#and it was in fact legal marriage and they found out while getting into f1
imeriayapping · 4 months
What do i do with all of this loscar fic ideas in my head 😭😭 like i have to mane for a person that doesn't properly write
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Free immigration questions online from Riley Aviles
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa a couple of times a year. My target would be to get her live with me here. I am a naturalized citizen, employed full time. Does it make any difference whether we get married here or there, if she were to apply to reside here? A: Make any difference for what goals? Your question lacks sufficient detail. The best first step is an Initial Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Company & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Education Law. This response will not constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered illegally before we married and got caught, so he'd orders. After we married, he voluntarily left, but came back 18 months after, and was not found the second time. He's no criminal record other when compared to a seatbelt ticket. Our children are ages 19, 15, and 12. He has no visa. How can he get legalized without having to leave? We've been married 20 years. I'm scared for him. Will someone please reply me? A: Consider contacting an attorney for a consultation. Situations in this way are highly fact specific. It is challenging to figure out without more info, although there could possibly be a means to help your husband. I am US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What is the best choice to bring my wife to the US? Affordable attorneys? What exactly is the avg. fee rate from start to finish? To understand the procedure. Is the green card the same as partner visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the procedure slowed down as a result of Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO should not slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Best way to appraise your wife's scenario would be request price quotes during the consult and to discuss in a consultation setting with numerous solicitors. Many immigration attorneys offer free consultations. Decide the one you feel most comfortable with and preferably who's an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
May 2015 we married in his nation. After I petitioned for him to come, he arrive in US May 2016. He has a 2 year green card. We separated Nov 2016 due to his hostile behaviour and hints that he might have married me to come to US. I had to phone law enforcement at that time and he volunteered to leave and told policeman that's is giving up his right to live in the house I've owned for 8 years. The policemen assisted him to remove what private things that were left in the house. He had removed most things a week prior to me having to call the authorities. What's my responsibility and can I file for divorce in the customary manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed the same regardless.
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I'm F1 student. I gained a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 standing while looking forward to my Interview? A: YES! While living in the USA, you need to always keep status.
Real estate lawyer
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I myself am a foreign national who married my wife who's a US permanent resident. We got married in the US and she chose my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I130 need to submit an application for a new permanent resident card with her surname that is upgraded before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Also, she's 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; yet, our marriage certificate merely has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she comprise on the I-130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Almost daily is changing and it's unwise to put it to attempt to represent yourself in an immigration issue. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to properly fill out immigration forms and put together the right bundle of records and other evidence to support the immigration gains you are striving to get. Nonetheless, particularly in these troubled times, you really should keep an immigration lawyer. This isn't a do it yourself job! You should concentrate on retaining experienced immigration counsel, particularly now that immigration is a whole lot more prohibitive since Trump is now President.
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not automatically. But you need to work with an immigration lawyer to find out whether the criminal record is problematic for naturalization. It depends on the offense.
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mom is LPR, and she plans to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the file "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Documents needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site. it says," Foreign nationals who have applied for permanent residency may need to be qualified for advance parole ahead of traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders don't require advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mother should file parole prior in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she okay to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she remain outside U.S.? Just how many days can she stay outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your response A: For every one of the details either contact an immigration lawyer or go to the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online because they do not meet non-scheduled parties). An attorney will charge a fee and also the USCIS will not charge you (but you'll have to wait). Complex parole is for those who are applying for PR status, but haven't been given formal PR acceptance. In other words, provided the green card remains valid advanced parole isn't normally needed.Within the bounds of "temporary" traveling, there are really no constraints of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimal period of time in the US required to keep the PR standing (i.e. 6 months or longer outside the US can result in LPR abandonment).For the details of PR requisites review the PR program directions. The USCIS webpage should also have this information available.Determined by when your mother is outside the US and when she files for a renewal an advanced parole may be deemed necessary.Finally, remember a valid green card ALONG WITH a valid foreign passport have to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine grant or but to recieved for citizenship and green in USA, so we have to carry on to fill I 130 and I 485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceeding? Or did he or she allow you a waiver? If so, what type of waiver? (there are many!) You need to take a seat with an immigration lawyer for a consultation. Free consultations are offered by many people as these problems can be very fact specific.
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I am a US citizen. I have a 15 year-old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mom isn't my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. So long as she's your biological daughter below the age of 21, you may file for her to get a green card. She'll probably derive citizenship from you under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you have shared legal custody, if she enters the USA before the age of 18. If not, until she is qualified to file for naturalization on her own, she'd continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with an attorney to sort this out.
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sputtanare-blog · 7 years
Immigration questions online free from Riley Aviles
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered illegally before we married and got found, so he'd orders to be deported. He left, but came back 18 months later, after we married, and was not found the second time. He's no criminal record other than a seatbelt ticket. Our kids are ages 19, 15, and 12. He doesn't have an visa. Without having to leave, how can he get legalized? We have been married 20 years. I am scared for him. Will someone please reply me? A: Consider contacting an attorney for a consultation. Scenarios similar to this are highly fact specific. There can be a method to assist your husband, but it is difficult to figure out without more information. I 'm US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What's the best alternative to bring my wife to the USA? Affordable lawyers? What exactly is the avg. fee rate from start to finish? To comprehend the process. Is the green card just like partner visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the process slowed down due to Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO shouldn't slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Best way to appraise your wife's scenario is always ask for price quotes during the consult and to discuss in a consultation setting with multiple lawyers. Many immigration attorneys offer free consultations. Decide the one you feel most comfortable with and rather who is an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mom is LPR, and she plans to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the file "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Documents needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection website. it says," Foreign nationals who have applied for permanent residency may need to be approved for advance parole ahead of traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders don't require advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mom need to file parole earlier in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she okay to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she stay outside U.S.? Exactly how many days can she remain outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your answer A: For every one of the specifics either contact an immigration lawyer or go to the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online since they don't meet non-scheduled parties). A lawyer will charge a fee as well as the USCIS is not going to charge you (but you will need to wait). Complex parole is for individuals who are applying for PR standing, but haven't been given proper PR approval. In other words, provided the green card continues to be legal advanced parole is not usually required.Within the boundaries of "temporary" journey, there are not any limitations of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimal amount of time in the US required to keep the PR standing (i.e. 6 months or more outside the US can result in LPR abandonment).For the details of PR requisites review the PR application instructions. The USCIS webpage should also have this info accessible.Depending on when she files for a renewal and when your mom is outside the US an advanced parole may be demanded.Eventually, remember a legal green card AND ALSO a valid foreign passport are required to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
May 2015 we wed in his nation. After I petitioned for him to come he arrive in US May 2016. He's a 2 year green card. We split Nov 2016 due to his aggressive behaviour and signs he may have married me to come to US. I needed to call the police at that time and he offered to leave and told policeman that is is giving up his right to live in the house I've owned for 8 years. The officers helped him to remove what private things that were left in the house. He'd removed most items a week prior to me having to call the authorities. What's my duty and can I file for divorce in the typical manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed the same regardless.
Real estate lawyer
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa a couple of times per year. My target would be to get her live with me here. I myself am a naturalized citizen, employed full time. Does it make any difference if she were to apply to dwell here, whether we get married here or there? A: Make any difference for what purposes? Your question lacks sufficient detail. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Business. This answer doesn't constitute legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I'm student that is F1. I acquired a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status while awaiting my Interview? A: YES! While living in the USA you ought to always keep standing.
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not mechanically. Nevertheless, you need to work with an immigration lawyer to find out whether the criminal record is debatable for naturalization. It depends on the crime.
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I'm a US citizen. I 've a 15 year old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mom isn't my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. For her to get a green card, as long as she's your biological daughter under the age of 21, you can file. She is going to probably derive citizenship from you under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you have shared legal custody, if she enters the USA before the age of 18. If not, until she is eligible to file for naturalization on her own, she'd continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with an attorney to sort this out.
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine grant or but to recieved for green and citizenship in USA, so we have to carry on to fill I-130 and I 485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceeding? Or did he or she grant a waiver to you? If so, what kind of waiver? (there are many!) You should take a seat with an immigration attorney for a consultation. As these issues can be quite fact specific, free consultations are offered by many of us.
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I am a foreign national who married my wife who's a US permanent resident. We got married in america and she took my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I130 petitioner, need to make an application for a new permanent resident card with her updated surname before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Additionally, she has 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; nevertheless, our marriage certificate just has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she contain on the I130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Almost daily is changing now and it's unwise to put it charitably to try and represent yourself in an immigration matter. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to correctly fill out immigration forms and put together the right package of files and other evidence to support the immigration advantages you are attempting to get. Nevertheless, especially in these turbulent times, you should retain an immigration lawyer. This really isn't a do-it-yourself project! You need to concentrate on keeping experienced immigration counsel, particularly now that immigration is a great deal more prohibitive since Trump is now President.
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libragirl96-blog · 7 years
Free immigration questions online from Riley Aviles
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I am a foreign national who married my wife who is a US permanent resident. We got married in the usa and she took my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I-130 petitioner, need to make an application for a brand new permanent resident card with her upgraded surname before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Additionally, she's 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; nevertheless, our marriage certificate merely has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she contain on the I130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Immigration law is changing almost daily now and it is unwise to put it to try to represent yourself in an immigration matter. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to properly fill out immigration forms and put together the right bundle of files and other evidence to support the immigration gains you are trying to obtain. Yet, especially in these turbulent times, you should retain an immigration attorney. This really is not a do it yourself job! You must focus on retaining experienced immigration counsel, especially now since Trump is currently President, that immigration is significantly more prohibitive.
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mom is LPR, and she intends to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the file "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Documents needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site. it says," Foreign nationals who've applied for permanent residency may need to be qualified for advance parole prior to traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders do not need advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mom need to file parole prior in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she acceptable to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she stay outside U.S.? Just how many days can she stay outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your response A: For all the specifics either contact an immigration attorney or see the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online because they don't meet non-scheduled parties). A lawyer will charge a fee and also the USCIS is not going to charge you (but you'll have to wait). Advanced parole is for those who are applying for PR standing, but have not been granted formal PR approval. In other words, provided the green card is still legal advanced parole isn't normally needed.Within the limits of "temporary" traveling, there are no limitations of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimal amount of time in the US required to maintain the PR status (i.e. 6 months or longer outside the US can result in LPR abandonment).For the details of PR necessities review the PR application instructions. The USCIS webpage should also have this information available.Determined by when she files for a renewal and when your mom is outside the US an advanced parole may be deemed necessary.Eventually, recall a valid foreign passport ALONG WITH a legal green card are required to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
Real estate lawyer
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa several times per year. My target is to have her live with me here. I am a naturalized citizen, employed full-time. Does it make any difference whether we get married here or there, if she were to apply to reside here? A: Make any difference for what purposes? Your question lacks sufficient detail. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice website. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in these areas of law: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Business. This reply does not constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any forecasts; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not automatically. However, you should work with an immigration lawyer to determine whether the criminal record is problematic for naturalization. It depends on the crime.
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered before we married and got caught, so he'd orders to be deported. He left, but came back 18 months after, after we married, and was not found the second time. He's got no criminal record other than a seatbelt ticket. Our children are ages 19, 15, and 12. He doesn't have an visa. Without having to leave, how can he get legalized? We have been married 20 years. I'm scared for him. Will someone please answer me? A: Consider contacting an attorney for a consultation. Scenarios in this way are highly fact specific. It is hard to figure out without more info, although there could possibly be an approach to assist your husband. I am US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What exactly is the best alternative to bring my wife to the United States? Affordable attorneys? What's the avg. fee rate from start to finish? To understand the process. Is the green card just like spouse visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the procedure slowed down due to Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO should not slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Best way to assess your wife's situation is always to discuss in a consultation setting with multiple attorneys and ask for price quotes during the consult. Many immigration attorneys offer free consultations. Decide the one you feel most comfortable with and rather who is an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine grant or but yet to recieved for green and citizenship in USA, so we must continue to fill I 130 and I 485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceedings? Or did she or he allow a waiver to you? If so, what type of waiver? (there are many!) You need to take a seat with an immigration attorney for a consultation. As these issues can be extremely fact specific, many of us offer free consultations.
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I'm a US citizen. I have a 15 year old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mother isn't my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. For her to get a green card as long as she is your biological daughter below the age of 21, you can file. She will likely derive citizenship from you under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you have shared legal custody if she enters the USA before the age of 18. If not, until she is eligible to file for naturalization on her own, she'd continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with an attorney to sort this out.
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I am pupil that is F1. I gained a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I need to maintain my F1 standing while awaiting my Interview? A: YES! While living in america you should keep status.
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
We wed in his nation May 2015. After I petitioned for him to come he arrive in US May 2016. He's got a 2 year green card. We separated Nov 2016 due to his hostile behavior and signals which he might have married me to come to US. I had to phone the police at that time and he volunteered to leave and told officer that's is giving up his right to reside in the house I have owned for 8 years. The officers helped him to remove what private items that were left in the home. He'd removed most things a week prior to me having to call the authorities. What is my obligation and can I file for divorce in the customary manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed the same regardless.
0 notes
twentyonefrogs-blog · 7 years
Free immigration questions online from Riley Aviles
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not mechanically. However, you ought to work with an immigration lawyer to find out whether the criminal record is problematic for naturalization. It depends on the crime.
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine but to recieved or grant for citizenship and green in USA, so we should carry on to fill I 130 and I-485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceedings? Or did she or he allow you a waiver? If so, what kind of waiver? (there are many!) You ought to sit down with an immigration lawyer for a consultation. As these issues could be quite fact specific, a lot people offer free consultations.
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I myself am a foreign national who married my wife who is a US permanent resident. We got married in the US and she chose my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I 130 need to apply for a new permanent resident card with her updated surname before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Additionally, she has 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; yet, our marriage certificate only has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she contain on the I-130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Almost daily is changing and it's unwise to put it to try and represent yourself in an immigration issue. Only an Immigration lawyer has the expertise to correctly fill out immigration forms and put together the right bundle of records and other evidence to support the immigration benefits you are striving to obtain. Yet, particularly in these turbulent times, you should retain an immigration lawyer. This is simply not a do it yourself endeavor! You ought to focus on retaining experienced immigration counsel, especially now since Trump is currently President, that immigration is much more restrictive.
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mother is LPR, and she intends to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the document "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Files needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site. it says," Foreign nationals who've applied for permanent residency may need to be approved for advance parole prior to traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders do not require advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mom need to file parole earlier in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she ok to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she remain outside U.S.? Exactly how many days can she remain outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your reply A: For every one of the specifics either contact an immigration attorney or see the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online because they do not meet non-scheduled parties). A lawyer will charge a fee and the USCIS is not going to charge you (but you'll need to wait). Complex parole is for those who are applying for PR standing, but have not been granted proper PR approval. In other words, provided the green card remains legal advanced parole isn't normally needed.Within the limits of "temporary" travel, there are really no limitations of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimum period of time in the US required to maintain the PR standing (i.e. 6 months or longer outside the US can result in LPR desertion).For the details of PR requisites review the PR program directions. The USCIS webpage should also have this information available.Depending on when your mother is outside the US and when she files for a renewal an advanced parole may be deemed necessary.Finally, recall a valid foreign passport AND ALSO a legal green card are required to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I am a US citizen. I have a 15 year old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mom is not my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. For her to get a green card, so long as she's your biological daughter under the age of 21, you can file. She is going to probably derive citizenship from you under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you've shared legal custody, if she enters the USA before the age of 18. If not, until she's eligible to file for naturalization by herself, she would continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with a lawyer to sort this out.
Real estate lawyer
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered before we married and got caught, so he had orders. He left, but came back 18 months after, after we married, and was not found the second time. He's got no criminal record other than a seatbelt ticket. Our children are ages 19, 15, and 12. He doesn't have an visa. How can he get legalized without having to leave? We've been married 20 years. I'm scared for him. Will someone please answer me? A: Consider contacting a lawyer for a consultation. Situations in this way are highly fact specific. There may be an approach to help your husband, but it is challenging to figure out without more information. I am US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What's the best option to bring my wife to the United States? Affordable lawyers? What is the avg. fee rate from beginning to end? To comprehend the process. Is the green card the same as partner visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the process slowed down because of Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO shouldn't slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Finest method to assess your wife's situation is always to discuss in a consultation setting with multiple lawyers and request price quotes during the consult. Many immigration lawyers offer free consultations. Pick the one you feel most comfortable with and rather who's an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I'm F1 pupil. I acquired a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I need to keep my F1 status while waiting for my Interview? A: YES! You ought to always keep standing while living in america.
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
We married in his nation May 2015. He arrive in US May 2016 after I petitioned for him to come. He has a 2 year green card. We separated Nov 2016 due to his aggressive behaviour and indications he could have married me to come to US. I needed to call the authorities at that time and he volunteered to leave and told policeman that is is giving up his right to live in the dwelling I've owned for 8 years. The policemen helped him to remove what personal items that were left in the home. He'd removed most things a week prior to me having to phone the authorities. What is my obligation and can I file for divorce in the usual manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed the same regardless.
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa several times annually. My target would be to have her live with me here. I'm a naturalized citizen, employed full time. Does it make any difference if she were to apply to reside here, whether we get married here or there? A: Make any difference for what goals? Your question lacks adequate detail. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my qualifications, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice site. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in the following areas of law: Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody & Contracts, Business, and Education Law. This reply does not represent legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
0 notes
dfs197-blog · 7 years
Immigration questions online free from Riley Aviles
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa a few times annually. My target would be to have her live with me here. I myself am a naturalized citizen, employed full-time. Does it make any difference if she were to apply to reside here, whether we get married there or here? A: Make any difference for what purposes? Your question lacks adequate detail. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. You can read more about me, my credentials, awards, honours, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in these areas of law in CA, NY, MA, and DC: Education Law & Contracts, Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody, and Business. This answer doesn't constitute legal advice; make warranties, guarantees, or any predictions; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine grant or but to recieved for green and citizenship in USA, so we must continue to fill I 130 and I-485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceeding? Or did she or he allow you a waiver? If so, what type of waiver? (there are many!) You need to take a seat with an immigration attorney for a consultation. Free consultations are offered by a lot of us as these issues could be very fact specific.
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mom is LPR, and she plans to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the file "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Files needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site. it says," Foreign nationals who have applied for permanent residency may need to be approved for advance parole ahead of traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders don't require advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mom should file parole prior in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she okay to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she remain outside U.S.? Exactly how many days can she remain outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your answer A: For all of the specifics either contact an immigration attorney or see the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online since they do not meet non-scheduled parties). A lawyer will charge a fee as well as the USCIS is not going to charge you (but you'll need to wait). Complex parole is for those who are applying for PR status, but haven't been given formal PR acceptance. That is, provided the green card continues to be valid advanced parole is not normally needed.Within the limits of "temporary" traveling, there are no restrictions of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimal period of time in the US required to keep up the PR status (i.e. 6 months or longer outside the US can result in LPR abandonment).For the details of PR necessities review the PR application directions. The USCIS webpage should also have this info available.Determined by when your mom is outside the US and when she files for a renewal an advanced parole may be deemed necessary.Eventually, recall a valid foreign passport AND ALSO a valid green card have to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I am student that is F1. I acquired a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 standing while looking forward to my Interview? A: YES! You must always maintain standing while living in the USA.
Real estate lawyer
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I'm a foreign national who married my wife who's a US permanent resident. We got married in the usa and she chose my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I130 need to make an application for a brand new permanent resident card with her surname that is updated before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Additionally, she's 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; yet, our marriage certificate only has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she include on the I-130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Immigration law is changing almost daily now and it's unwise to put it charitably to attempt to represent yourself in an immigration matter. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to properly fill out immigration forms and put together the appropriate bundle of files and other evidence to support the immigration benefits you are striving to obtain. However, particularly in these troubled times, you really should keep an immigration lawyer. This is simply not a do-it-yourself project! You need to concentrate on keeping experienced immigration counsel, particularly now since Trump is currently President, that immigration is a great deal more prohibitive.
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not automatically. However, you need to work with an immigration lawyer to find out whether the criminal record is problematic for naturalization. It depends on the offense.
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered illegally before we married and got caught, so he had orders. He left, but came back 18 months after, after we married, and was not found the second time. He's no criminal record other when compared to a seatbelt ticket. Our kids are ages 19, 15, and 12. He doesn't have an visa. Without having to leave, how can he get legalized? We have been married 20 years. I am scared for him. Will someone please reply me? A: Consider contacting legal counsel for a consultation. Scenarios like this are highly fact specific. It's tough to work out without more information, although there could possibly be a way to assist your husband. I am US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What is the very best choice to bring my wife to the USA? Affordable lawyers? What exactly is the avg. fee rate from start to finish? To comprehend the procedure. Is the green card just like spouse visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the procedure slowed down due to Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO shouldn't slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Finest method to evaluate your wife's situation would be to discuss in a consultation setting with numerous solicitors and request price quotes during the consult. Many immigration lawyers offer free consultations. Decide the one you feel most comfortable with and rather who's an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
May 2015, we wed in his state. After I petitioned for him to come he arrive in US May 2016. He's got a 2 year green card. We split Nov 2016 due to his hostile behaviour and signs he might have married me to come to US. I had to call law enforcement at that time and he offered to leave and told officer that's is giving up his right to reside in the house I have owned for 8 years. The officers helped him to remove what private items that were left in the house. He had removed most things a week prior to me having to call the authorities. What is my responsibility and can I file for divorce in the typical manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed the same regardless.
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I'm a US citizen. I 've a 15 year-old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mom isn't my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. For her to get a green card, as long as she is your biological daughter under the age of 21, you can file. If she enters the USA before the age of 18, she is going to likely derive citizenship from you below the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you have shared legal custody. If not, until she's qualified to file for naturalization on her own she would continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with a lawyer to sort this out.
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Immigration questions online free from Riley Aviles
Does it matter whether we get married in the UK or USA if my fiance is British and wishes to move here with me?
My fiancee is British. She comes over here on a tourist visa several times annually. My goal would be to have her live with me here. I myself am a naturalized citizen, employed full-time. Does it make any difference whether we get married here or there, if she were to apply to live here? A: Make any difference for what goals? Your question lacks adequate detail. The best first step is a First Consultation with an Attorney. You can also read more about me, my credentials, awards, honors, testimonials, and media appearances/ publications on my law practice web site. I practice law in CA, NY, MA, and DC in the following areas of law: Criminal Defense, Divorce & Child Custody & Contracts, Company, and Education Law. This response does not represent legal advice; make any predictions, guarantees, or warranties; or create any Attorney-Client relationship.
I m a US citizen married a Nigerian and petition for him to come to US. separated after 6 month. How can I divorce him?
May 2015, we wed in his country. He arrive in US May 2016 after I petitioned for him to come. He has a 2 year green card. We separated Nov 2016 due to his aggressive behaviour and hints which he could have married me to come to US. I had to phone the police at that time and he volunteered to leave and told officer that is is giving up his right to live in the home I have owned for 8 years. The policemen helped him to remove what private things which were left in the home. He'd removed most things a week prior to me having to phone the authorities. What's my responsibility and can I file for divorce in the customary manner? Thanks A: Yes, your divorce would be filed.
Immigration Law Questions & Answers :: Justia Ask a Lawyer
I have my green card and want to apply for my Citizenship but I have a juvenile record will I get denied automatically?
A: Not automatically. However, you ought to work with an immigration lawyer to find out whether the criminal record is debatable for naturalization. It depends on the offense.
I won a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I have to maintain my F1 status?
I'm F1 student. I gained a green card through Diversity Immigrant Visa Program. My question is do I need to keep my F1 status while awaiting my Interview? A: YES! You must always keep status while living in the united states.
How can I protect my illegal husband of 20 years from deportation? I'm a US born citizen and we have 3 children.
He entered illegally before we married and got found, so he had orders. After we married, he voluntarily left, but came back 18 months after, and was not caught the second time. He's no criminal record other than a seatbelt ticket. Our children are ages 19, 15, and 12. He has no visa. Without having to leave, how can he get legalized? We've been married 20 years. I'm scared for him. Will someone please answer me? A: Consider contacting a lawyer for a consultation. Scenarios in this way are highly fact specific. It's tough to work out without more information, although there could possibly be an approach to help your husband. I am US citizen who married my wife in Jamaica. What's the very best alternative to bring my wife to the US? Affordable attorneys? What's the avg. fee rate from beginning to end? To comprehend the procedure. Is the green card just like partner visa? Is there any who applied for Visa has the process slowed down because of Trump's new executive order? A: The Trump EO shouldn't slow down the processing of the I-130 petition for a Jamaican citizen. Finest method to assess your wife's situation would be ask for price quotes during the consult and to discuss in a consultation setting with multiple lawyers. Many immigration attorneys offer free consultations. Decide the one you feel most comfortable with and preferably who's an AILA member (American Immigration Lawyers Association).
Can I file I-130 for my 15 year-old daughter whose mother is not my legal wife?
I am a US citizen. I 've a 15 year old daughter who was born in Hong Kong. Her mom isn't my legal wife. Can I bring her into the USA for permanent residency? A: Yes. For her to get a green card, so long as she is your biological daughter under the age of 21, you may file. If she enters the USA before the age of 18, she is going to probably derive citizenship from you under the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 as long as you've shared legal custody. If not, until she is eligible to file for naturalization on her own, she would continue to be permanent resident. Consider working with a lawyer to sort this out.
My husband received a waived deportation document from a immigration judge, what to do with that document?
My husband is ex Marine grant or but yet to recieved for green and citizenship in USA, so we should carry on to fill I 130 and I-485 or what we should do? A: Do you mean the judge terminated proceeding? Or did he or she allow a waiver to you? If so, what kind of waiver? (there are many!) You ought to sit down with an immigration attorney for a consultation. As these problems can be quite fact specific, many of us offer free consultations.
Real estate lawyer
LPR documents requirement when travel outside U.S.
My mom is LPR, and she plans to travel outside U.S. in this summer. After reading the document "Traveling outside of the U.S. - Documents needed for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR)/Green Card holders" on U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site. it says," Foreign nationals who have applied for permanent residency may need to be approved for advance parole ahead of traveling out of the U.S. In order to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. (H1, H4, L1, L2, K3, K4 or V2, V3 holders don't need advance parole to travel abroad after applying to adjust status." I wonder, does my mom should file parole prior in advance to be able to be readmitted when traveling back to the U.S. ? Another concern, her green card will expire on March 2018. Is she okay to travel outside U.S. in December? As an LPR, how long can she stay outside U.S.? How many days can she remain outside U.S. if she travels multiple times during a year? Thank you in advance for your reply A: For all of the specifics either contact an immigration lawyer or see the USCIS office in Denver (schedule a meeting online since they do not meet non-scheduled parties). A lawyer will charge a fee as well as the USCIS is not going to charge you (but you'll have to wait). Complex parole is for those who are applying for PR standing, but haven't been given formal PR approval. That is, provided the green card continues to be valid advanced parole isn't generally required.Within the limits of "temporary" traveling, there are no limitations of how many times a permanent resident leaves the US, provided that they still meet the minimal amount of time in the US required to keep up the PR standing (i.e. 6 months or more outside the US can result in LPR abandonment).For the details of PR requirements review the PR program directions. The USCIS webpage should also have this information available.Determined by when she files for a renewal and when your mom is outside the US an advanced parole might be needed.Eventually, recall a valid foreign passport ALONG WITH a valid green card are required to leave and reenter the US for green card holders.
Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?
I'm a foreign national who married my wife who's a US permanent resident. We got married in america and she chose my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I 130 need to make an application for a brand new permanent resident card with her surname that is upgraded before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Also, she's 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; nonetheless, our marriage certificate merely has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she comprise on the I130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you. A: Almost daily is changing now and it's unwise to put it charitably to attempt to represent yourself in an immigration issue. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to correctly fill out immigration forms and put together the right bundle of documents and other evidence to support the immigration gains you are striving to obtain. Nevertheless, especially in these turbulent times, you really need to retain an immigration attorney. This is not a do it yourself job! You need to concentrate on retaining experienced immigration counsel, especially now since Trump is currently President, that immigration is a lot more prohibitive.
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formula1racing · 8 years
Fascinating F1 Fact:36 At every FIA Prizegiving Gala, the Formula One Constructors’ Association Award is given to the best race promoter of the year. It is a little known fact that this was designed and made by one of Great Train Robbers. Known in the criminal world as “The Weasel”, Roy James was a villain, best known as a getaway driver, but he had many other skills as well. Born in Fulham in 1935, James grew up keen on sports. He excelled in waterskiing and was a top British contender in the late 1950s, while he also had a trial for the QPR football team. From quite early on, however, he used his athletic prowess as a cat burglar, who would scale buildings and break into apartments to steal jewellery and other valuable items. He was also a car thief and at one point nicked a Jaguar belonging to Mike Hawthorn. He used the car for a robbery and then left it parked near a celebrated racing club so that it would be returned to Hawthorn. He had learned to be a silversmith, which was a useful talent for a cat burglar as he didnt need to pass on stolen goods and could simply melt down precious metals and create new products to sell, without fear of the object being recognised. Some of his work was sold by Harrods and he settled down to work, ostensibly, as an antique dealer, living in the chic Nell Gwynn House on Sloane Avenue in Chelsea. He began racing karts in 1960 and quickly became a top star in the relatively new sport. On one occasion he discharged himself from hospital after a car crash to race for Britain against the French at Carpiquet, near Caen. He was then 25 and had dreams of being a Formula 1 driver. He used crime to fund his racing, notably with a couple of profitable robberies on the Cote d’Azur. He then began an association with a group known as the South West Gang, led by Bruce Reynolds, a talented heist organiser. In 1962 the gang stole the BOAC airline payroll in dramatic fashion at Comet House in Heathrow Airport. It was a violent attack with several security men being clubbed unconscious by the gang and then the money being put into a Jaguar driven by Micky Ball, with a second car, driven by James, running interference if they were chased. At one point a car tried to block a gateway and James used his Jaguar to knock it out of the way. Similarly, the blocked a junction when faced with a red light, allowing Ball to motor through. The police would later arrest both men but James got away with it as he was not picked out in an identity parade. Ball got five years. James used his share of the money from that robbery to buy a Brabham BT6 Formula Junior, paying for the car with cash, and he raced in 1963 against the likes of Denny Hulme, Peter Arundell, Brian Hart, Frank Gardner and Alan Rees. He won one round of the national championship and a string of other events. In August the South West gang, in league with another gang from the Brighton area, hit the Aberdeen-London mail train, using a rigged signal at Ledburn, south of Leighton Buzzard. James uncoupled the back carriages of the train, where mail sorters were working, and the front section of the train left them behind and stopped a few miles further down the line at a bridge over a country road near Cheddington. The gang smashed their way into the High Value Mail coach and, with military precision, transferred 20 mail bags to a truck and two Land Rovers. These were then driven to Leatherslade Farm, near Brill, not far from Bicester. The robbery netted an astonishing £2.6 million, about £38 million at modern prices. The plan was to stay at the farm for two weeks, but the police guessed that the gang must have a hideaway and began searching the region. The gang dispersed rapidly, each robber taking £85,000, which is about £1.2 million at today’s value. James gave £12,500 of his share to Ball’s wife, and then returned to his normal activities in Chelsea. The police went over the farm carefully and found James’s fingerprints on a Pyrex plate, a St Johns Ambulance first aid kit and on a page of an American movie magazine. He turned up at Goodwood, for the next race and completed practice but then failed to appear for the race itself because the police had issued wanted posters for some of the gang members. For two months he disappeared but in December a woman informant told the police that James was hiding out in St John’s Wood and even gave them details of a planned escape route he had. The police raided the flat and James was arrested, after a chase across the rooftops. In April 1964 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison at Aylesbury Crown Court. He served 11 years, being released in 1975. He was then 40 and the money from the robbery was gone, used it seems by his criminal friends. He went to see the new boss of Brabham, Bernie Ecclestone, who told him it was too late for a serious racing career, but gave him the job of creating a new trophy. Others helped him to get a Formula Ford car and he did well and was looking to move up to Formula Atlantic in 1976. That summer he was testing a Lola at Silverstone when he put a wheel on the grass and crashed heavily, breaking a leg. That was the end of his racing dreams. He went back to making trophies and probably some less-than-legal activities. In 1984, at the age of 48, he married an 18-year-old, Anthea Wadlow, ironically the daughter of a bank manager, but soon afterwards he was arrested for allegedly importing gold, without paying duty. He was acquitted on that occasion, but in the years that followed his marriage broke down. He won custody of their two children but he failed to pay a £150,000 settlement to Anthea. This resulted in a confrontation between James and her father David Wadlow, and ended up with James shooting him several times and injuring his ex-wife as well. He turned himself in and was sent to jail for six years in 1994 for attempted murder. He soon began to have heart problems which led to a triple bypass operation and early release from prison in 1997, but he died of a heart attack later that year, at the age of 62. One wonders where he got the silver for the trophy…
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