#and i will lovingly give you 100k of fic about it
bettsfic · 2 years
1/ oh my goodness i have so many fic recs! there is SO much incredible content for this ship rn! these are a bunch of great one shots: "like a heartbeat drives you mad" and "tounges talkin riddles" by redbelles, "for the hungry girl" by blondiest, "you need me now i'll teach you how" by kattyshack, "bad for me" by catalystcomet, "where the streets have no name" by alltheseghosttowns! i would send links but tumblr is ridiculous
2 - and "it's different for girls" by adelaideelaine and "keep sweet pray and obey" by phoenixtalon are two of my fave multi-chaps rn! apologies for the overwhelming amount of recs!! as always completely unrealized potential really has people popping off in the fic department
thank you so much for the recs! i'll check these out. meanwhile i plotted out an entire eddie/chrissy fic today and wrote 4k of it. whoops
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recurring-polynya · 5 years
So, as I come into the homestretch on the 90k word fanfic I am working on, I wanted to do a rambling appreciation post for all my fav long form (~100k) Renji/Rukia fanfics. JFC, I almost died writing this thing, these people are blessings unto the earth.
I had to go far afield to find all of these, as you will see, but they are worth it.
The Roots of Heaven by paperiuni is just astonishingly good. It’s an Ichigo/Renji/Rukia OT3. Rukia is MIA in the war, and after Ichigo gets a hint of her spirit ribbon, he and Renji roadtrip their way into another dimension after her. I cannot emphasize enough how beautifully crafted this is, it is basically amazing. It was written before Bleach ended, so some of the shinigami/zanpakutou worldbuilding isn’t canon, it’s possibly better (I am thinking particularly of the part where Renji loses his sword in a bet, and then re-imprints Zabimaru onto a new sword, which is just friggin’ cool) There is also an amazing fight scene where Rukia and Renji have to fight Hollow Ichigo, and Rukia kisses Renji and then hops on his bankai and zooms off into battle, and this is Peak RenRuki Romance in my book, nothing will ever beat this scene. Uhhhh, fair warning: there’s a threesome at the end, because of course there is.
A Thin Red Line by A Fine Piece is really a ByaHisa story, but it’s also an excellent character study on Rukia and Renji. It’s a retelling of all of Bleach, starting with Rukia’s adoption, where Hisana never died and it’s just brilliant and beautifully written. Thanks to Hisana, Rukia and Renji maintain their friendship after Rukia’s adoption, and in some ways, it prevents them from ever really connecting the way they do in the canon storyline. There are a lot of really interesting variations that I don’t want to spoil, but my favorite aspect of this fic is that Renji becomes extremely devoted to Hisana (as in, he brings her someone’s head) and it’s perfect. Appropos of noting, during the Rukia’s Execution storyline, Ukitake makes Renji schlep the Shihoin shield all around the Seireitei, and I think about that a lot and that’s the source of why Ukitake is so fond of Renji in all my fanfics. It’s not finished and I doubt it ever will be-- I don’t know if she intended for R&R to ever get together or not, but their relationship has enough tension in it that you can definitely convince yourself that it’s just a slow burn. Oh, also, if I ever start talking about Hisana as though she has some sort of canon personality, I’ve just forgotten, again, that this fic isn’t canon.
Become a Ghost by @hardlyfatal is a goddamn delight and has been a huge influence on me. So it is, of all things, a Byakuya/Orihime romance. Orihime dies of appendicitis and goes to Soul Society and has some good times and falls in love with Byakuya and then they fight Aizen. Now, I generally don’t read Byakuya ships because I just cannot drum up any empathy for Byakuya being in love. My brain can’t do it. He’s such a butt. But somehow, this crackship works, it’s really sweet. I cannot explain it. Maybe because Orihime is perfect and any thinking being should fall in love with her? Perhaps. Anyway, Renji and Rukia are also in it, and they are adorbs together for sure, but also there’s a lot of really cute friendship-with-Orihime stuff and I love love love it. It is also a masterclass in Byakuya dragging Renji, which we all know is my favorite thing in the world.
Aside: This fanfic changed my life. So for starters, Keigo dies in the first line of the fanfic and then is basically never mentioned again. This is the most baller move in all of Bleach fanfic. So many plot turns of this story are just...extremely fanfiction. And what I mean by that is that they are ridiculous, but I, the reader, am rubbing my hands together and shoving popcorn in my mouth. I literally cackle whenever I read this thing. Anyway, I was reading this for, like the third time, and it occurred to me that, I, too, could just write whatever I wanted and that someone else on the internet might get a kick of it, even if it’s a little ridiculous or silly. It’s just fanfic, and fanfic is great. So, if you have ever enjoyed something I wrote where Renji and Rukia are texting emoji to each other, or going to the Seireitei Waffle House, or getting drunk and making out, you have this story to thank.
Many Parts, by HipsterL. This is another full-Bleach retelling, where Rukia and Ichigo are swapped. This sort of an entire sub-genre, but what sets this one apart in my mind is delinquent Karakura teen Fullbringer Renji. I love him so much. I cannot get enough of him or his tattooed single mom or his awkward friendship with Ishida (who is basically the same as usual). Also, Rukia is being raised by single dad Byakuya who is very obviously a former captain who noped out on Soul Society, Isshin-style. Renji is just, like, always over their house? And Byakuya feeds him? I am so in love with this whole concept. Rukia and Renji have a very cute, slow-burn teen romance, and it’s all very sweet. Ongoing.
Shadows Surround Us by Meglee06. So this perhaps not the most skillfully written fanfic in the world, but I want to give the author a lot of credit for actually writing a longform RenRuki story. This is literally the purest one I can think of. The plot is okay, there’s a mysterious bad guy and they fight him. That’s not the important part. The important part is that Renji cannot manage to keep his shirt on in this story. He must spend 40% of this fanfic walking around shirtless in situations where he should honestly be wearing a shirt, and I respect that so much.
I think there may be more on Ye Olde Fanfiction.net, but I refuse to make a login and I can’t find anything on there. Second aside: I have an unreasonable grudge against fanfiction.net because I remember when it came out. I, a teen, was lovingly maintaining a hand-htmled Geocities page of personally curated fanfics (I was in a satellite X-Men fandom at the time). We called it running an archive in those days, and we were all horrified by the concept but also... it was... so easy to upload things? And then there were 10k Harry Potter fanfics on it. I’m sure there’s, like, 1M now, I’m scared to check. The moral of this story, friends, is that I am old as balls.
I am sure there are others out there; like most people, there are some ships I do not care for, and I think you can forgive me for not jumping into 100k words worth of that. If I’ve missed any, feel free to rec, particularly if RenRuki is the main ship.
Do people like fanfic recs? I can do more of these in the future for other topics, if there’s interest. I, uh, kinda read a lot of fanfic.
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gffa · 7 years
I say this pretty much every week, but it’s still true every week–this is a collection of fics that I’m really, really glad exist in the STAR WARS fandom, there are some that are just absolute gems that should be shoved in people’s faces because they’re just so good. Some fics that are the kind that make my brain all fizzy with how much I enjoy them and how satisfying and/or heartbreaking and/or joyous they can be. All the things Star Wars should be! ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    “You should be inside,” a voice says, painfully familiar. “The desert can kill with cold just as easily as with heat, Master.” ✦ Family by lilyconrad, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & darth maul & cast, sith!obi-wan, 6.8k    Seven years after the duel on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi has turned to the dark, Maul has turned to the light, and young Anakin is caught somewhere in-between. Can Qui-Gon rescue his Padawan before it’s too late? ✦ Oversharing by glare-gryphon, obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 2.4k    In summary: it was about Obi-Wan feeling it every time Anakin & Padme have sex & getting frustrated about it. ✦ Pies, Books, and Swords, obi-wan & qui-gon/tahl, 1.2k    Qui-Gon Jinn has made quite a good name for himself, as far as holonet cooking shows go. ✦ wonderterror by peradi, han/leia & han/luke & obi-wan/anakin (maybe?) & anakin/padme & cast, 6.5k    The Skywalkers aren’t entirely human. Here’s what that means. ✦ The Question, Twenty Years Late by Eirian Erisdar, obi-wan/satine & luke, 1.2k    Set just post-ROTJ in a timeline where Satine survived. Waiting alone for an emissary from the newly-formed Imperial Senate to demand Mandalore’s fealty to the Empire, Satine is surprised by an unexpected guest, holding a very precious bundle. ✦ Dreamers by LuchaDoRa, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.2k    Obi-Wan dreams sometimes. So does Anakin. ✦ Sigh No More by edenwolfie, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka & luke & leia & cast, 158.2k wip    Anakin makes slightly better choices, Obi-Wan is a Mess™ and Padmé deserves none of this. AU from Mustafar onward with liberal manipulation of canon to culminate in some angsty, fluffy, domestic fix-it because we all deserve better. ✦ Broken by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & rex & padme & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan (sort of), dark themes, 20.8k wip    The Twins are unstoppable enforcers of the Emperor’s will, the sun and moon that hang in the black void of his rule. It is said they are not the same age and that under their hoods they do not look alike, but they fight as one entity, silent and terrible as an eclipse in a spring sky. ✦ No Galaxy for Good Jedi by Annie_Walker, obi-wan & anakin & padme & qui-gon & dooku & yoda & cast, some obi-wan/satine, sith!qui-gon, 124.8k wip    Obi-Wan Kenobi was only a young padawan when he ran away with three-year old Anakin. He had no choice after his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, fell to the Dark Side by Master Dooku’s manipulations. ✦ untitled by albaparthenicevelut, obi-wan & anakin, accidental pirate obi-wan, 1k    Obi Wan was in Scarif, which was concerning actually. Obi Wan Kenobi, Rebel Operative, Dashing Duke, and Pirate King, should not be within a system of the Empire’s top secret military research base, much less in the very city in which it was located. ✦ and gravity, scientists say, is weak by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan & anakin + referenced obi-wan/satine, 3.2k    “You’re not the only one who’s ever been in love, Anakin.” ✦ Rest by copper_sky, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Anakin has a huge weakness for having his hair played with and a sleepy Obi-Wan indulges him. full details + recs under the cut!
✦ untitled by fireflyfish, obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    “You should be inside,” a voice says, painfully familiar. “The desert can kill with cold just as easily as with heat, Master.”    This is a short snippet based on a text post that’s theorizing about what we might get from an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie and, good god, is it painful and perfect. The spectre of Anakin Skywalker haunting Obi-Wan on Tatooine, some undefined combination of maybe the Force or maybe just a hallucination, and it’s almost gentle in tone, it’s almost comforting, except that only further emphasizes the loss, it only makes it hurt more. It’s beautifully written and so very heartbreaking and absolutely in line with what I imagine Obi-Wan went through on Tatooine. Gorgeous and hurtful, just as it should be. ✦ Family by lilyconrad, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & darth maul & cast, sith!obi-wan, 6.8k    Seven years after the duel on Naboo, Obi-Wan Kenobi has turned to the dark, Maul has turned to the light, and young Anakin is caught somewhere in-between. Can Qui-Gon rescue his Padawan before it’s too late?    I don’t know how I missed this fic until today! But, oh, I really loved it, as it’s such a manipulative and angry Obi-Wan, who seems to care about Anakin in some way, but also absolutely uses him and isn’t with him for entirely altruistic reasons. The surface may be similar in a lot of ways, but it’s such a different character from canon (in exactly the way it’s supposed to be!) where he loved Anakin so much, where he would never have used him for such selfish purposes, though, in almost any universe, their connection and their sheer chemistry is still alive and crackling. I love the moments with Qui-Gon, who carries such a heavy weight, whatever he is or isn’t responsible for with Obi-Wan’s path and the loss of Anakin, he feels the weight of it on himself anyway and I felt so much for him, all the more so because he desperately did want to put things right, but wouldn’t cross certain lines. And Maul maybe not being good, but not being the creature of hate, not being the Sith that he was before! And the ending! All of this was really, really fun and captured my imagination and wrote some lovely interactions we don’t see much (Maul talking about how he found himself and Anakin similar! such a lovely and deft touch the fic had with that!) and was perfect as it was. ✦ Oversharing by glare-gryphon, obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, 2.4k    In summary: it was about Obi-Wan feeling it every time Anakin & Padme have sex & getting frustrated about it.    Holy christ, my brain just about melted from the hotness of this fic. I’m not even sure I’ll be able to write a coherent rec for it! It’s one of those that hit my id perfectly, but is also really beautifully written, and the combination just pretty much made me incoherent for how much I loved it. Anakin being a provoking brat about knowing that Obi-Wan shares his experiences when he’s with Padme, that she knows the effect they have as well, those two beautiful little smug shits, is great just to begin with, but doing so to get a reaction from Obi-Wan? To provoke him into shoving Anakin down onto the bed, to give Anakin what he wants, which is to be fucked until he doesn’t have to think about anything else, knowing that it will carry over to Padme, what he’s experience, what Obi-Wan is doing to him, that the three of them combine through Anakin, all things I am really, really here for. It’s got so many great little details, the way Obi-Wan is so caringly, lovingly vindictive about it, the way Anakin comes while riding Obi-Wan, but then is flipped over so Obi-Wan can fuck him more thoroughly, really take his time with Anakin, really get joyful revenge on Padme as well, that he describes Anakin enough to make Padme groan, because Obi-Wan is a master of really good, happy revenge like this. But also, wow, does Anakin really, really enjoy when Obi-Wan does this and I’m just. Going to maybe keep this one on my reader for awhile longer, because it was so lovely. ✦ Pies, Books, and Swords, obi-wan & qui-gon/tahl, 1.2k    Qui-Gon Jinn has made quite a good name for himself, as far as holonet cooking shows go.    My only complaint about this fic is that it’s not at least 30k long and I can’t read more of it because, oh my god, it is fucking precious and absolute delightful. Little toddler Obi-Wan is the most adorable thing I have ever seen and there are so many little moments that had me practically cooing at my reader or just outright laughing because they were so perfect. It’s one of those things that sounds almost too fluffy, but there’s a sharpness to the writing and genuine hilarity to the timing of it and the imagery presented, so it’s one of my favorite things that I’ve read recently. Little moppet Obi-Wan stealing the show is the most precious thing and I WANT MORE OF THIS SO BADLY OMG but also this is perfect the way it is. ✦ wonderterror by peradi, han/leia & han/luke & obi-wan/anakin (maybe?) & anakin/padme & cast, 6.5k    The Skywalkers aren’t entirely human. Here’s what that means.    This was a neat, fun little piece about mixing Lovecraftian horror with the Star Wars universe and what that means for Anakin Skywalker, literal child of the Force, and his children. It was just really fun to see the way some people were in awe of them and some people were terrified of them and I’m always down for things that play with the Force in a universe where things work differently from canon! This was a delightful read today. ✦ The Question, Twenty Years Late by Eirian Erisdar, obi-wan/satine & luke, 1.2k    Set just post-ROTJ in a timeline where Satine survived. Waiting alone for an emissary from the newly-formed Imperial Senate to demand Mandalore’s fealty to the Empire, Satine is surprised by an unexpected guest, holding a very precious bundle.    I have a very desperate wish for post-ROTS fic where Obi-Wan goes to a still alive Satine to stay with her and this fic really makes me want that 100k epic of it, but also it’s lovely just as it is and, oh, the understated emotion and sheer amount of loss Obi-Wan is wading through here, how he’s still Obi-Wan Kenobi even when he’s been laid bare before her, with so little left of himself, that she’s the only spark still left of who he is, that and this precious bit of Anakin he still has in his arms, the innocent life here. And the reunion between Obi-Wan and Satine is lovely and perfect and it’s heartbreaking but also hopeful and beautifully written. I loved this one a lot. ✦ Dreamers by LuchaDoRa, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 6.2k    Obi-Wan dreams sometimes. So does Anakin.    The author’s notes say this fic was written a long time ago and that was something I felt while reading, like it had been written back when the fandom atmosphere was different, like Obi-Wan being thought of as someone who definitely always follows the rules, etc. But where this fic got me was in the second half, where Anakin is being a brat, trying to ruffle Obi-Wan with details of his dream, but Obi-Wan just looks him dead in the eye and not quite smiles and tells him to keep going and that is 100% the Obi-Wan Kenobi I know! Anakin egging Obi-Wan on to get a reaction out of him, to provoke his Master into shoving him up against the wall, to wrap Anakin’s legs around him like in his dream, to push him down onto the bed, until Anakin is out of his mind with desperation to please, please just fuck him already, all of that was also great. The sex itself was also nice, as Obi-Wan takes care to properly open Anakin up first, to not just shove roughly into him, the wait to finally push into Anakin, then having Anakin ride him while guiding him, all of that was very, very nice and exactly what I’m here for. Anakin being a brat and biting off more than he can chew when Obi-Wan finally responds, yesss, I will read a thousand stories about that if I can! ✦ Sigh No More by edenwolfie, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka & luke & leia & cast, 158.2k wip    Anakin makes slightly better choices, Obi-Wan is a Mess™ and Padmé deserves none of this. AU from Mustafar onward with liberal manipulation of canon to culminate in some angsty, fluffy, domestic fix-it because we all deserve better.    New Rec: I believe I’ve recommended this fic at least once before? But now that it’s up to 22 chapters, I’ve caught up on the fic and it was time to write a fresh rec for it. I do have a few things you need to just roll with the fic for–that the characters go hide out on Tatooine instead of fighting back, that Obi-Wan is often more indecisive than he would be, that Anakin’s emotional problems tend to go away more easily than I think they would. But the point of the fic is to write a really long, really revel-in-it story about the domesticity of these characters on Tatooine, to just wholly embrace digging into the slice of life stuff in this remote, isolated area where it’s just the three of them + the twins + Ahsoka. It’s a story that has the room to breathe with the characters, that it’s not about dragging things out, but instead that the whole point of the story is that slow, incrimental moving forward with the relationship(s). It’s a story that I pick up when I want something where the characters are (for the most part) taken away from galatic level action and instead are given something like a peaceful life (as much as one can get post-ROTS, of course) and I just want to roll around in something that’s hopeful and kind. The length is nice as well, because it really gets across that this is a story that’s meant to be a slow burn and a slow build even once things finally do catch fire. As mentioned, I don’t feel like it’s dragging things out, but instead that the slow process is the whole point, that it’s about building their relationships, their life here, step by step. It’s domesticity and slice-of-life and really reveling in it to the fic’s heart’s content. But also omg I admit I’m definitely here for the sex scene, because Anakin and Padme are adorable, Obi-Wan and Anakin had a very pretty frottage scene earlier, but then chapter 22 was exactly what I wanted–where they finally have the time and both are in the right place for something more intense, something deeper. And, boy, does Anakin find that he enjoys being held down, that he has Obi-Wan’s attention all on him, that he likes the way he feels when he’s pressed down onto the bed and held there, when he’s filled up with Obi-Wan, who opens him up with such care and affection, until there’s no other noise in his head, that all the anxieties and fears and insecurities are pushed out, as Obi-Wan pushes into him. I’m really not kidding that I will read that a thousand times because Anakin needs it a thousand times and Obi-Wan being able to give that to Anakin is so good for him as well. There’s also a lot of cute stuff with Ahsoka coming and going, watching the twins grow up, and more! But I can’t lie, I’m here for Anakin Skywalker, my precious child, getting the happy life I always wanted for him. ✦ Broken by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & rex & padme & cast, NSFW, sith!obi-wan (sort of), dark themes, 20.8k wip    The Twins are unstoppable enforcers of the Emperor’s will, the sun and moon that hang in the black void of his rule. It is said they are not the same age and that under their hoods they do not look alike, but they fight as one entity, silent and terrible as an eclipse in a spring sky.    Chapter 5: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. This chapter reminded me all over again how heartbreaking this whole story is, to see how much of Obi-Wan and Anakin have just been forever lost, that there may be embers left, but who they were are really and truly gone. And it was difficult to read because it implies what must have been truly soul-breaking to get them to this point, to see them so destroyed in spirit and so afraid and so pliant to what Sidious orders them to do. Seeing it through Ahsoka’s eyes, the contrast against how you know this won’t be a happy ending of a story, they’re too gone, there’s not enough left, they’re just empty shells of who they used to be, only the most basic of instincts and connection to each other left. And it’s so sad, but also beautifully done, that even if maybe I have a little hope that they might get a bittersweet ending (and I’m not prepared to hold my breath on that, but either way I’ll be satisfied, I know I’m not reading a sunshine fic here), and I know I’ll have a lot of feelings along the way. Plus, the bits of clone world building with the way they look at strong enemies, really just gave me a lot of feelings, like… it’s not better this way, but there is at least something to hold onto, however small it is. I feel like that describes so much of this fic, too! ✦ No Galaxy for Good Jedi by Annie_Walker, obi-wan & anakin & padme & qui-gon & dooku & yoda & cast, some obi-wan/satine, sith!qui-gon, 124.8k wip    Obi-Wan Kenobi was only a young padawan when he ran away with three-year old Anakin. He had no choice after his Master, Qui-Gon Jinn, fell to the Dark Side by Master Dooku’s manipulations.    I have a handful of caveats about this story to start out with–the writing really needs a good scrub with the beta brush, as there are constant typos and misused words, up to half a dozen of them on almost every page of the story. I mention this to encourage readers past it because the writing underneath that is very solid and very easy to just read, read, read, but I had to be in the right headspace for it, I admit. Second, there’s a lot of fairly minor details of canon that don’t really work with the story, including that Qui-Gon as a Sith isn’t really how Sith are in canon, it’s more the Soft Sith thing that fandom loves–which, by the way, I am totally fine with! Third, this is an Obi-Wan who isn’t quite like the majority of canon, he’s much younger and more all over the place, but that works for his age, where he’d be about as old as he is in TPM. And, finally, I admit that the Obi-Wan/Satine stuff felt like it came up a little too fast and kind of derailed the fic until it got back in track. I mention these things not to give a back-handed compliment, honest! I wouldn’t have read well over 100k of fic and kept coming back for more if I thought this was a bad story, but I genuinely want to encourage people to pick it up because it’s very much worth it, even if I might have skipped past it myself because of these things. Those things all said, holy crap, I definitely ate up this fic like you wouldn’t believe! The thing about the story is that it’s very solidly done, it’s almost one hundred and thirty thousand words and I felt like I could read that much more all over again if the author happened to drop it in my lap right this second. It caught my attention because the heart of the story, for all that it occasionally drifts off into other things, is set on Obi-Wan and Anakin’s relationship, that they love each other dearly, that they are the most important person in each other’s lives, and that was so incredibly satisfying to read. The fic winds its way through several twists and turns, there’s a lot happening and it’s not in any rush to get to the end, there’s plenty of breathing room here, in the sense that each section of the plot (whether they’re on the run, whether one of them has been captured by the Sith or the Jedi, whether they’re staying on Naboo or Mandalore for awhile, etc.) has plenty of time to have things actually unfold there, it spends time on each of these thigns. Yet I never felt like it was padding things out just to up the word count, it felt like each scene was there because that’s what the story wanted to be focused on in the moment. That may sound like a weird thing to focus on, but when I read longfic, one of the major things I’m wary of is a story that’s just endlessly dragging things out, so many scenes that don’t advance the plot or the characters. With this one I felt like these scenes were the point, that action happens just as often as it needs to (there are several fight scenes in the fic!), that it’s a story that’s not about rushing to the end, but about the long haul of this journey it’s on. Though, ultimately, what endeared this story to me is that Obi-Wan and Anakin’s older brother&younger brother (edging into something like father&son territory) was the heart of so much of the story, that pages and pages were dedicated to either their high octane antics and how desperately they didn’t want to be separated, how much they worried and missed the other when they were, how Anakin is devastated when away from Obi-Wan, how adorable moppet Anakin is and he’ll curl up against Obi-Wan when falling asleep, how there are moments of quiet domesticity that were a joy to read and soothed my soul. I enjoyed the plot of this fic a great deal, it hit me right in the genfic id places, but this relationship is what got me to pick up the fic and is absolutely the highlight of it, it’s what really got to me about the story and why I’m so glad to have read this one and look forward to every update! ✦ untitled by albaparthenicevelut, obi-wan & anakin, accidental pirate obi-wan, 1k    Obi Wan was in Scarif, which was concerning actually. Obi Wan Kenobi, Rebel Operative, Dashing Duke, and Pirate King, should not be within a system of the Empire’s top secret military research base, much less in the very city in which it was located.    I love the Accidental Pirate Obi-Wan thing that popped up on tumblr and this was an absolutely delightful addition to it, so silly and light-hearted and cracky in just the right ways, it just gleefully embraced everything that’s so much fun about the whole thing! Obi-Wan is handsome and dashing and everyone can’t help swooning over him and Vader’s so irritated by this (but also maybe kind of understands) and it just filled my heart with joy and light to read this short fic of Obi-Wan on Scarif with the Death Star plans! ✦ and gravity, scientists say, is weak by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan & anakin + referenced obi-wan/satine, 3.2k    “You’re not the only one who’s ever been in love, Anakin.”    This is one of the author’s sharper fics and I wound up enjoying it for all the feelings it gave me, the way Obi-Wan loved and continues to love Satine, but the path for them to be together seems impossible. It’s an understated fic, but that works well for what this is, a conversation between Obi-Wan and Anakin about Satine and the bloom of hope in Anakin that maybe he could tell his Master about Padme someday. And I love that it’s such a small thing, a small bit of understanding that Anakin gains on who Obi-Wan actually is, that maybe it could have changed things, because that’s how it is with Star Wars–sometimes the smallest things maybe could have changed everything, if only the galaxy had been a little kinder. This was a lovely read and put me right back in the mood for more Obi-Wan/Satine again! ✦ Rest by copper_sky, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Anakin has a huge weakness for having his hair played with and a sleepy Obi-Wan indulges him.    Oh, man, this was entirely soft and fluffy and sleepy and warm! It’s exactly what it says on the tin and that’s what I went into the fic hoping to get and I came out just feeling that content, nice feeling. It’s soft and sweet and, goddammit, sometimes Obi-Wan and Anakin need that, okay! This was a nice thing to cap my evening reading off with, just sleepy cuddles with Obi-Wan’s hand in Anakin’s hair, Anakin cuddled against his Master’s side, everything content and right in the galaxy in this moment.
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