dazzlings. Why would this work? Well, because the HuMain 5’s magical powers seem to pop up whenever they play their instruments for a band Rainbow Dash and her friends started for the fundraiser. What a coincidence. Actually, while we’re here, can we discuss how the human version of Rainbow Dash acts throughout this film? While the pony version has been known to be quite egotistical and self-absorbed at times, this version multiplies these attributes to the point of being abrasive. Constantly calling the band “hers”, cheating at video games, not wanting to back down as lead vocalist when the others volunteer Twilight in order to pull off the counter-spell, even ignoring Fluttershy when she wants the band to try playing a song she wrote herself. I know technically the human one is not the same character as the pony one, but Rainbow Dash is just so unlikable in this film.
After a brief moment to both address how Sunset and Twilight are not so different after all and to have a shout-out to all the Maud Pie fans, the gang return to the Battle of the Bands after a less than successful rehearsal which mostly consisted of bickering more than music. The Rainbooms flub their first outing through the obvious sabotage from Snips and Snails, but they somehow get to move along with the other competitors who won Round One. That doesn’t mean everyone is happy about the competition however, as even Flash Sentry starts spewing insults at the girl he once crushed on thanks to the Dazzling’s magic. Speaking of, Sunset tries to talk her Equestrian foes down, but the Sirens know of her past endeavors and turn the tables before they take the stage.
After another great, if not more blunt song, called Under Our Spell, we see that the Rainbooms are actually making progress in spite of the constant internal drama and the sabotage from their premiere. More on that in a bit, as another great song pops up...only to end right away. This song sung by Trixie, Tricks Up My Sleeve, is actually quite a good song, and I wish we could have heard the whole thing in the film if only just for one lyric. So, just for you guys, allow me to play this one lyric. LadyTenkage, this one’s for you~
And this is what happens when online friends subscribe to me on YouTube: inside jokes with a dash of schadenfreude. Oh...I’m so gonna get murdered for that when we next meet face to face.
Anyways, after more of Rainbow Dash feeding her ego by singing a song about how awesome she is (which I cannot stand), the girls start to show their pony powers, but Sunset intervenes before the Dazzling can feed off them. She and the Rainbooms are booed for this, but the Dazzlings use their ever-growing power to manipulate Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna into allowing the girls to advance to the final round, much to Trixie’s rage. But, again, the Dazzlings stroke Trixie’s ego and plant the idea to trap the Rainbooms as an act of revenge, which she does. This prompts the HuMain 5 to, once again, bicker and unintentionally feed the Dazzlings their magic as the Sirens perform on stage above them.
This is where Sunset finally shows some backbone and tells her new friends to stop arguing and instead focus on actually solving what is causing the conflicts, otherwise the counter-spell Twilight has been trying to make this whole time will never work and the Dazzlings will win. So, of course the Rainbooms reconcile, of course Spike rescues them with the one background character who isn’t under the Dazzlings’ control, and of course they go to face their enemies in eye-gouging-ly colorful outfits.
And now, for the best climax in Equestria Girls history...until the next one.
Okay, first the Dazzlings go through their own pony transformation complete with ears, fin-wings red eyes, and astral-projections of themselves in their pure Equestrian forms. Then, the Rainbooms show up with Vinyl Scratch who somehow owns a transforming car.
Transformers! Hasbro doesn’t care.
Next comes an all out rock battle, with guitars blaring, vocalists giving it their all, Sirens screaming red versions of Danny Phantom’s ghostly wail, and the Rainbooms needing Sunset to help win the fight. And, with a toss of her jacket, she does. She starts to sing alongside the people who have stood alongside her through thick and thin throughout this movie, and she goes under the standard pony-fication, leading up to the most awesome thing I have seen in all of Equestria Girls. Period.
Through the power of friendship and music, the Rainbooms summon a giant, rainbow maned alicorn who blasts the Dazzlings and shatters their gems, which reduces them to being ordinary humans, all while epic music plays in the background.
Where was this in movie one!? This epic finale which shows how much power these characters have when they actually have a sense of unity is so much better than “lol, you can’t hurt us because friendship”. And the fact that it took the help of Sunset to summon what I shall now call the Alicorn God of Rock not only shows how much power these girls truly have, but it also begins a new chapter for Sunset’s redemption. Moments like this actually grab my attention, more so than the obligatory easter eggs and using even more stale high school movie plots.
Back to the film, the Dazzlings run off the presumably starve in an alley while the Rainbooms send Twilight on her way home. Twilight makes an obligatory speech about how this is “goodbye ‘til next time”, but a little cliffhanger begs to differ, as we’re finally shown that Twilight and Spike indeed have counterparts in the human world, and the human Twilight has set her eyes on Canterlot High’s magical mischief.
And with that, Rainbow Rocks ends with a nice credits montage of Canterlot High’s students starting to truly accept Sunset Shimmer as one of them. So, what did I think of Rainbow Rocks in comparison to it’s predecessor? Well, on the whole, I have to say that Rainbow Rocks obviously excels where Equestria Girls fails. It actually dedicates time to establishing characters and their traits rather than copy and paste typical high school stereotypes for the sake of filling in the blanks. For example, Sunset Shimmer, a character I despised for being a bland villain, actually makes an attempt to be a better person in spite of the insurmountable odds placed against her. And good Lord, the Sirens! Compared to Sunset Shimmer, these ladies were fantastic villains. Unlike the she-demon, they actually had presence and were a constant threat both on and off screen, making it feel like there was more at stake than just popularity. And the music! Unlike most of the songs from the original film, Rainbow Rocks succeeded in...well, rocking! The Dazzling’s songs, Tricks Up My Sleeves, even The Rainbooms’ songs (so long as we ignore the ego-stroking “Awesome As I Want To Be”) were all incredible, and I would listen to them all again if given the chance.
However, like the original film, there are also some notable faults in Rainbow Rocks. The HuMain 5 were easily the weakest part of the film, their constant arguing became a tad grating in spite of it’s necessity to the plot. Which reminds me, the award for most annoying character of this film goes to Rainbow Dash, whose entire routine in this film consists of her stroking her ego to the point of climaxing. While I’m not expecting her to be as restrained as her pony counterpart, I expect at least some form of control from her even if she is a teenager.  Also, some of the plot elements, such as how the magic that has suddenly appeared in the human world works, is not explained as much as an intellectual audience would like.
“Who cares” RD? Well, I care. The audience cares. Everyone cares! Which is why one of the shorts made before the next film focuses on Sunset actually trying to explain the magic in a logical, scientific way...with less than satisfying results.
And, yes, much like I stated in in previous review, this film uses more high school movie tropes: The Battle of the Bands. But, unlike Equestria Girls, there’s something that actually allows the film to stand on it’s own. Maybe it’s the Dazzlings manipulating the students and staff like puppets, maybe it’s the Equestrian magic, maybe because it was an actual Battle of the Bands, or maybe it was that incredible ending that I love so much. All in all, Rainbow Rocks was actually fun to watch in comparison to Equestria Girls. I’m glad I watched it, and I think I would actually watch it again should the urge take me over. Is it perfect? No. But I can forgive Rainbow Rocks for it’s flaws because I feel like it actually made an effort to have a higher quality than Equestria Girls. It actually feels like a competent story that I can enjoy over and over again. 
All I can really say is Rainbow Rocks rocks.
In the meantime, never stop rambling. TM
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radioactivenero · 7 years
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I mad an art thingy and an AU kind of idea came afterwards to my brain?
Look below the break for the more in detail explanation and stuff.
I went a little nuts with this one, I wanted to make a background for once but it got a little out of hand. So, I've been thinking for a while about unicorn soldiers, and the first thing that always comes to my mind is a spellcasting warlock kind of deal, with a division of unicorns talented in combat magic, maybe a division of specialist in first aid spells and all that stuff. But then I started thinking more. What about unicorns that don't have powerful magic? or unicorns without a talent for combat magic or healing? the ones with just regular skills like levitation or that are good at making plants grow or anything that's not so useful in a combat situation? So this is my answer, they'd fight like regular earth ponies, but using their basic skills to aid themselves during combat, like levitating objects to distract or blind the enemies, or using their telekinesis to hold a weapon out of the way, that kind of thing. Now, why Twilight? you may ask. Well, I didn't really know who was gonna be that unicorn until I had to start coloring, and I don't really know why I choose her, but then after thinking for a while I came with this "alternate universe" Idea to justify it. It goes something like this: As a young filly Twilight went to take the entrance test for Celestia's school for the magically gifted unicorns, but the Sonic Rainboom made her magic go haywire, just like in the show, the difference is that when she regained control of her magic she found herself terrified and panicking, because not only she almost failed the test, but she lost control and almost turned her parents into inanimate objects! She could have lost them forever! The panic attack that followed caused that in this universe she did not gain her cutie mark after finishing the test, and even after getting accepted into Celestia's school she just stayed home in her room for weeks in fear of loosing control again. After a while her family convinced her that she didn't need to be afraid and that everything should be okay and she started going to class, but she didn't do very good, because even if she had huge reserves of magic, she was blocking them subconsciously because she was still very afraid. It was not long when Twilight decided to leave the school and started training in magic from scratch, focusing her attention in mastering all the basic magical skills and having complete control of her own magic. This training made her very cold and disciplined, and with a deep understanding of how her own magic behaved but with a very limited repertoire of spells. In a similar way that cannon Twilight she didn't make many friends, this was because she was very serious and her pairs thought of her as being boring and not fun, but Twilight didn't care, she had her BBBFF Shining armor, that was now member of the royal guard and had been helping her all the way with her magic training. It was not long, when twilight reached the appropriate age, that her brother told her that she would make a great soldier and should consider joining the royal guard. With his help she trained to be able to pass the physical test in order to join, and not long after she joined she discovered new ways of using her well trained magic during the combat practices in the academy, and ended earning her cutie mark this way. So, now she is a soldier that met the rest of her friends when she was sent to ponyville as security for that one Summer sun celebration. Haven't thought of anything beyond that point, and please don't ask why she's fighting a non crystal pony wearing a King Sombra soldier kind of armor because I don't know.
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uguardian · 8 years
My mind goes to weird places sometimes. Often, this happens when I can't sleep, so the places it visits are beyond the normal levels of weirdness. Take for example, last night, when I wasn't able to get much sleep and ended up realizing a horrible truth about one of the characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
In the Season 1 episode "Sonic Rainboom", Twilight uses a magic spell to give Rarity wings. Everypony adores the new wings, and so Rarity ends up getting carried away with the attention she's getting. This leads her to enter a competition instead of cheering on her friend. During her performance she flies too close to the sun, causing the brittle wings to evaporate.
And now it's time to go down the rabbit hole, as my mind did for reasons nobody (and nopony) will ever be able to fathom.
While the wings themselves were made from gossamer and morning dew, that's not enough for them to work as intended. This means that Rarity's musculature and bodily structures were magically altered as well, since beating wings requires its own dedicated muscles, neural pathways, joints and so on.
Although the wings were removed, it's likely that under the skin, the rest of the spell's effects are still in play. This would mean that she's been left like a pegasus that had their wings removed. There's no obvious scarring of course, but between her shoulders there are probably some extra tissues that aren't normally found on unicorns. Worst case scenario brings in things like phantom pains, since like any other amputee who lost a limb in an accident, she’d still have the nerves that once connected the missing parts to the rest of her body.
On the positive side, being turned into a breezie and back could possibly have also removed these unnatural structures and returned her to normal, depending on how the transformation works and how generous we’d like to be. After all, breezies do have similar wings, and both the wings and the parts that support them would’ve been magically removed when the characters became ponies once again.
Thanks for reading, and remember: this is why you don't think too much about what goes on in a cartoon. Because holy horseapples, does this sort of thing get unsettling quick.
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