#and if course it was Thalia and Luke but we don't mention that guy
outofmymindbebacklater · 10 months
while i appreciate the feminism of Annabeth going Chase-Jackson or just keeping her name, Annabeth never felt like she belonged in the Chase family, and Percy and Sally Jackson ARE her family. in my mind she would absolutely change her name to Jackson, and feminism has nothing to do with it
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superanimepirate · 4 months
PJO Live Reaction Episode 8 Finale Time
Minor spoilers for the books/possible upcoming events
Wait hold a rephrasing of the opening lines by Luke?!?!
Be still my beating heart
Luke and Percy practice scene! Oh the foreshadowing. Yeah Luke. When will Percy ever need to learn how to fight another swordsman? Ok. The rules speech is good.
Percy you impertinent cute little badass.
Fight scene fight scene! Not much to say on fight scenes tbh
C'mon Percy! Control that water! Let's go Son of Poseidon!
First blood! Percy won!
I think that was faster than in the books, but eh
Oh. Ares didn't curse him? But that comes back to bite Percy later doesn't it? Kinda missing out on the curse...
Well they got the helm at least.
Oh? Sudden cute little bungalow? Oh wait. It looks like the Montauk cabin, doesn't it?
Hi Alecto
Poor Annabeth is so out of the loop
Percy does have some manners
I kind of like Alecto tbh
So....how do they get the money for the flight if there's no crowd to feed a sob story to and raise money?
"Zeus will never let you leave alive." "I'm done running from monsters." OOOH Get rekt Zeus. Honestly, the Olympians should be groveling to Percy to not join Kronos
Oh, Annabeth's necklace does have the college ring on it. I think i missed that in a previous episode
Grover. "This could have been an e-mail." Underwood Everybody
Oh so we just magically get to New York? What? How? From California?
Percy is so fucking done with this shit
Olympus is beautiful tho. I love the gold accented Corinthian columns
Luke comparing demigods to spiders? *Chef's kiss*
*Manifesting bi!Percy and a crush on Luke* I'm Percabeth all the way, but them both having complex feelings for Luke is too good
*One thousand steps later*
Hello Zeus
Oh sweet Percy. Zeus does not want to hear that. He doesn't believe you. He doesn't want to. Wait. He's admitting Kronos even has any power? But...he's continuing this war. Of course he is.
Percy. Zeus doesn't listen to reason....
Oh boy... Percy spitten facts Zeus isn't going to like
Thank you Poseidon! Oh this is good.
Is...is Zeus actually gonna do shit about Kronos? Or just pretend to make himself look good?
Ooh, Father Son meeting time!
Its ok Percy, you'll get better at ancient Greek. And Latin, if I remember right, he's surprisingly good at it for a Greek.
"Do you ever dream about mom?" Just stab me
And back to CHB!
Have I mentioned I like how the have Thalia's tree in the vague shape of a human? Nice touch
Baby Percabeth Hug!
Oh guys. Clarisse didn't steal the bolt
Luke is taking full advantage of this
Oh I don't like this splitting of the party...
Oh no Oh no Oh no
Percy. That's not the oracle line you should be remembering right now
There you go. Worry about the Betrayal line
Oh wait he figured it out
I mean, the shoes were kind of a giveaway
But still
Oh good. I always wondered why Luke didn't try harder to recruit Percy
Oh ok. Hi Backbiter?
Still not sure how he does that. The sword just, opens doors?
I like how Luke's scar looks more like a tear track than anything else tbh (yes yes, there still a whole discourse about scarred villains. i don't wanna touch that right now. Luke looks good ok?)
Annabeth! Oh that's a fun change
Not sure if it's a good one yet. But interesting
I do like how they changed Luke's betrayal to just after the quest, it feels more like how the prophecies usually play out, that is, all happening within a short time frame rather than months (besides the great prophecies of course)
Y'know, I wonder if we'll get an adaption to Luke's Diary/Demigod files story with Luke, Thalia, and Hal in later seasons? I hope so
I can't wait to see the reactions of all those fans who never read the books and were gushing about Luke and being so sure he was NOT the traitor (Not in a mean way, just in a let chaos reign way)
Chiron is worried about Percy being kidnapped/defecting? Fair
Percy. Yes. You are Very stubborn.
Ah! The proud comment from Chiron!
Dionysus is killing me here
Annabeth looks cute with that hair. Oh her commentary about Disney World is adorable!
Grover got his searcher's license!!!
Oh ok, so Grover is planning to go to sea?
Ok the pact to meet back is cute and all. But uh. Well. I'm not so sure about Grover...
Sally's back! Reunion hugs!
Ok, are we gonna get Gabe's death?
OH wait hold up what
Oh no
Hi Kronos? Why do you look like the grim reaper? I thought you were Thanatos for a second...
Oh ok Sally is actually back
Oh, dream journal for Kronos. Kind of smart actually
Percy you adorable little shit
So....no turning Gabe to stone?
Is he gonna be in future seasons?
I want Paul....
I mean, the ending is sweet and all, Percy and Sally are adorable. But...Gabe? Hello? Not gonna tie up that plot?
Oh. Ok. End credits Gabe scene
Oh bitch got the locks changed on him
Good for Sally
Oh! Hello Hermes Express!
Opening someone else's male in a crime gabe
Get fucked
Do I like that it was an accident instead of intentional? I'm...not sure actually
Overall thoughts:
I really liked the finale! Some of the changes made sense, some did not. It feels like a lot happened, pacing was a bit weird. The father son reunion could have gone better, but could have been worse to. Might have been better as two eps but eh. Sally and Annabeth were great, Percy was adorable, I was so scared for him when Zeus nearly killed him. He was really going off tho, good for him I really liked Luke this ep. It was a lot of good set up and foreshadowing. I like that Chiron caught on that well Luke isn't entirely wrong and Percy would be very dangerous if he worked with Kronos.
I really want a season 2. I loved Sea of Monsters, and I'm exited for Tyson! He's one of the best characters. I also really like Clarisse so that will be good. Not to mention Thalia's revival!
I've seen a few comments about how the kids are just figuring everything out, and I kind of agree. I would like to see them bamboozled a bit more like with Clarisse as the thief. I also would have preferred if their disabilities were a bigger part of the story/plot/characterization. It was a big part of the books, and it was why they were written in the first place, so I wish it was touched on more
Overall, there were some good part and some not so good parts. I'm still hoping for a season 2. Hopefully they can tighten up the pacing a bit, and work on some more tension in the plot.
I am so hoping we get all 5 seasons, and maybe more but I doubt it. I really want season 3 and the di Angelo siblings.
Also. Where is my Magnus Chase series????
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