#and idk a ton about adoption and fostering but i know it’s mostly not feel-good
seveneyesoup · 9 months
episode was. fine. not sure why they set things up like the family ruby has is what matters and then also make a big deal out of her biological family. weird decision there but the stuff w coincidence and language and knots and rope. speaking my language there. definitely an approach to timeless child we’ll see how it shakes out tbh. also sideeying rtd a little bit over rubys mom. she’s only been in one episode and she’s shown to be not Necessarily a caring mother etc but still much closer to the mammy archetype than i would like
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
3. 6. 11 for sfw. 3 and 7 nsfw with dahlia and the seeds. any or all
I choooose all, cause I am a seed thot and it be like that. Plus, I feel super bad choosing one over the others, even though they’re fictional, I don’t wanna hurt their feelings. 
Also these mostly assume to be like, in wholesome, no cult AU, cause the whole end of the world, noncon, stockholm syndrome, trapped in a bunker, kind of fucks up the chance for a lot of soff in canon
3. Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Dahlia and Jacob would be the two of the family to take care of vehicles when they break down. Dahlia is the most mechanically inclined, with her experience with motorcycles and helping Lloyd fix up vehicles. Jacob as the oldest was more often on the farm of the foster family made to help repair equipment and vehicles, usually with lots of screaming and violence if he messed anything up. So, he doesn’t have as fond memories of repairing things. 
Faith and John would call Dahlia or Jacob, or a mechanic, if a car broke down. I feel like Faith never got her license even and one he was adopted, while the Duncans failed in every other aspect of parenting, he never had to worry about fixing his own car. 
Joseph is decent with his hands and isn’t completely lost when it comes to fixing up small things, but generally he’s better off leaving it to Jacob and Dahlia. 
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
John always offers to pay, without fail. He was taught for years basically that money is the way to show affection and love, so regardless of if it’s him dragging Dahlia out to a nice fancy dinner or the entire family is out at some cheap family joint.
Dahlia usually offers to pay no matter who’s she’s with or to split it, but if they’re insistent or she’s in a kind of mopey mood, she’ll take offers to pay it. Which John, Jacob, and Joseph always do offer when it’s one on one, because they’re older and as much as they know they don’t have to, some of those gender roles pop up in their head of men should pay. It tends to be more even between her and Faith since there’s less of that, Dahlia even probably treats Faith a little bit more, because it makes her feel good and Faith is the only Seed who doesn’t act weird about it in some way. 
Most food is a tie between Jacob and Dahlia, if they’re both going wild.they can eat a lot. Jacob is a bigger guy and isn’t ashamed of his appetite, food is important to him in a lot of ways. Him and Dahlia both have a history of having to go without, so they tend to want to get their fill and then some when they can. However, Dahlia is definitely more of a dessert person than Jacob. He doesn’t know if it’s age or what, but that stuff is just too sweet for him. 
Faith is the kind of person who oohs and awws over desserts on the menu before she even orders and swears to wants this cake or that pie. But halfway through her entree she’s full and never ends up actually ordering her dessert. Some day Faith, some day. 
John and Joseph both tend to be the most mindful of what they eat out of the entire family. Joseph like healthy natural foods because he wants to take care of himself, so he doesn’t indulge too much. Definitely a person who’d consider like just fruit a dessert. John is a bit more into health for vanitys sake. He wants to look good, plain and simple. 
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
Dahlia on her own is generally a shower person, she plays some music and sings as she gets clean. 
Jacob is a shower person, in and out, he’s there to get clean and move on. Jacob and Dahlia don’t really bathe together, if they do it’s after some pride swallowing and asking by Dahlia. Though it’s not unusual, after a while in the relationship, for if they catch the other showering to just step in and join. Jacob will make some justification of it being practical, but he just likes the closeness of it. 
Joseph is typically a shower person, but his pick of all else is using like natural springs and water falls, cause he’s that kind of hippie. It feels much more calming and relaxing to be surrounded by nature as he cleans himself. 
Joseph loves bathing with Dahlia, he’s soft and kind, just wants to wash over every inch of her and hold her as close as possible. He doesn’t like too many bubbles, though occasionally he can be more playful with it. But he likes seeing her through the water.
John is one of those weird cold shower people cause it’s good for the skin, Dahlia thinks he’s nuts. But, he will also take bougie hot baths when he feels like he wants to pamper himself and relax. 
John would shamelessly ask Dahlia to join him in the bath and shower, he’d also jump into her shower if he catches her showering. He sees no reason not to jump at the chance to be wet and naked with her. He definitely indulges in some bubbles, though he mostly likes an intimate atmosphere in his baths with her, she likes to pick fights and will fling bubbles at him. And he always rises to the bait. 
Faith is the biggest bath fan of the family, she likes tons of bubbles, nice scented goodies, and just melting into the warm water. Showers are just if she’s exhausted and wants a quick clean. 
Faith absolutely loves taking baths with Dahlia, lots of bubbles, any bubble fights are very teasing and playful. Faith liking to gather handfuls and blow them at Dahlia, making her swat them away like a cat. 
NSFW UNDER CUT (this got long)
3. Any kinks they clash on?
There’s not a lot of kinks that she clashes with with any of the Seeds, other than hair pulling. Jacob and John both like pulling hair; they’re rougher with Dahlia than Faith or Joseph. But for Dahlia having her hair pulled is actually triggering and upsetting for her, because of previous abuse. So, that’s a clash that’s usually worked around with just pressing on the head, neck, or ya know a leash/collar if need be. 
Dahlia doesn’t a hundred percent get Joseph’s foot thing (Joseph has a foot thing, fight me), but it’s a non issue. She may not get why he like touching her feet or having her foot on his dick, but hey, it makes him feel good and she likes doing that. 
 Faith and Dahlia I don’t feel have any major clashes or even many semi clashes. I feel like maybe Faith is a bit more comfy with being out in the open, in nature during sex, where as Dahlia is a bit more shy. But, that shyness still leads to some…excitement for it on Dahlia’s behalf. 
7. Genital headcanons?
I can’t describe genitals
This is like the hardest thing for me to do, I remember when I did NSFW ABC’s I was struggling
Jacob has the biggest dick, big and thick. Some prominent veins. I feel like he does some shaving and trimming of his pubic hair, nothing crazy but he likes feeling like he’s doing at least some taking care of himself. His pubes are very thick, course ginger hair, a few shades darker than his head of hair. 
Joseph I feel is longer than average but closer to average in thickness  ( still bit more than average cause they all have big dicks okay, Im fantasizing let me live), i feel like he probably does the least in terms of shaving/trimming down there, cause hippie boy is hippie. It still doesn’t grow crazy and he still does some maintenance. I mean his beard isn’t insanely long or anything, so I presume he likes some trimming and care put into his appearance. Plus he just doesn’t have super crazy body hair, some kind over average thickness dark brown hair. 
John isn’t much longer than the average but is on the thicker side definitely. (I hate describing dicks and vaginas, iTS SO WEIRD) In terms of maintenance, John had the biggest difficulty growing his beard, which was frustrating, but he’s thankful for slower body hair growth when it comes to his pubes. He trims and maintains the most when it comes to the bros, the vain baby he his, he likes it neat and well taken care of. What he has is thick and dark brown. 
Faith has a very cute vagina (that sounds weird, but ehhhh) you can just see the inner lips through the outer lips, a kinda small clit that swells and peeks out when she’s turned on. Soft pale and pink skin. Her pubes are pretty well trimmed and shaved down. Sometimes she shaves it down completely, she likes feeling neat and clean, but sometimes, she can’t be bothered. It’s thin and the same sandy color of her hair. 
Dahlia also has a cute vagina (I DONT KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE PUSSYS), she has more compact and closed outer lips, very little of the inner lips or clit showing, if any. The vulva is soft and a little chubby, puffy, squishy, idk the best word. Her natural tawny tan skin and a bit of deeper redder pink to her sex than Faith’s more light pink. Her pubic hair is thick dark brown nearly black and she does trim and shave, but still keeps a patch of hair there. She mostly focuses on it not itching or getting caught in zippers. She feels weird being completely bald down their though. She did it once and it was just itchy razor burn as it grew out. 
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Life is mostly boring but I sleep a lot right now so not on tumbes much.
We’re starting the process for a HELOC which is like flashbacks right away to refinancing/buying the house with paperwork and I dislike it already.
Gonna use the HELOC to redo the basement/finish off some more of it. I’m gonna (probably) get a big built in desk!! I AM EXCITE.
I’m on another getting-rid-of-things kick recently. I mean I’ve been on such a kick for like a year but like a more motivated kick right now.
Did I tell you guys I got a new vacuum? And I love it? Cuz I did and I do.
Quinn did eventually stop having diarear (as we eventually started calling it). It took like 3 months and a bunch of high fiber food. She’s just now back to eating only the regular food, but the vet wants her to stay on the high fiber food so I’ll probably keep giving her a mix for a while.
Mosby hurt his wrist somehow recently. The vet gave him some anti-inflammatory pills, which ended today, so we’ll see if he goes back to limping in the next few days.
I was bored and looked up how much it costs to adopt a kid today. Apparently it’s like not a ton if it’s through foster care, but like.... 20k to god knows what if you do a private adoption. Loooooooooooool siiiiiiiiiigh good thing I don’t want a baby any time real soon.
Man I want to get rid of some stuff in the basement. Like the elliptical. Anyone around here want an elliptical that mostly works but sometimes makes grinding noises?
Quinn is so fucking precious. She’s splooting right now and watching Erick eat carrots.
Uhhhhhhhh i’ve been reacting in some strange ways to my medicine recently. Sleep doc told me to stop running cuz of heart stuff and go to my regular doctor and get an EKG and tell her about stuff. That’s not till late January though.
Last year Trump winning the election kinda ruined the holiday vibe for me so I didn’t put up lights or get holiday cards. But this year, I’ve become numb to the pain and the feeling of the WW3 being right around the corner is a standard part of all areas of life, so I managed to get lights up on the house and cards out this year. Grated, I mailed the cards today, but STILL COUNTS.
No Christmas Tree though because Erick broke the bigger one last year while trying to put it up, and Stormy knocks over the little one constantly and I don’t feel like dealing with it. I kinda want to find a replacement for a Christmas Tree that is cat-proof.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
so, today was pretty good, a bit tiring, but mostly ok. I set my alarm for 9:25 and woke up at like 9:20, then saw I was getting a phone call so I was like eh fuck it and answered the phone. it was my gastroenterologist’s office from yesterday, as I noted in my brief post this morning. basically, they were like “yeah, that doesn’t sound like pain that would be caused by acid reflux. If it happens again you should go to the ER.” so I was like LOL GOOD so I’m basically just waiting to see if it actually happens again and I guess we’ll go from there. idk, I just feel weird about going to the ER if by the time I get there I’m gonna be fine. and it might just be some weird muscle strain thing with my back?? idk. I’m just gonna hope that this resolves itself, lol. still working on plan b. but, anyway. I got up and got ready, then walked to the train and took it downtown because I had my first therapy session today with my new person that I found here in Chicago. It was nice, fairly informal, just information on life and history and family, all that good stuff. but it was good. so when I finished there I went to the DV courthouse for my shift. Waited for a bit, then got put on a case with a new person shadowing me, who turned out to be like a 50 year old guy in a suit, which was kind of strange lol but whatever. We had a bit of a time crunch because the victim said she had to leave by 4 for some sort of therapy session, so I just did most of the paperwork and we were set to go up to court by like 3:15....until during my pre-court talk she found out that at the next court date, the other person would be there, at which point she basically started freaking out. We made it up to court, and her name got called, and then she was like “nope.” and walked out, and I’m just standing there like......uh.....I don’t know what to do now....so I tried to explain what was going on and one of the advocates came out with me to talk to her. I felt kind of awkward because like, convincing her to file isn’t really my job?? like she’s the client, I’m here to help her, if she decides she doesn’t want to file this is her life and she’s gonna have to live with the decisions she makes so I’m going to respect that. but the advocate of course took a more forward approach and was encouraging her to go forward, so I was just kind of supporting, but I felt awkward AF about it. And of course the new guy is just standing there like.....uh....I guess I’ll give you guys a minute lol it was definitely something. But the advocate eventually (like probably a solid 7 minutes of talking) convinced her to come back to the courtroom, and they let me go up and stand with her like they used to let us do (they still let advocates do it) and the judge of course had just witnessed what had happened so she was very gentle and kind, basically just asking confirming questions based on the affidavit I wrote and asking for small explanations. She’s a good judge, I’ve been in front of her numerous times and I think I got pissed about one ruling (which is pretty much inevitable) that I thought she got wrong but I knew the majority of the time she’s both compassionate and fair and that’s definitely what a judge needs to have in this position (don’t even get me started on the ones I’ve seen who are just awful to freaking domestic violence victims, like seriously). So we eventually came down from court, it was just a little after 4 at this point, there wasn’t much else to do so at that point so I headed out and chilled in the CFLA office with my various friends who generally hang out in there at this point in time on Wednesdays before everyone has a night class. That was fun. We ran across the street to get slurpees right before class. then I had adoption law. for the first like half of the class we had a speaker, who was a mother of four, one of whom she had adopted internationally, and the other 3 were from the child welfare system (3 siblings, only the oldest is legally adopted at this point and the youngest is only a few weeks old) so she was basically just talking about the processes she went through and how little she was willing to put up with their shit (in basically those terms) and at one point she said she cursed out and hung up on the lady who’s the DCFS guardianship administrator and I pretty much died laughing (I’m sure the name didn’t mean anything to any one else in the class, but I actually know who this lady is and all that comes with her job, and oh, this was so funny). So that was good. Then we had the second half, which we were talking about the cases regarding same sex parents adopting, and I went on a giant rant about Florida’s foster care system and what a disaster it is. the case we read was from 2004 saying all these bullshit reasons why gay people (even single gay people) shouldn’t be able to adopt because they want the “ideal” home for them (which, according to them, was a two heterosexual parent home). Yeah, okay....but then  I know that in 2005, thanks to the huge amount of kids they had in their system and were holding out for these “ideal” homes for them they restructured their child welfare priorities and decided to prioritize “family preservation,” which basically means they left a ton of kids in homes and returned a ton of kids to homes way too often, and guess what? A SHITTON OF KIDS WERE KILLED BY THEIR PARENTS. 477 IN FIVE YEARS, IN FACT. so I was of course informing the rest of the class to this news, who were understandably horrified (our professor was mostly amused, I think, she finds me amusing lol). Then we finished by watching a short film called “Removed” about foster care through the eyes of a child. it was pretty well done, as far as these things go. And then we let out, and I came home. Watched Smallville while working on my fake bo staff for my white canary cosplay at San Jose HVFF in December, which looks pretty cool until I was like “wait, how am I gonna get this on a plane?” it’s 4 feet long, lol. So I’ll be trying to figure that out in the mean time. And yeah that’s about it. I’m typing on my computer while it’s being backed up on an external hard drive because I’m taking it to the apple store tomorrow to deal with how freaking slow it’s been lately and of course I’ll want a copy of everything in case they have to do something to it (and I guess I’ll email myself the notes from class before the appointment, lol). But yeah, that’s about it for now. Signing off. Goodnight babes. Sleep tight.
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