#and idk im not going that deep on their language kajshdlfaks
clonehub ยท 1 year
lowkey i think the clones would not have a strong culture of like. consistent place names and the like. names to them are personal and may or may not carry significant history, but when it comes to naming places--well. they have no place. they don't settle anywhere. their history doesn't bleed into any earth and it isn't carved into any rivers or mountains. any settlement or place they name i think would be more literal since I think they'd have a more literal than conceptual language (and notice how their language is unnamed [for safety reasons]).
so their village could easily be Blue River Village because it happens to be by a blue river. It could be Settlement A until they come up with something else. It could also be 501st village. they might choose a name from their language. but place names convey as much as they do because they have the benefit of sheer time on their side--years, decades, centuries of conflicts and compromises and movements and changes from all sorts of people. but they're one people with a linear and brutally short history.
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