#and if any comments seem insensitive please let me know! it wasn't my intention but i would absolutely want to be informed
auguryanxiety · 2 years
I don't understand the intensity and insistence from some fans for bdsm/rough sexual actions/implied violent tension for Ed and Izzy dynamics being canon or the main aspect of their relationship?? Specifically that they both want it because it seems much more likely that mostly/only Izzy would. Looking through canon/the show it seems like the only times Ed physically harms Izzy is when Izzy instigates it - 1. Telling Ed it's for the best the Navy executes Stede and rambling on so Ed punches him 2. Izzy getting in Ed's face about what he believes Blackbeard should be and threatening to backstab/kill Ed if he doesn't fit that image. Like Izzy caresses his face after being choked and Ed clearly doesn't like it because he shoves his hand away and looks angry or uncomfortable about it (this could be an objective pov because of different analyses of his expressions but /shrugs). I know Izzy says "there he is" which could be interpreted that Ed has done this before but I'm not certain on this type of interaction being an established thing for them just from what we had seen in the show. Maybe in the earlier years they sailed together?? But that's just speculation unless we get some flashbacks in season 2. I could imagine Izzy watching Ed inflict violence on those who deserve it or for intimidation like with the French captain tied to the mast or when he orders him skinned alive and thrown overboard for the racist comments and wanting that/liking it. Maybe in earlier years Ed was a more active role in those types of orders or actions, maybe years with Jack had more events like that. Again, it's just speculation. Izzy could have some weird gremlin fantasies but I'm not sure Ed touches Izzy overly much (anymore?) just based on his face when Ed had patted him on the back/shoulder in earlier episodes. I could see Ed being rough with the right partner(s) but not with Izzy/in the way Izzy wants - a Blackbeard type of fantasy violence play. I could see Ed using information that he knows about Izzy to his advantage, I guess like convincing Izzy of the retirement plan with the outcome of Izzy becoming Blackbeard or using intimidation or his position as captain to get Izzy to get on with stuff. But even in their platonic relationship I see people have Ed be far more violent than in the show (prob the racism) where he "became" the Kraken and when in distress he's doing it more for self defense than sadistic pleasure. I'm not confident enough to deeply analyze these characters but I'm just a bit baffled by the fanart/fics/other types of posts where they have this intense (Izzy-focused) dynamic. Because from the show I don't get the vibe that Ed enjoyed it. And I'm writing this as someone who enjoys some content with bdsm elements or rough play when it's clearly mutually enjoyed - which we can't guarantee from them both. Edit: a meta post by some other users somewhat answers this
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