#and in the same breath they say they skipped all of moffat's era
claratwelve · 9 months
damn tenrose shippers on twitter are miserable
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themadvigilantist · 4 years
just a thought...
....technically, my hot takes
i could rant about doctor who head writer(s) choices and call it out all day long about why [insert action by # doctor here] is just half done or has an allegory to what's happening now but, the doctor would be absolved from said thing because 'it was to save the world/current time period/person here' excuse.
like i could tell you that:
'the silence vs the doctor arch' is actually just an allegory of police brutality towards pocs in history due to systematic racism that's looked away/forgotten about and how the public/the government uses the whole 'but yall killing each other too excuse' or as the silence put it 'you should kill us all on sight' to shift blame of the non-poc's choice to do the same to pocs but, to a horrifying degree ie what 11 doctor does to the silence AND THE RAMIFICATIONS IT CONTINUES TO HAVE EVEN NOW I AM. which makes the doctor a villain especially because he's known as the man in the blue police box or as a 'hero'. And the abuse towards river song in show and by rose stans?? Oh the disrespect?? Her entire arch with the silence is an allegory of black woman being the most disrespected despite going above and beyond and hiding the pain because 'the doctor doesnt like endings'. And both the silence and her are just brushed aside like..... the water parallel. i just - oof but its too early for that moffat drag
or like the constant disrespect to pocs in rtd's era. which made 12 cringe later on with the first doctor but that him cringing on what he did in his tenth incarnation - yeah rtd aint safe either. he allowed girl in the fireplace to be on our screens.
how the doctor treat river the same as jack and donna combined is something that need to be talked about right now. and how even river in her audios with tenth doctor shows that ten really wanted donna back. like his whole vibe was ‘fuck everybody else tho but, donna’ and i just I HAVE QUESTIONS (both as a romantically platonic ship but more importantly, like ten where are you set at? time lord victorious wise with river? where r u? because you and river talking like ‘time lord victorious’-era and i really need that cleared up.
or how when 9 says he the last of the time lords but both iris wildthyme and him were on earth at those times and that he would’ve felt them LIES. SHE WAS THERE! HER TARDIS WAS THERE TOO IN THE FIRST EP OF ROSE! WACK! ‘im the last of my kind weh’ no tf ur not. ‘i would’ve sensed them *taps his temple* in here* APPARENTLY NOT DUMBASS
the whole master/doctor on the eiffel tower - i can drag BOTH DOCTOR AND THE MASTER FOR THIS BABE - yeah chibnall aint safe just because he got ~diversity~ nah i can drag him too.
i could also offer an addition of sorts to dhawan!master's reveal of what hes done to gallifrey by showing her that what he had done was the final act but what tecteun had done before hand was destroy her true home - her forgotten home, pre-tecteun. Just show her the world that she never had the chance to know - the chance to discover - to learn about and of and where she really came from and destroy it. Just to justify further on why he destroyed Gallifrey like that and how the previous thing would just play further into the fact that tecteun and gallifreyans were actually using gentrification on the doctor the entire time and by destroying her home would be stripping her of her culture and then try to pass it off as ~cute~ or a ~style~ so im glad he just chose to straight up kill the colonizers i mean gallifreyans by turning them into the one thing that made them feel the very consequences of their actions and choices on what they done to the doctor. (With the cybermen tech).
i can even drag iris wildthyme by her roots for how she treated panda. idgaf he’s a sentient stuffed panda I WOULD KILL HER ON SIGHT. ‘oh i made sure in every timeline of your existence that you would die just to keep you from being stuck in a painting even though every single version of you would be financially doing well without me and would kill themselves because of me manipulating the situation so you would do that over and over and over BUT HEY YOU’RE NOT STUCK IN A PAINTING!’ i couldn’t be panda, she would be dead. there would be no more iris wildthyme adventures. i rather be stuck in a painting than travel with her ever again or i would just kill her. on sight. no hesitation. sorry katy manning but, you just gonna have to be jo grant forever.
I mean i could go on, i could but, im sleepy while typing this and yes i've been sitting on all that to myself for years but ... i still watch it and it does small steps to address things but, as far as im concerned - [skips several pages] my ending would just be us having a martha audio with ten (because consistancy) and martha series separate from torchwood ok? like rose got one, jackie got one, lady christina got one, fucking jenny got one, every river audio sound like iris wildthyme (and the newer ones with ten is him thirsting and missing DONNA. like rose whomst? apparently in big finish 10 only knows rose tyler when her name misspelled and smudged on his hand) and donna's audios clearly superior amongst all them, so its martha's time to shine. Give her three audios with him.
Because the timelord victorious audios clearly just skipped martha in the trailer and i cant stand here with him having that much thirst for donna and him in the same breath not say martha's name.
Give her some audios with him. Give her standalone audios too and for once, not let her talk about the doctor. I miss noel too, put him in there too.
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years
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Doctor Who blogs - The Moffat Era
I hope you guys appreciate the sacrifices I make for you.
About two years ago now I reviewed the entire RTD era of Doctor Who and every now and then I get asked if I’m going to do the Moffat era too. To which my response is always ‘um... eventually.’
Yeah I’ve been putting this off for a while now. I’ve made it no secret how much I despise Steven Moffat’s writing. His stories are often riddled with plot holes, his characters (particularly his female characters) are shallow and one dimensional, his series arcs are convoluted and nonsensical, you can often see the ‘twists’ in his narratives coming several galaxies away, and he relies far too heavily on the same tired old tropes and cliches (don’t blink, don’t breathe, don’t think). I actually stopped watching the show about halfway through Series 8 because I was getting so fed up with Moffat’s continuous bullshit.
Now I’m sure at this point some Moffat fans are probably coming up with intelligent and well reasoned counter arguments to my points, such as ‘oh shut up, you faggot! You’re just a butthurt RTD fan.’ Well let’s not beat around the bush. You’re right. I do much prefer RTD over Moffat, but let’s be clear here. RTD did some very stupid shit in his time too. His plots could often be outrageously bad (the Series 3 finale anyone?) and his episodes had a tendency to be so overstuffed with melodramatic bollocks and emotional slush that they ended up turning into gaudy pantomimes. But the reason I gravitate more to RTD as a writer is because he got Doctor Who. He recognised how silly the show could often be and embraced it fully. He didn’t try to act all clever-clever with it or try to put one over the audience in a pathetic attempt to massage his own ego. He just tried to entertain us, and for the most part he succeeded. Sure there are plenty of things about the RTD era I could criticise (and I did), but I still found his tenure to be enjoyable overall.
Something else RTD was often exceptionally good at was characters. Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Mickey Smith, Captain Jack Harkness and the Doctor himself (both of them). They all grew and evolved in emotional and meaningful ways over the course of the series and they were incredibly relatable. They felt like real people. I NEVER felt that with Moffat’s writing. I’ve said this in the past. Moffat doesn’t write characters. He writes gimmicks. And it’s the same gimmicks over and over and over again. The hilariously kooky madman in a box. The sassy female companion with some deep mystery surrounding her. Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey. It’s just boring more than anything else.
So now that the Moffat era is coming to an end (thank God), it’s time to resurrect my Doctor Who blogs. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be reviewing one episode per day, analysing the good and the bad (especially the bad). And please bear in mind this is just my personal opinion. If you’re a fan of the Moffat era, that’s absolutely fine. Personal tastes differ and all that. But I should warn you for those who are unfamiliar with my style of critique, I don’t hold back. When I see something I don’t like, I tear it to shreds like a dog with a child’s school essay. I’ll be pointing out the things I like as well, sure, but most of what I have to say about the Moffat era won’t exactly be kind, I’ll tell you now. If that’s going to bother you, you might want to consider skipping this.
I’ll give you a moment to decide.
Okay. If you’re still here, either you agree with me or you’re interested in exploring another point of view. Whatever the reason, I’ll see you tomorrow :)
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