#and im not gknna bring it up
this-should-do · 2 years
CAN MY ROOMMATE NOT FUCMING COMMENT ON ME GRABBING A PAD "oh its one of those days" bitch shut the fuck up its none of ur business
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wastelandsghoul · 5 months
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wowwwhi · 7 months
make a gender neutral aita post, cas
ur wish js my command dudde
AM I (m?????? youre not getting my age what are you a cop) the asshole for leaving my husband (???? like 33 or smth hell if i can remember) bc he was entirely unhelpful abt matters regarding my boyfriend (im not even going to elaborate on either age or gender here WHY is this relevant riddle me that)
okso to preface this. the matters WERE death. likeeee. he died. that was the problem. dead boyfriend.
so. be me or whatever. leave home. meet a dude. lets call this guy uhhhh carl or something. have a crush on him (and be p sure hes got a crush on you too) so you start like mock dating. but its never that serious. meet dude number two. well call this one uh. richard. get a lot more involved with richard. marry richard. swear ur. undying fealty or whatever to him. the full extent.
important note 2: richard is like SUPER DEFINITELY a murderer. you did not investigate this at the time you juts thought he was cool and quirky and evil or smth but like he TOTALLY kills people. like. if you were to draw a cartoon murderer thats this dude. got that too?
so carl (who ur still dating btw) hates richard bc hes like 'ok that guy definitely kills people hes definitely a criminal what the fuck why would u marry him. and also wdym our relationship isnt that serious'
and richard who ur still married to is not the GREATESTTT fan of carl bc like. obvious reasons i mean.
but ur like guys shut up i can handle this
okay be me again. keep being me. continue. alr. realise youve married like the THE WORST DUDE EVER.
and then u fail to handle it totally. i MEANNN no i didn't. orr well you didn't. what the fuckass tense are we in rn.
and i dont mean the mruder. that too! but. likeeee. you got into this super fast uve never seen him mad yet or any of those other checks and now ur living in a HOUSE with this dhde
his dish managment is HORRIBLE hes superrrr patronisign (i am younger than him ill give u that much) hes got this habit of being smug abt evry fucjin thing and your always a lilllll bit worried the cops or smth are gknna show up at the door lookin for him
and its slowly becomign less and less uhhhh. hunky dory. if u will.
but ur copin. badly but ur coping.
and EEVEY time u try to bring up an issue he just pretends its not a problem or it doesnt exist or smt
and thn u wake up to the news ur boyfrienf carl (remember him?) has died .
stupdi accident he didnt need to get involved into. u probably could have talked him out of dying inthe first place kind of 'he didnt need to get involved in' situation. wasnt like. cancer.
bring this up to ur husband over breakfast.
hes actually super understanding and really nice and you work through all of NO OFFUCKING COURSEHES NOT. HAVE U MET THIS MAN.
grit ur teeth and bear it mostly bc u knw arguing is NOTTT gonan work. continue ur day as per usual trying to act like your FUCKIGN BOYFRIENF hasnt just DIED
proceed to actually get too sick of it and walk out on him without a word. astounding.
and hes all like 'oh this is ur fault oooh ur ruinign this marriage' and its like shut the FUCK up dude
ur husband then proceeds to absolutely spam u with calls and stuff and eventually u answer
then he makes u kill a bunch of people but were not getting onto that
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custer-mp3 · 5 years
i realized i'm gonna probably still be onstage myself @ czf when slipknot is on jkl in a couple weeks and im. despondent
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