#and if you think i'm having an mcr revival now i'm gonna be diving off the deep end come late august when i see them live!
nero-neptune · 2 years
hi, so I was wondering if you've been actively into mcr (w this I mean regularly interacting w online/making content yrself) from before the split until now, or if you had a revival of sorts once they got back together (as is the case with me, I've been more into them in my early teens and again now since the EU tour kicked off, about). honestly just asking bc I'm curious and I can't remember if I mainly followed for yr mcr stuff :)
good question! so, not really that active? i made this blog in like 2013, but i didnt really use my blog for bandom purposes back then. it was much more animated movies/superwholock oriented. tho in my 2013 archive you see little bits of mcr (and green day and panic! and arctic monkeys peeking out). i dont think i realized the mcr fandom was a thing on tumblr back then, just listened to them a Lot (and if i did know that the mcr fandom was an active thing back then, this wouldve been an entirely different sort of blog)
i think i did technically make "content" pre-split during the 9th grade, but those arent online! all that black parade/revenge inspired fanart is tucked away in some random notebooks in the basement somewhere lol. but i never published any of that on my blog bc i didnt post art back then either. so you probably didnt mainly follow me for my mcr stuff unless you've followed me pretty recently! i'm for sure having an mcr revival of sorts right now bc i can actually draw now so obvs i'm gonna draw them lol
so yeah, long time fan (just Barely pre-split, depending on when you think the split Actually was), but first time ever actually contributing something!
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