#and i'm trying to support palestine more by reblogging more stuff tbh.
notetaeker · 5 months
Hey, my dear friend.
I just wanted to say, I’m so grateful and awed by your online activism. It’s small stuff, but these reblogs and posts make information accessible to those want to educate themselves, myself included.
So thank you, for continuing to do what you can in small ways. I hope you are well, and will feel better if not. (Also your walls are till gorgeous and I got my bedroom’s curtains in the same shade of teal)
Thanks for the lovely message! I'm really glad that you feel that way honestly lol because it's not my usual content. It's the least I can do tbh, just spread some of the insightful and revealing media that others share. Once someone peels back one layer of injustice to reveal another layer, it really makes you feel like ! EVERYONE should know this.
I really believe that the only way people can be against Palestine is either because they don't know the facts or they don't want to know the facts. There is no way any regular person can know all the facts and still support Israel. That's why I try my best to spread the facts. At least I'll have something to say to God when he asks me what I did when my fellow humans suffered. I can say that I tried within my means. It really breaks my heart, the situation has gotten so much worse. But it does give me some hope seeing the increase in people who have taken up the cause of Palestine, despite all the efforts of the oppressors. I hope we can keep it up until this apartheid state is no more and people of all faiths can live in peace, as they did before the zionist state was staked into the heart of the holy land.
In other news (;_;) hearing about your teal curtains makes me so happy lol! It truly is such a joyous color reminiscent of the sky and the ocean and water 💕always makes my day whenever I see any of the teal / turquoise thing I own
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