#and i've been thinking abt this image since then. and it's finally getting its own post
angelsdean · 1 year
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ok it's been months since i discovered this image on pinterest and i need 2 know where this image came from. is it real? is it a manip? and if it IS real. are there more like it. bc i would very much like to see them.
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i-am-very-heck · 2 years
I'm in love with them so how do v and obies relationship progress if you have anything on that? Or just them in general
ive been thinking about this all day and ive been writing down bulletpoints on how their relationship progresses each area/day on a paper from psychology class. ill summarize it under the readmore (and sorry if its phrased a lil weird at times cause i rarely write abt shipping stuff so itsa fuck it we ball moment)
Ocean City! these two meet in the park and since v's was kind to every hobo so far, they treat obie with that same kindness. also they really do dig his oboe. when they check out the hobo camp later and woo yeah they adventurein together now. in the short time they've known each other obie's impressions are that v is kind of strange, but nice. v falls into a crush real quick though, for they really like obie's vibes. they also totally infodumped to him about instruments.
next up, Crystaldream Lake! the pining begins. v is a tad bit oblivious when it comes to how OBVIOUS their crush is. at this point obie has warmed up to this doofy ghost so he catches on pretty easily and tries to drop some hints of his own to no avail. i do have a few incorrect quotes that i think fit this situation pretty well
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anyways v is a flustered idiot at this point.
S.I.T. is a fun place because that is where i've decided that image of v hauling ass with obie slung over their shoulder took place. they were running from the shadow homunculi because those things are awful. anyways so obie is just flirting w/ v now and v is thinking its just like playful/joking flirting and it doesnt mean anything but they're flirting back. they are So close to Getting It but they're so far at the same time. obies got some patience for them. also another fitting incorrect quote i think
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okjay the Big Moist is where my bullet points become nonexistent so fuck it we ball. this area is when v finally Gets It. specifically im imagining a scene where after they get out of mudhenge they find obie and he is Worrying. he's just like 'where did you go???? i was scared i'd never see your smile again' or something along those lines and jsust hugs them right then and there. then is when the click happens. v is very flustered and like 'wgha... youd miss my smile?' or smth and boom they are aware. this scene is both very cheesy and dramatic in my head and i might actually draw it later.
anyways after this point they say nothing about the status of their relationship but they're basically dating lmao
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sharpetals · 2 years
victor original character for the hunger games, written by aurora, she/her, 21. lots of informal stuff ahead, i'm still dipping my toes into the material as i've never read the books. basic rules here.
daphne quary amery
tahirah sharif or laura harrier
district 8 / seamstress
kind of a cowardly loser but well dressed and wealthy
grew up wanting to wear the pretty designs at the capitol, and getting her/her family in trouble for stealing materials to do so
28-30 present
broken, crooked fingers from years of working in the factories with nerve damage that causes them to shake, wears silk pink gloves to hide them
her games (61st)
her stylist knew that she was weaker than the rest of her competitors, and dressed her in outfit themed of pink silk roses thinking that if she caught snow’s attention, it would lessen the gamemakers torment of her
and in a way it worked, bc the obstacles put in her way were not lethal, just made fun of her
almost dies so many times during her games bc she screams
won her games by using shards of mirror a sponsor sent her as a joke bc she was just seen as a pretty face (low odds) when she was picked
many jokes about her appearance, ratings, and odds from the people watching the games
obstacles thrown in to make her fall and trip just to embarrass her
rating was like a 2 at the judging part, she had no idea what to do so she showed the judges how fast she could weave
i feel like daph is just like. way too afraid of all of the other tributes to try to initiate alliances first and i think most of her games are spent running, hiding, being mocked and teased and taunted by the careers, but i feel like most people leave her alone and mark her off to die in their heads. like. these are a bunch of kids and theyre all so afraid. bar the careers its not like theyre going out of their way to kill First. and because she's mainly left alone, the gamemakers step in a lot to torment her (like how they burn the part of the forest katniss was in and throw trees in front of her and shit) most of the injuries she sustains are from the gamemakers or falling down hills until the very end, when it's her and a few careers left and they are hunting her and Then she loses her marbles and kills and it's horrible and messy and she has no idea how to do it. the final kill takes place in a hall of mirrors, and before they take her out of the arena, daphne has to see what she's done from about a million different angles and it's inescapable and that's the image that most haunts her
after the games
i am thinking abt some scandal regarding her with snow which obvs never reaches the public but like to emphasize her desperation and also how awful everyone is to her bc she is. soft and delicate in a sense and embraces her femininity and also just. bad fuckin luck
CaPiToL dArLiNg - tho not necessarily bc she was smart or brave or strong, she was pretty and easily manipulated into, literally, a darling figure. since district 8 was one of the more rebellious ones, snow thought it would keep them quiet if he had one of their own that was shown to be one of the capitol
daphne was so afraid to go back to the dull life at 8 and have to look at her family again after what she had done in the games, that she immediately seduced her now wife on her victory tour
when they married, daphne didn’t know or love her wife, but her wife loved her, and saw it as means to an end. but presently, they are very much in love and have been since they had gotten to know eachother
pretty pink princess
lady knight wife - leona amery - peacekeeper captain or whatever, ends up feeding information to the rebellion in district 13 but daphne is sort of against this in the sense that she is anxious to lose the life they have ‘fought so hard to get and deserve’
attempts to commit suicide at the announcement 3rd quarter quell, her wife is the only one that is able to talk her out of it
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luvdsc · 3 years
I saw ppl talking about pussy blocked so O AM GOING TO TALK ABT IT TOO!!!
usually when i finish reading a fic i forget about it almost immediately 🧍bc u know poopoo brain memory sucks etc,,, BUT!!!! it's been WEEKS since I've read your fic and i literally think abt it every time i go to sleep .... ITS JUST SO GOOD I CANT GET OVER IT AAAAAA
and it is like. extremely relatable 😀 in terms of like,, the way i process emotions and oh my god the bathroom scene where yn is alone and jeno just confessed oh mygsotjskfnsk i malfunctioned at that time and cried SO MUCH
but i love the ending oh my godS!!!! it couldn't have been a better ending, I've been rooting for my boy jaemin bc please?? he's SO SWEET AAAA and the rain scene where he's comforting the reader and goes 'i think I love you' in his head jskjdks 😭😭😭 i collapsed
so yeah!!!!! i love love love your work so much, im def gonna go back and read it all again when i have time just bc it makes my heart so happy hehehe
BSHSJSJSSK no but same, I forget fics so fast if it’s not an angst like fluff fics give me a serotonin boost and then I don’t remember anymore, but angst fics stay engraved in my mind forever or just any fic that doesn’t have a 100% happy ending 🤧 thank you so much for still thinking of pussy blocked weeks later, sweetpea 😭😭😭💗💗
you 🤝 me processing our emotions in the same way :’) ah yes, I think the bathroom scene was the third scene I wrote overall? I really loved writing that scene like that was the one of the only two scenes I had such a clear image of in my mind before I started writing, and I’m really happy with how it turned out 💓 and I’m sorry for making you cry ): but I’m also really thankful to know that the scene evoked the right feelings that I was hoping the readers would feel, so thank you, lovebug 🤍
AND ME TOO !!!! I love my ending for it so much, and I’m really satisfied with it #teampancakes 💘💘 my original happy ending with jeno just didn’t make me feel as much, but when I thought of the jaemin ending, I just felt so strongly about it and I’m really happy to know that it resonated with you as well, honey bee 💛 dhudkdkdx ah yes, the scene where he’s finally selfish for once and acknowledges his own feelings :’) I really really loved that scene too 💓 basically I loved all the scenes jaemin was in LMAO
Thank you so so soooo much, angel, for showering my fic with so much love and giving me so much support, this means the absolute universe to me 😭😭💗💗💗 and thank you for even wanting to reread it again !!! 🥺💞💞 I’m going to be thinking about your message for a long, long time because it makes my heart happy :’) thank you again, honey bee !!! I hope you have a day / night as lovely as you are 🌸
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delicourse · 4 years
Hi, I've got a few questions for you if you don't mind answering them
1. How long does it take you to draw a drawing digitally? Do you have any tips on drawing digitally faster?
2. How do you shade? It looks SO good and I'm in love with your artstyle and shading 🥺
3. Are you ever gonna make a webtoon?
Sorry for bothering you, hope you're healthy, and have a nice day/night 🥰💜
sorry for taking so long to answer these!! i really had to think abt the answer so it took a while! sorry if the first one ended up being an essay
1. it tends to vary depending on how well i have the artwork planned out! the thing that tends to take the longest for me is the decision-making parts (sketch and composition, base colors, and colors again once im almost done but going “ok but...what if..”) and the rest(lineart, shading, details) is basically stuff that i can go on autopilot for. so if i already know what im gonna do and somehow stick to that, an artwork can take 3-6 hours depending on size! but most of the time it can take several days of having multiple artworks up at the same time, and making small changes in each at a time until im happy enough to move on lol. so its really hard to measure the time on those since i don’t really know if going back and forth between “lime green” and “turquoise green” for 2 days counts as me actually drawing. i also have a habit of always letting the artwork “rest” for a day inbetween steps where i dont look at it to make sure im not missing any obvious mistakes. (especially at the sketch and linework stage, if they look off the entire artwork will) looking at your art with a fresh eye is really important!
when it comes to speeding up the process i think simply drawing things often enough really is the way to go. its boring but to me the fast parts are only that bc ive done it so many times i dont have to think too much when doing it! (unless im trying something new, which i have been doing lately and oh wow we sure are Thinking in this house) also i see all my artworks as a very “step by step” routine, so i try to never go back once ive completed a step. it makes just moving forward easier. since i also have several artworks up at a time; theyre almost always at different steps in the process, so if i get stuck at or bored with say, lineart, i just go to another artwork where im doing final details and just have fun with that! it makes me feel like im always making progress somwhere. also dont be afraid to just redo something entirely if it looks off. save ur canvas and open a new one and start over, its usually way faster the second time and u keep ur previous mistakes in mind so overall? its faster than to keep adjusting the same parts of the artwork over and over and never really being happy with it, at least thats how it is for me! also also also; make your own brushes for things u already know how to draw but dont wanna do by hand 50 times over. like say, the diamonds in some of my works? theyre just a confetti esque brush with a bunch of diamonds i drew the outline of. then i color them in manually and do shinies and shades but i wont have to do linework for that at least, and its still in my “style” bc i drew them! (it also lessens the feeling of “cheating” that, i at least, tend to have at not doing everything manually) ....also get over the feeling that ur cheating when ur taking shortcuts. in this house we are Professionals who know what we are doing and there should be NO shame for achieving the same results more efficiently
2. ill post some images of my coloring process soon, i dont know if it explains things too well but it is an attempt hdhsbs
3. i cant write to save my life!! all i do is pretty drawings, which i love doing, but it would rule to someday work with others to create some form of comic or webtoon or just general story that i can illustrate!
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