#and i was like whoa i don't know your name or whaat you do but you can sing well
tennessoui · 1 year
can’t believe there’s no balcony neighbors to friends to lovers obikin au
so like imagine like anakin and obi-wan live in apartments that face each other and are separated by a narrrow alleyway, so when both are out on their own balconies, they can pretty easily see each other and talk. they don’t but they could is the thing, it’s just a weird sort of line to step over, being in someone’s space so intimately but not being invited there, witnessing someone’s life move along like an unstoppable ocean current, but not being in the water with them.
anakin knows what book obi-wan is reading and which newspaper he subscribes to. obi-wan knows anakin’s favored brand of beer and how he sounds when he sings his baby to sleep. anakin has overheard many arguments between obi-wan and his lawyer and his estranged wife about the divorce case. they’re physically close enough that when anakin steps out one summer night, obi-wan can wordlessly pass him a cigarette over the divide. “i don’t smoke normally,” obi-wan says, with a flick of his wrist to shake loose the ash. “i know,” anakin says, because he does. “divorce was finalized yesterday,” obi-wan says. “i know,” anakin says, because he does. “my name’s obi-wan,” obi-wan says. “anakin,” anakin says because he hadn’t known that.
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25237989789gfhfchg · 2 years
Endou's Stupidity
HI,again,this time i will do again a tickle fic but from an anime INAZUMA ELEVEN(hope you know it) if not wait for others,or write in the comments what should the next fic be about
Side note:The events of the fic(if happened in the anime)will be taking place after the Aliea Academy stuff and before the World Tournament
There will be:ler!Kidou;ler!Gouenji;ler!Someoka and finally lee!Endou
These are the Jappanese names and translated there will be
Endou-Mark Evans;Gouenji-Axel Blaze;Kidou-Jude Sharp and Someoka-Kevin Dragonfly. I'll also be refering to them in the Jappanese names cause its more easy for me
On a sunny day,around 3 PM Endou after leaving school went to his secret training spot where he learned preety much all of his hissatsu moves that he knows
-Already here Endou?
-As expected.
-Oh,hi Kidou,Gouenji whatcha doing?
-We wanted to suprise you with a gift
-Oh,a gift.what did i do to deserve a gift?
-Don't think about that just open it.Said Gouenji while looking into his bag to find the gift.
-Whoa wheehre it is
-Oh god Gouenji don't tell me you lost it.
-I'm sorry i gave it to Someoka to take a look at it and i don't think he gave it back
-Oh well not a problem im sure he will come and give it to me.
-Well i guess so,sorry again Endou.
-Not a problem,OH guys look at this i've hung up this small tires so i can figure out how to use Mugen The Hand.All i have to do is try and punch trough the tires without hitting them
-That semes like a bad way to learn Mugen The Hand.
-Yeah didn't you say Mugen The Hand is focusing on concentration
-Well why don't you sit on this log and stick you're feet and hands through the tires
-Hmmm that seems like a better idea,let's try it
Said Endou doing what Kidou suggested.In the mean time Kidou and Gouenji were wispering at each other something about the a plan B
Endou entered both of his feet and whrists in the tires while Kidou and Gouenji were smirking at each other looking somewhat prepared for something.As much as Endou tried to the tires were to big for his hands to stay still and they were also wiggly and hard for Endou to keep still and focus
-UUUH i hate this its so...
-Endou be calm here let's just make you stay with you're back against the tree and tie youre hands and feet in that position
-Well what do i have to lose.Said Endou smiling as they started to tie him around the tree making him stay prefectly still and almost impossible to escape which was just what Kidou and Gouenji wanted.So you see after the Aliea Academy battles Endou has been recognised more at school and preety much everywere he goes but that hasn't been the same for any of the others from Raimon,they were basically forgoten.So even though Kidou and Gouenji weren't jealous of Endou,this was one of the only reason that they could have had to to this to Endou.
And by ,,THIS'' i mean to TICKLE HIM
-Finally,this isn't annoying.Thanks guys.
-Well you wouldn't be thanking us for too long.Said Gouenji while lowering and sitting beside Endou's size 8 Raimon Team's shoes while Kidou sat beside Endou's right shoe
-Wait whaa whatcha guys doing.
-We've been really sick of all of the popularity you've been getting at school and preety much all around the world so we've decided to have a little fun with you.Said Kidou while both him and Gouenji took of his shoes simultaneously which launched an incredible smelly scent probably created by all of the running Endou did in the school halls
-Whaa,fun what do you mean by fun,and whoa why are you taking of my shoes??Said Endou confused by why his shoes have been took of by his friends and now not only the shoes but the socks too,which revealed his GORGEOUS size 8 smooth and dirty barefeet
-WHAAT and the socks too what has gotten into you guys is this some kind of game that everybody is playing?
-It is a game and a very funny one,definetly especially for the one in you're place
-Indeed,so do you want us to begin?
-Uh,ok i guess if you say so start.Said Endou which was the word that signaled Kidou and Gouenji to begin without hesitate.They started slow just by circling along his feet with a single finger but that still made Endou go preety nuts
-WHOahaHhahahaHah oOhoOHohOHohOK IhIHIhits enohohohohough ihgihi dohohont lihike thiihihihs gaahahahme
Endou's feet were INSANELY TICKLISH,proably beacuse he read somewhere on the internet that using lotion for you're feet make's you have more footing and overall to ,,be a better goalkeeper''.Well let's just say that kind of backfired for Endou
-Trust us Endou you will love it by the end.Said Kidou before he switched his technique.Now he was using 2 fingers and scrathing the top of his sole.In the meantime Gouenji started to use 3 of his fingers and also scratch but slowly all of his sole
-What this?Said Gouenji before he started to go harder
-HEY WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?A loud voice in the back of the two kids starteled them a bit until they turned back and saw i was Someoka
-He sure will be Endou or is he?
-What do you mean?
-Someoka is with us oh and he bought the gift that we forgot at him.
-Uh gift?
-Yeah Endou don't you remember i came here to give you this gift.
-Whahat's in there please tell me there are some scissors to cut this rope
-Not at all,there are...2 ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES.Said Someoka while he took out of a bag 2 brand new electric toothbrushes
-Wait what am i supposed to do with those?
-You're not gonna do anything with these we are. Said Kidou before placing the electric toothbrushes between Endou's left foot big toe and index toe and between his right foot's ring toe and pinky toe.When out of nowere Someoka took out of the bag a duct tape which they were gonna use to tape the electric toothbrushes to his feet so they wouldn't fall
-Now this is the final level Endou,you can start it Someoka
-It will be my pleasure Kidou.
-Weeell that seems like a you problem,here boys let's go get some ice cream
-That could ce nice let's go
-You know i never say no to ice cream.SOOO yeah BYE ENDOU
-Yea bye Endou
After about 15 minutes or so the toothbrushes ran out of battery.Probably beacuse Someoka was being cheap but after another 5 minutes Endou was out of the ropes and hurring home while thinking in his mind how he will get revenge and who will be the first one.
So yeah this is the end,probably the next ones will be Endou's revenge on all of his friends.He'll probably start with Gouenji;))
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