#and im shaky and sbit
wow-an-unfunny-joke · 7 months
Okay so I think Overwatch (junkrat) is rotting my brain a bit but I hear me out!
Rise headcanon: okay, so if Leo looses his arm in the krasnh fight, it’s cause the arm was too fucked up to keep post fight, right? Okay we’ll hear me out! So Leo is the main medic type character of the family? Right? He knows the most about this stuff, right? Okay well hes out, coma, brian damage, just too messed up tk think straight, whatever it doesnt matter! the point is hes out of the picture for medical advice! so his arm is innured but its minor and everyone writes ot off and does their best to takw care of if, but they dont know, they just dont know enough about this stuff, so the injury gets infected, but no one knows, theh dont know what early infection looks likw, or what all rhey need to do, or anything! and the infection gets worse adn worse and worse, until they cant do anything, theyve got to chop it off! Leo tells them they havs fo chop it off!
so now evedyone is sad cauae they thibk its their faukt hws missing an arm and leo is already all self blamey and sad so it evens out!!!
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