#and imagining how the other half who's more adverse to being touched/doesn't know what to do w affection works through it
moe-broey ยท 1 year
Although I guess I always am exploring incompatibility and love/learning how to love in the most supportive/accommodating way despite that, but kind of exclusively w family dynamics.
#maybe don't want to overshare at this point LMFAO but. it is important to me.#kind of half reconciling and also half exploration of something beyond me?#like i've actually have never had any problems w my sisters. they've always been really kind and respectful and loving#and very aware of my boundaries.#hng. iffy territory here NOT gonna talk too much LMFAO#but what i do want to acknowledge is how. it's almost a bit of autistic wish fulfillment?#where i have never really been physically affectionate w my siblings and don't really have any desire to be#beyond like. circumstancial instances of 'i missed you' or 'i'm hurting'#so it's interesting to imagine the inverse of that and also how it looks in different ways.#like hcing sharena to be v touchy feely and hcing corrin to be v physically/verbally affectionate#and imagining how the other half who's more adverse to being touched/doesn't know what to do w affection works through it#and imagining how both will ultimately have to work through it together.#i guess i just. have little to no interest or maybe even discomfort about exploring that outside of family ties.#you can always just leave! hit the bricks! fuck outta here!!! YIPPEEE ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰#which is true for blood family as well but. not for me unfortunately LMFAOOO i'm here bc i chose to be.#anyways. i've had enough of this guy fucking explode him to smithereens ๐Ÿซต๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธโ€ผ๏ธ
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isleofdarkness ยท 2 months
Can we have a complete list of all their allergies, including how they discovered them? I imagine on the Isle, someone has died from a severe allergy at least once & nobody ever noticed because they just revived due to the barrier (May Beast rot in Hell).
Oh no, it's so much worse than being revived. See, Isle kids can only die every other Thursday, when Thanatos is allowed to do his job on the Isle. Until he comes and frees their souls, they're just trapped in their bodies. This is why cremation is so popular- a soul can't be trapped in a body if there's no body to be trapped in.
Allergies are a terrifying thing on the Isle. A lot of kids have died to allergies, and those who survive adverse reactions usually don't even know what triggered it, because they don't know what they're eating half of the time. And for the people who had a sibling who died of an allergic reaction (Spider used to have an older brother, Worthless, who died of anaphylaxis,) it's even more terrifying because they know that there might be lethal allergies running in their family, but since they have no idea what triggered the episode that killed their sibling, they have no idea what to avoid in case they might also be allergic to it.
Jay is allergic to cats, mildly. He's always known that cats can cause him to feel weird, the allergies test just confirmed that it wasn't all in his head.
Mal is allergic to iron and holy water, as in anaphylaxis. She's always known- it's a fae thing.
Rose and Ace are both allergic to latex, on the more severe end of moderate. It's not lethal, but uncomfortable to say the least. You do not want to know how they know this.
CJ is allergic to dairy, on the more severe end of moderate. Her anaphylaxis hasn't been life-threatening so far (her throat swells but doesn't completely close,) but it isn't fun. This will not stop her from eating ice cream. She's known since she was around eleven, when it started. Harriet didn't know until CJ was twelve because CJ didn't think it was that important.
Harriet has allergies to dairy, soy, beef, and some legumes and seeds, though her reactions are on the milder side of moderate. She knows because her father has the same allergies and he confirmed that her symptoms were definitely allergic reactions. (None of hers have been tested due to distance issues but she figures if it walks like a duck)
Harry is allergic to peanuts and some beans. It was worse when he was little, but he's grown out of it a bit and his symptoms are relatively mild. He's also got a severe poultry allergy (allergic to consuming poultry, not the birds themselves,) but they think that's probably not "real" and it's just his immune system freaking out after his recent near-death salmonella experience from chicken, and it'll probably go away after a while.
Claudine is allergic to poison ivy. As in she gets an allergic reaction even if she doesn't touch it, even from just the pollen in the air, and she gets a pretty severe allergic reaction- two Epi Pens and 911 and ambulance immediately levels of severe. She learned this during a walk outdoors at Xavier's school, when the pollen from poison ivy caused her face and throat to start swelling. CJ was with her and recognized an allergic reaction, and thankfully she had the Epi-Pens prescribed for her own allergies with her. The reaction kept going once the epinephrine had worn off so she needed to be intubated and put on some serious anti-allergy medications, but she was fine.
Gil is severely allergic to most shellfish- allergic as in two Epi-Pens, 911 immediately, intubation, and as much as a two-week stay in the hospital because the reaction can fuck with his lungs and cause things like pneumonia or bronchitis. He's even allergic to non-crustecean shellfish (like clams and abelone,) and allergic to some types of saltwater fish (like swordfish, even though he's never even seen a swordfish,) though those aren't quite as severe. He found this out while eating dinner at the institute- Remy had made a seafood gumbo from New Orleans, Gil had some, and the reaction was pretty much instant. Thank the gods there were multiple doctors in the room.
Mischa has a mild nightshade allergy- potatoes and tomatoes, mostly, but other members of the family can cause issues if ingested. He just thought his stomach didn't vibe with potatoes, but no, he's allergic to several things. He discovered this during the allergy tests.
Andi is allergic to birch and, because of that, is also allergic to several types of fruits, most of them stone fruits. It's not a severe allergy- Benadryl bad, not Epi-Pen bad- but it still sucks because she likes apples. This was discovered during the allergy tests
Malcolm is allergic to pork, which is fine by him because he doesn't like pork anyway. He's also allergic to cats, which he's far more bothered by, but both allergies are minor irritants.
Ivy is allergic to most imitation animal products- fake leather, fake fur, imitation gator skin, it all causes skin reactions (she does not know what would happen if she ingested it, does not want to know, and why would she ever need to worry about that she's not about to eat pleather.) She's on a few topical ointments to help the skin recover in case of accidental exposure. She's always known (runs in the family,) but now she's learning which ingredients she's allergic to so she can avoid other things that use them.
Veronica and Carlos (and probably Diego, but he can't get tested yet due to distance issues) have the same allergies
Joss is allergic to chlorine. It's mostly a skin reaction but it can be a more serious allergic reaction if she were ever to consume enough chlorine for some reason (like if she were to drink too much tap water, which had chlorine in it.) She's figured it could be a possibility because it's a common allergy in part-merfolk people, so she asked to be tested.
Claudine, Tara, Polina, Nikita, Giles, Gordon, and Mora are all allergic to alpha-gal (red meat allergy.) Polina and Nikita don't have major reactions but the rest can. The Isle has a major tick problem. This was all discovered during the allergy test.
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