#and in that third kai has gone Hn like 5 times
meowstix · 1 year
oh yeah so last night i figured ffn would be a better place 2 look 4 so bad it's good beyblade fics and like. i settle on some high school fic bc yeah that'll probably do it. and like ok i'm surprisingly conflicted on it?
like as you'd expect from a 2007-2012 high school fic that uses dub names, the grammar and writing of most characters isn't very good but on the other hand, not only was i not really expecting this to be approached from the angle of "kai has ptsd" but they're.. not doing half-bad on that front? maybe i'm just biased bc i too had many breakdowns during my sophomore year but yeah.
and then on the other hand. so, i was expecting to not really have much in terms of female characters besides a lame romance that probably involved an oc. but like.. do you ever see a piece of media where for some reason every woman is just, like, portrayed as generally unpleasant no matter their importance? bc this fic is like that and it's.. VERY Hm.
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