#and i wouldnt marry me either (tess)
ellies-enrichment · 1 year
making more text post memes and i thought about how you’re losing me can be ellie & dina coded
but then i thought about you’re losing me can be joel & tess coded
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melforbes · 3 years
ask meme. what if. patching up. no I still haven’t seen source material
the way i completely forgot about this ask until i wrote like two paragraphs in this and was like oh shit lmao
the source material is getting an hbo series bb you're in luck also ignore anna whatever as tess yes i respect her as an actress yes she is talented in a bunch of things i have not seen but ms annie wersching is the only tess in my heart and also if i have to endure tess being reduced to a powerbitch stereotype i will start foaming at the mouth. but also i have no feelings about this whatsoever <3
WHAT IF: i will pick an important choice or event in my current project and write three sentences (or more?) about if it’d gone done differently
this is hard because i kind of had a stupid amount of confidence in the decisions i had them make in this and because i have ~a lot of experience~ in flying by the seat of my pants with writing lmaooooo a lot of the time with this ive had some degree of foresight when it comes to certain plot decisions. the only reason i have this in the first place is that with other things ive had kind of sort of plot revelations and then been like "well if i'd set that up three chapters ago it would have a huge impact i think but instead i guess it's just going in this one for a smaller impact" so i think i learned my lesson haha. also because this pairing nowadays has a small and sparse tag i really intentionally put in stuff to make it interesting (maybe the wrong word) to reread. like not Interesting interesting but i wanted there to be certain details that are more relevant on a reread than on an initial read because whenever i read stuff in small tags i tend to read it Multiple Times lmaoooooo and it's like if anyone like me is out there I Will Feed You. I Will Give You Food. you see i have this problem in which im like i dont want to act like i put thought into this because That's Embarrassing and i also dont want to seem like i take this too seriously because That's Embarrassing and also i dont want to act uppity or pompous or something But At The Same Time i do put a lot of thought into certain things and i feel like mentioning that and i dont really want to judge myself for that. it's complicated but also super uncomplicated. where was i going with this
OH right. so most of the plot decisions were made super concretely. like pre breakup arc in the nightmares chapters (which came out so much worse than i intended alkdjksjad;glksjg) when tess and joel talk about ellie Knowing (also legit it is such a trip to me that you dont know the context of that. a trip in a good way) she says we every time and he only ever says i even when she points out that this would affect both of them, and at one point i think he says that tess doesnt understand baseless violence which is 100% untrue, and then there's a bunch of window imagery i put in starting there because im a freak. so like For Once In My Life a lot of this was as planned as it could be. on occasion there's been Plot Revelations that get wedged in (the radio interlude chapter, which was a bit of an inelegant seam between prewritten things that didnt mesh well) but for the most part ive got tits out into every decision. like tess and ellie disagreeing about joel's choice was very planned though i imagine that kind of conversation could be executed many different ways i had my one way and stuck to it. so either way
where was i going with this. did i have a point.
OKAY. let's see. i think one of the big ~emotional beats~ so to speak was the ambush chapter and i think that's the favorite because that's usually where people comment if i remember correctly and initially i wasnt going to go with that tone At All haha. years ago i wrote everyday domestic scenes of mulder and scully from x files and had it all on this blog and it was plotless but largely in the same overarching universe (i say as if it was legit ever That Deep) and after writing this as a oneshot and being like you know? Kind of feel like doing that again. i figured i would just follow the same largely plotless path of legit just domesticity and leave it at that. and i think the first like five chapters are tonally different from the rest because i'd never really intended for it to have plot or really any depth whatsoever. in the end like. How do i say this in a way that wont be interpreted as uppity or something asldkjgalsdgjk like. when i did those mulder scully scenes i was very much a beginner and i think i didnt realize just how inherent that beginner-ness was to the concept itself. which isnt a bad thing! like people had fun with those so far as i remember. bizarrely enough i think people might still read those which. cringe. but you kno!!! but with a few years of distance from that kind of concept i think it was hard for me to Not try something else. especially with this universe in which it's just dense with storytelling opportunity. and also i felt as if the first few chapters were just like super super lighthearted and i wanted some angst factor. which is why in the end the angst factor plot itself is flimsy as fuck. like i did not care WHY they got attacked i just wanted that sweet sweet hurt/comfort cup of tea u feel. and after that i didnt really go for the plot too much But i did edge toward it a lot more. like i mean ultimately this is a romance like it was not intended to be plot heavy ever But it's more plot heavy than it couldve been. had i actually written it as i'd intended from the start i think it wouldve gotten old really fast. like nothing but lighthearted domesticity doesnt make sense in this context. for the first few chapters it doesnt necessarily kill the whole thing imo because like. that's the first few chapters. but after then if there was never any ~deeper thoughts~ i think it wouldve gotten reductive super fast.
hmmm what else. Because i am deciding to talk too much on the internet now.
oh in theory the whole breakup arc couldve been omitted and now in retrospect im like it's hilarious that like the next chapter after they got married i immediately peppered in hints that they would break up lkajsdglaksjgdlkj like wow. That lasted a long time. but like i mean i think with them it fits that they would do something like get married before they even said that they loved each other. like i can see them doing a massive workaround instead of doing a small and simple but vulnerable thing. makes sense 2 me. and like they definitely couldve stuck together in the end but 1 theres interesting storytelling in how maybe joel was too stubborn or maybe they grew apart in certain ways or blah blah blah and 2 I JUST LOVE A GOOD BREAKUP AND THEN RETURNING TO EACH OTHER ARC OKAAAAAAAAAY. legit. favorite trope. if i ever experienced that in real life i would claw my eyes out but in fiction it makes me FERALLLL. and also like i mean i lov these two for their dumb quirks but also like it would be a lil wrong to say there wouldnt be consequences for like. Not communicating haha. also again like the world this game is put in is so full of storytelling opportunities and im like Must Take Them All. like joel is stubborn as hell and shuts down when he's overwhelmed and there is growth in the first game (and in the second too but thats not really shown as much and is more left for the player to fill in the gaps i think) but also i think it would be super easy to regress in that sense and i had fun with putting him in those situations. and it's also super fun to have an additional person for the joel and ellie plots to bounce off of. like joel and ellie are two very stubborn people and having an extra person there to be like You Blithering Idiots has been a good time. im getting sidetracked. like it was fun to answer the question of how these two in a marriage neither of them can fully substantiate would communicate in hard times and the answer i personally found was that they both would end up breaking things. which was fun to write!!!!!!!!! but in theory couldve been prevented. maybe i just cant imagine this a different way haha. like Joel And Tess Learn Healthy Communication Skills Over Time. am i mean for saying that doesnt sound probable aldskjgalskdjgslkgj
OH LMAO THE MARRIAGE PART. that was also a big decision i guess. i wouldnt make it go differently alksdjglasdjg like. i definitely couldve written the context around that many different ways bc again this whole is full of opportunity But a frankly premature wedding just feels right to me. especially with like going from being stuck on survival to being safe for the first time in decades. and then having that sense of safety get boring and wondering why there was that super fast wedding in the first place. cant really imagine it going differently
there is later unposted stuff that could def have gone many different ways and that i tried to make go different ways but that would not be right to talk about akldsjaslkgdjsg so.
this got too long sorry <3
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lobotomiez · 6 years
ok i was trying to avoid this but ive been tagged for it like 6 times i dont even remember everyone who tagged me
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. drink water
2. phone call my friend eden bc joya and i went outside but she didnt have her swipe card to get back inside and i dont have access to their dorm so i called eden to come let us in but she didnt actually need to bc some ppl came by and opened the door
3. text message one of these 🙌🏻 to my class group’s chat abt our paper
4. song you listened to “my old ways” by dr. dog
5. time you cried WATCHING LOVE, SIMON
6. dated someone twice? not even once
7. kissed someone and regretted it no ive only kissed 2 friends when we were drunk
8. been cheated on nope
9. lost someone special not,, really? ive lost ppl but i wouldnt call them special
10. been depressed lol
11. gotten drunk and thrown up yeeah only once tho i think?
fave colours
12. peach
13. forest green
14.  probably lavender
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends uhh i think so?
16. fallen out of love nope
17. laughed until you cried yah
18. found out someone was talking about you nope
19. met someone who changed you i guess so 
20. found out who your friends are yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list not in the last year
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl all...
23. do you have any pets my kitty!
24. do you want to change your name no
25. what did you do for your last birthday uh.. i think nothing.. one of my friends brought me an arizona and stopped by for like 5 mins.. at least i think that was my last birthday?
26. what time did you wake up today first alarm went off at 9:00 but i didnt get up until 9:36 or so and then was late to class but the professor was later so it didnt even matter 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night probably sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for spRING BREAK IM GONNA GET A TATTOO IN SEATTLE AND HANG OUT W JOYA AND EDEN!!!!
30. what are you listening to right now ladada by dr. dog !
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom uhh my cousin’s name is thomas does that count?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves my finger wouldnt stop bleeding so i put a bit of tissue and tape on it and its kinda annoying in a more general sense my skin is annoying as hell these days its so dry on the lower half of my face but kinda oily on the top and im breaking out rly bad rn!! even tho im on an acne med!!
33. most visited website probably this hellhole
34. hair color boring brown
35. long or short hair short but im gonna grow it out to a bob length which is still short but long for me
36. do you have a crush on someone idk if its a crush but i think this guy in my music class is really cute his name is sam
37. what do you like about yourself uhhh not a lot my guy but i guess my music taste
38. want any piercings? i would love a bunch of ear piercings all over and maybe a lip piercing 
39. blood type red
40. nicknames uhh none exactly one (1) person is allowed to call me tess and its None of u
41. relationship status single and unloveable 
42. zodiac gemini
43. pronouns they/them or she/her irl 
44. fave tv shows its always sunny in philadelphia, the office, psych, monk, i also rly like ap bio so far idk if its a fav yet but i enjoy it 
45. tattoos soon!!!! it’ll be a hand holding a flower
46. right or left handed right but i can do stuff w my left too 
47. ever had surgery uhh wisdom teeth
48. piercings norm ear piercing and septum 
49. sport what the fuck is a sport
50. vacation i went to the netherlands and then germany in like 2013 that was really fun 
51. trainers shoes? i almost exclusively wear boots namely my docs or converse or birks if its warm out
more general
52. eating nothing rn but i just had dinner which was a sad tasteless pad thai, broccoli, a slice of pizza, an eggroll, and some cereal (welcome to college) 
53. drinking water
54. i’m about to watch probably something on youtube but i also need to look at the course schedule for next semester bc i have an advising  meeting tmrw and i have no clue what i want to take 
55. waiting for ?? spring break
56. want a slushee sounds so good rn
57. get married yeah probably
58. career a psychiatrist hopefully or something similar
which is better
59. hugs or kisses i love hugs but i also havent had a Real kiss so idk but also im weird abt mouth hygiene so there are very few ppl id be ok w kissing so anyway hugs i guess
60. lips or eyes uhhh both? nice lips are important if ur gonna be kissin em
61. shorter or taller i dont care actually
62. older or younger this question is creepy, cancelled
63. nice arms or stomach all arms are nice and all tummies are nice
64. hookup or relationship relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant usually hesitant but i can be a troublemaker if im in the right mood
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger lol no
67. drank hard liquor helllll yeah
68. lost glasses dont wear them but never lost sunglasses or anything
69. turned someone down yeah
70. sex on first date lmao
71. broken someones heart i highly doubt it 
72. had your heart broken nope
73. been arrested no
74. cried when someone died yeah,,,
75. fallen for a friend nno
do you believe in
76. yourself lmao
77. miracles no,, i believe some wild shit happens coincidentally??
78. love at first sight i mean u could be attracted to someone at first sight and then fall in love w them if u develop a relationship w them but its not love if u’ve never even talked to them
79. santa claus i wish
80. kiss on a first date ??? how does one “believe in” this it either happens or it doesnt 
81. angels nah 
82. best friend’s name emma + a lot of others i consider best friends
83. eye colour brown/hazel
84. fave movie oh shit,, maybe love, simon 
85. fave actor hhh... charlie day??
i tag whoever wants to do this bc its rly fuckin long
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dcndelicn · 4 years
cadence and carlos visit her ex in jail
britt Cadence was anxious about seeing her ex but grateful that carlos was going with her. Her nerves on top of the baby were making her uncomfortable. Carlos parked and Cadence got out and waited for him, her nerves making her impatient. Once he got out, she grabbed his hand, “Thanks for coming with me.” 
tess Carlos wasn't looking forward to this meeting. He didn't know how it would effect Cadence to see the man who attacked her, multiple times. But she felt she needed to do it, so Carlos was just glad she let him come with her. At least then if she or the baby had any sort of distress he would be there to address it. "Thanks for letting me come. Are you sure you want to do this? Its not too late to just go back home."
britt She nodded her head, “Yeah, I’m sure. I need to close this chapter of my life. Permanently. It’s not as simple as hey he’s in jail it’s over.” She spoke softly, resting her head on his shoulder. “Maybe when we get home we can eat ice cream and you’ll let me give you a massage for once because you my dear need one more than I do.”
tess He sighed nodding his head. "Okay. If this is what you need to do to move forward, then I support you." He said, wrapping his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. He nodded his head in agreement, opening the door to the prison for her. "I think I just might let you do that. " He smiled.
britt “Thank you. It means a lot. I know it’s not really something you pictured yourself doing. It’s not something most spouses would probably do at all knowing that it could potentially have a negative impact on the other.” She smiled, walking inside. “Thank you. You better let me. You spoil me, let me spoil you.”
tess "I just worry about what he's going to say. This is about you getting closure, and I don't want him to say anything that would make that not happen." He said, shrugging.  He followed her inside the building, nodding his head. "I like spoiling people, but I suppose I could share in the fun." He smiled.
britt “I’ll be ok. If I’m not, then i will end up being ok.” She assured with a smile. She walked inside as the security guard patted her. She grinned, “You better. It’s nice to get spoiled.”
tess "Just promise me if you aren't okay you'll tell me. And if he starts getting nasty or inappropriate you shouldn't stay and listen to it or give him the satisfaction. He let out a laugh, nodding his head as he took the keys out of his pocket, and let the guard pat him down as well. "Okay, and after this we both get spoiled by going out to dinner."
britt “I promise. I love you for wanting to always protect me. Thank you.” She smiled, kissing his cheek. She let out a squeal, “I’m down for dinner. I ate like 2 hours ago but I am starving.”  She said, taking a quick glance around as she waited for him.
tess "Husband, best friend, protector, they are titles I wear proudly." He said, smiling. It was weird to carlos being in a prison, and definitely not what he had pictured.  "Thats because you're eating for two. What are you craving tonight? Or should we just do buffet to be safe?" He said letting out a small laugh as he followed Cadence and the security guard.
britt “You know, I could say the same. Wife, mom, best friend. I’m pretty proud to wear those titles. Wife is probably my favorite.” She smiled. She laughed, nudging him gently, “Buffet sounds amazing.” She said, following the security guard. When they got to his visitation area, Cadence reached for Carlos’ hand, as more of a confirmation that he was still there.
tess Carlos smiled, nodding his head, "I think mom will be your favorite once the little one is here." Carlos like the buffet because if Cadence was craving something, they would likely have it. He liked to keep her happy, especially with all the hormones racing through her that came with being pregnant. Carlos squeezed her hand when she reached for it, "I'll be right here. Just say the word and we go."
britt “Probably. Same for you though. Although father should be your favorite now.” She smiled. She loved when he spoiled her. Truthfully, she loved his presence more. He squeezed her hand and she felt herself relax as they approached Jake. “Hi.” She said sitting down and Jake grinned. ”I didnt think you’d come.”
tess "Its a pretty great one." He said laughing.  Carlos didn't sit down, but instead stood beside her, holding her hand. He wasn't going to give the man the respect of looking into his eyes. His body was tense as he spoke, his smile  making carlos want to wipe it right off his face.
britt ”You brought your body guard” He stated and Cadence rolled her eyes. “Husband but yes.” She tugged at Carlos’ hand, letting him know it was ok to sit down. Jake chuckled looking up at Carlos then smirked. ”He married you? Even though you slept with my friend and got paid for it?” Cadence shook her head, tears already pooling in her eyes. There were things she didnt want to think about in terms of their relationship and that was one of them. “You’re failing to mention the part where you told me to once before and I said no so you beat the shit out of me and put me in a coma for a week so yes, I got paid to sleep with your best friend because I was scared shitless about saying no.”
tess Carlos shook his head as she tugged his hand, he didn't want to be sitting down. Hearing Jakes voice made him angry and the way he talked about Cadence disgusted him. He knew his wife and he knew that she wasn't  the woman he was attempting to paint her as. He jaw tensed when Cadence said that he beat her up for saying no. He wasn't usually a violent guy but Carlos wished he could knock his teeth out right there.
britt ”What was going through your head that night?” Cadence chewed her lip as she thought over his question. Jake grew impatient and slammed his handcuffed wrists on the metal table which caused Cadence to jump. “I um...I thought about how I wouldnt get to marry him..” She said nodding in Carlos’ direction. “That I wouldnt get to meet my grandkids, that my daughter would lose another mom and I’d be damned if I let that happen.” He smirked, nodding his head. “I try to forget but it’s hard because I’m reminded every day.” He shrugged his shoulders. ”Good.”
tess Hearing the metal clang together starled Carlos and his hand instincively reached out between Cadence and Jake, in protection. He let out a sigh at Cadence's words, knowing that he too was scared of loosing Cadence that night. He hated that she was reminded of the pain of that night every day, but he hoped that talking to him would help ease that a little.
britt Cadence smiled, looking up at Carlos then back at Jake. “I think one thing I’ll always think about is when we were at my parents and I told them about something incredibly stupid you did and you took me into the bathroom and choked me. In the same house as my parents. That was ballsy.” He chuckled then looked up at Carlos. ”She ever do shit like that to you?”
tess Carlos let out another sigh, there was so much that this man had done to her that he didn’t know, and each new thing made him feel angrier and sadder for Cadence. “A real man doesn’t ever put his hands on a woman. Ever. You’ve never been one of those though.” He said through gritted teeth.
britt Cadence sighed, “A real man doesn’t lock his girlfriend out of the house and let her sleep in the cold but he did so.” Jake shrugged his shoulders, ”You should have kept your phone charged.” Cadence wiped a fresh tear away, “What did I do? For you to do to me what you did. Because if I did something to piss you off I’m sorry. I mean, I shouldnt be sorry but..” Her voice trailed off and she shrugged her shoulders.  ”You were easy. You trusted me. What made you decide to leave?” Cadence didnt bother to hide the tears streaming down her cheeks, “I was 15. I’d have probably trusted anybody. Uhh....that second hospital visit. I realized after that, at almost 30 years old, that what you did to me, was not what I deserved. I gave you years of my life that I’ll never get back.” She looked up at Carlos then back at Jake, “But I thank you because I dont think if that visit hadnt happened, I wouldnt have gotten the courage to end things and if I hadnt ended things, I wouldnt have met Carlos and if I hadnt met Carlos, I wouldnt be the happiest I’ve been in a long time so again, I say thank you.”
tess Carlos sighed, shaking his head. When Cadence said she was sorry, Carlos frowned shaking his head, as if to tell her that it was NOT her fault. He listened as Cadence continued talking to him. He knew she needed answers to these questions, even if she might have already known them. Carlos smiled when she looked up at him, before looking at Jake. Hoping that maybe the asshole would feel some guilt, or at least hoping for a way to rub it in his face that Cadence was thriving without him.
britt ”So you’re happier now?” He asked and Cadence nodded. “Yes but it’s more like I’m finally happy. I dont have to watch what I say, what I do. I’m having a baby with a man who loves me so I’d say I’m pretty darn happy and like I said, I have you to thank for that because you taught me that I deserved so much more than what I got being with you. With him, I got a whole family and I know what it is to be loved and I couldnt ask for anything better than that so like I already said, I thank you. For showing me that I deserve better.” Jake shook his head, ”What happens when he cheats on you?” Cadence raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh, “I can assure you he wont and if he did, he wouldnt beat me for confronting him about it either. Maybe you’re incapable of love so you dont know what that word means but I am happy to inform you that it is the greatest feeling in the world and I pity that you will never be able to experience it.”
tess Carlos smiled at Cadence, and he gave jake a smirk. He laughed when the man asked what would happen when he cheats, shaking his head. “We’re both fully satisfied in that department. I’d never cheat.” Carlos was proud of Cadence for finally saying what she needed to to him. He didn’t feel any sympathy for Jake though. Jake deserves every punishment he got.
britt Cadence took a deep breath, nodding her head. “Ok, I’m content. I said everything I needed to and I needed you to see that you didnt break me, so for that, I’m sorry to burst your bubble. But I’m happy and I will forever pity you.” That wasnt what Jake was expecting and he was caught off guard. ”So what? We’re done?” The look on his face caused a smile to form on her face.  “I said everything I needed to so yeah we are.” Jake nodded, ”Cadence, I’m sorry that I was unable to kill you.” Cadence felt her throat tighten and nodded her head, “Yeah, I am too.” She spoke softly and stood up from the chair. “I have nothing more to say to you other than you tried to break me but you failed and you’re stuck here.” He smirked, ”You know, it would certainly be a shame if something happened to you or your family out there.” Cadence raised an eyebrow before letting out a laugh. “You know, if you still had friends, I’d actually be kind of terrified but you dont so I’m not. You try anything with my family though, and I will end you. Personally.”
tess Carlos let out a sigh of relief that they were finally about to be done with this asshole. When he said he was sorry for not being able to kill Cadence, Carlos body tensed up again with anger, but he stayed where he was, holding Cadence's hand. He smirked at Jake raising an eyebrow when Cadence said she would end him personally. She'd taken all the power from Jake, and he knew it. "If we ever see your face again, you will be dying. I promise that too. I happen to be very good with a scalpel. " Carlos said shrugging and tugging on Cadence's hand so they could leave.
britt A small smile graced her features, listening to Carlos. She was relieved when he tugged her hand and they could go and she got out of the chair and pulled on his hand, walking out of the room. Once down the hallway, she let out a sigh, “Thanks again for coming with me.”
tess Once they were far away from Jake and Cadence spoke, Carlos let out a sigh, letting himself relax a bit. "Of course. I hope it gave you everything you were hoping it would." He said. He couldn't wait till they were out of the building and far away. "I'm sorry you can't join me, but I really could use a drink after that." He said chuckling.
britt She nodded her head, “It did. I feel...better.” She let out a laugh, heading towards the door. “Go for it. Have one. Have several.” She responded with a smirk. “I’m sorry you had to hear some of that..”
tess He smiled, kissing her cheek, "I'm glad. Now we don't ever have to come back here." He laughed smiling when she said he could have a drink, letting out a sigh "I wish I'd have been a little better prepared, but I want to know. I need to know when something could be triggering for you so that I can be careful not to do it."
britt “Thank goodness. I dont think my mental state could handle it. I almost had a mental break down.” She chuckled then shrugged, “I should have told you. I’m sorry. Triggers are...not important. What else do you wanna know?”
tess "Really?" He asked, surprised when she said she almost had a mental breakdown, "Well it didn't show. You seemed completely cool and confident and I'm proud of you for facing your demon." When she said they weren't important, he sighed and shook his head. "Yes they are. You're my wife, I want you to always feel comfortable in our home and safe. "
britt “Yeah. I just kept telling myself that I’d have someone to go home to afterwards. Someone that makes me feel safe.” When he said he was proud of her, she smiled. “Thank you. That means a lot.” She let out a sigh and nodded her head. “Alright but you cant treat me like I’m a baby or that I’ll break ok?” She asked then chewed her lower lip. “Um, certain tones and certain sounds like metal clanking together and certain grips on my wrists. What else do you wanna know?”
tess "Well of course you do. I'm glad I make you feel safe though." He smiled, nodding his head. "I won't treat you like a baby, I promise. I mean, I'm gonna baby you a little bit, but thats because you're pregnant, not because of any of this." He said, giving her a soft smile. He nodded his head as she spoke, letting out a sigh. "Okay, I'll try and remember that. I mean I don't know? I can't ask about what I don't know about."
britt “I feel like I dont say it enough but I’m grateful for you.” She spoke softly. “Thank you. I dont mind you babying me because I’m pregnant.” She chewed her lower lip, “I should have better prepared you but I wasnt sure what would even come up. He did put me in a coma for a week.”
tess Carlos smiled and shook his head, "You say it all the time, my love. I'm greatful for you too."  He laughed, nodding his head, "Good, because its an area where I'm kind of stubborn."  Carlos winced when she said he put her in a coma for a week, "I'm sorry he did that. I promise I will never put you in a coma."
britt “I just dont want you ever thinking I take you for granted.” She shrugged. “Oh, I know, believe me.” She laughed. “I know you wouldnt. I uh...also didnt sleep with his friend willingly. It was kind of...forced upon me. I just dont um...want you seeing me differently.”
tess "I don't feel taken for granted. I feel very much loved and appreciated. You feel the same I hope?" He smiled, letting out a laugh and looking down for a second when she said she knew how stubborn he could be. "Cadence nothing in your past will make me see you differently. I know you were in a situation where your life was at stake. Even if it was willingly It wouldn't bother me. I may have only been in love with 2 women, that doesn't mean I've only been with two women, and I know that doesn't matter either. I love you for who you are now. The strong woman who just looked into the face of the man who almost killed her and didn't show him an ounce of fear. "
britt “Good. I’m glad to hear that. I feel very loved and appreciated. You show me everyday.” She smiled. She was grateful that he still loved her despite what he heard. He believed in her so much and it meant more to her than she could put into words. His words brought tears to her eyes, “I’m only strong because you help me to be.”
tess Carlos grinned, “well that’s my goal, and I plan to keep it that way for the rest of my life.” He smiled, opening the car door for Cadence, “Hey, don’t cry. You are strong because you are you. I’m not taking credit for that. I wouldn’t have been able to deal with what you did.”
britt “You do good work.” She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. “I dont mean to cry but I mean it. You helped me to become this person I am today. Honestly, if it werent for you, I dont think I would have had the strength to make it through that night but I did because I didnt want you or Laurel to lose someone else that you love.”
tess Carlos let out a sigh, shaking his head. "You were strong before you even met me though. You survived that monster for too long. I really wouldn't be able to handle loosing you, though. So I'm glad you fought through it that night for me."
britt “I believed there was something better out there for me and I needed to believe that and I found it.” She stated smiling. “The feeling is mutual. Losing you would be something that I couldnt handle. But I assure you that I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”
tess "I'm so glad you did. I mean I know you think you're lucky, but I think I'm the lucky one. I thought I'd be single the rest of my life, and then I found my soulmate. That doesn't always happen to people." He smiled, taking her hand in his, "I'm not planning on going anywhere either."
britt “We’re both lucky to have found each other. I love when you call me your soulmate. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I never thought I’d find my soulmate either and I’m very lucky to be your wife.” She smiled, looking down at their hands, “Good. You better not.”
tess "Its true, you are. You know me better than I know myself. I also do enjoy making you feel warm and fuzzy." He said with a big grin. "So do you still want to go to the buffet? Or just home? I know you must be hungry,  but I get it if you don't feel up to going out anymore."
britt “I could say the same for you. It’s scary how well you know me but I dont mind.” She grinned, “I’m starving but afterwards I would like to go home. I’m drained, emotionally and mentally and physically. But I want food.” She laughed
tess "I think thats what makes us perfect. Cause we don't always have to say everything, we just know." He shrugged. "Thats understandable. Lets go eat at the buffet and afterwards we will go home and watch a movie and relax. And I will let you massage my shoulders, if you let me massage your feet. Deal?" He smiled.
britt “I agree. That’s pretty important I think.” She smiled. “Sounds like a deal to me. A pretty darn good deal actually.”
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