#and if her best isn't enough for you then fuck offff
the-n3w3st-g1rl-g1rl Β· 1 year
I don't trust people who shit on Alphys
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whatwouldvalerydo Β· 7 months
First of all: Hail her Majesty, the Queen. Bow your unworthy heads before Her Greatness.
Second: Gimme.
πŸ„πŸ§ΈπŸ“šπŸ¦β˜οΈ aaaand (as the resident balance positivity shit person) πŸͺ
First of all: LOL no, please do not, I would be a horrible ruler, hectic but bitchy to an flawless awesome extent.
Moving on to the topic at hand:
πŸ„- share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
You are asking the world and then some with this one because I have been so out of touch with all of them. Who do I turn to? Are they even in the state I have left them in? All good questions and valid ones.
I will go with something entirely different, a paring of friends.
Victoria has been lately hanging out at a bar waiting for someone or something to happen. I don't know where her head is, but I know I see Angela traveling in order to meet with her in an unnamed bar, in a small village. I think they would be friends that would drop everything to go see each other when the moment requires it.
We all need those sort of friends that would pick up our spirits in moments of darkness.
🧸- what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
There isn't a recipe towards becoming my mutual. I might reach out, you might reach out, I might be inspired by you, you might be inspired by me.
I am not the easiest person to get along with and yet I am. Just that I am very strict in letting people get close to me. Simple. No drama. Bring your chaos in your writing or art and I will be there, bring shit in my personal bubble and you can fuck off. Oddly simple yet not many go that way.
πŸ“š- what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
Good question:
Oddly enough it's not the worst thing, which you know since I once shared my latest notes. It's a title for something yet to come or materialize in my head: Last Heartstring.
🍦- name three good things about a character you hate
Hmm, mmmmm, offff.
Fanfiction wise, off the top of my head I would say Jasper from Late Night Enchantments. I hate the guy, I wrote him and he managed to weasel his way into more arcs and yet I still hate him. But now that I am typing out the answer and thinking back, Constantine Crane is the winner.
But this should be 3 good things so here you go for both of them:
Jasper: His entire revenge plot is actually out of love, as twisted as he appears to be there is actual good in him, he is a very complicated and complex character and while you love to hate him, you can't help but hate to love him.
Constantine: He is incredibly smart, when he sets his mind on something he strives to complete it and no, I'm sorry but I can't think of any other redeeming thing for him apart that he makes a fucking good vilan.
☁️- what made you choose your username?
It's a play on play from the show Lucifer. At one point there was either an episode called "What would Lucifer do." or the main character said and i really liked it.
The name Valery is just something that came to be, so I became Valery.
WhatWouldValeryDo? she would write.
πŸͺ- name three good things going on in your life right now
I am planning a holiday with the moms to Belgium for May.
I wrote a chapter last night.
My best friend in getting married in September.
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