#and i'm also a little suspicious of the claims that community is dying on the 'socially anxious introvert' website
captainjonnitkessler · 5 months
I think the most important thing I learned from the Tradeswomen Build Nations conference last year was that many of the women who founded women's committees and the like in their local unions were basically the only member for 2-3 years, and had to keep it going entirely alone until other people really started taking notice and stepping in.
And now I'm trying to found one, and we haven't actually met in three months because every month I text out the meeting time and location and get a bunch of "I'll be there, can't wait!" and then on the day of the meeting I get a bunch of "oh, well actually, I forgot I had this family thing/I'm sick/I missed my alarm . . ."
Anyway the point of this message is that if you've ever complained about the death of community in American life or whatever, think hard about whether it's actually dying or whether it's out there and you're just choosing not to participate, I guess
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cornfield-doe · 2 years
I think, that every person has some level of being interesting. However, not everyone really is, and that's not bad, especially when social media increases that expectation by a lot.
But there's some other side where someone is genuinely... Hm...
Boring? I'm not talking about conventional boring where someone is highly quiet and uncharismatic or likes something usually very boring in a boring way, like taxes I guess.
I'm talking about people who have a very unoriginal aura around them, generic tastes (I'm not saying liking popular things is inherently generic or bad or something, I'm getting to the point), suspiciously normal, shallow, likeable for 90% of the population or more; i think I'm getting to some territory closer to generic tik tok dances, beauty so commercial that someone ends up looking boring again, things that feel like they lack a lot of identity or personal taste.
I think there is some sort of problem, when your interests fall within the popular umbrella, not necessarily generic, it is all normal, but going a little to the side is often considered weird, catering to a small amount of people, even if they turn out to be almost equally popular in their demographic. People that look at you with some sort of "ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ" face when mentioning those things, unintentionally making you feel something a but hurtful. I think I'm not articulating this well, but I'm still trying to get to the point.
Like middle aged people that deem anything slightly dark as demonic or satanic right away, or people often claiming to be "normal" and being proud about it. Ithink the average person has some weird interest in there. Or at least very specific, but when thinking of big amounts we only think of gentrified people, and anything else as "weird", like, not necessarily a creepy weird, or deviant weird, but we rarely think of it as interesting weird.
Something along what I'm trying to say is that i think there is a problem where it is becoming harder for people to have a personal taste with a sense of identity of yourself. Way too much things are highly commercialized. I'm not saying the alt teenager with dyed hair and pronouns doesn't have an identity, personal experiences that define their taste, or weird/specific interests. It's more like, going online, and instead of finding community and a way to express yourself through being emo/alt/punk you find a bunch of memes about doing that but also being mentally ill and you're not even coping well, and I don't think there is a strong sense of identity coming from that, i felt like I had to be sad to have something interesting on me and I didn't look at myself in the mirror for 2 years and isolated and ended up depressed because I had no way of knowing me though me or through others.
I realized that what I'm trying to say, apart from things becoming worse and generic when highly commercialized is the idea of normal being used similarly to white, like white supremacists; hold up, i think I'm just trying to describe the basics of Nazism and white supremacy and how that's obviously bad.
I accidentally ended up trying to describe Nazism 101.
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Hi! How do you think Luke's personality would be if he survived, and how would it change during the years? I'm not talking about the campers' reactions,but how Luke would think and act.
hello hello!
oh man, that’s an interesting question and i LOVE IT
so by the wording of your question, it sounds like if the titan war still happened, but luke somehow survived after getting rid of kronos, how he might change in the yrs following
and so, hcs!! in bullet-form!! as always under a cut
so he luke miraculously survives hitting his achilles’ heel
and let’s pretend the gods are a sliver decent and actually fulfill percy’s wish/reward, which now includes luke since he’s alive, and did help save the gods in the end
so he’s not exactly punished, but he is being monitored heavily, almost like he’s on parole or smth
i know it’s hard to believe they’d completely let him off, even in this au, so i’ll throw in a magical ankle bracelet that monitors him–he can’t take it off (without the gods being alerted), or go outside of nyc’s five boroughs, which includes into any magical realms (like the underworld, since there’s an entrance in central park)
if he heads into areas that have high demigod activity/magical auras, with chb as the exception, it alerts whoever now has the task of monitoring him to keep a closer eye on him for that time he’s there
suspicious activity is flagged, and they can recall him to mt olympus and detain him at any time if they think that he’s becoming a danger to the gods again
speaking of chb, i don’t think he’d be able to stay there after the titan war, too many painful memories–too many ppl who hate him, or don’t trust him, etc.
it’s hard to say what his and annabeth’s relationship would be. as i’ve said in a previous ask, i think luke was asking if annabeth still considered him family, and she does. but i think luke would be too guilt-ridden to interact with her at first
not to mention that percy is v protective, and while they may have had a tender moment abt not letting all that happen again, i think percy would have a hard time trusting him
thalia’s now with the hunters, and has clearly shown what she thinks of luke’s betrayal, so that’s no good either
i think grover would be more open to luke, but luke would probably avoid him like he avoid annabeth bc of the guilt. and grover’s a busy satyr now, so that doesn’t help
so basically anyone he considered close to him in childhood is on shaky ground and he’s not sure what to do abt that, bc demigods are only taught abt fighting and battle, instead of that and emotional and psychological health wheeeeeee
since he can’t leave nyc, he finds like a hostel or smth to stay in while he figures shit out and tries to get back on his feet
he’s suffering p heavily from ptsd and still has terrible nightmares abt kronos and being possessed by kronos, which doesn’t help
he can’t hold a steady job bc he only knows how to fight and has no social skills whatsoever, so he becomes some low-level conman to make some income
he still hates his father, so it’s hard to acknowledge that his father’s skills are helping hi survive right now, as much as he’d like to believe that he’s surviving all on his own
at some point, he tries to con one of the demigods who’ve made it without chb (a demigod whose parent is a minor god). thankfully, they’re nice abt it and introduce him to a demigod underworld, so to speak
i wouldn’t say it’s as sinister as our criminal underworld–it’s really more of a society of demigods who were forgotten (unclaimed kids) or never made it to camp (children of minor gods), but found a way to survive with little to no training from camp, despite the monsters and technology
luke is suddently introduced to a whole new world, and that’s when his life really starts moving forward again
these demigods are angry and bitter, yeah, but they take that and turn it into motivation to live and thrive–basically living bc of spite. fuck the gods, fuck my parents, i’ll show them i don’t need them or chb
(like rick has this weird thing abt writing kids who say that, but then talk abt how much they want their godly parent’s approval. or to prove that they’re worth of their godly parent’s attention. and like i get why, but that’s not true for everyone??? having been adopted, i come from a perspective of, yeah, i am a little curious abt who my biological parents are, but i’m not dying to reunite with them or anything bc i don’t need to??? i have everything i need right here–a loving mom, and awesome friends, who i would consider family. even if i did want to know who they were, their approval of who i am now doesn’t matter to me. i don’t need to prove anything to them, nor should i need to for their attention. like that’s shitty to expect that from your child, and a horribly mindset to instill in a child)
and so i imagine it’s the same for a lot of demigods, too /tangent
anyway, so i’d like to think that this society is pretty structured–it’s a mish-mash of kids of major gods who were never claimed and of minor gods. some do resort to criminal activity, others work minimum wage jobs, and still others who are making higher than minimum wage, with some even making six figures ya know. basically they still function within the larger mortal society, but they’re also part of this hidden demigod society, you feel?
but they always take in demigods who could use some help out in the real world, regardless of who their parents are and whether or not they’ve been claimed/lived at chb
hephaestus kids have built a closed-circuit network that makes tech safer for them to use, and it also helps them communicate with each other as well as any mortal they make friends with, etc.
and their secret society is hidden within a company (kinda like how the three roman emperors hid themselves within a company, except without the evil part), and it’s v socialist–so they do what they can to help those who don’t have anything, until they can get back on their feet, and then put back into the society and help others
so luke is introduced to this hidden world within the mortal one of new york
i’d like to think he’s p instantly recognizable (to most, not all), but they don’t hold any grudges or bitterness like those at chb to bc they understand that he was fighting for them, even if he was going abt it the wrong way
some put him on a pedestal (he’s the face of our hidden society or he could take up the company or smth), but another kid of hermes comes along and shows him the ropes, not expecting anything from him
they get him therapy to work on his anger issues as well as his ptsd, and he slowly learns social skills
there are two large apt buildings that the company owns that only house demigods (but not all the demigods who are part of this society), and they find him a small one bed/one bath apartment to live in
as he gets better, he stops resorting to criminal activity and finds a steady job working at a tech company, bc he doesn’t have to interact with ppl like in retail, and when he does, its coworkers who think the same as he does
i also like to think he starts mend those relationships he lost with annabeth and grover. thalia’s a little harder to reach, but once he starts communicating with annabeth more, annabeth tells thalia abt his progress, and thalia sneaks away to visit him on occasion
it’s rough at first, as it always is, bc he did a lot of bad things and hurt a lot of ppl
but he apologizes to all of them–annabeth, grover, thalia, and even percy
they start to hang out occasionally, and luke almost become a mentor to percy again
(we’re kinda ignoring hoo rn for luke’s mental health, but percy most definitely talks to luke abt how he can see where luke was coming from during the second titan war after that whole prophecy nightmare)
eventually, they become friends, even family
he’s happy to hear that the camp is expanding, allowing minor demigods; the hermes cabin is far less crowded
but luke still holds a lot of anger and bitterness. even living within this secret society, it’s yet another symptom of the gods’ lack of caring (like the crowded hermes cabin)
even with percy’s request and the expanding camp, luke still hears of demigods joining their society, which is a little disheartening if only bc it still represents the gods’ lack of caring
with the help of therapy, tho, he’s learning to channel is anger into smth productive
instead of trying to raise evil entities, he throws himself into the business that their society is hidden in. he wants to know all the inner workings of both the demigod and mortal side bc he wants to help as many demigods he can
bc in the end, he’s still a scared, lost little nine year old boy who just wants someone to be there for other demigods since no one was there for him
oh and speaking of, he finds the courage to visit him mom again! annabeth goes with him, since he’s still working through all that shit with his therapist (and lbr, that’s smth that someone might never work through, just learn to cope with)
i wouldn’t say he visits her often, but he spends some of his income and hires a caregiver to help around the house, but also to take care of may. since the prophecy has been fulfilled, her visions aren’t as bad, and she doesn’t have so many spells, but her mind is still quite lost bc the curse is still there
eventually, luke works his way up the ranks of the company bc he sees the good that this society is doing, and wants to be a part of that. he can finally help these demigods that doesn’t involve destroying the world
he starts to visit camp a little, but usually only talks with chiron abt the changes that they could make to the camp to better help the kids there. the whole place, tho, still holds a lot of painful memories that luke would just rather forget. so he doesn’t go often
it’s a long, long process and luke stays in therapy indefinitely, but the work he’s doing with the company, and the demigods he interacts with on a daily basis help him a lot
he slowly heals, and mends fences, as well as makes new friends and bonds
he never truly lets go of his anger and bitterness, and for the most part he just kinda ignores the gods. remembering what he did during the titan war still haunts him, but he uses those memories as a reminder and promises to never do anything like that again
and this time he keeps his promise!
*sniffles* look at my bby boy growing up and healing. 
despite liking white collar!luke (which i could see this so easily sprouting from your initial question), i wanted to take this in a different route and really delve into his healing process bc it’s like a salve to my soul. it’s so easy to ignore emotional and psychological health, but for anyone it’s so, so important to address those issues and work through them ya know?
like i advocate for mental health and stability! as well as emotional healing, esp for men bc it breaks down that toxic masculinity. and toxic masculinity often does lead to expressions of anger and violence in men in our society
i could probably say more, but i’ll leave it there for now. it feels like a good stopping point. hmu if you’d like to hear more specifics abt anything within this au!! i’d be happy to write more abt this au :D
thanks for sending this in, anon!!
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