#and if you're wondering i dont really ship her with anyone in particular
freaky-flawless · 2 years
If you're still doing the redesign suggestions maybe Robecca. She's was my absolute favorite as a kid and still is (with like 3 others but I Can't decide RIP)
Here she is! Finally!
This is my second drawing of her. The first one I did before I even started taking requests and I wasn't totally satisfied with it, and kept debating just posting it anyway. Ultimately I decided to just start over and I'm much happier with this one!
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I adore Robecca, and it always kinda bothered me that the series never really acknowledged what a tragic character she is. This ghoul went through a lot, and we never got to see her get a happy ending. The fact that we never even see her get reunited with her father is a travesty.
More into her story under the cut.
As I previously hinted, after coming back to life, Robecca goes on to stay with the Stein's. For one thing, they were colleagues with her father, and she was already familiar with them from way back in the day. She was also the inspiration behind Frankie's creation, so they are more than happy to take her in. She shares Frankie's basement bedroom with them, and they, along with Hoodude become incredibly close, quick to regard one another as siblings.
Attending the school that she disappeared in again is a weird experience for her, and it's not made any easier given how much time has past and things have changed. Though she does take comfort in the fact that Bloodgood is still the Headmistress, as she was close to her father before he disappeared. For whatever reason though she looked as though she'd seen a ghost upon Robecca entering her office to re-enroll at the school, and ever since seemed to go out of her way to avoid her.
Robecca is seen as a sort of superhero by her peers, with her rocket boots and want to help others. It takes a while for her to be comfortable with SKRM again, considering what happened to her, but after some gentle coaxing from her ghoulfriends Rochelle and Venus, as well as Clawd Wolf, she does eventually give in, and her love for the sport is reignited. She becomes Clawd's co-captain, up until he graduates, in which Rochelle becomes her new co-captain.
Her father is always at the forefront of her thoughts, and she'll often spend time with Ghoulia slowly plotting out a search mission through the catacombs to find him. Although Robecca is plenty capable of fixing herself up, she will enlist the Ghoulia's help for the repairs she can't do herself. She's eternally grateful to her for bringing her back to life, as well as helping her adapt to modern technology.
Robecca has a lot of catching up to do, and a lot of issues to work through, but she came back to life with a very supportive friend group and family.
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sailorshadzter · 2 years
Since I apparently love getting hurt 😭 could you write one about Sansa thinking back to their goodbye at the docks with this song: Repeat Until Death - Novo Amor Lyrics: “I had it, almost Don't go, you're half of me now But I'm hardly stood proud I said it, almost Oh, I've been low But dammit, I bet it don't show It was heaven a moment ago Oh, I had it almost We had it almost Oh, I can't seem to let myself leave you But I can't breathe anymore” Thank you! ☺️
WHEW. i really wish tumblr dated these (or do i? lets be real, i dont lol)
i vowed to tackle my inbox, so tackle it i shall.
as always, thanks for the prompt & sorry for the ridiculously long (so long who knows if you even remember sending me this!) wait.
enjoy <3
It’s been a year now and yet; the pain hurts just the same. 
She sinks onto her bed, her only solace after the long day, the only place that she can once again just be Sansa Stark. In every other moment, she is the Queen in the North, and though she is fiercely proud to be the queen of the people she loves, it has brought a sense of loneliness, a sense of unwavering sorrow that she simply cannot always bare. And in moments like this one, after an especially tiring day, she feels it more than she might on any other day.  
And this particular day... Was the one when they said goodbye. 
Even now she can still yet recall the feel of his arms around her, tightening their grip, holding onto her as if she was the one thing anchoring him to the ground. Still yet, he had let her go and when he’d walked away, she’d not bothered to stop him. It was her one regret, her only regret. She closes her eyes, imagining herself back to that day, that moment, wishing with all of her heart that she might have called out to him, that she might have told him the truth of what she felt for him. That she might have done anything at all. But instead, she had merely watched him go, boarding that ship that would take him North, without her, without anyone at all.  
In the weeks that had first passed, she’d wrote him dozens of letters, none of which were ever sent, but now kept locked inside of a trunk. In those letters she had wrote down everything she’d never been brave enough to say aloud and now she could only wish she were brave enough to tie one to a raven. They had been so close back then, so close to having everything they had always wanted, so close to finding a true piece of happiness within each other. Jon had been one half of her and she knows that she was one half of him- even now, she knows this to be true. From the first time their eyes had met in the courtyard of Castle Black, she had known, there had been no doubt at all in her mind that they were meant to be together in one way or another.  
They had been so close and yet, they let it slip away.  
Blinking, she becomes aware of the tears streaking her cheeks, a testament to the pain within her heart. She’s hung onto it all this time, for one entire year it’s all she’s known, it’s all she’s felt. It leaves her breathless, the pain, the agony of it all, and she can’t help but to wonder if Jon feels the same. She hopes he doesn’t, she hopes he’s moved on, despite what that would feel like to know. As long as he was happy, she supposes, that was what mattered in the end.  
And so, she wipes her eyes and she stands up, for there was nothing left to do but keep going. Jon would not be hers, and yet, he would always be hers, for she knows she can never let him go. No matter the distance between them, she knows she will always love him, she will always hold onto the piece of him he left behind in her heart. The pain would always remind her of what she knows she should have fought for.  
The pain would always remind her of what should have been. 
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