auguryanxiety · 9 months
i'm firmly an "ed and izzy did not grow up together as pirates/did not sail together young" truther.
i think that Izzy joined Ed's crew as Ed was building a reputation as Blackbeard and consistently succeeding as a pirate and helped better his infamy and the legend. i think they were older when they met because of how experienced Izzy is - like with how he was known for his swordsmanship - and how deep he is within toxic masculinity and pirate culture. Also the quote of "I was honored to serve Blackbeard" or something like that - to me that felt more like he knew Blackbeard further into his career. i do think early on in their work together Izzy may have had moments of being a good first mate but as he became more comfortable with the reputation Blackbeard and the Queen Anne crew developed and all the success, he became more complacent and closer to the little nightmare (derogatory) he is now (was). And adding in Ed's history of having an abusive white father figure throughout his life, it makes more sense to have a timeline with "growing up with his Father -> serving under Hornigold -> working with Izzy" and maybe other people between the years (kind of looking at his 'whim'/experience with fishing and Pop pop maybe?). i also headcanon Izzy as at least a decade older than Ed but idk if that belief would clash with what's established in the show bc apparently Stede was only 30(ish)* when he died 💀 *referring to Stede's tombstone in the show
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auguryanxiety · 11 months
i can't believe izzy is a gentlebeard shipper now...
no more self-insert x blackbeard fanfics now it'll be 50k ed/stede slowburn soulmate AUs or pwp
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auguryanxiety · 1 year
It always confuses me when ed1zzy shippers try to use Stede + Mary's marriage as a parallel to their relationship?? Because look at how that relationship was and how it ended: they weren't happy together, were arranged by outside forces with no love between them, and ended up separating.
Stede closed himself off to her attempts at connection and they didn't really meet each other halfway. Stede not knowing Mary hates the ocean and that she was interested in art because he ignored her, Mary trying to give Stede gifts that he doesn't seem to have much interest in - most likely because they don't connect well (while married). Mary was fine with continuing things as they were even knowing they were both unhappy, where Stede pulled a shit move and abandoned his family to seek his own happiness. After all the events with Ed and piracy, Stede makes another shitty decision and tries to shove himself back into his former life (it involved trauma/near death and his self hatred but that can’t completely excuse him, especially after he’s had some time to think and goes to ruin Mary’s art show), and almost ruins Mary's and his family's newfound happiness. Obviously Mary is justified in attempting to murder Stede because even though I love that man, holy fuck does he suck lmao. At the end, they were finally able have some closure, have a sweet moment together and say goodbye to truly enjoy their lives or to go work/look for that happiness. At the end they left each other and found happiness elsewhere/with someone else!
If Ed and Izzy are a parallel to Stede and Mary, then that means they have a similar dynamic - which you can see in the show. Ed tries to connect with Izzy on Stede's ship by showing him the trinkets and designs that fascinate him (the small boat) and Izzy ignores it and wants to move on with their plans. Ed shows Izzy the shapes of the clouds and is a bit goofy with it, Izzy is not amused and doesn't see the point of the shapes - which you would think as Ed's first mate he'd somewhat understand and wouldn’t flip between believing or doubting that Ed has a plan. Izzy and Ed, like Mary and Stede, are not meeting each other halfway. Izzy claims to help control Ed's mood swings and erratic thoughts and behaviors yet doesn't seem to display that in the show and Ed does not agree and is sarcastic in response. Izzy is fine with following the same plans over and over and being Blackbeard's first mate, while Ed has expressed sooo many times how bored he is with it, how it makes him unhappy, etc. When the flimsy original plans of Ed’s retirement aren’t followed, Izzy tries to force Ed back into the Blackbeard box he's happy with, completely ignoring Ed's feelings on it. Izzy and Ed are separated because Izzy can't and won't allow change, things in canon happen, Ed goes with Stede to the pirate academy and Izzy gets some authoritarian power he's been craving the whole show. Ed is abandoned by Stede and returns to the ship because that's almost a home for him, something familiar and safe to return to. When Izzy's actions and dreams don't work out for him, he threatens and antagonizes Ed once again, who then pushes himself back into that Blackbeard box Izzy approves of. Izzy gets what he wants, and Ed is miserable - he's sobbing and curled up alone in the empty cabin of Stede's (stolen) ship. That doesn't scream "happily married" to me…
Following the Ed & Izzy + Stede & Mary parallel line - wouldn't that then mean at some point Izzy and Ed would have a near death conflict or another kind of conflict that then leads to some kind of emotional talk which then leads to a final separation and finding happiness elsewhere? Ed found happiness with Stede, before the final episode. When Stede comes back in season 2 (maybe even a potential 3rd) and they both work on reconciliation, they will find it again. Izzy is not a supporter of their happiness and love - so what will happen with him? If people want to follow the Stede + Mary parallel with Ed and Izzy…then most likely he will leave for good or have to make some major changes. 
Also, just because a quote by Jenkins says Izzy feels and acts like a "jilted spouse" doesn't mean he actually is one. If you want to keep using that quote he also says right before it that Izzy is “in love with Blackbeard” (notice how it specifically does not say Ed, just Blackbeard) and that it’s a “dysfunctional kind of love”. (Not that it’s healthy or mutual or anything else considered positive) [https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/15/23024365/our-flag-means-death-david-jenkins-interview] It's also something said plainly/without subtext outside of canon in an interview and the tv show itself doesn't show that kind of relationship between them at any point. The only marriage in the show that we do see was also terrible for both people involved, and again if you follow the argument of it being parallel, that doesn't seem to be a good sign for Ed and Izzy. Jenkins also made this show or had the idea for it because of Blackbeard and the Gentleman Pirate, Ed and Stede, and his personal story of their love. 
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auguryanxiety · 1 year
how tf can you like ofmd and hate gentlebeard when the show is literally a romcom about Them (and the other side ships). I can see not liking stede as a character but like ????
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auguryanxiety · 3 months
does anyone else not ship Nina and Maggie? i didn't feel any chemistry between them. Nina recently ended a (toxic) relationship and Maggie seemed overly excited and pushy to jump into one. i really think Nina needed more time to process her breakup and feelings. i def think that they should become friends first before even considering a relationship. and Maggie was excited to have a crush but it was an infatuation that needed to calm down. they felt more like acquaintances/barely friends by the end, mostly because they went through something crazy together. (aziracrow definitely did not help besides the weird Hell attack at the end where they bonded over fighting back lmao)
also imo their personalities clashed in a way that wasn't as appealing as aziracrow's differences. i'm hoping they'll both find someone better suited for them or maybe work on a slowburn relationship (with a hopeful/open ending) but i guess we'll see in season 3, if they're still around as side characters. i was happy to see a wlw potential relationship but it disappointed me.
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auguryanxiety · 11 months
i'm mostly satisfied with the finale but i think i would have felt more affected by izzy's death if he died protecting ed, not with various members from the crew (i know the crew became his family/friends too but still). Like bringing back "above all else loyalty to your captain" the same way they brought back "there he is" in a better/more loving tone. maybe they make it to the revenge but ricky appears and tries to kill stede with ed stepping in to protect him and when ricky aims and shoots, izzy shields them both/ed and the scene of him reassuring ed as he dies can play out as it did with ricky running while they're distracted. then going on to his burial and the rest of the ending
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auguryanxiety · 2 years
Stede does feel guilty about accidentally causing Nigel's death but he was also bitchy toward his ghost too. Like "Well, at least I'm alive" when they were aground and then leaving him at the beach. I hope to see more of that in fics/smaus/etc
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auguryanxiety · 1 year
I'm sad Shax didn't end up as a friend/ally to Crowley, I loved their dynamic in the beginning of the season :-( Having her replace Crowley as an earth operative with some snarky guidance/interactions would have been so fun. I think she was supposed to replace him but then she wanted to be on the council so ksdjkdj aiming for that quick promotion go queen
I love her design so I might draw her at some point but I wish the character went in a different direction. I am interested to see what she'd be like in season 3. More sassy interactions between her and Archangel Aziraphale would be fun
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auguryanxiety · 2 years
I don't understand the intensity and insistence from some fans for bdsm/rough sexual actions/implied violent tension for Ed and Izzy dynamics being canon or the main aspect of their relationship?? Specifically that they both want it because it seems much more likely that mostly/only Izzy would. Looking through canon/the show it seems like the only times Ed physically harms Izzy is when Izzy instigates it - 1. Telling Ed it's for the best the Navy executes Stede and rambling on so Ed punches him 2. Izzy getting in Ed's face about what he believes Blackbeard should be and threatening to backstab/kill Ed if he doesn't fit that image. Like Izzy caresses his face after being choked and Ed clearly doesn't like it because he shoves his hand away and looks angry or uncomfortable about it (this could be an objective pov because of different analyses of his expressions but /shrugs). I know Izzy says "there he is" which could be interpreted that Ed has done this before but I'm not certain on this type of interaction being an established thing for them just from what we had seen in the show. Maybe in the earlier years they sailed together?? But that's just speculation unless we get some flashbacks in season 2. I could imagine Izzy watching Ed inflict violence on those who deserve it or for intimidation like with the French captain tied to the mast or when he orders him skinned alive and thrown overboard for the racist comments and wanting that/liking it. Maybe in earlier years Ed was a more active role in those types of orders or actions, maybe years with Jack had more events like that. Again, it's just speculation. Izzy could have some weird gremlin fantasies but I'm not sure Ed touches Izzy overly much (anymore?) just based on his face when Ed had patted him on the back/shoulder in earlier episodes. I could see Ed being rough with the right partner(s) but not with Izzy/in the way Izzy wants - a Blackbeard type of fantasy violence play. I could see Ed using information that he knows about Izzy to his advantage, I guess like convincing Izzy of the retirement plan with the outcome of Izzy becoming Blackbeard or using intimidation or his position as captain to get Izzy to get on with stuff. But even in their platonic relationship I see people have Ed be far more violent than in the show (prob the racism) where he "became" the Kraken and when in distress he's doing it more for self defense than sadistic pleasure. I'm not confident enough to deeply analyze these characters but I'm just a bit baffled by the fanart/fics/other types of posts where they have this intense (Izzy-focused) dynamic. Because from the show I don't get the vibe that Ed enjoyed it. And I'm writing this as someone who enjoys some content with bdsm elements or rough play when it's clearly mutually enjoyed - which we can't guarantee from them both. Edit: a meta post by some other users somewhat answers this
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auguryanxiety · 2 months
weebing out don't mind me
i was able to preorder the timeskip dimitri figure fffuckckifngthjinfnftkig 💙💙💙💙 in 2026 my love.....you will be mine. i was so excited that i was able to order his academy version (it's still available but somethin about preorders hits different) but GOD i'm sooo fucking happy they made this too 💕💕 If they made a few:hopes version i would piss my pants and Die. but i'm surprised it took this long to make a timeskip dimitri figure, like 5 years later?? 7 if you count how long it takes to physically produce it??
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auguryanxiety · 2 years
venting a bit
I dislike posts about Ed not being attracted to women just because he doesn't talk about them/interact with too many/doesn't have (on screen) legends or rumors about having sex with them/etc. It just feels extremely biphobic to me. I guess I compare it to how I don't talk about my attraction to men as much as my attraction to women/other nonbinary people and how that doesn't make me any less bisexual. And with Ed being uncomfortable with Antoinette touching/flirting with him - I would also be uncomfortable if a stranger or someone I was not attracted to flirted with me or if someone touched me without permission or treated me like a weird exotic novelty/toy to interact with. Pete is also obvious about his admiration and attraction to Ed/Blackbeard and Ed ignores it/is uncomfortable with that too. Maybe my headcanon of Ed being bisexual and my own bisexuality adds to the discomfort I feel seeing posts saying Ed can only be gay/isn't attracted to women because "xyz" reasons. Like the show is about being queer and accepting yourself, breaking away from societal expectations, etc., so if people wanna apply specific labels and personal experiences, that's great and it's wonderful to see yourself in those characters or situations. I'm doing it myself via the bisexuality! But it doesn't feel good to see biphobic/excluding/It Can Only Be This Way takes like that. I know Ed is in love with Stede and he's fucked Jack so the focus would lean more toward how he's attracted to men or how as a pirate he's probably interacted with more men than women/other people (just based on what we've seen in the show) but a gay relationship/relationships or sex with men wouldn't erase his bisexuality/attraction to women. Additionally, there's been some transphobic fics/posts I've seen within this fandom too with characters being obsessed with cis dick when they're gay/attracted to men or misogynistic fics/posts with whatever character being repulsed by women (I know Lucius sorta does that in canon but not in a highly disrespectful level like some fans do) or vaginas or offended if thought as bisexual/attracted to women. I have also seen lots of amazing transgender Ed fics or fics with bisexual Ed treated in a positive way. It's just frustrating to see biphobic/misogynistic fics/headcanons/etc. and how people use Ed or Stede to post stuff like that - intentionally or subconsciously/unaware of how they're writing or speaking in such a way. (I've seen quite a few fics having Stede think in biphobic/misogynistic ways just because he's gay.) I didn't mean to ramble in circles so much, just wanted to get these thoughts out. =͟͟͞͞( °∀° )
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