#and i was like OOOOHHHHHH SLAY
jamessunderlandgf · 9 months
nothing i love more than absorbing lore from a piece of media through osmosis or otherwise and then urls start making sense
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hmspogue · 7 years
Stranger Things Season 2 trailer shot by shot run down
I do not claim or own any of these screenshots all rights to Netflix
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aw look at my children doing normal children things can’t wait to see how long that’s going to last 
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so, the way that Dungeons and Dragons was sort of the running analogy last season, my guess is that this game is going to be the overlying symbolism for this season.
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my boys all back together and happy again can’t wait to see how long that’ll last :’)
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so if this is the analogy I’m guessing the “sword” is going to be the key to slaying the monster
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again, the dragon probably = the monster
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and if so, the fact that Dustin seemingly LOST this game sort of worries me...
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case in point
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this trailer took approximately 15 seconds to get me to say “oh no”
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AS I WAS SAYING (okay so obviously from what we left off on last season and the trailers/ teaser we’ve gotten. we now know this season is going to deal with the aftermath of the Upside Down for Will as well as the entire community as rifts have been opened to other worlds)
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so i’m assuming Will’s main arc this season is going to be his struggle with being split between two worlds, and though I understand why they did it I wish we could see more of Will apart from that but oh well)
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me too buddy, me too.
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and thus, we have our big bad for the season *rubs hands together*
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mike he is obviously not okay but thanks for being concerned
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correct me if i’m wrong but is that Jonathan’s car? why is he leaving?
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sooooo why isn’t Will at school?
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stancy break up/ tension possibly? nothing good ever really comes from their meeting in this ally
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aw...is this why he wasn’t in school? Joyce obviously knows something is up. (side note: is that Hopper behind them?)
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oh come on-
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these SOBs again?
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so i guess maybe the Upside Down;s bleeding over to our world effect crops too???????
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Hopper and Joyce as parents yes please (also Will is not okay)
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“I felt it everywhere” wtf is that supposed to mean that’s terrifying
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please just let the Byers family live someone give them a break
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why do they look so suspect? who are they looking at?
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honestly I’m loving the Halloween time theme I can’t wait for the aesthetics they’re going to be implementing
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my connection/ insider I have previously hinted to me about a Steve/ kids dynamic that was going to be happening this season, but I’m actually very interested to see where this goes and the relationships that’ll come out of it
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again with the aesthetics !!! yes !!! please!!! and !!! thank !!! you !!!
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when the scientists are worried, it’s really time to get worried
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uuuhhhhh yikes? blood is never a good sign?
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ah yes all is probably not well at the Wheeler household 
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of course my dork sons all go trick or treating in matching Ghost Busters costumes I love them
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it looks like he’s tracking something. buuuuut what?
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oooohhhhhh these boys look like they’re crushing on the new giiirrrllll 👀 (mainly Lucas and Dustin? maybe Will I can’t tell) (except for Mike because they really are doing everything they can to bury me in Mileven feels)
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I can literally feel her angst radiating off the screen and I have a feeling I’m going to stan her unless the writers use her as a devise to cause tension or rivalry among the boys in which case someone is going to die
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“Sometimes I feel like I can still see her” WHY DO THE WRITERS FEEL THE NEED TO HURT ME LIKE THIS GAH I MISS MILEVEN HE EVEN KEPT HER BLANKET FORT UP  (because also it’s important to note that this is the same shirt from the screenshot of them watching the girl walk in. so if Mike goes home and realizes he still misses I’m going to choke)
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can’t wait for this to most likely just be a cat jump scare
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they’re building something don’t ask me what
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if I had to guess I would say some sort of device that picks up on signals from the Upside Down maybe? like some sort of crystal radio?
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but why does Mike kind of look like hes going to smash it with the speaker?
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new girl seems to be working with them/ part of the group now. but the box opened? idk this part is confusing
-EDIT/ UPDATE THANKS TO @disneyprincesskatherine apparently this is a reference to Ghostbusters! the box is similar to a device they use in the movies to catch ghost (i’m uncultured I’m so sorry). she also speculates this is the capture of the sort of “pet” Dustin gets that Gaten talked about (could also be why there is blood on Dustin’s chair)
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okay but where is #4? they’re still in their Halloween costumes so we can assume it’s either the day of or the morning after, though on what looked to be Halloween night in one of the previous screencaps, all 4 were present soooo
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more evidence of the world meshing
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YOU BEST BELIEVE I SCREAMED OUT LOUD I MISSED THEM (they both looks so good I‘m loving the haircuts) (and is this them breaking into the lab?)
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even though this is a gross slimy portal to another dimension, i’m still digging the aesthetics
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Will is not okay part 87450507
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this is either a drawing of a map of the Upside Down or all connecting tree roots. either way wtf Will?
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This time on: OTPs With Unreal Height Differences 
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it kind of looks like the same “tree roots” on the ground as there were at the gas station shot so yeah, I think Will was drawing a giant root system
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🎶 you’re my daaad, you’re my dad, boogie woogie woogie 🎶
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DREAM TEAM (Mike, Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce) (also can we laugh at the fact that Mike is armed with a candle holder while he stands next to his sister literally holding a shot gun)
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Hop digging my grave for when I finish the season
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*cues classic 80′s teen movie party montage*
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my girl wildin out (and Steve’s there too I guess)
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TELL ME WHO HURT YOU (this is a different outfit from the party though, so it’s not the same scene)
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a new weapon? perhaps the “sword”?
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everyone in this trailer looks as shook as I feel watching it
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Will Is Not Okay: The Saga Continues
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same shirt so most likely what he’s experiencing on the other side. I’m almost certain he’s going to play a big role in Eleven being able to come back to the other side
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Journey To The Center of the Earth (2008)
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well well well, Samwise Gamgee, what’s poppin’
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why does Steve have Jonathan’s bat?
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as far as I can tell this treck into the Upside Down consists of Mike, Dustin, Joyce, and I can’t tell who the others are 
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“ABORT ABORT!!!” (this is a different scene from the one above so I wonder what this is in reference to)
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another shot of Will being scared out of his mind, this kid doesn’t ever get a break (though the background looks almost like the lab as opposed to the upside down. I could be wrong)
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...well that’s concerning (kind of looks like that giant monster is chasing him)
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“If you’re out there, please just give me a sign”
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so this looks to be back in the Upside Down equivalent to the classroom where Eleven defeated the Demegorgan. and based on the look on her face and the previous shot above, it seems she JUST woke up
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I’m so freaking happy for her return to Mike us
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Lord almighty this season looks amazing.
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