#and it is incredibly easy to make dark complexions look Grungy
angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
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so recently i decided to roll the 'what will my human!pericles look like This Time' roulette again, only this time in color for once! it's always itched at me how his design looks like a totally different person before and after the timeskip, having been through the wringer aside, so i thought i'd take a shot at combining my interpretation of the two. (the creators pretty obviously took cues from his voice actor for his present-day design, and it's been fun to draw on that too while still keeping the design my own.)
i mostly like how it's turned out, as far into it as i managed to get before i had to take a break and my executive function stalled out; i kept putting off posting it, meaning to come back and finish it later, but i finally decided to go ah fuck it i'd rather it be out there unfinished than disappear into my sketch folder forever. or get fucked up by my trying to continue it while Not in the Groove, especially given how difficult the painting tools i've got available are to wrangle with. Sometimes You Just Gotta Call It
there's a lot of things i'm eyeing to hammer out more next time--i can never seem to figure out what the hell to do with his hair, for one; for another they did a great job at getting across 'babyface that has become aged/haggard' with his designs, and that balance can be difficult to nail when the art app i use really brings out the Everyone is Soft and Babyface in my artstyle. it's a real bastard, but i liked drawing him with this brush a lot and i'm looking forward to working it out more if i can.
the upshot of this is Lo, Cunty Grandpa Be Upon Ye
bonus flats, including an early-to-mid-twenties edit, as well as a couple speed doodles from the same page:
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flowerfell-well · 5 years
Some characteristics and background information of the main characters of Train Train Choo Choo
The first person I would like to introduce you to, who also just happens to be our little ring-leader, is Su-Wei. Su-Wei may not be the oldest of our motley little crew, but she has the head of a leader on her shoulders for sure. She’s smart, good with words, and makes good decisions more often than anyone else I know. She’s also got a soft spot for strays. If she had any flaws, I would say it’d probably be her many fears: heights (despite coming from one of the flying city-states), bugs, authoritative people with weapons. She also has a weak constitution. Honestly, I’ve never seen Su-Wei without some form of medicine, or a cough, or a runny nose…
Su-Wei is usually pretty easy to spot, even though she’s not too tall for her age. She’s only 16 years old and stands at 5’2”, though she insists she hasn’t hit her growth spurt yet, so who knows if that’ll change in the years to come. She has tanned skin, the tan lines apparent when she wears tank tops, and really, really long black hair that she keeps up in twin buns. Her eyes look black, too, but they’re actually a very dark brown that light up when the sunlight hits them. Su-Wei is also recognizable by the large burn scar that takes up most of her left arm, which meant she had to learn to use her right hand instead. It’s still a work-in-progress.
Next up, we have Erasyl, the oldest of us at 17, 5’11” tall, and verified pretty boy. Erasyl is pretty good at getting what he wants, especially when it’s a job that requires lying. He gets a lot of odd jobs, but never sticks with any of them, though that’s probably our fault for moving around so much. He’s got a wishy-washy personality, can be a little bit of a jack-ass, and is a little too mean-spirited, but I know for a fact that he’d throw himself in front of any of us to protect us. And he’s done some pretty nasty stuff to protect us, including but not limited to: stealing a boat for travel, locking a noble out of his mansion so we could sleep in big beds, and, oh yeah, literally killing a guy who got too close to one of our younger members.
Erasyl’s deadly with a knife gadget, which is like a knife, but not really. He’s a little bit of an all-arounder, and I’m sure he’s one of the few of our group who could survive on his own. Erasyl has this really pretty wavy, dark brown hair, sandy skin, and large, brown eyes. He’s got a gap between his front teeth that he uses to help him whistle, which is cheating if you ask me, but he’s scrappy like that. Erasyl is a weird mixture of not too muscular, but also not too lanky. Lean, I think, like the meat. He’s also the only one of us who owns a certified weapon, though he did steal it so maybe it’s not certified anymore?
Our youngest is your neighborhood cutie, Makani! He’s short, under 5 feet for sure, and he’s recently turned 11 years old, something he is incredibly proud about for some reason. Makani may just be the sweetest person to have ever existed in the history of existence - he even beats out ice cream! He’s also very adaptive, and can make a living out in the woods as easily as he could squatting in a noble’s house. Despite being the youngest, he’s also the most skilled hunter-fisherman I’ve ever met. He’s technically from Maulun’in, but also not, since he really comes from the Manalands that border™ the sea-land nation.
Makani might be the youngest and sweetest of us, but that also makes him the most naive and gullible. At least, he used to be, but he’s wising up. His only real problem is that he tries to shoulder his and everyone else’s burdens by himself and refuses to talk when something’s bothering him. But, it’s hard to stay mad at him when he’s got the cutest freckles and dimples in all the lands! He’s got these strange eyes, his left one colored green while his right is a dark hazel gray. Otherwise, he’s got normal honey brown hair that he hasn’t cut once in his life, I’m sure. Erasyl has to braid his hair every morning.
Remember how I said that Makani is no longer our most gullible/naive member anymore? Yeah because of his adaptive nature, but also because it’s really hard to beat Maite’s naturally trusting nature. Seriously, she would follow a murderer if they asked nicely. She’s got the most polite, softest voice I’ve ever heard. She’s only a year younger than Su-Wei at 15 years old, but stands taller than our leader at 5’5”. Maite may be naive of the world, but one thing she definitely knows her way around is machinery. She even made her own legs!
Maite is also one of the prettiest girls in the world, I am thoroughly convinced. She’s got a healthy complexion, curly, shiny blonde hair that she keeps back with a metal headband, green eyes framed by long lashes and steel round-frames, and some strange looking birthmarks covering her stomach and back. She’s also got an adorable little button nose. Maite could be one of the best mechanics of our generation, if those snobby higher-ups would just give her machines a chance.
Hakan came with Maite, the two of them having been institutionalized at the same hospital, but he has none of her sweetness. Or maybe he does? Hakan is quiet, but not just due to his closed-off attitude. He’s a straight-up refugee from Ruswarwa, and mute from birth. He can be a bit of a cry-baby, but he is the second-youngest at 13-14 (he doesn’t know his age, so we’ve had to retcon a bit). He’s about 5 foot flat, also making him the second-shortest of us. Despite this, he’s the fastest runner of our group, and I’ve yet to see anyone beat him in a race or catch him on foot.
Hakan tends to look pretty grungy all the time, since he hates baths, but his skin is naturally a darker tone, being a reddish-brown. He’s got slick black hair that looks greasier than it is, that he keeps trying to cut, badly. Last time, he nicked his neck, so he hasn’t been allowed to hold anything bladed since. Anyways, because of this his hair is now shoulder-length, but he keeps it tied back in a half bun. Hakan also has these weirdly sharp canines. His eyes are a light, amber brown, and strangely wise, or haunted. As if he’s seen something he shouldn’t have. Still, he’s a great marksman during hunting, and while he may not be a true mechanic like Maite, he can tinker and fix most standard machines. He seems to be warming up to the rest of us, finally, after three whole years together.
And finally, we have me! My birth name is Afia, but some days I go by Kofi, when I feel just a little too “manly” for skirts. If I had to say, I’d say I’m the glue that really keeps our little family together! I’ve got a couple of sticky fingers, and perhaps a penchant for taking what’s not mine more often than I should, but I can usually get myself out of any trouble I gather - especially with my knuckle-busters that Erasyl got me last year. I may be the most impulsive of the group, but I blame that on my age, 15, like Maite, though I’m much taller than her at a whopping 5’7”. I’ve also got the whitest teeth of the group!
My skin is a very dark, dark brown, and I’ve got lots of freckles that shimmer in the dark! My hair, an equally dark brown, almost black, I keep dreaded and long, pulled into a low ponytail to keep it from catching on anything important. I’m the only one of the group to have piercings in my ears, lip, nose, and belly button. My eyes are black, good for reflecting the stars in the sky, and I’m missing both of my ring-fingers, so it’s a good thing I haven’t planned on marrying! Maite made me some cool new ones that look like her legs, though, so maybe one day when the wars are all over I’ll be able to settle. Maybe I’ll just get a dog, though?
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