#and im very excited to add din to the mix
gremlitsspoon · 1 year
luke and grogu getting along fabulously because grogu can't speak yet, and luke can't hear and they're both powerhouses in the force that somehow manage to get a walking force dead zone to care about them is something so important to me
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bunnyishh · 4 years
black coffee, espresso, and chocolate
A/N: PLEASE. GIVE. ME. REMUS. LUPIN. hello hi, im an insomniac and i like to romanticize mornings bc i actually dread them bc it reminds me how i cant sleep. why not cope by adding remus lupin into the mix lmao. im probably gonna write one w harry AHA 
Warnings: none? mentions lack of sleep, fluff and chocolate. 
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader 
Summary: Morning with Remus is your daily dose of tranquility in this dangerous war. 
When the skies transition from dark to a lesser dark, when it’s still cold outside, and when the coffee is ready. Thats were you and Remus finds the most tranquility. 
It’s been tough recently, you and Remus were busying yourselves by spying and gaining intel for the order. On your free time, you spent studying and researching on potions. Dumbledore has slid your name to Slughorn and you’ve kept in touch through letters, him providing you with his knowledge and you replying with your testimonies. 
Your dream was always to become a healer and own a potion shop one day, but the times are tough right now and you’re main priority is to bring safety into your loving world.
Despite your busy schedule and trying to survive, you still take mornings at your own pace. No matter how busy you are or how little to no sleep Remus and you didn’t get. You both still made the time to settle down early in the morning, where the darkness becomes lesser dark, and brew yourselves a cup of coffee (black coffee for remus and espresso for you. you’re fancy) 
“Morning m’love.” Remus says, tiredly making his way down the stairs and enters the kitchen. You’re set up on the long dinning table, your texts and notes scattered around you. You’ve been researching and studying all night since you couldn’t sleep. Remus had begged you to join the bed but after the 5th time you refused, he gave in and said you’re welcome to join him when you wanted. 
“Morning, dear.” You hummed, eyes still remained on the text. He chuckles as he watches you, hair messily in a bun, fingers tapping against the wooden table while the other gripped your quill. He can see the darkness pooling around your eyes but he still finds you rather beautiful, despite your tired state. 
“Coffee?” He says, your tired eyes flick up to see how the sun started to slowly rise and the skies had brightened. You were quick to put your quill down, careful to not let the ink spill before tidying up your space. “Yes, that be lovely.” You responded, leaning back against the hard chair. You watched as Remus pads his way towards the kitchen, you assume Sirius (who had just returned) was upstairs, taking in as much rest as he could get. 
Your lips stretch into a soft smile because nothing looks and feels better than seeing your boyfriend tiredly make his cup of coffee. You take a minute to stare before you gather yourself up. You feel your joints cracking as you stood and you’d slowly make your way towards the kitchen, wrapping your short arms around your tall man. 
He chuckles as you, loving how you’d cuddled up against his back. Your touched felt cold against his hot body and he couldn’t help but quickly turn around and wrap his long arms around you. “My sweet sweet girl..” He hums, tucking your hair behind your ear before tracing your under eyes with his thumb. “That is in desperate need of sleep..” He continues and you laugh at him. 
“I will.. Once I’m finished, Slughorn sent a new text and I’ve been itching to finish it..” You say, letting go of Remus to make yourself a nice warm latte. Remus remembers the day you came in bursting into the order, a heavy box in your arms and a wide grin plastered on your face. You had exclaimed something about espresso but he never really understood what it was. Remus didn’t bother to comment or look at it because he himself isn’t a coffee fanatic. He just knows that this brown liquid is what ables him to get through his day. 
But he leans against the kitchen top, eyes focused on you and how you excitedly make yourself some bean juice. His lips stretch into a soft smile and chuckles fall from him and he can’t help but think how beautiful you look. Even despite this war thats happening and despite the rough living conditions you may be in. Your beauty and your unconditional love is what motivates him to continue and live on because it’s so hard living as Remus Lupin. 
So he takes every morning to heart, these silent moments of peace before the hectic and dangerous day starts is what keeps him sane. These moments with you is what gives him a good kick start in the day time and a smile on his face and as you add chocolate into your latte, the smell immediately envelops the both of you, and this is what home smells like to him. 
“Love, could you pass-” You start but you’re immediately interrupted with Remus’s long arms wrapping around you, warmth immediately spreads around you and Remus gently tucks your head under his chin. He breaths and takes you in; eyes closed as he cherishes this moment. He doesn’t know what the future holds and he is very much afraid of this war and what it might do to you and his dear friends but there’s a small slither of hope that all of you will make it out alive and healthy. 
And you remain still with your arms wrapped around his torso, your ear pressed against his chest and you just hear his heart beat against you. You stay quiet, not wanting to interrupt whatever Remus is thinking and you decided that you too needed this. 
James and Lily is expecting and as her best friend you’re excited but frightened at the same time. You fear for the future but your friends and Remus is what holds you down, they keep you grounded and give you a purpose in life which motivates you to move forward. 
But these thoughts and fears can be dealt with later, it’s morning and all you and Remus ever wanted is just to bask in the world awakening and take a moment to pretend that there’s no war going on and that later you both have an assignment that could possibly kill you in the process to do. 
All you two do is take in each other as coffee, espresso, and chocolate fill the air and thats all you need. 
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