#and ill be honest the swifties are saying most of the horrible stuff
svnflowermoon · 4 months
y'all go from being feminists to tearing these women down within seconds oh my god it's 2024 can we please stop viciously tearing one woman down to bring another up i don't care what side you take but saying vile shit about either woman and their music is disgusting, please grow up
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casey-kay-9 · 7 years
You have brought so many good people together and here are thirteen (totally not on purpose) of them. We get to lean on each other, talk about life, freak out over you, support you and support one another. It’s amazing to have people who understand how you have changed all of our lives, whether we’ve been a fan for 11 years or 2 years, there is an amazing story behind all of us. We can all relate to the darkness you have pulled us out of, without even knowing it. We have a group chat that is so welcoming, loving, hilarious and consist of a lot of “all caps” replies about how we died dead. We hope one day we can all meet each other in person and meet you and thank you for everything you’ve done for each of us. We all have a story, we all have a reason why we love you and support you and here they are...
@youre-s0-gorgeous - @taylorswift One of the first times I remember hearing your music was when love story was on the radio...I can't believe that was so long ago now, 9 years! Since then I've always enjoyed listening and jamming along to your music (not caring if anyone sees me dancing/singing), especially now when I'm older and actually delve into the meaning behind the lyrics and see how I relate to entire songs or even just parts in some way. Like in welcome to new york, ‘and you can want who you want / boys and boys and girls and girls.’ That song came out right around the same time that I was figuring myself out like who I truly was and who I liked and stuff, and knowing those lines were in such a great song really gave me the courage that it doesn’t matter who I like/want. And now I know that it shouldn’t matter that I’m gay, because there’s some place where I’ll fit in just fine, and people that’ll accept me no matter what.
Being able to relate to these incredible songs that you write just makes me so AHDKS!! Even just listening to all your songs is so incredible, being able to love everything you have to say in them all. And even when I'm not loving your music, I love seeing all the time and effort you put in just for us swifties!
One day I know I'll get to be one of the fans that meets you, even if it's just seeing you on stage at one of the shows for the rep tour!
Love you forever and always ❤️❤️💕💕,
@youre-s0-gorgeous (also @pkmnacetrainerdan)
@casey-kay-9 - @taylorswift, where do I even start? You have been my sunshine for 11 years. It’s crazy how someone who may not know you exist can be the only reason you are still breathing. I’ll never forget being a little girl and riding in my dad’s truck and hearing Tim McGraw for the first time on the radio. I fell in love and I was too young to even understand the concept of love, but this is where everything started. My parents have always supported me and my love for music, so inevitably my dad bought me your first album a few days after. Everything changed and I realized I wasn’t the only one who loved music the way I do. Seeing you live your dreams made me want to chase mine and still does to this day. You’ve been there for me when I had my first heartbreak, when someone I loved went to heaven, when someone I loved didn’t love me back, when someone treated me like I was disposable, when I felt like I didn’t belong, when I’m too self conscious to go in public, when I’m happy, when I’m sad, when I feel alone, when I came out, when my mom got sick, when I got sick, when I feel defeated, when my demons almost got the best of me and when I stood back up each time I was knocked down. You’ve always been consistent in my life, you’ve always felt like a friend. Thank you, from the very bottom of my heart. I could never find the words to explain how your music has saved me. It still does, every day. I truly wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. Thank you for always being humble, always shaking it off and teaching me to do the same. Thank you for not letting the critics win, for making fans feel like friends, for being kind, for being honest and for never giving up on love and your dreams. Seeing you succeed gives me so much hope. I’ve had the time of my life fighting dragons with you and thank you for fighting my demons with me. I hope one day I can hug you and thank you properly. Never change and remember, you have an army behind you. I love you, Taylor. - Casey
@tabeainwonderland13 - Hey Taylor,
I wanted to tell you what you really mean to me.
First of all I want to tell you that you literally safe my life every single day.
I went through times when I didn’t have friends, was bullied, hated myself and thought about ending my life. In this very dark time of my life you were always there to lift me up. You made me smile, feel happy and feel like I’m worth it. You still do that every single day.
I also want to let you know that you saved me from the deepest point of my life. The last year has been horrible when it comes to my mental health. My depression and my anxiety got really really bad. I struggled with panic attacks so much and it broke me inside. I locked myself in my room just so I wouldn’t get a panic attack in public. I cried almost every night just because I didn’t want to live anymore.
And then this summer you came back. When you started posting again and announcing your Album my heart bursted out of happiness. When LWYMMD came out I was the happiest I’ve ever been in such a long time. And it got even better when you kept on dropping the other 2 songs and when you started noticing fans on tumblr again.
I can say because of you my mental health got so so much besser! My panic attacks became less and you are like a magically medicine for depression. You kinda make me burst out of happiness and I feel so much joy when you’re in my life. I just want to thank you for that with all of my heart.
You lift me up when I’m down. I didn’t want to live anymore because I didn’t see any reason to live in my life. I am so happy to call you my lifesaver and I hope one day I get to say thank you for you in person. You are my recovery and I’ll forever be thankful that you’re lifting me up when I’m at the deepest point of life.
You’re also such an inspiration to me. Since I can remember I’m doing music. I sing, write songs and play instruments. Even when people made fun about me for having that dream I always thought about you and you give me the strength to believe in myself and to follow my dreams.
Thank you Taylor. I love you more than I can put into words. 💗
I love you so much and I hope one day I will be able to hug you so tight and to thank you for everything you did for me and everything you do every single day!
I can’t wait for your next tour! Your concerts are my happy place. When I’m at your shows I forget everything and I can just be myself and don’t have to be embarrassed because of my awkward dancing and because of me screaming the lyrics to all of your songs. Hopefully I’ll get that feeling of pure happiness again soon...
Sending you so much love!!
@hales-13 - Taylor has always been more than a celebrity to me. I started listening to her music when I was in the 3rd grade. I fell in love with her personality just as much as her music. I’m 16 now, and Taylor still continues to help me through the good and bad times. Taylor wrote about a time in her life were she learned some of the hardest lessons: when she was 15. For me, that year was this year, as I turned 16. This past year, Taylor has helped me push through loneliness, confusion, and heartbreak, but also had taught me how to learn from my past. I know as I continue to grow and as my life changes, Taylor and her music will always be there for me. Even though Taylor doesn’t know who I am, she still makes me and all her fans feel appreciated and loved. I could never express how thankful I am for Taylor, and how much I love her. I’m so proud to be one of her many fans, but mostly, her friend.
-Haley :)
@sreeparnawestliferghosh - Taylor has taught me to face my emotions. I've had some pretty bad stuff going on in my life ever since I was small. I always surrounded myself with music. She has helped me survive. If it wasn't for her, i would've been diagnosed with some pretty horrible mental illnesses(Yep, plural). Her music was like a cocoon where I'd find myself protected with rainbows and unicorns and butterflies and just warmth. I'd like to experience that with a hug someday. Taylor, i owe you big time. I have a strongheld life mantra which upto now, I've lived by completely : own up to your emotions. I respect them all cause they're me! Taylor Alison Swift helped me find myself like that. Whatever this version of me is, I like me. Not only while listening to her songs. Even while reciting her lines, trying to find meaning, desperately inserting myself in the scenario I sure ain't a part of, just to feel closer to her, known by her cause she's always had that affect on me... Like she'll protect me. She was (is) like my own vibranium shield.
@lunaatearth - Taylor has changed my life with being a constant source of joy and light for me no matter what happened. I cannot thank her enought for that. She was there with singing "Enchanted" and "Better Than Revenge" to me when I went though my first love and break up, she gave me the strenght to be happy and trust again with "Clean" and "Begin Again", she cheered me up with "Mean" or "22" every morning before school when I was too anxious to move and she always guarantees to get me on the dancefloor with "Shake It Off" or "IKYWT". She helped me so many times to see the silverlining when no one else could. She showed me a way to deal with life. Through her I learned how to stand up for myself and everyday she inspires me to be the best version of myself.
She's my best friend, I am incredibly proud of her and love her from the bottom of my heart.
@dearie13 - Taylor Swift is the most amazing person in the world. She’s inspired and helped me so much through her music. But out of all the albums and songs, Fifteen is the one that sticks with me. Because I wanted to date the boy on the football team, and my momma waited up, I thought he was the one, and I believed him when he said he loved me. This song speaks to me so much and I would really like to thank you Taylor for telling me that with a little time, I’m gonna be ok again. I haven’t found who I’m supposed to be but Taylor is helping me find myself too. I love you Taylor Forever and Always❤️💋 -Kayla
@onlyreputaytion - Ever since I first heard Love Story in 5th grade, you words and music have always been there for me through the best and worst of times. When I feel alone, vulnerable, or sad, I can count on your music to lift me up. When I’m feeling excited and happy, your music is the first thing I dance to. But you have also brought amazing people into my life solely through our love for you and your music. To me, you exemplify poise, persistence, kindness, and, of course, talent. You’re positivity and compassion for so many people is inspiring- I am so thankful to have had you as a role model as I have grown up from a little 10 year old to now a freshman in college! You make me want to work harder every day. Even though I have never been able to afford to see you on tour, I am determined to see you live this time around. Thank you thank you thank you for just being you, you’ll never know how proud I am and how much I love you❤️
@paralyzed--by-it - I was 8 hears old when I heard Tim McGraw for the very first time at a summer party. I heard some of my friends singing it for everybody..AND I FELL ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE! I asked them what it was and they told me... her name was Taylor Swift, I had never heard of her before. Who would've thought that for the next decade, this woman would completely change my life, helping me get through some of my darkest moments or even just making the good days brighter, and becoming a huge inspiration in my life. Her music, her lyrics, her voice is what made me become a fan. But who she is, her character, is what made me become a 'swiftie'. She's unapologetically herself, warm hearted, the kindest, and goes beyond what's humanly possible to make sure we feel loved. And even though her music has changed, she hasn't.
And there have been a lot of changes in my life. People that have come and gone, friendships that have faded away, but never Taylor. She was always there. For the last 11 years, her and her music have always been there for me when no one else was. T, if you ever get a chance to read this I just want to thank you. You truly have been a best friend to me at times when I've felt completely alone and I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if it weren't for you. I could truly never thank you enough for what you have done for me and what you have gotten me through. Just know that you deserve all the happiness in the world, I'm so proud of you, and loving you.. that's the best decision I've ever made💖
- Madison
@long-livee-tswift - Taylor💗 thank you so much for existing. Your music always spoke to me and it was something I could always relate to no matter what kind of emotion I was going through, and your lyrics gave me advice but they also just helped me grow. Each day I am blown away by your actions toward us and how genuine you are with your fans aka friends and how you bring so much positivity to our lives. Thank you for being such an amazing role model to everyone of all ages and thank you for never losing sight of who you are. You make me want to be better and your music inspires me every day and your courage is astonishing. I can’t wait for the day I get to meet you and tell you how much you’ve changed my life and how much I love you for it. CANT WAIT FOR TOUR AND I HOPE TO FINALLY COME FACE TO FACE WITH YOU 💕
Much love, Sam
@karinachavezh - Taylor, you taught me that’s it’s okay to change because you’ve changed your hair, style, and genres over the years, but you’ve stayed true to yourself. You have helped me be myself and you reminded me that I’m not the opinion of others who don’t know me. When I was bullied I felt unimportant and like I didn’t matter, but listening to your music helped me feel special. It’s hard not to care what others think about you, but you’ve helped me shake it off.
@islandbreeze-13 - Hey Taylor!! I just wanted to say thank you for being you the last 11 years. When I was a junior in high school I got really sick and was in and out of the hospital that entire year. None of the doctors knew what was wrong. I lost my friends..I lost my spot on the basketball team and I was really close to losing myself. But I always had you and your music to help me through those times when I would feel like I was losing control. Whenever I had to go through another test, or got told any bad news I would always just put my headphones on and listen to your music. It was the only thing keeping me together. When I got better and it was time for me to chose what I would spend the rest of my life doing I wanted to dedicate my life to something would help others just like you helped me. I became a nurse so I can help those who really need my help. I wouldn’t have been able to get here without you. I owe my entire life to you because without you I don’t know where or who I would be. I’m so happy my younger self picked someone so kind, gracious, and giving as you to look up to. (High five little arielle🙏🏻)
I hope I can give you the biggest hug someday and thank you for literally keeping me alive.
@swiftiesfanatic - I fell in love with Taylor’s music when I was 11 years old. My best friend auditioned for our 5th grade talent show with “Our Song.” It was the first time I heard it and naturally I went home and listened to her entire discography. Later on when I was 16, I was learning how to drive and when I was driving down a country road, I hit a dog. It might seem silly to some people, but it really traumatized me and I began to get increasing anxiety about everything, which lead to my longest depressive episode ever, at 14 months. Taylor’s music, in particular her albums, Red and 1989, were albums that reminded me I would get through the dark tunnels and come out stronger and happier. These albums showed me that while I might not be able to shake my depression off, I can still be happy and live my life to the fullest. Nobody in my life outside of tumblr understands the bond I have with Taylor and her music, but I always have her to remind me that everything’s going to be okay. And I love you for that Taylor❤️
There are our stories. Taylor, there is one things we all have in common, that’s you. No matter what obstacles we’ve faced, you have been there for us, every single time. You haven’t let us down and it means more to us than you could ever know. There is something that heals all of our pain, something that makes everything worthwhile and that is love. Thank you for loving us, in return we will always love you back harder.
Thirteen Swifties
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