#and in general just going feral for period handholding
ben-crytalker · 4 months
listen. listen. l i s t e n. listen. listennnn when penelope asks colin to let her help with his cut, and he only gives in when she says please, and he could merely extend his hand but instead places it directly into hers?? and while she bandages him he jumps between studying her face and their touch? she lingers for a fraction of a second but he curls her fingers into his before she can pull back??? they look up at each other and his other hand instinctively reaches for her too but can only just land on nervously playing with the fabric, not quite letting go???? and they're still holding hands until she mentions his writing??!! he's so caught up in her approval it takes him a second to remember how it came about?! what causes him to break away isn't embarrassment over feelings for her. she just unintentionally reminded him that the safety of his fake persona, the armor as violet later calls it, had been stripped away when she read his journal. he distances himself because in that moment he was still convinced the 'new him' was how he needed to be in order to somehow achieve some sense of purpose or belonging, and pen was drawing him back toward his old self, the true self he was desperately trying to cover up. and even despite this he can't help himself but make sure he'll still see her again??? the symbolism of the glass breaking around the candle? him trying to grab the pieces of the casing to build it back up, and being cut by it? penelope being the one to mend the wound it causes??? HELP ME I AM SUFFOCATING HE FELT TOO VULNERABLE AND EXPOSED AND LATER THE FLAME GOES OUT WITH THAT DUMB GLASS BACK AROUND IT LIKE HIS SPIRIT WITHERING IN THE RUSTED ARMOR HOW COULD ANYONE WATCH THIS SEASON AND DO ANYTHING BUT REVEL IN IT ALL
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holyguardian · 3 years
♡ + guess which ship
MEME → Ship meme.
Who is the most affectionate? No. That is a battle ground and there are no winners. Have you seen these two in a room together? Sometimes not even Gilgamesh can stomach their in-love antics. They are still battling to be the winner for this title.
Who initiates the handholding? I believe Somnus does. Walking hand-in-hand still gives them both some freedom and it's easy to pull away to do other things, because Aerith's method is more 'cling onto his arm' when she's been missing him and she may as well be an extra appendage because she's not going anywhere until she's had enough 'them' time after a rough day.
Who worries more for the other? It's completely fair to say that Aerith worries more. While Somnus worries too (and those worries are valid) he is ALWAYS closer to life-threatening danger because of his last name. Add onto the fact of being a Lucis Caelum he is also more likely to react quicker and place himself between any harm and Aerith.
Who is more likely to ask for help? Aerith. She's in an incredibly good place with Somnus. Of course she still keeps things from him because she needs to hold onto her problems and turn them over and really pour her thoughts into them, but in the end, she will always, always come to him. Somnus on the other hand is incredibly proud and while he is capable of asking for help, if he can manage to do something by himself he likely will as he doesn't want to be perceived as 'weak'.
Who is the one always losing the keys? Pbbbfff. I'd like to go on the record and answer this one as forever Aerith. It's always Aerith. DO NOT TRUST HER. Somnus is an 'everything has it's place' kind of guy and then there's Aerith who will mindlessly toss things to sort out later and this is how the keys end up mysteriously beneath the fridge and found weeks later by pure accident.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? Somnus once had Aerith write letters for him and for one of them she sat there and wrote out her own love letter from him to her. Most of the time she will be the one who wins in this, but up against that? Guarantee Somnus leaves the most love notes, sometimes she will travel to places like her parents and there is something from him waiting for her there because he is such a romantic and a thoughtful one at that.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Somnus constantly sleeps without Aerith there. She, on the other hand, has a troubled relationship when it comes to sleep... which does get better when they are sharing the same bed. Oftentimes she will suffer broken sleep but when she is returning to him she will actually settle and be able to drift back off again, an improvement from the period in her life when she only slept a handful of hours until a night of exhaustion would hit her. He makes her feel safe and loved.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? Somnus, without a doubt. It's important to him which gives it more meaning to her. The fact that it is also something that he wouldn't do without a lot of thought considering how severely he plans for everything in life gives it more meaning. He has thought about a life of them being together and he wants that so much he's doing something that could get him in quite some trouble with his family and he is prepared for that.
Who introduced the other to their family first? Aerith... him meeting Gast and Ifalna always happened naturally, but Aerith's first meeting with his family is always going to be like being pulled into a crisis meeting and she's the one to blame for said crisis.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? Though Somnus would play with her hair, I think Aerith is more likely to. Means he is relaxed and if he wasn't already he'd be turning to her for cuddles. Her favourite is when he decides to melt across her lap and she gets to run her fingers through his hair. Her other favourite is when they are face-to-face and her fingers just naturally bury into the hair at the back of his head.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Absolutely Somnus. Left to her own devices, Aerith will skip meals and neglect to drink enough water (not a conscious decision, she is likely distracted or too busy working on something to stop). In his absence he will go as far as arranging for someone else to bring her meals.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? I so badly want to say both. I mean, when Somnus is double-crossed by a God, Aerith is so angry she is prepared to challenge that. Then when Aerith is being creeped on we have Somnus over there dragging some guy into an alley with a knife held to them. They're both pretty feral when it comes to each other.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? Bbbbbbbb. He is. Aerith often surprises him, we've established that, but those are generally impulsive surprises whereas Somnus is the one who is extremely prepared.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Oh, Aerith. She will pull the pinky promise stuff and if he breaks a more serious promise she will twist his pinky back and yell at him for it. More effective than grabbing him by the ear.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Aerith does. Somnus has this frustrating gift of he can fall asleep anywhere, any time, extremely fast. She is absolutely jealous of that... and yet she will still try make him comfortable and get him a blanket or a pillow so he's often waking up just a little bit confused.
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