#you just sound meeeeeaaaaaan
I don't trust people who shit on Alphys
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scribeofred · 5 years
2, 3, 15 & 50 for that Writer's Ask *wink*
Eyyy of course!
*Edit: I goofed the numbers :| I’m a wordsmith and editor, not a mathematician—it’s my excuse, and I’m sticking with it. My apologies hahahahaaaaaaa
2. Favorite part of writing.
That feeling I get when the words work. When they driplike melting honey off my fingers and seep into every sentence, infusing themwith glistening sweetness, layering between the sentences and adding a density thatmakes everything stick together in the most satisfying of ways. Today is,apparently, one of those days—but only when it comes to answering asks. Gofigure. (Also, I think I just described baklava…)
3. Least favorite part of writing.
These days, how much thinking it requires. Editing andwriting use pretty much identical mental muscles, and I too rarely have the energyto put pen to paper these days because my brain is weary after a long day ofwork. Something like Minecraft or Super Mario Odyssey sounds so much easier withso much less thinking involved. (“When the words don’t work” is the real answerhere.)
13. How do you deal with writer’s block?
I don’t. I meeeeeaaaaaan. I have many, many abandoned WIPs. Iknow that it’s not possible to work through a block without actually, you know, working through it, but I also h a t e putting down words that feel awful. It’sinfuriating, and I’d rather give up on the story than write ugly, clunky words.Occasionally, I will actually return to old WIPs and finish them—I just did thisrecently with septet—but that tends to be a rather large exception to the rule.Hilarious, I know, considering the positive “no word you write is ever wasted!”advice I like to spout, but I’ve been doing this for over a decade—I know my tendencies,and I know I need to write when the inspiration is gushing and maaaaaybe notduring other times. Quality over quantity here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had.
Uh… I have an old semi-complete crackfic languishing in aScrivener project where everyone Cloud from FFVII encounters is wearing afrench braid? But I don’t remember the reason why?? It was crack that waswritten seriously??? I’m baffled by it to this day because I genuinely have noidea what the resolution was going to be. That one is definitely rubbing upagainst the outer atmosphere of weird.
ask me a question about my writing!
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