#and i'm uncomfortable when it's used in casual or humorous contexts
undercat-overdog · 11 months
"It's ok to kill elves because they respawn" and "death isn't serious for elves" will never not be a hilariously bad argument.
Respawn is hardly guaranteed. At least some individuals (Aegnor, Feanor, Finwe) will not be reborn, at least for the entire lifespan of the planet; death can be permanent. I think the various writings about Mandos and rebirth (plenty of juicy stuff in NoME in particular if you're looking) imply that it's not particularly uncommon for Elves not to return to life.
Mandos isn't a pleasant place to be nor is it where Elves are meant to be. Its name literally means "prison" - the word is related to "Angband" even (the "mandos" and "band" elements are cognate).
Death itself is pretty damn traumatic! Even if I pop back up in 15 minutes like a mob in an mmo, a sword through the gut's not fun.
All evidence suggests that Elves (and Valar) treat death very seriously and don't think it's unimportant. The Elves of Beleriand don't even sing songs about Fingolfin's death because the grief is too much.
For Elves of Middle-earth who are killed, go Mandos, and are reborn in Aman - they are sent somewhere that they may not willingly have chosen to go and can't leave. There's not really a great real world analogue to this (I'm intentionally avoiding the potential closest ones for reasons) but I don't think it's good and removing that choice - through violently murdering someone - is itself a crime.
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boltlightning · 10 months
ok. saw sweeney todd revival on broadway. i went from not knowing any songs to seeing two productions in one summer so. thoughts:
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because im me my immediate takeaway was: it's been a hot second since i saw a show with the orchestra in a pit down in front of the stage AND it was a 26-person orchestra with refreshed orchestrations! it was so crispy and tight and the energy of being able to see the conductor is difficult to put into words. i'm beyond glad they didn't hide the musicians backstage
there were a lot of people there just for josh groban — i was with family whom i persuaded to see this show because of josh groban, and i heard many people in line being like "hey so is josh groban the bad guy? how much does he kill" and there were some changes i feel reflected that. there was so much physical humor, and sometimes lines were added to further give context to someone's actions. i think it works overall, but you could feel the crowd paying less attention when mrs. lovett or sweeney weren't on stage lol
and it's so unsettling! the chorus has some incredible and strange choreography; the light coming through the steps up to the second story is so ominous; the harmonies SOAR through the theater. it's good stuff.
potentially spoily stuff about the production itself below:
and yes OF COURSE the leads were incredible. i feel like len cariou's sweeney is so angry and yet refined, and michael ball's goes hard on the madness and revenge, but groban's is so...sad. he's such a dad, he sings like an angel, it is so uncomfortable when he does something violent. groban's epiphany is HAUNTING and ELECTRIC and the way he interacts with the razors is incredible! and the way he plays a little priest is hilarious but makes it very clear that it is an extension of his mental break. genuinely and eye-opening experience thank you mr. groban
and ashford takes the more emotional cues from the 2007 movie, but makes you actually care about her lmao. like compared to lansbury's frenetic and absent-minded lovett, ashford is laid back and casual and almost lazy about all the weird shit happening around her. she feels bad about locking toby up, sure, but she's still gonna use it as an excuse to get sweeney to pay attention to her! she's funny she's heartfelt she's insane she wants to fuck sweeney todd so fucking bad. it's an incredible combo
and. yeah the rumors are true. she climbs josh groban like a jungle gym the entire time, and on the rare occasion sweeney snaps out of his brooding to reciprocate the flirting, it is HOT. their camaraderie on and off stage is potent. and it works in the other direction too — when he starts to flinch away from her in the second act it's painful.
i do think that the ending sequence in particular is kind of messy up until the last scene in the bake house; there's not a moment to breathe and not in a way that seems intentional? and some of the scenes with the judge/johanna/anthony subplot could have used some love. but. minor qualms. i am biased because kiss me through pretty women is probably my favorite section of the show 😵‍💫
my last takes are: johanna and the beadle in this production are unbelievably good. johanna leaned so into the bird motifs, as well as the idea that she is done waiting around and ready to do violence, much like her father. and the beadle is delightfully amoral and hates his job and delights in the power it affords him. i am so glad they didn't cut parlor songs and let him really eat it up
and. the last shot of sweeney and mrs. lovett is so so so good and i hope they do a professional filmed production of this so people can experience that alone. josh groban's in this it'll sell like hot cakes PLEASE just do it
my first experience with sweeney todd was a local production i saw this june, in a deeply intimate 300-seat theater. i was sitting so close i could've set my drink on the stage. the sweeney was elegant and suave and tortured; mrs lovett was so casually and affably mean. i will think about them forever! and it's very interesting to compare it to the big fuck-off money production considering they both got roasted for having a more emotional sweeney!! here's the theater's 40 second promo for it!!!
nothing will ever replace the original soundtrack in my heart. but i'm gonna be unwell about this revival for a bit
anyway that's all i got!! thanks for reading if you read this. attend the tale and all that (obligatory tag for @r-osehips thank you for the interest ❤️)
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