#and it’s such a fucking disservice to Israelis and palestinians alike
jewishbarbies · 2 months
for freedom fighters resisting against an oppressor hamas sure spends a lot of time NOT attacking the oppressor. they just want to live and are doing what they have to do to survive, yet they have time to enjoy raping and mutilating women and young girls while palestinians are dying supposedly by the thousands every day. hm.
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plaguedoctormemes · 7 months
This blog and the plague doc community, for me, is temporary relief from real-world hot-button issues and politics- not to say that this blog is neutral or that I refrain from being political (far from it) but due to some things ive noticed from some in this community im just like… *gestures vaguely* …stating this just to get this out there.
I think, no matter how much you may have personal stake in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, (apologies if this is almost over-said at this point but) there is absolutely no excuse for genocide. There’s plenty of info out there to indicate that the Israeli government is corrupt, and by extension the United States’s government, feeds its corruption like a gluttonous pig. It’s completely fucked up and I hate this damn country worse than I ever have before (The us i mean). So much it’s rage-inducing. Jewish Israelis and Palestinians are capable of living in peace, but everyone seems completely happy with taking away that peace, to push their own zionist or antisemitic agendas- ordinary people and politicians alike. It’s fucked up. And I know the United States government, aside from some representatives of color, couldn’t ultimately give less a shit about Israel nor Palestine after all is said and done, and regardless of whether or not Israel “”””wins”””” with their billions upon billions from the US and Palestinians “lose” (read: are eradicated). The US could, and likely will, wipe its ass of the entire affair.
And I absolutely hate to see otherwise well-meaning people, so-called progressive people, excuse or even support a genocide just because they think that speaking out against the IDF and the US support of it is somehow synonymous with antisemitism, or synonymous with doing a disservice to their jewish heritage. Last I checked, government entities and malicious organizations are not synonymous with an entire ordinary people. And in turn, ordinary people are not synonymous, and should not be synonymous or held accountable for the actions of those that govern them when they clearly voice opposition.
I’m not going to be answering asks about this nor am I going to engage with discussion about this on this blog since it’s not this blogs purpose, and instead im going to continue to try to carry this energy in more meaningful action outside of social media couch-activism, and i encourage anyone who happens upon this to also do the same. Shit’s fucking maddening.
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