#and it'd be nice to get some attention and maybe be grounded in a fandom for awhile?
magentameows · 1 year
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I drew these blobby Catras as an experiment a little while ago and forgot to post! :>
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shamelessrabbithole · 7 months
Seeing Cam‘s Mosher post again I remembered that Peyton, who he was dating at the time, also commented something like ‚haha douche bag Cam‘. I think she had a laugh about it but Cam seemed really pissed and frustrated. Around that time he still interacted with fans on social media but this often ended in him going on rants. The fans weren’t nice either, they loved to taunt and provoke him and calling him out for every little thing he said online. At that time the fandom was split up in many small groups with a lot of infighting and the people who were really nasty to him were mostly Mickey fans. At that time Noel was rarely on social media and I remember he once mentioned that he doesn’t read comments and has all notifications off. He clearly wanted to be left alone and move on from Shameless and work on his career. The fact that he came back still surprises me. The money they offered must have been really good. I know that a lot of people are into the idea of Mosher. I personally don’t believe it and I think that is one of the reasons why we will never know if they are still friends and meet up regularly. If they did they wouldn’t let anyone know because they don’t want to get the same attention as they did back in the Shameless years. Cast reunions are different because there are lots of people around.
Thanks for the insight into the earlier days of Cam's social media habits and behavior. When I began to follow, they had wrapped filming season 10 already and I think were just promoting the new episodes as they were airing. There's so much I haven't seen.
Although I do recall the fandom being very vocal and active in 2019/2020, Cam's interactions with individual accounts were kind of rare. He got some shit for traveling during the quarantine months of Covid and pushed back, but he was very mature and patient in his responses. The fans weren't—they were merciless, but he seemed even-keeled.
He must've gotten some therapy along the way. Or learned a better way to cope with his desire to be in the public eye, but then limit his own emotional investment in the fallout of all that. I think comic cons might actually be the perfect middle ground for him.
I agree that money is a great motivator. And considering how bad it'd gotten, I have to wonder how much money was worth all the harassment. If the choice is a payday in the seven figures, but knowing it opens you up to trolls on social media, which you can learn to ignore or silence or whatever, I think most of us wouldn't turn the money down. Maybe that's how they both looked at it.
And, they may very well chat regularly on text or see each other from time to time in LA, but for sure nobody is gonna document any of that for us, or post it to give the fandom a thrill. I just don't see it happening, either. Unfortunately.
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