#and i'd love to get [redacted] out for halloween
allsassnoclass · 2 years
i miss having lashton wips
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evenstarfalls · 4 months
Ranking the past years sewing projects in an attempt to convince myself that I am hot shit and need to actually work on the stuff I have planned: let's see how this goes
I have actually done quite a lot of sewing in the past year—kind of been getting back into it as a hobby. Most of it has been based on online instruction guides and improvisation, it's kind of a messy journey but I have been having success (and arguably more importantly, fun).
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Blouse made from cut up shein top and satin.. I am not happy with this and have yet to wear it out. Straps are poorly done and the satin doesn't really match, I am seriously considering replacing it with green fabric (may or may not be a thrifted top). 4/10
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Too small Shein dress converted into top. The front looks good. The back is another story but the front looks good!!! Sleeves fit weirdly and limit the range of motion however I think that's Shein's fault. 5/10
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Plaid pants. I used a real pattern for these!! I love them they're so silly however they stretch too much and I always feel like they're going to slip off. 7/10
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Jurse. I love it however it has not held up particularly well, probably due to both construction and materials—the pockets have holes worn in them. I still use it sometimes. 7/10
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Victor Vale poodle skirt. Unfortunately I am too self-conscious to wear it much in public. I need to add more characters. 7.5/10
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[redacted] dress I had to redact this one for doxx reasons. It is made of like 23 cut up neck gaiters and an old bedsheet. I spent like a year planning this dress. And I love it. Has some construction issues but idc 8/10
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Love Händel oversized tshirt dress. I love it I love the Phineas and Ferb of it I actually wear it quite a bit. My only issue is that I wish I'd seamripped the hem before adding the ruffle but that's. Not something noticeable. 9/10
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Corset. I spent an ungodly amount of time on this but it looks awesome fr. I wore it to my first ren faire! 10/10
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Queen/kitties reversible vest. I love it I really do and I think Freddie Mercury would agree. Wore it when I saw Queen + Adam Lambert. And I still wear it a lot. And get compliments on it. I love this vest. 10/10
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Franny Robinson cosplay Halloween dress and bonus creepy frog stuffed toy. I would consider this one to be unrankable actually due to the sheer amount of time and effort I spent on this. I had to drop a class bc of this dress. Objectively poor construction but I don't care it looks good and I love to wear it. I listened to an AUDIOBOOK while making this. I am going to wear this dress as many times as possible. I am...really proud of this dress. 100/10
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heyitschartic · 11 months
Tagged by @vikugnavikugna
coke or pepsi? You know I love coke, but in terms of soda I'll have a diet pepsi.
disney or dreamworks? Dreamworks
coffee or tea? I drink like seven coffees a day
books or movies? BOOKS. I love movies, but books are so fun.
windows or mac? Windows, fuck Mac!!!!!!!
dc or marvel? I don't really like comics in general, but my gf loves the BatFam so I'll go DC
x-box or playstation? Playstation easy
dragon age or mass effect? I don't like either
night owl or early riser? I wake up at 6am every single day
cards or chess? Chess, but I always lose at it
chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate for taste, vanilla for smell
vans or converse? Vans
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? Who?????
fluff or angst? You KNOW I love angst
beach or forest? Ooooo I think I have to go forest
dogs or cats? Cats all day (sorry Illidan)
clear skies or rain? I lvoe days with just that slight drizzle of rain
cooking or eating out? Eating out tf??? Who is picking cooking
spicy food or mild food? SPICY
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? HALLOWEEN MY FAV HOLIDAY
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I live in Minnesota, I already made that decision
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? I think I'd have to go with Boensaw's power from the hit Canadian web serial Worm
animation or live action? Animation
paragon or renegade? Evil 😈
baths or showers? Baaaaaath, I love a nice bath
team cap or team ironman? Hate Iron man, at least cap is likeable I have never found Tony Stark interesting or entertaining and Captain America just has thay sort of scruffy charm
fantasy or sci-fi? Fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? This would get too long so Ill post one: 'What are we going to do, Dogger?'It seemed a reasonable question. After all he had been through, surely Dogger knew something of hopeless situations. 'We shall wait upon tomorrow,' he said. 'But--what if tomorrow is worse than today?' 'Then we shall wait upon the day after tomorrow.' 'And so forth?' I asked. 'And so forth,' Dogger said.
youtube or netflix? Youtube
[REDACTED] you couldn't get that out of me under torture
when do you feel accomplished? When I accomplish something that I've been working at for a long time, especially something that means a lot to me
star wars or star trek? Star Trek, easily. Star wars is like two good movies and a game, at best
paperback books or hardcover books? Hardcover, nothing feels as good in your hands
to live in a world without literature or without music? Without literature, sorry. I just couldnt live without something to listen and dance to.
who was the last person to make you laugh? Hard to remember, it was either my gf, bug, or Peri
city or countryside? City, I want to have things to do
favorite chips? Salt and vinegar
pants or dresses? Dresses, you can't force me to wear pants anymore
libraries or museums? Museums just because they're so much more of a trip
character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven, almost always. That's always the stuff that digs into me more
bookmarks or folding pages? Bookmarks Jesus christ what kind of freak folds pages
Dream job? Honestly, I'm kind of in my dream job already. Doing scientific research on fun and interesting problems every day. If it wasn't that, I think it would be writing. I love writing, but I don't have enough time for it sadly.
What gives you comfort? A good book, a lover's touch, warm blankets and soft animals, the quiet sound of the city waking up, good food and fine alcohol.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? One for the money, two for the better green 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
favorite ice cream flavor ever? PEANUT BUTTER that or cookie dough.
first fandom? No surprise but it was the Ranma 1/2 fandom, for obvious reasons a young Chart was ENTHRALLED by that concept
Your desert island band? Otoboke Beaver cause I'd be pissed
As for who I'm tagging.... @cpericardium @bug4932 @skitter-queen @rainfrazier get to work
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weergang · 9 months
Because no one asked you any, I ask ALL! all 100.
Anon.... thanks I guess.
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
In the room i'm currently in? the bed.
2. how tall do you wish you were?
I'm perfectly tall enough already.
3. what color is your hair?
Blond with some grey
4. whats a rare fear that you have?
Fish creep me out.
5. are you single?
Unfourtunatly yes
6. has your heart ever been broken?
.. Oh look next question
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?
8. favorite coping mechanism?
Shutting everyone out and suffering alone.
9. whats your favorite love language?
Making other people happy
10. how often do you get nervous?
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?
I'd think very hard about it.
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?
Always been currious about Russian.
13. where do you wish to live?
I'm good where I live. New Zealand would be cool too I guess.
14. what’s something surprising about you?
I'm nicer in person, people seem to be surprised about that.
15. when did you last shower?
16. when did you first join tumblr?
Tumblr media
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?
Maybe, if I do I want the traditional sailing ones. that tell the story of my accomplishments at sea
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?
I don't dream.
19. whats your dream job?
I honestly like my job you know, people are always surprised when I say that. Maybe work on one of those tall ships?
20. whats your ideal date?
Forrest walk, tea, book shop.
21. what do you wish you could do better?
Talk to people
22. what country would you live in if you could?
Why does this question imply that I couldn't live somewhere else?
23. whos the best person you know?
.. I thought I knew the answer to this one.
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have? A door.
25. whats your favorite holiday?
Depends on who I'm with. I've always enjoyed the Christmas season tho.
26. when have you been most embarrassed?
Idk nothing comes to mind so quickly.
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?
Never did halloweens, not a thing in my country.
28. what are you best at?
Well I'm worst at telling what i'm best at that's for sure.
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?
30. do you have siblings? Yes
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?
Don't ever lie to me. keep a secret, refuse to talk about something, all fine. but don't lie.
33. whats your favorite current class?
not in school anymore son.
34. how many people have you dated?
35. how often do you wash your hair?
Every working day.
36. do you daydream? what about?
37. where do you go to be alone?
38. which parent do you like more?
No preference
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?
40. whos voice do you enjoy?
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?
Me talking to the whole world? are you out of your mind.
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?
Start a family.
43. what do you wish you never did?
Waste my early twenties to a depression.
44. do you believe in life after death?
45. do you prefer book over movie?
Both have their own charmes. but books.
46. whats your favorite season?
47. whats your favorite time of day
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
To many to name.
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
.. no idea man.
51. do you have your own room?
On the ship? Yes everybody has their own cabin. At home I have a whole apartment for myself :P
52. whats your favorite book?
Pick one, nuh uh. What if the others get jealous
53. who’s someone you hate?
54. whats your best hottake?
I never understood what a hottake is supposed to be
55. whats your favorite game?
The one you enjoy with friends
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
Last week, clibing 60 meters up the cranes.
57. are you a morning person?
58. do you drink enough water?
Does the water inside all other beverages count towards this question? yes.
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
no, to many friends here
62. whats your least favorite game?
the ones where people play with other peoples feelings.
63. were you a markiplier fan?
A what?
64. how do you respond to compliments?
Uncomfortably. I've learned to say thank you.
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
66. do you believe in marriage?
marriage is a fact, can't not believe it it mate. people get married everyday. you want to deny that??
67. do you have a crush on someone?
68. do you like tumblr?
see 60
69. were you a voltron stan?
a who?
70. whats your favorite ship?
Sunset Dawn
71. whats your favorite song?
Birds morning call out over the fields
72. do you like loud crowds?
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?
Yes, it was hilarious
74. how do you sleep?
In bed
75. do you bite your lips?
76. do you use chapstick?
77. do you have any pets?
no :( Can't have pets when you're never home, that's unfair to them.
78. what color are your eyes?
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?
80. have you ever had surgery?
Several times.
81. whats your least favorite animal?
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
Thinking of more witty answers to this list that never ends.
83. do you have an sqishmellows?
no, i don't like marshmellows.
84. do you enjoy fast food?
not in particular.
85. do you like soda?
86. what grade are you in?
I finished school half a decade ago.
87. do you wear any jewelry?
one necklace.
88. what socials do you use?
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?
not in school
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?
can't get any later then midnight. after that it's early again.
91. did you ever have bangs?
this is about hair right? don't think so.
92. what trends did you hate?
ooh quite a lot of them
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?
clothes are basically all functional to me.
94. do you like dinosaurs?
sorry to break the news but they dead.
95. whats your opinion on body hair?
it's hair, grow up.
96. whats your least favorite time?
time for saying goodby
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?
nah, I just give candy to the kids that come at the door to sing a song.
98. do you have your phone on military or regular?
The what???? My phone is a stock off the shelf from a general brand. nothing military about it. I'm not in the military so I shouldn't have a military phone.
99. have you ever been to church?
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sephinot · 10 months
Got tagged by @that-one-empty-skull
Rapid fire questions go
1.coke or pepsi? Don't care, just make it sweet
2.disney or dreamworks? DreamWorks def makes the better movies (looking at you, HTTYD)
3.coffee or tea? Coffee unless I'm sick then tea
4.books or movies? Can't decide, either one would be a devastating loss
5.windows or mac? Windows, what even is MAC?
6.dc or marvel? DC bcs Batfamily
7.x-box or playstation? PC Master race
8.dragon age or mass effect? Never played either of them, but dragons are hot soooo
9.night owl or early riser? Switches at random
10.cards or chess? Cards if I'm in a silly goofy mood, chess for serious occasions and special talks
11.chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
12.vans or converse? My kicks are CAT (and I don't own any other)
13.Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? I have no clue what that means
14.fluff or angst? Both. Both is good
15.beach or forest? Forest
16.dogs or cats? Cats. And I stg it's not only bcs of warrior cats
17.clear skies or rain? Clear skies
18.cooking or eating out? Cooking...except for the cleanup...
19.spicy food or mild food? Spicy. Can't handle it too well but what's life without pain, right?
20.halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? I'm blasting Christmas hits in the summer so there you go
21.would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? Too cold
22.if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Stop time. I'd get so much shit done and still be well-rested for the entire day
23.animation or live action? Animation
24.paragon or renegade? The jeep renegade is a superb vehicle
25.baths or showers? Showering while in a bath
26.team cap or team ironman? I dunno man
27.fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy (star wars is fantasy fight me)
28.do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they?
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement" - Tolkien (my favourite quote is basically the entirety of LotR I love that books to bits)
"You failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me" - Luke in Ep 6, when he overcomes the dark side
"Mistakes are teachers" - my brother
29.youtube or netflix? Youtube
31.when do you feel accomplished?
After a day of work
32.star wars or star trek?
The love people have for star trek is justified and the message and all that runs deeper than most things star wars, but I gotta stay with my first love...
33.paperback books or hardcover books?
Hardcover, looks better on the shelf
34.to live in a world without literature or without music? Either of those means living in a world without me
35.who was the last person to make you laugh?
Some kid at work today
36.city or countryside?
Countryside. With decent wifi pls
37.favorite chips? The kind I can exchange for a ride on a rollercoaster
38.pants or dresses?
39.libraries or museums? Libraries
40.character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven tends to resonate better with me
41.bookmarks or folding pages? Folding pages and yes I hate myself for it
42.Dream job? Singer or author
43.What gives you comfort?
Hugs and friends, a sheet of paper and a pen, a good song
44.what are some of your favorite song lyrics?
And today we're all brother/Tonight we're all friends/A moment of peace in a war that never ends
Today we're all brothers/We drink and unite/Now Christmas has arrived and the snow turns the ground white
Sabaton - Christmas Truce
The silence isn't so bad/Til I look at my hands and feel sad/ Cuz the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
Owl City - Vanilla Twilight
45.favorite ice cream flavor ever?
Mint/after-eight (and yes I also like pineapple on my pizza and I salt my Nutella)
46.first fandom
First active fandom I participated in was either Eragon/Inheritance Cycle or Star Wars when I schooled a ton of adults at my first con at 7 years (I was an obnoxious child)
tagging others, add your own new question at the end if you follow up:
I'm kind of a lurker, I have contact with like one of my mutuals and I dunno who to tag so yeah...if anyone sees this, consider yourself tagged darling
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gloomygalleon · 3 years
Answering a Facebook survey I did in 2010
Are you okay with making a total fool of yourself? (2010) More so than many that I know. (2021) I really wish I could answer the way I did 11 years ago, but, nah I'm a lot more self conscious these days.
When was the last time you really laughed, why? (2010) About 20 minuets ago? Mom and Sam are funny from time to time, ;) (2021) I laughed at a gif from pokemon where a kid fell from a helicopter
Is there anyone you would do anything for? (2010) But of course. (2021) I mean maybe lmfao depends what u askin me to do
Ever done your makeup in class? (2010) My God, no. (2021) I think so, it's been a really long time.
Do you want to cut your hair? (2010) I don't want my hair cut, but if I had to I'd do it myself. (2021) I feel u, 2010 dan. I had it cut short recently and I've decided to grow it out but only a little. I'm gonna keep with the shag.
Do you have any scars? (2010) I do. (2021) I was probably referring to acne scars back then which is valid and true! But I have a nasty ol scar on me nipper now.
Do you remember who you liked three months ago? (2010) Ah, yeah haha... (2021) Bitch WHOOOOOOOOOOO? I like Mark enough.
What makes you happy? (2010) Tumblr, anime, my good friends, music. (2021) I'm gonna be totally honest, that answer really made me feel a little warm haha. I haven't felt really happy in years and it's nice to know what used to give me serotonin. I'm tryin to chase that feeling.
Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? (2010) My mother? (2021) BITCH lmfao that answer got me roaring
What were you doing at 8 this morning? (2010) Alas, it is only 12:08AM (2021) BITCH it's 11:08PM now!!!
Is it ever too late to apologize to you? (2010) No, in fact thinking back to various occasions, every time one has apologized, time has always passed and I've always accepted. (2021) Yeah man agree with that one. It's a really bad habit and people really be fucking me over knowing they can get away with it cus I'll always accept them back lmfao.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?(2010) People on Tumblr, my closest friend. (2021) Not really?? Closest is probably Amanda but even then I'm sure I hold back sometimes
If your upset, do you admit it? (2010) Most times. (2021) Depends. Typically you'll know if and when I'm upset because I have a hard time hiding it, but, sometimes I'm stubborn.
Anything good happening tomorrow? (2010) Yes! I really don't give two fucks about the school costume contest, but Phil is being L from Death Note, and then we're going to the mall with [redacted] to get things for halloween! I think we might be watching a movie at Allan's house, too. (2021) Man first of all fuck [redacted] lmfao. Secondly, I remember that day very well. I wrote this originally October 2010 which makes sense because we were in drama which I took in level two. How SWEET. Tomorrow in 2021 I'll be finishing up a tattoo I started and probably just laze about.
If you could move somewhere else, would you? (2010) At the moment, no. Although, the plans are is to move to Nova Scotia for college. (2021) Precious. I wanted to go to NS for art college to become a tattoo artist and in 2021 I'm starting my apprenticeship. I would still love to move there honestly but I realize now how unfeasible that is.
Is anyone going to sing to you anytime soon? (2010) TO me? Nope. (2021) Yeah, agreed, I really doubt that'd be happening anytime soon.
If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean? (2010) Well it depends on the given situation.. If I were in a class full of people that I either don't know or don't like, then it's because I'm shy. If I'm with my closest friends, and I'm being quiet, I'm usually super pissed off. I've usually got no problem being talkative with my friends. (2021) Yeah exactly what she said.
Have you ever had a difficult relationship? (2010) No. (2021) I've had several.
Are you happy where you are right now, relationship-wise? (2010) Forever Alone :') (2021) You're not forever alone, dan! You've had many romantic partners throughout the years (4 to be exact!) I'm currently with Mark and things are going well! We're hoping to buy a house together in the coming year or two.
Is there anyone you wish to fix things with? (2010) There is. (2021) I don't think so, no one I have issues with right now that I miss.
Anything bothering you right now? (2010) Nah, other than the fact that I got two hours of sleep yet was awoken.. not really anything. (2021) I don't think so, my eyes are feeling a little heavy.
Is there someone you liked so much and nothing ever happened (2010) But of course. (2021) Kind of? I was seeing this guy for a Summer and I had a lot of feelings for him romantically but it was pretty strictly friends with benefits. I also knew that it would never work out because I'm a little too mentally unwell and I know his emotional unavailability would have killed me. I ended up ending things between us and we're still good friends today.
As of this minute, what is going through your mind? (2010) My teef hurt. lol no they just feel funny cause I ate cake. (2021) My feet are cold and thing song SLAPS.
Are there things in your life that you'll never be able to get over (2010) There are. (2021) Not sure if she's talking about the same thing I'm thinking of, but, yeah I don't think I'll ever fully get over some childhood stuff. Also, I don't think I'll ever get over Katherine's passing.
Do you think things will change in the next few months? (2010) Well things are constantly changing, are they not? (2021) Man, fuck off 2010 dan, stop reminding me.
Do you think your parents are strict? (2010) HA. No, both my parents are way too cool to be parents. (2021) Not phrasing it the same way, but, yeah my parents literally didn't care I could do whatever I wanted. I used to walk out the front door when I was 17/18 to hang with my friends at 3 in the morning and my mom didn't give a fuck.
Do you honestly trust anyone with everything? (2010) Oh, no not really. (2021) Yeah, Mark knows way too much for me to not trust him at this point
Would you rather be the heart breaker or get your heart broken? (2010) Who would want to be either? (2021) I'm SCREAMING at my last answer because I immediately thought "heart breaker" lmfao. I've broken hearts before and I have?? a probably unhealthy skill??? Where I get over it really quickly??
Are you afraid of getting your heart broken from the person you're with? (2010) I'm Forever Alone. (2021) Yes and no? I genuinely don't see it happening but if anything did happen I'd be devastated.
Where is the last place you drove to, and with who? (2010) I don't even recall, it was probably when Lucas and his Dad drove me home from open mic. (2021) NDJSFHSDIUFHDS I AM SCREAMING WHY DO I HAVE NO MEMORY OF THAT!! Last place I drove was to our friends house last night for drinks before the show. We all got a taxi downtown.
Who comforted you last time you cried? (2010) Ah, no one really comforts me. It kind of annoys me, so when I'm upset I try to be off to myself. (2021) Last night my drunk ass sobbed over Katherine and Mark held me.
You get kicked out. Who do you call? (2010) Faja or Allan. (2021) My mom kicked me out a few years ago and I called some pals to come help me get my shit and they really came through. I don't really hear much from them anymore but I have lots of love for them for that.
Are you giving your all to someone who doesn't care? (2010) I'm hardly trying. WHY AM I SO LAZY LOL. (2021) I don't feel like I have to put in any effort! We're just naturally in sync and vibing in the relationship.
What do you want for Christmas? (2010) Eh, not too worried about that. It's what to get my God damn mother. God that woman is hard to shop for. But I guess for myself, I'd have to say some books, or manga.. I want a Slytherin scarf too! (2021) I don't know! I'm really not too worried about me, I think this year I wanna focus less on gift giving and more on spending time with loved ones. I guess as of right now I have my eyes on a certain camera.
Do you have any dead flowers in your room? (2010) None, when I get the new room I plan on some fake plants. (2021) Girl you got LOTSA fake flowers. I saved some flowers Mark had for me for Valentine's Day and pressed them to put in a frame. I guess I didn't do it well because they are DEAD. Lmao. Looks cool tho.
Why did you last cry? (2010) Likely a sad movie. (2021) I came home last night drunk and started crying about how much I miss Katherine. I guess it was a lot of pent up feelings. She's been on my mind a lot this week.
Do you need to dye your hair? (2010) I DO! My roots are disgusting. I have naturally dark brown hair, and therefor I need to bleach it before I put the blue in. A few weeks ago I decided to bleach my roots, so that the day after I could buy the blue hair dye and finish it. Yeah except, apparently no place in Newfoundland has the right stuff. So while I've got blue hair, my roots are blonde yet my brunette roots are coming in too. I look so stupid. (2021) I recently dyed my hair a darker brown so I think I'm good for the next while. I'll probably do it again in October close to my anniversary.
Do your parents trust you to stay at your boyfriend's/girlfriend's house? (2010) Ah, well I'm Forever Alone. But Heather has stayed over to Nathan's in the past, and now she's living with Zack, and Sam has stayed over to Steven's before. (2021) I live with Mark!
What is one thing you would like to know about your future? (2010) It'd be nice to know if I'll be happy. (2021) Well this is fun! I'm really trying. I have undiagnosed mental illness and that really gets in the way but overall we're certainly trying. In my future I'd like to know about any possible children. I think I'd like to have them within the next ten years. Maybe. Might be nice to get back to Tokyo too.
Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you? (2010) Philip? Of course, he's one of the best friends I've ever had. (2021) I still love Philip with my entire heart and soul! Mark is who I last held hands with and I adore him.
Name of the last person you kissed? (2010) apDOJOajpjp WOULD RATHER NOT LOL. (2021) Marky Mark (and I'm his FuNkY bUnCh)
How old do you want to be when you have kids? (2010) Lol ew no thank you. (2021) If I do end up with children I'd like to start around 30.
What do you want to be when you leave education? (2010) I haven't exactly decided. There's way too many things that I'd love to do, and especially after today(well technically yesterday..) I'm really confused about that. (2021) I'm starting a tattooing apprenticeship in about ten days!
Who text you last? (2010) Kaitland. (2021) Philip
Do you want to see somebody right now? (2010) At the moment, the only person I'd like to see is my little sister. (2021) I'm good! It's pretty late and a lot of people are sleeping.
Do you love that person? (2010) But of course. (2021) I also love my little sister.
Do they know that you love them? (2010) Yeah! I would hope so, it's been years since I've seen her, and if I recall we've only met twice, yet she's my whole world. (2021) That's very sweet, I also love Nicole but she's a spoiled little shit lmfao.
Do they love you? (2010) I would certainly hope so! (2021) Yeah she loves me back.
Would you ever get any intimate areas pierced/tattoo (2010) HA. No. WELL unless you count my tit tat ;x (2021) oooof who's gonna tell her we get our nipples pierced?
What is your favourite jam? (2010) I hate jam gtfo. (2021) uhhhhhhhhhhh grow up and get some tastebuds, danielle. Strawberry is my favourite.
Do you like taking photographs? (2010) Well, it's fun n' all (2021) Yes! It's for sure only a hobby but I love a good photograph. Who last took a photograph of you? (2010) Adey! (2021) I'm not sure! I ask not to have my photo taken most the time because I'm very insecure!
Last book you read? (2010) Currently reading Night if this counts. (2021) I'm rereading Dark Places
Celebrity crush? (2010) Alan Rickman. (2021) oof rest in peace. I'd probably say Rami Malek.
What is your worst fear? (2010) [redacted because I don't like my answer] (2021) anything to do with cutting wrists.
Have you ever: Been drunk? (2010) Have not. (2021) Of course
Made a porn film? (2010) Can't say I have. (2021) I've had partners and we've both consented to filming us.
Kissed a stranger? (2010) Naw. (2021) I was gonna say I also don't think so but I literally kissed Mark the night I met him.
Had a one night stand? (2010) Noope.. (2021) LMAO few times
Been in debt? (2010) I have not. (2021) I have been but I am no longer!!!
Had sex in somebody's house who you don't know? (2010) No spfojdsf-0asj (2021) Yeeees at the time I didn't know them.
Failed a class/exam? (2010) Yes. (2021) Yes.
Had a holiday romance? (2010) No. (2021) Summer fling?
Swore at your parents? (2010) hahah yeah. (2021) and I'd do it again
Taken sleeping pills? (2010) Mhm. (2021) Ya maaaaang
Shoplifted? (2010) I really hate myself, I used to be such a skeet. I really wish I could go back in time, sometimes, and just tell myself to fuck off. (2021) Yeah. I really wish I could go back in time, sometimes, and just tell 2010 me to let fucking loose.
Tried to diet? (2010) Mhm. (2021) U know it
Felt depressed? (2010) I have. (2021) Chronically.
Write something you wish to say to somebody: (2010) "You're an inspiration." (2021) "I miss you, I love you, and I'm sorry it all worked out the way it did"
Amazingly new questions, you down? (2010) I doubt that but let's just get on with it. (2021) How FUCKING long is this thing
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed on the lips? (2010) I complimented him today. I don't really like him much, but doesn't mean I have to be rude. (2021) I love to bully my exes behind their back but go off on that nice shit dan. I talk to Mark every day!
Will you be in a relationship one month from now? (2010) HA. No. (2021) I will for sure be!
Could you go a day not talking to the last person you kissed? (2010) Have. (2021) I could probably do it but I doubt it would happen, we would at least phone each other to say goodnight if we were apart.
Do you hate the last person who called you? (2010) Called me? I think that would be DJ, and in that case OF COURSE NOT. She's so kawaii :3 (2021) Just realized I missed a call from my doctor so bless for making me check that.
Name something you dislike about the day you're having? (2010) Thus far, no sleep. (2021) Well it's the end of the day. I got a few tattoos started, I'm liking them. Cleaned up, had great meals, I think I really enjoyed my day??
If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean? (2010) Well it depends on the given situation.. If I were in a class full of people that I either don't know or don't like, then it's because I'm shy. If I'm with my closest friends, and I'm being quiet, I'm usually super pissed off. I've usually got no problem being talkative with my friends. (2021) I second that, I'm typically only quiet when I'm anxious around new people or if I'm cranky.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? (2010) I don't remember who I sent the text to, but likely they were. (2021) What's the deal with gender, anyway?
What does the last message in your facebook inbox say? (2010) That Studio Maxx has changed its location for the time being. (2021) Samantha and I agreed on a tattoo
How long have you lived in your current home? (2010) Since birth, Mom spent her summers here as well and Nanny grew up here. c: (2021) I moved in after Snowmageddon 2020
Your profile picture, where was it taken? (2010) Oh look, it's not a webcam picture for once. Allan took it of me at open mic right before I was about to perform. (2021) Aw! I know the one! My current is me holding Samantha's baby, Emilia, at dads house.
Have you ever planted a tree? (2010) I have :D! (2021) I have :D!
Do you text into the game shows on TV to win 10,000 dollars? (2010) Nooo. (2021) Is that still a thing?
Last time someone said I love you to you? (2010) A few minuets ago when Mom went to bed. (2021) When Mark went to bed he told me he loves me.
Ever kiss someone who's name started with an O, Y, or K? (2010) No, no, and no. (2021) I....maybe a K?
You never know what you got until you lose it? True or false? (2010) Accurate. (2021) VERY true.
Way down is there any part of you sad at all? (2010) Yeah, there is. (2021) Oh boy, I am full of sad. Sad to the brim.
Are you scared of losing the person you like to someone else? (2010) Well, yeah I am actually. Had to think on that for a second. (2021) Yeah I mean, if anything like that happened I'd be pretty upset but he's a very loyal boy.
Have you ever talked to someone when they were high? (2010) This is not only Newfoundland, this is St.John's. Not only am I a high school student, but I go to Booth Memorial. Pretty sure most people there are often times high. (2021) Haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Yeah man u not wrong dan. I think I talk to high people every day.
How have you felt today? (2010) Thus far, it's been okay. (2021) Gassy
Will you be in bed within twenty minutes? (2010) Hoping. (2021) Depends on how long it takes me to finish this long ass shit.
Who was the last person to text you? (2010) Kaitland. (2021) Philip
Which of your friends has the worst temper? (2010) Ah, I really don't know. If anyone in the group has a bad temper, it's myself. I know full well. (2020) Second that.
Have you ever been yelled at in class for laughing? (2010) I have. (2021) Guess I have.
Do you laugh at inappropriate times? (2010) Not really, no. (2021) yeeeee boi
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? (2010) I doubt it. (2021) Why's that, dan? My longest relationship was just shy of 5 years and I've been with Mark for going on two.
What time did you wake up today? (2010) I have yet to sleep. (2021) Samesies. Been up since maybe 8ish yesterday?
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? (2010) HA. If so it was a joke. I'm like the exact opposite to a sexy woman to men. (2021) Lotsa times.
If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive? (2010) Ahahaha no, I'd just accept my fate. (2021) Ya agreed tho.
Would you rather grow old with someone or be single forever? (2010) Ah, grow old. (2021) I'd like to grow old with someone but also I don't think it's the end of the world to not.
Do you like to hold or be held? (2010) Wouldn't know, brotha. (2021) I adore both, but prefer to be held because I am baby.
Do you know anyone that smokes weed? (2010) apODJSADHSADASDpnapsje0w9yfu2 So many skeets. (2021) Yeah, most people I know do.
Are you stubborn? (2010) Eh. (2021) Don't be stubborn danielle, admit it. We're stubborn.
How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? (2010) Oh, look at that, none. (2021) Same tho I'm not big into them.
Last person you said I love you to? (2010) Mother! (2021) Marky Mark.
Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? (2010) I was an idiot. (2021) I am also an idiot. jk. I do love him he's my stinker boy.
Is there someone of the opposite sex you tell everything to? (2010) Everything? No. (2021) Ya I tell him more than he wants to know like when my gas is extra stinky I announce it to him
When will your next kiss be? (2010) When I next see my cat. (2021) REEEELATABLE.
What does your phone do when it receives a new text? (2010) Lights up? I don't know, it lives its life on silent. (2021) TRULY. WOW so relatable in 2010.
Relationship between you and the last person you texted? (2010) Likely friends. (2021) Philip and I are also likely friends.
Think back in February, how was your love life? (2010) I think it was whatever. Pretty sure I was convinced I was A-Sexual. (2021) It was great! It's his birth month and we had a really good time!
Where is the one girl or boy you want to see the most right now? (2010) Alberta somewhere. (2021) I wanna see my cats now that I'm thinking about it and those little bitches are probably down in the kitchen.
Do you reply to all of your texts? (2020) When I can, I have like 6 texts from people and I want to text them back D: No money on cell. ;c (2021) It's weird to think about 'money on cell' lmfao is that still a thing in 2021? I don't reply to half my texts because I am lazy.
Does it make you mad when people stare at you? (2010) Well, when you've got obnoxiously long, blue/green hair, it tends to happen a lot. Yeah, it's annoying, and I have told people where to go and how to get there in the past, but for the most part I ignore it. It's rude, and when they catch me in a rotten mood, I don't exactly "lose it", but I do break out of my quiet self. (2021) Ya I stare back. sometimes I wave.
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? (2010) I have a lovely group of friends of which I can. (2021) MaYbE aMiE
Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours? (2010) I have hugged quite a few. (2021) little hug slut^
Does anyone call you baby? (2010) Lmfao of course. Gregory y'all. (2021) Greg can still call me baby if he wants.
If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be? (2010) Please no, please no, please no. I hate piercings so much. I guess my ears. (2021) Man, grow up dan we have lotsa piercings now. I want my septum I was THIS CLOSE to going in last month but chickened out alas.
Camping with a ton of friends or hotel with a few friends? (2010) Hotel. Campgrounds scare me. (2021) Opposite answer now. I love camping with my friends.
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? (2010) That works? (2021) No but I recently finally licked the back of a switch game.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? (2010) Adey! We were talking about things like abortion and religion. I mean, what else would one converse about with one of the ginger selection? (2021) oooof I think the deepest convo I had recently was with Mark and we we only had it because I was drunk. I am not elaborating.
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