#and i’m so worried that with tlovm coming out in a week people are going to extend this stupid boycott to the show and get it canceled
making a post that’s going to get me fucking crucified by this fandom but i don’t really care… bothering the critical role cast or anyone who works for them about OGL and the current D&D drama is unproductive and not helpful. critical role isn’t responsible for this. wizards of the coast is. just because cr has worked with D&D Beyond for years doesn’t mean they support what’s happening now… most people supported WotC up until very recently. and because they’re an actual company and not just some random people playing dnd, they probably aren’t legally allowed to comment on the situation without facing serious repercussions. they are literally in no way responsible for this and why waste your time harassing people who have been nothing but wonderful and accessible to the world of dnd and rpgs as a whole when the actual WotC company is right there, fully to blame? not to mention the general expectation that everyone should be boycotting dnd right now (which apparently extends to boycotting dnd shows) is fucking ridiculous and needs to stop. you can acknowledge that what’s happening is problematic while still enjoying dnd as a whole. don’t act like everyone needs to abandon something that’s been popular for nearly five decades just because some capitalist higher-ups are being assholes. you aren’t better than everyone else, you’re just a dick.
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