#and i've seen that used as a defense on kristen a lot and i've found it annoying so i am a hypocrite i suppose
Really feeling this blog's vibe on a spiritual level. Last night at midnight I heard a song for the first time that made me nearly cry because of how KLCK it was and immediately spent hours making an edit to post on here about it, and it might be the very best I've made. Why am I suddenly neck deep in love and feral protectiveness over a fictional hobbit teenager. Who knows. We have been infected by a fever.
omg it's an honor. you're one of the leadest scholars on kipperlilly copperkettle studies i'm glad i passed the vibe check.
but no literally. i think because so much of the fandom is like, insanely vitriolic to her, us few stans have had to like. become more rabid.
and of course, like. it's fine if people don't like her. she's a fictional character. and sometimes it's really fun to hate on a character - we love to see them be evil. so it's not like i begrudge people who have different opinions on her then i do.
but the way people talk about her... it's just really dire. they will really be posting sentences like "LittleBitch CuntFace needs to fall off a mountain and die painfully while Mary Ann watches and laughs" and wonder why klck stans are so protective...??? please stop pretending misogyny is cute when it lets you make epic owns on a fictional 16 year old :sob:
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