#and i'm like i absolutely type the word 'jedi' more than the average person
tennessoui · 1 year
“The r t i c o a w j k e z n keys don't work” that’s HALF THE BOaRD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"obi-wan" is just "b-" and "anakin" doesn't even exist if it's a bad computer day and they're all glitching at once LMAO
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jekyllnahyena · 2 years
15, 20, 44, 18 for Margo? :D
Ayo, lez do this for the adorable future tax evader <3
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
I think she's pretty average? Like yeah, she can cook but it's the sorta easy stuff where not a lot can go wrong. It won't be amazing, but you can eat it, put a few things in to spice it up and you'll be full. She's aware of it but it's not really a concern for her. I think she's the kinda 'can eat anything' kid. Though I think that she has some kick-ass sweets she can make, that are also super easy but always taste great!
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Musicals? She'll check them out, see what it's about, look up different songs and the like but she'd always rather go to a concert than a musical. Has a lot of fun with them in movie format though she might cringe at some of the actors singing. I'm thinking mamma mia. Music in general? Abso-fuckin-lutely!! it's one of her biggest passions and hobbies. She's so thankful to have Kazoo, because he actually cares for music to the sorta same extent, whereas Lockup and Jackal are kinda lunatics and useless in that regard. Baby Margo will sit there and kinda start vibrating when her fave song comes on. Maybe levitate while doing so. If she'd survived (cough) she'd feel comfortable enough to absolutely jam to it. Go completely off, air guitar, singing and everything.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Books? If she's not scavenging down information on pretty much anything she gets her hands on and eating down biography after biography? She enjoys herself some good ol horro/thriller. It's difficult for a Jedi to feel real suspense, with the whole force and mind powers. So she likes the emotions books like those can evoke. Music would probably be punk when younger but go into metal when older. I think she'd enjoy thrillers for the same reason as books. Toss up between Doom and prob Animal crossing. It depends on the mood she's in. Video games would be a good way to work through her emotion now that you mention it. Huh. Otherwise, I'm not really sure rn. hmmmmmmmmmm. The older she gets the more sappy stuff she'll read btw. Just sit there, crying over the romance or something. It's very confusing, mostly for her.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Most definetely more of a warm person, not a fan of the cold. She enjoys really sunny days where she can lie outside and soak it all up. Like a lizard. Those are her favorites. If she has to go somewhere snowing and cold, she'll give one word answers and be grumpy. Jackal is the same, so you have the both of them standing there, arms crossed, glaring at the snow. Very impressive jedi indeed.
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