#and it's Just Another Experience i'd like people to consider before assuming all trans men/transmasc people have [x] experience
uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Sometimes, it's really frustrating when people say that trans men (and transmasculine or otherwise) don't know what it's like to be treated as predatory because we're "treated like women who need to be saved."
I don't think I have ever been treated like anything other than a potential predator because I am a trans man, you know? I see it in the way I am treated like a contagion, like something that must be eradicated in order to protect the interests of others. You see it in the way that "masculinizing" transition is demonized - the idea that testosterone makes you a roid monster, that we're ruining any chances of being an incubator.
I just think it's insensitive that people assume what trans experience entails, you know? I think it's insensitive when people talk over other people's experiences with transphobia... are some trans men or otherwise transmasculine people sometimes treated like damsels to be rescued? Yes, and I've seen it firsthand. But that isn't the only way we can face transphobia, and to act like that is the only "real experience" we have of transphobia is missing the point.
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